Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

Chapter 20


Hearing His Highness's request, Huiming widened his eyes in surprise. The little Highness spoke very little. Even if he was with her in his last life, he usually just stayed quiet. Huiming sent tea to pass meals. At the time, he was able to accept it with his actions, although Hui Ming always knew that His Highness was actually clear in his heart, but he couldn't show it, so that everyone thought he was an idiot.

But in her previous life, she had tried all her methods, but she had never succeeded in getting the little prince to have sex with her, let alone asking her to be a "strange person."

In less than two years, without Mammy Wang, the condition of the little Highness has become so much worse

Although the thoughts in his heart were complicated, in fact it was only a fleeting effort. Hui Ming nodded immediately, in response to the request of His Highness the Seventh. The white fox fur that I brought was covered close to Wang Mama, and then the quilt was put on it. She knew the situation of His Highness Yiqi, so she couldn't ask anything, so she searched the room for a few times, found half a basket of charcoal fire, lit a brazier and placed it in front of the bed, and took out her handkerchief. , soaked it in the cold water basin in the house, wringed it dry, and put it on Wang Mama's forehead.

After doing this, Huiming touched his purse, went out to find the old inner supervisor, and asked him to bring some hot ginger soup.

Because she was coming to Jingfangzhai, she brought a few pieces of silver with her just in case, but if it lasted for a long time, I was afraid that it would not be enough. Not to mention, there is not even anyone around the little highness who can use it. Wang In such a situation, even if she has money, there is no one around to take care of her. In the end, she still has errands in the Gande Hall, so how can she always take care of her

By the way, there is also His Royal Highness, who also needs someone to take care of him. Hui Ming turned his head to look at the small group at the corner of the bed, and tried to call again, but His Highness Seventh Highness's palm was still shaking slightly while holding the Buddha beads. I don't know if I understand what Ming said, but when he heard the words, there was no response, and he even shrank more and more.

Seeing this, Hui Ming no longer insisted. According to the experience of his previous life, he just thought he didn't exist. He turned around and changed the handkerchief on the forehead for Wang mama, waited for the hot water to come, and tried again. I was fed back with water.

But the result was not very good. Mammy Wang closed her teeth tightly, fed a bowl of hot water, and poured half of it out. The heat on her body did not diminish at all, and the hot air gushing out of her mouth only made Hui Ming feel a little bit. startled.

No, this symptom can't be solved by yourself. According to the rules of the palace, the masters who are respected in the inner palace can make an exception to declare the imperial doctor to come in, but it is absolutely impossible for the palace staff to be respectful in front of the master. If you can, you can also invite a doctor girl to come and see, such as Jingfangzhai, which is unloved, and the house is too dirty to boil the medicine. It is amazing to go to the pharmacy to get a brand, and go to the pharmacy to get some ready-made pills.

But with the current condition of Mama Wang, how can a few pills be cured

It just so happened that the inner supervisor sent Jiang Tang again, so Hui Ming just stuffed the remaining silver coins and a pair of twisted silk bracelets on his wrist: "Please take care of it first, I'll go and call a doctor. Ladies come and see."

The old inner guard who was guarding the gate was stunned with his eyes down: "Can you invite a doctor girl?"

Speaking of this, Hui Ming also lowered his head: "I'll try..."

It is really just a test, calling medical women, such a classless little palace maid is not qualified, they need to report from their respective twenty-four divisions according to the rules, and at least they need to report to the eighth-rank eunuch. Or the female official of the Shangshu, after verifying the condition, can order a medical woman to enter the palace for consultation. Naturally, this matter also depends on the person. If it is the palace servant who is the most important thing, it is naturally simple, but if it is not worth it. To mention, there is no oil or water that I don't know to provide, so the less "bad things" like calling a doctor girl, the better.

The old inner supervisor had been in this palace all his life, so he naturally understood the importance of it. Hearing the words, he sighed clearly, took only the broken silver, and pushed back her pair of bracelets: "My wife and I Mammy is also acquaintance, it's not worth anything, you keep this bracelet and go for a walk."

Hui Ming heaved a sigh of relief, but did not insist, but turned his head before leaving and said: "By the way, there is also His Highness, please don't disturb him, the hot water for meals is put on the small case, he is hungry. Eat by yourself."

After all, seeing that the old inner supervisor did not know why, he nodded in agreement, and Huiming tightened his cloak and walked out of the house sideways.

Just looking at the rustling snow outside the house, Huiming was hesitant for a while. If she wanted to hire a doctor, it would be the fastest to go straight to Eunuch Su. If she could, she would naturally not want to trouble Eunuch Su. But-

If you want to save people, according to the rules, if Wang mama asks a doctor, she should report it to the steward in Taifei Kang's palace. She will know who the young supervisor in Taifei Kang's palace is. With her net worth, even if she cleans up the monthly cases she has accumulated over the years, it will only be between five and five, but after that, the doctor will diagnose the pulse and prescribe the medicine and take medicine to treat the disease. Moreover, even if the young supervisor should be dismissed, it is not necessarily the case that the supervisor at the top will accept it or not, not to mention, considering the current situation of Wang Ma, I am afraid that it is really waiting. Don't make excuses like this.

Of course, if the young prisoner is well-informed and has heard that she is Eunuch Su's "anti-eater", he will naturally see that this matter is handled properly in Eunuch Su's face, so that he can take the opportunity to leave a message in front of Eunuch Su. Good fate, but, isn't it more and more hateful to deceive yourself and others by secretly inquiring about Eunuch Su's name

Rather than that, it would be better to ask for it bluntly. Whether Eunuch Su should or should not, she just does her best!

After thinking about this, Huiming didn't hesitate any more, clenched his palm slightly, and hurriedly walked to the Gande Hall. At this time, the morning may not be gone. If there is something important to discuss, Your Majesty will stay. The minister discussed that Eunuch Su would also be by his side, and he couldn't get away.

Fortunately, the ingot was left in the Qiande Hall. Huiming was not on a business trip today, so he had to find the ingot and asked Eunuch Su, who was waiting for him, to help her pass a message as soon as he returned.

After seeing Yuanbao's agreement, he turned and left. Although he knew that it was not at this moment, Huiming was anxious and couldn't sit still. After waiting for a while, he also went to the Mustjing Palace from Fengtian Palace to Qiande Palace. On the road, she thought that if the holy drive came back, she would be able to see him as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Huiming did not wait for the holy car at the gate of the palace, but waited for Su Jin who was alone and hurried back.

"Eunuch Su!" Hui Ming shouted from a distance and walked up to meet him.

Su Jin's footsteps paused, perhaps because she was in a hurry, her words took a little breath, but her expression was very calm: "Don't panic, what happened?"

Seeing Eunuch Su, although Hui Ming was unconscious, he felt a lot of peace of mind in an instant. After he had calmed down, he only told about the situation of the Wang mama in Jingfang Zhai, and finally, solemnly blessed himself, opened his mouth. Begging: "I shouldn't have bothered my father-in-law, it's just, Wang mama," Hui Ming said for a while, although he didn't want to deceive, but there was really no suitable reason to explain why she went to Jingfangzhai and rescued her. The life of someone who didn't know her continued, "Mother Wang is an old woman I've known for many years. She's dying, and I really can't ignore her."

Hearing this last sentence, Su Jin was calm but his face was slightly shaken, and he lowered his eyes slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but after hesitating for a moment, he just lowered his head and took out the waist card of his chief eunuch: "In the palace of Concubine Kang The palace servant is in charge of Zheng Geguang, you took my brand and asked Yuanbao to accompany you, and went to the palace to find his arrangements."

"Thank you father-in-law!" Hui Ming was eager to save the heart. After expressing his gratitude, he immediately turned around and hurried away, but he did not realize that Su Jin, who was standing behind him, held the wishful festival slightly and looked at her back with complicated eyes.

Summoning a doctor girl, saving people, these are just trivial matters for Su Jin, it's just... From Ye Ting, to the Divisional System Bureau, he has watched her behind his back for five years, and he knows all the palace servants she is familiar with. It's clear, there's nothing wrong with it—

Among them, there is no Wang mama.

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ps: Thanks to [Hejing] Little Angel's Zhang Zhang comments for support, refill~