Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

Chapter 25


After Yu Gan finished speaking, she was afraid that others would notice that she turned around and ran away, leaving Hui Ming standing there for a moment, she was just listening temporarily, dumbfounded, until she realized what Yu Gan said, "Then... What does it mean to be difficult for you", but his face is only getting more and more red, and it's just amazing!

It's really worthy of being the maid who was supposed to be sent to the bed room, not to mention her young age. After being specially adjusted and taught by the palace government, she is much more daring than ordinary maids in this kind of things, so I just call her the core. The "old aunt" who is already several decades old in her son is ashamed of herself.

Hui Ming stretched out his hand and pressed his hot cheek, thinking that after finishing His Majesty's accessories, he immediately sent the reward from the concubine Xian to Eunuch Su. But Yu Gan said it without any scruples, and she couldn't go out for a while. Otherwise, everyone would have found something wrong with her.

However, in Yu Gan's mouth, is Eunuch Su actually that powerful and scary? Hui Ming came back to his senses, and while he stretched out his hands to ice his cheeks, he couldn't help but feel a little doubt in his heart.

What's wrong with her, she never noticed it? Hui Ming recalled the words and deeds of Eunuch Su before and after her in front of her.

Not to mention this time, even in the past life, she has been treated coldly and disgusted in front of Eunuch Su. She can't lift her head when she thinks of it now, but Eunuch Su was still polite at that time, and he spoke highly of her. There is no sound.

Is it a misunderstanding by others, or... Eunuch Su, has always treated her differently

It's just that I just thought of this, and Hui Ming quickly patted his face lightly. When is this all? Eunuch Su's life is still hanging in the sky, how can she still struggle with such small details!


At the same time, Director Su Jinsu, another protagonist in Yu Gan's mouth, was looking at the egg custard in front of him, with a look of hope and wavering that he couldn't help revealing even though he was trying his best to hide it.

Yuanbao on the side was unaware of the master's thoughts, and he expanded his hopes sentence by sentence: "It must be Aunt Hui! There is no one else in our room except Aunt Hui!"

Su Jin stepped forward, stretched out his hand and slowly lifted the porcelain lid. The hibiscus steamed egg custard made by the chef in the palace, the egg custard was smooth and tender, with a few hibiscus petals lightly adorned on top of it. The water droplets on the porcelain lid dripped down, slowly slid down from the delicate and bright hibiscus petals, and then trembled slightly on the jade-like custard in the round white porcelain cup, making it more and more swaying. Forefinger wide open.

This is enough food to be sent to the master. If the palace servants want to have a mouth, they are also indispensable to the face. If it is really Hui Ming, how much good word does she need to say to the steward of the pantry? She is young and gentle, and she doesn't say anything, she just hates him so much, but she is polite and perfunctory to him in order to protect herself. How could she sacrifice her face for him and ask for such food

Su Jin pursed the corners of his lips tightly, he knew that disappointment after having hope is far more uncomfortable than having no hope at all from the beginning, and now he simply doesn't let himself have any extravagant thoughts. , turned to think about other possibilities, and said coldly: "Ding has nothing to do with Huiming, go check it out, but there are those stupid things who are smart and do not have eyes."

In the past, many officials in the palace who had a little power in their hands often regarded themselves as very high, and they only asked the pantry to make meals that were the same as those of their masters. It has become a common practice, and they don't need to speak up. In addition to the ones prepared for the masters, the royal kitchen will naturally open another stove, specially prepared for such high-ranking officials. When they are the most mad, they are not even favored. The status of masters, all need to rank behind this class of servants.

Until recently when His Majesty ascended the throne, there was a violent tempered noble in the womb of the Lord who was often delayed in delivering meals due to this reason. Regardless of their qualifications and dignities, but those who violated the rules, even the internal officials beside the Queen Mother, were all escorted outside the gate of the Palace Office, with a board that had been rewarded for three days. one stop.

It's just that now several decades have passed, and Queen Qi Shengchun has become one of the first. There will always be a few daring people below, relying on the top to not check, they still find the style of the past.

In fact, when Su Jin had just been promoted to the chief executive of the big house, there was already such a "smart" person in the imperial kitchen. Not only did he miss the answer, but he demoted the clever pantry steward that day. After the news spread, there was no such thing as a slap in the air.

What Eunuch Su said was this class of people.

However, even though he explained what his master meant, the Yuanbao bystander was clear, but he still felt a little disapproval in his heart.

Not to mention whether there are such idiots who are flattering on the horse's hoof, just say, even if you want to curry favor with your boss, you are determined not to send a bowl of custard over here. How does this work out

After much deliberation, it could only be that Aunt Hui felt sorry for Master and sent it specially!

It's just that the master insisted that it was not. Although Yuanbao disagreed in his heart, he naturally wouldn't be stupid enough to open his mouth to refute it. He just responded neatly, and then he had to bend down and pick up the egg custard to go out and check it out first.

Su Jin lowered his eyes and watched the lotus-glazed small porcelain gu move away from his eyes. He thought it was nothing, but he turned around with Yuanbao and was about to leave the door, but he couldn't help it. called out, "Hold on!"

In case, in case... Is it really Huiming? With Su Jin's intelligence, Yuanbao can think of something wrong, how could he not detect it? At this moment, he couldn't help but hold a little hope in his heart. In case, it was the egg custard that Huiming sent for him, but he personally ordered Yuanbao to bring it out. What should he do in such a case? All regrets

Seeing the confusion on Yuanbao's face, Su Jin held the wishful festival under his hand indiscernibly, and his voice remained calm: "Leave it first, go and find out who sent it."

Coincidentally, just as Yuanbao replied in a daze, just as he was about to return, a familiar and crisp voice suddenly came from behind the curtain: "Is Eunuch Su here?"

There was a three-point calm in the sweetness of this voice, it was Hui Ming.

Su Jin heard the sound and stood up unconsciously, but the ingot at the door didn't notice it, and neatly freed one hand to lift the curtain, smiling enthusiastically: "Master is here, auntie is here at the right time! "

Hui Ming also lowered his head and stepped over the threshold. Before he could see Eunuch Su inside, he saw the familiar small porcelain cup in Yuanbao's hand at a glance, and couldn't help but be a little surprised: "This is?"

After seeing the master, Yuanbao just hurriedly said: "Auntie is here, we saw this egg custard as soon as we came back. I said that it was sent by my aunt, but the master still didn't believe it, and was just asking me to check it out."

"Chen Yuanbao." Su Jin stood up abruptly behind him, and his words showed a rare coldness in front of Hui Ming.

Hui Ming was also taken aback by the reprimand, and looked up with a bit of panic. Eunuch Su just recovered his senses, and the worry in his eyes flashed past, and after a pause, he took a few breaths. Re-speaking stiffly: "No, it's okay..."

If it was Eunuch Su like this, then Yu Gan's fear this morning could be considered a reason.

Hui Ming blinked, but he didn't just wonder in his heart whether he did something wrong as before, but after waiting for a moment, seeing that Eunuch Su didn't speak anymore, he simply said directly: "It's true. I sent it. I know that my father-in-law does not allow the stewards under him to order meals in the dining room alone, so he did not mention the father-in-law's name, and the steward of the dining room does not know who I am, but it's just an egg custard. It's common, I think it should be okay, if it's wrong, my father-in-law won't be surprised."

She acted like this, and it was the result of her tossing and turning last night after slowly thinking about it. No matter what, Eunuch Su treated her with kindness and kindness, and she was already determined to repay her kindness. She was cruel and tried her best. The method also wanted to make Eunuch Su survive the Zhongyuan Rebellion less than two years later.

Since she wants to be involved in such a big thing, and wants to interfere in Eunuch Su's decision, she still has many scruples as before. It is absolutely impossible to keep a distance. Being close to people is the only way to speak.

And if you want to gain Eunuch Su's trust, you don't have to rely on her to get close to her on his own. Could it be that you have to ask Eunuch Su, who is a gentleman, to come close to her on his own? She is also really confused. Since she wants to repay her kindness, how can she be so reserved and scruples like she is still a fifteen-year-old girl

Even if Eunuch Su was really misunderstood, she would accept it as a big deal for the time being. Could she be more serious than Eunuch Su

In the face of Eunuch Su's life, her shameless reputation is really just a little bit, even if it is lost, what is it

After all, Aunt Song Huiming, who had been in charge of female officials for more than ten years in her previous life, was also in charge of the imperial court. Once she figured it out, she really let go of some unnecessary scruples, put down the wooden box she brought, and took it from Yuanbao. After passing the egg custard, he said frankly in front of Eunuch Su with only a smile: "It's just that I have already brought this one, Eunuch should use it while it's still hot, he already has stomach problems, and he always has a meal like this. Yes, you will suffer when you get old."

Su Jin couldn't recover from the surprise that the egg custard was really brought by Hui Ming, so Hui Ming's endless series of words smashed into his arms.

Unpredictable, always calm and self-controlled, Eunuch Su, who had never changed his expression after the collapse of Mount Tai, was a little flustered for a while, and stood there dumbfounded for a while before quickly shaking his head: "Where, the palace servant met What's the matter? Occasionally asking for some meals is something that has existed since ancient times. What's wrong, I don't allow it, and it's not this, and it has nothing to do with you. I should thank you... This is such a trouble. "

This is also true. If the palace servants are not feeling well, and want to use something soft, or if they meet a happy event and want to celebrate, as long as they have the ability, they can spend money to ask for a few from the pantry. Desserts and dishes are also commonplace, and it is what you want and I want. The palace servants have it convenient, and the pantry has oil and water. It is not like this every day. If it is not allowed, it is really too impersonal.

Seeing this, Hui Ming smiled again, bent his knees and lifted the lid, and said, "I found Eunuch Zhao in the imperial kitchen, and they all said that although the egg custard is simple, Eunuch Zhao's craftsmanship is unique, father-in-law. And use it to see."

Of course, Su Jin knew Eunuch Zhao's craftsmanship. The direct descendants of the Duke of Zhen had always had few children. The old Mrs. Guo gave birth to the eldest daughter, that is, after the first empress and empress, and it was only after she was nearly forty years old that she had to go through hardships to give birth to a son. Su Jin's biological father.

The eldest sister and younger brother, the first empress has always taken care of her younger brother, but because she is the empress, she is beyond the reach of the whip, so she waits for his direct nephew to be born. See you in peace.

At that time, he was still young, but the first prince was already a seventeen- or eighteen-year-old Lang Lang boy. He had already followed His Majesty to go out early and return late to handle the affairs of the state.

The first empress was empty under her knees, and she felt sorry for his thinness. Every time she entered the palace, she would prepare a variety of custard custards, sweet and soft food suitable for young children to eat. If you are born, it is not an exaggeration.

Eunuch Zhao’s other skills are only mediocre in the imperial kitchen, but this egg custard has no secret. It is known to everyone for its deliciousness and sweetness. With such a reputation, Su Jin naturally used it frequently when he was young. .

Only later...

Thinking of this, Su Jin slowly lowered his eyes, slowly picked up the spoon, the egg custard tasted as sweet and soft as before, but he could swallow it together, but what he tasted was only too thick to dissolve. Hard and bitter.

Huiming was standing beside him. Although Eunuch Su didn't say a word, she paid attention to it, and she could see the gloomy expression on his face.

Although I don't know the reason, but looking at Eunuch Su like this, Huiming didn't know why, but felt that her heart was sinking. She thought about it, and just stepped forward quietly, and her voice softened. Some, almost begging for approval: "Don't be angry, I broke the rules with many things, I will not be like this in the future."

Hui Ming's voice was gentle and soft. With just this sentence, it seemed like a clear spring rushed through. The bitter taste in Su Jin's mouth seemed to recollect a faint sweetness and sourness. In a trance, it seemed as if the tip of his tongue swelled into his eyes, and he only asked him to move, and then closed his eyes tightly, blocking the faint moistness in his eyes.

No, this is too embarrassing. He has been in the palace for ten years, and his emotions and anger have already disappeared. How can he be so unbearable in front of her

Su Jin thought so, and the fingertips holding the spoon tightly clenched in the palm of her hand. Even if she recovered from the pain, she could only lower her head, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "I'm not angry." After a pause, he realized that this short explanation was too casual. Worried that Huiming was afraid of misunderstanding, he took a light breath and looked up at her again. He said very seriously: "Hui Ming, thank you."

Although Hui Ming knew that Eunuch Su actually had a pair of unruly peach blossom eyes, he really never thought that the eyes were slightly red, and it seemed to be slightly moist with passionate eyes looking up from below. Stay, even Eunuch Su, who has always done things like a deserted person, makes people's heart skip a beat.

No, it should be said that it is precisely because Eunuch Su is so calm and peaceful, and the person who has few desires looks over, it makes people more and more flustered, and it is almost impossible to control themselves.

Hui Ming's expression was stagnant, and he stood there for a few breaths of time, before forcing himself to turn his head, hurriedly holding the small wooden box he had just brought, and dragged the conversation to the business: "Yes, yes Yes! I just went to Wanxi Palace, and the lady asked me who picked me up, and this is the reward that Concubine Xian asked me to bring back to my father-in-law."

It's not just that Huiming used the concubine Xian to forget about Eunuch Su's peach blossom eyes, but Eunuch Su's expression became positive when he heard this, and he said, "Empress Xian?"

Hui Ming also told Fang Cai's heart to panic and did not dare to look up. Naturally, he did not notice the dark expression on Eunuch Su's face. Hearing that, he just lowered his head, looked at the toes of his shoes and responded, and asked the concubine Xian Concubine Fang Cai. When the person who transferred her was called, she explained the details of Eunuch Su's name.

Eunuch Su's eyes turned to the pear blossom wooden box carved with rich and noble flowers. Following Hui Ming's explanation, he reached out to open the wooden box, took a golden naked child with a five-bat pattern, and turned it a few times with his fingertips. Slowly, his subordinates gradually exerted force again, and squeezed it tightly in his hand.

When Huiming raised his head again, he saw Eunuch Su who was only calm, and even with a smile on his face, he said very gently: "That's the case, then thank you very much."

Although Father-in-law Su has always been gentle and gentle towards her, this sentence seems to be extraordinarily gentle and tangled, and those eyes are also glowing with water, as if there is an inexhaustible lingering sadness, which makes people want to. Trapped in the bottomless passionate eyes.

This water-like warmth made Hui Ming suffocate again. She opened her mouth, originally wanting to say something good, but for some reason, after she said it, she just screamed in a low voice. It was almost difficult for people to hear, and there was a faint blush on his face, but he could no longer look at the generosity and magnanimity when he first entered the door.

Aware of his behavior at the moment, Hui Ming gritted his teeth angrily after a meal, lowered his head and took a deep breath, then raised his head and repeated: "It's okay, father-in-law is too polite! "

Su Jin nodded slightly when he heard the words, the deep emotion in his eyes not only did not diminish, but even became more intense, even Hui Ming couldn't take his eyes away: "It's just some golden gongs and naked people, you are going to ask for this egg custard today. , I must have lost a lot of tongues, why don't you take these naked children, and save some effort when they are useful in the future."

Facing Eunuch Su like this, Huiming couldn't help but rubbed the corner of his clothes for some reason: "Where, I just want to say a few good words, after all, I'm a palace servant in front of the imperial palace, so it doesn't cost anything. "

After listening to this, in addition to the deep affection just now, Su Jin's face became more and more distressed, and his voice seemed to be particularly pleasant: "In the future, there is no need to do this anymore, if there is anything you want to use, just use it. Ask Lu'an to go, she is also experienced in her actions, and she was born in the palace, and everyone knows that she is the niece of Eunuch Liu's family, and it is cheaper to do anything."

Huiming listened for a while, and when he was about to speak, he heard Eunuch Su continue to look at her again and instructed: "You used to be an embroidery girl in the bureau, although you were tired there, but luckily there was no trouble there. Quiet. But you are different in Qiande Palace now. There is no easy way for the palace servants who can go to the front of the imperial palace. Even the rough servants who are swept outside have some reliance, let alone those who can serve in the palace. , Don't look at some of them are inconspicuous on the outside, but who is not sure what is on the inside. You are young and have always been simple-minded, and you can't tell the layers of relationships behind this. A few days ago, something like Bai Hao happened. Although it's not a good thing, it can be considered a blessing in disguise if you can be alone more comfortable."

"Mother Xu." Eunuch Su said for a while, then touched Bijia, who was wearing it inside: "You could have wanted to make a pair of knee pads for her before, that's great, mammy is getting old. She looks stubborn and stubborn on the outside, but on the inside she is soft and soft, and she has grown up with His Majesty. You treat her sincerely, she can see it, and she also remembers it in her heart, she will protect you, no It will make others bully and underestimate."

Hui Ming also noticed something wrong until now. Eunuch Su has always been cold and reserved, but now he has suddenly spoken to her for such a long time, just like a warning...

Why does it seem like we'll never see each other again

Thinking of this, Huiming also shook his head secretly. They were all palace servants in front of the imperial palace. They were all in the Qiande Hall. I was afraid that I couldn't even think of it. "

After Su Jin heard the words, after a pause, she gave her a warm smile again, even a pair of romantic peach blossom eyes curved into crescents, but seemed to be extraordinarily happy, and whispered: "It's okay, you are young, It is the imperial front who came through my hands again, I am afraid that I will not pay attention to it and let others bully it."

What she said, really, she was several years older than Eunuch Su. When Huiming heard the words, he was a little embarrassed to distinguish a few words, but Eunuch Su didn't refute, just quietly watched her and listened carefully.

Just like that, seeing that it was getting late, the two of them were on duty, and it was not always good to delay gossip here, so Hui Ming took the initiative to say goodbye.

Eunuch Su didn't hold back, just nodded silently in response, but still looked at Hui Ming's figure with great seriousness and disappeared outside the curtain in a few steps,————

It was not until she left the west gate of Qiande Hall and delivered the ingot from Huiming that she handed the gold and silver naked child wrapped in a handkerchief to her.

Before leaving, Xu Shi saw that there was still some hesitation on Hui Ming's face, Yuan Bao also explained with a smile: "Auntie, don't be polite, you don't need money to ask Master for food, it's better to use this naked child, this way. It is the only one in the Wanxi Palace. Anyone with long eyes in the palace can see it. You sent this naked man of gold and silver to beg for dinner. Not to mention the price, considering the reputation of the concubine Xian, no one dares to be embarrassed. of."

Hui Ming was a little surprised to hear the words. The gold and silver naked children in the palace were just auspicious symbols such as good luck and good luck. The general craftsmanship in Beijing was naturally similar. As majestic and exquisite, she made a fresh appearance of five bats on a naked child in her own palace, and she was not allowed to see the same person in the palace again!

If this is the case, it is indeed as Yuanbao said. It is really useful and decent to use it to manage the imperial kitchen, and it can save a lot of trivial words, so I also nodded.

But what Yuanbao didn't know was that she was also a female official who had been in charge of the imperial court for more than ten years. She knew that she could climb up to this level of internal official, even if she didn't rely on the master's reward, only the regular monthly salary and the regular filial piety underneath would also I won't take these golden nudes in my heart.

Therefore, what Hui Ming had in mind at this moment was naturally not this small box of rewards. She recalled the sadness on the face of Eunuch Su just now, thought about it, and then asked directly: "I looked at Eunuch Su just now. It doesn't seem to be very happy, but you don't like other people's violations?"

"That's not the case." Yuanbao was stunned when he heard the words, and seemed to hesitate for a while before slowly telling the story of the previous emperor's empress who was responsible for the palace, and explained: "Master respects Empress Xianchun, and naturally he doesn't want to be old. The trend of the day is resurgent, but now it's okay to ask for an occasional visit like this, auntie, don't worry about it."

Hui Ming nodded suddenly when he heard the words, the first empress was not only the former master of the middle palace, but also the aunt who was linked by blood to Eunuch Su. This kind of behavior is perfectly normal.

It's just so ordinary, but Hui Ming is a little entangled. Eunuch Su suffers from a stomach problem, and I'm afraid she won't be able to drink the spicy soup prepared by the pantry for the past few months. She originally thought that she would go to the imperial pantry to deliver some And soft egg custard rice porridge, so that Eunuch Su can take good care of it. Now, since this is the reason, she is not good to ask for it too often.

After all, there is no airtight thing in the palace, only one or two times to pay it back. The more times I go, it will always be known that she is serving the meal for Eunuch Su, and the broken mouth will know, maybe it will be To spread some disgusting remarks that Eunuch Su is pretending to be on the surface, making three orders and making five declarations, but in private he doesn't take the rules in the first place.

"I originally wanted to ask Eunuch Su to use more white porridge to nourish the stomach." Hui Ming thought for a while, and then he said, "Since that's the case, I'll go to the pharmacy and ask them for something to nourish the stomach. For pills, it is best to have some fried and crushed rice flour, and every morning with Poria powder and rinse it with boiling water, a bowl of warm is also perfect."

This recipe was not thought up by Hui Ming, but after the little majesty ascended the throne in the previous life, he was often reluctant to sit at the table and eat according to the rules. After thinking about it in the office, the imperial kitchen was ordered to prepare meals like this, so that the little majesty could carry a bowl and hide it from no one to eat it one by one.

It's just that the rice flour and tuckahoe powder are not very precious, but as time goes by, it is very troublesome to grind them finely again and again. The palace servant, so he only told Yuanbao about the good, and told him to think of a way.

The sperm of a person like Yuanbao naturally understood what she meant in an instant, and at the moment just agreed again and again, half admiring and half flattering: "Why don't you say that my aunt is amazing? The villain has been in front of the master for several years. , I can only persuade, and I told my master to teach him a lesson for so long without saying it, and it is useless, and I came up with a method like my aunt!"

Huiming just smiled and shook his head, and then warned: "I can't stand by my father-in-law, and I have to trouble you to prepare it every morning. I must persuade him to prepare a pill and drink it on time every day."

"Yeah!" Yuan Bao smiled happily again, without Master by his side, he dared to make some innocuous jokes to Hui Ming: "I just said that this was your order, Auntie, and Master would definitely not dare to refuse. Listen!"

Hearing this teasing, Hui Ming revealed some disappointment on his face that he hadn't even noticed: "Why do you believe these rumors, didn't your master tell you?"

Yuanbao's face was full of confusion: "What?"

Hui Ming was stunned for a moment, had Eunuch Su not said those words to Yuan Bao at this time

Huiming opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but after thinking about it, he felt that since Eunuch Su hadn't opened his mouth yet, wouldn't it be obvious that she disliked Eunuch Su by taking the initiative to distinguish her like this? What's more, the division is so clear, and it is really not conducive to her getting close to Eunuch Su through this name, so as to have a chance to save Eunuch Su's life in the future affairs of King Rui.

It's better to just be vague like this, telling her to pretend to be confused, and come to Eunuch Su to walk around a few times!

Thinking of this, Hui Ming only swallowed the words he was about to say, and nodded, "It's okay, I'll go back to work first. If there is anything wrong with Eunuch Su, please tell me."

"It should be." Yuan Bao bent over again with a smile, and politely watched Hui Ming walk away, then turned back to the room and told Su Jin what Aunt Cai Hui had asked.

"Auntie specially instructed that the villain should watch you take medicine and eat every day, and you can't delay a day!"

But unlike Yuanbao's expectations, the master did not show a happy expression after hearing this. He just stood in front of the case and tapped the gift from Auntie Hui, who was still wearing gold. The carved peony wooden box of the silver naked child has a heavy expression, but he does not say a word.

Yuanbao's intuition was wrong, he closed his mouth instantly, bowed his head and stood to the side very quietly.

"In the future, don't pay any more attention to Huiming..."

As if struggling for so long, Yuanbao stood at the door and couldn't stand, and Su Jincai before the case finally spoke in a stern voice: "It's not too obvious, let others see what's wrong and ignore her again. Don't be in a hurry, just...get away from it slowly."

Yuan Bao raised his head in surprise and saw that his master had a straight back like Junzhu, but it fell into his eyes, but his heart was suddenly sour, and the words that had come to his mouth were swallowed again. After a long while, he lowered his head. Nodding his head, he replied reluctantly, "The villain understands."