Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

Chapter 30


Before 90, in several corridors beside Qiande Hall, the movement of getting up rang out, opening the door, splashing water, moving boxes and cages, gossiping and greeting each other, from the beginning vaguely, until the sound later. It got louder and louder, and there were lively voices everywhere.

Indeed, today is a rare day. You don’t have to worry about waking up others when you wake up early. Because of the festival, everyone in this corridor is counted as one, and they all have to get up early and be on duty.

It's just that Huiming didn't participate in it, except that she was kept away from everyone intentionally or unintentionally because of the Wei family, but she herself didn't have the opportunity to gossip with everyone.

As early as when everyone just got up to wash up, she had already tidied up everywhere, and put on a new pair of loose green jackets and a moon-white pleated skirt that she had just released a few days ago. The braided hair is rolled up in circles around the ears and tied in a bun. Finally, a few small piles of velvet flowers of the same color are wrapped in the hair. Looking in the bronze mirror, it is extraordinarily delicate and fresh, and it is amazing to look at. Comfortable, I carefully put away the purse embroidered yesterday in my arms, and went out in the dark. Today's Qiande Hall looks brand new everywhere, and even the palace people walking around seem to be more than usual. It seemed very lively.

However, although Hui Ming got up early, she did not go directly to the errand. She looked at the sky and went to the Xijiaomen where the palace people came and went to find an inconspicuous corner to stand. After half a quarter of an hour, sure enough When he saw the person who was waiting, he stepped forward and bowed to Su Jinfu, who was on duty, and said crisply, "Eunuch Su will be in Wan'an."

That’s right, today is the Winter Solstice, also known as the “Longzhizhi”. Apart from the New Year’s Day, this can be regarded as the most important festival in the palace. All the people in the palace can get meals, get new clothes, and after they meet each other, more It is a good omen to ask each other according to their identities.

Because of the festival, Hui Ming had dressed up so carefully, with a fresh body and a clear voice. In this weather, his cheeks were slightly flushed, but it was like flowers and trees pressing snow, and he was faintly charming. A few days ago, he was inexplicably old. Shen Zhiqi couldn't see it today, and the whole day was like a chick that had just grown its feathers.

In such a serious day, even Su Jin, who had long decided to distance himself, was stunned for a few breaths in front of such Hui Ming, but he took a step forward, stood tall, and bowed solemnly as a gift, and only wished An's words are almost meticulous, revealing a very sincere: "Long to Wan'an."

Eunuch Su didn't wear the usual eunuch robes today. Although it was also new, he was wearing a smoky chestnut-colored cotton-lined straight jacket, a dark cloak on the outside, and a rhino horn belt that was loosely tied around his waist. It is obvious that he has a slender waist and a slender back, fresh and handsome, and even with this very inconspicuous color, called Eunuch Su, he immediately has a different style.

The same etiquette and etiquette, but it happens that Eunuch Su seems to be extraordinarily elegant, and even in this dark and unclear night, there is a gleam of light like the wind and the moon.

With a bit of admiration in his heart, Hui Ming knew that today's errands were complicated and he didn't delay, so he handed over the purse tied to the Peace Festival, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "My hands and feet are slow, and the rest is still there. Before finishing the embroidery, thinking that today is the winter solstice, I sent this purse first, so that my father-in-law can use the new clothes first."

Su Jin was shocked when he heard the words. He had already made preparations for the past few days. He just waited for Huiming to come to deliver the purse, and then he resolutely said some refusal words that did not owe each other, so that she would not do this in the future. act.

When he saw her take out his purse just now, although his heart was only aching as dull as needles, he still held on, clenching his hands tightly, half of his determination, who would have thought that his determination would never be. After the drumming, Huiming actually said something was not finished, this purse is just one piece

She only gave this one thing, but his cruel words, did he mean or not

Rao is Su Jin, and he was also stunned at the moment. Facing such Hui Ming, he finally made up his mind just now. He mentioned half of the cruelty and turned around in the air, and then he was wronged and fell back, straight. Terribly told him to pause for a long while before reaching out to take it, and said dully: "It's troublesome."

Of course, Huiming didn't know that her act of giving away only half of her was actually preventing Eunuch Su's estrangement and cold treatment that he could not speak.

She had planned to send a purse first today, not to mention that she was very careful in preparing the embroidery work for Eunuch Su, but it was impossible to finish it in the past few days, even if she had such a quick hand, It is also determined that he will not be foolish enough to send all the purses out.

Of course, Hui Ming has always been clear about her own purpose. She wants to be close and trustful to Eunuch Su, not just to give gifts. Such a great opportunity can be split into two meetings. Why did she To use it all at once? After all, she has been a poor person for decades in front of the royal family, and she is not so stupid!

For this reason, Huiming was not surprised when he saw Eunuch Su accept it. He just thought that if he knew that Eunuch was wearing Yanli today, she should change the color of the purse next to her, this Shi Qing purse. It is used to match red, but it doesn't match with this dress.

Hui Ming only thought about it in his heart. When he looked up, he saw that Eunuch Su had tied his purse directly to his waist. Fortunately, the purse was inconspicuous, and it was supported by Eunuch Su's demeanor. Although the color didn't quite match, look. It is also strangely pleasing to the eye and harmonious.

Seeing this, Huiming swallowed the words he wanted to discourage, but he raised his head and showed a sincere smile, and said seriously: "The pattern on the purse, I chose the bamboo to report safety, and the pendant below is also the festival of peace, both It's a good omen, and may everything go well for your father-in-law, and a safe life."

Hearing this, and looking at Hui Ming's serious and shining eyes, Su Jin's heart suddenly beat violently again. Thinking of her plan, she couldn't tell whether she was more regretful or more fortunate. It was hot and astringent, an unspeakable taste filled my heart, but for a while, I was speechless.

Fortunately, Huiming knew that he was busy today, so after he finished speaking, he also swiftly retired, turned and hurried into the palace. Su Jin stood where he was, and only stood there for a while, before moving again.

After waiting for the two of them to walk away one after the other, the two who stood in the shadows outside the door for a long time slowly walked over.

Hong Yun, who was beside him, respectfully supported Aunt Wei next to him, and said softly, "You saw it, the slaves have long said that it was just a rumor, and even Yuanbao ignored her these days. Eunuch Su gave her a bit of face. Generally speaking, if she is rushing to send a purse, it must be her rushing to entangle Director Su."

Today, I also deliberately pretended to be Wei Shi and looked at the direction where the two left without saying a word, but there was no trace of meekness and timidity in the past, but a gloomy look like a poisonous snake. After hearing what Hongyun said. , only lowered his eyes slightly, and his voice was still extraordinarily soft and sweet: "Are you all ready?"

"Don't worry, Auntie." Even though it was just a sentence without beginning or end, Hongyun immediately understood something and replied in a low voice.

Wei Shi nodded, then continued to move forward, still patted her palm gently, but there was a trace of danger and viciousness in her words: "You have to be careful, if this happens. It's because she is unlucky, if you go out of business and fail, and others find out, I can't keep you."

Hongyun's palms trembled, and she was stunned for a while, but she still gritted her teeth and replied "Yes."


The winter solstice is a big New Year's Day, which should be a big festival, but His Majesty's dragon body has not healed, and he has always been in a bad mood.

After hearing the performance, His Majesty simply decreed that the usual rituals of sacrificing the heavens, banquets for ministers, and asking for an alms banquet will be reduced and exempted. The palace banquet in the Qingyan Garden in the front was also changed to only a family banquet in the Yangqian Palace in front, and the order was only to be prepared for a small show, and a few princes and princesses were summoned at night to stay with the ladies for one night, that’s all. .

Because of this, Hui Ming and other female ministers could also do much less work in the early morning. After all, the dragon robes and various accessories worn for worshiping the gods were different from usual. Prepare for several days, get up early this morning and talk about an hour less, not to mention that it will be later than usual.

Since His Majesty does not have to make sacrifices to the sky, and he does not have to go to court during such a big festival, and ignore state affairs, Hui Ming and others only waited for His Majesty to fall asleep until halfway through Shen Shi, and then served His Majesty according to the rules with the already bright sky, and got up unexpectedly. It was much looser than usual.

Of course, this does not mean that there is nothing to do today. Although His Majesty does not worship the gods and ancestors, he has ordered that tonight's family banquet will be placed in the Gande Hall.

In the past, such an important banquet had never been held in the Gande Hall. For this family banquet, even Aunt Xu, who hadn't shown up for a long time, came to Gande Hall in person this morning, and was in charge of the two royal fronts with Aunt Wei. Together with the female officials, they summoned all the maids in front of the imperial court and the little palace maids of the rough envoys, so as to arrange the many matters of this evening in advance.

And because of rheumatism, Aunt Xu didn't watch it very often, so this meeting was just standing aside to fill the gaps, and the specific instructions and trivial matters were arranged by Aunt Wei.

Aunt Wei was meticulous in everything, only instructing everyone on the errands one by one, and finally turned her eyes to the two Huiming Lu'an at the end: "Huiming Lu'an, you two waited for the tea to be withdrawn, and then went outside, Help Si Shi deliver meals."

In the Gande Hall preparing a banquet, Rao, the four maids of the imperial kitchen, are all on duty today, and it seems a little insufficient. In contrast, the errand of the minister is light and simple, just waiting for the opening. In front of Shan Jing's hands, he took the lacquer plates and put them away, and put away the wrench-finger strings that the masters had unloaded. There were no other errands in the whole family feast. It was very suitable to help at this time, and it was not in front of the masters. Serve me personally, just stay in the hall to deliver meals, even if something goes wrong, it is not a big mistake, this arrangement is indeed normal.

Huiming and Lu'an didn't notice anything else, they were all respectful.