Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

Chapter 37


When Eunuch Su saw Hui Ming, she was standing under the lantern at the entrance of the palace. She was wearing a sky-blue hooded cloak with fur trims, standing slightly sideways, looking up at the light of the lights under the flying eaves, she couldn't see her full face under the cover of the cloak. , I can only see through the white mist that the tip of the nose is beautiful, the jaw is round, the body is light, and the lady is like the moon.

This is almost like a beautiful scenery in a dream, and Su Jin was stunned for a while, afraid to move forward, let the Buddha take a step forward, and he will wake up from this beautiful dream.

After a long while, Hui Ming seemed to have sensed something, but when he turned his head, he saw Su Gonggong in a dark crimson official robe in the shadows, motionless, as if he was looking at her.

"Eunuch Su." Hui Ming took a few steps to greet him, with a smile on his face: "Why did you stop there on such a cold day, I thought it was wrong, I was shocked. Jump."

Su Jin came back to his senses in this crisp and pleasant voice, and then saw that Hui Ming's complexion was slightly pale in the cold wind, and even his lips were almost bloodless.

Some self-reproach tightened his palms, Su Jin secretly regretted his trance, just shook his head and said, "Why are you standing outside on such a cold day?"

to wait for you.

An answer that was so straightforward that it would definitely be misunderstood, at the last moment about to exit, Hui Ming swallowed it dangerously and swallowed it back. She paused, and added a few more explanations for the same meaning, which seemed appropriate. A lot of decency: "I am also idle when I am idle. Thinking that my father-in-law has never been to Changxing Palace before, I came out to greet him."

"It doesn't have to be!" Su Jin shook her head and said, and then she felt that her words were a little too harsh. I was afraid that Huiming would be unhappy. We are all familiar with you, the weather is cold and windy, you just stay in the room, and I will find you."

Huiming nodded slightly when she heard the words. Of course, she didn't mean to be unhappy. It was clearly just an ordinary sentence. She heard it in her ears, but for some reason, she also felt a little sweet taste.

It seems that she is so happy to see that she has taken such a big step in saving Eunuch Su's life, so she is just casual, and she only feels happy when she hears everything, right

Huiming thought so, he pursed his lips and smiled, and now he led the way, and went to Jingfang Zhai with Eunuch Su.

On the way, Su Jin said, "How is it in Changxing Palace? What is the role of Concubine Kang and you?"

Huiming also answered one by one when he heard the words.

Su Jin added: "Concubine Kang was originally a concubine Shu who was proclaimed by the late emperor. Although she has nothing to do, the Kang family has some reputation in Beijing. Today's Minister of War is still her direct nephew, although the Changxing Palace is deserted. Some, but with the Kang family's filial piety to this aunt, it won't be very neglectful."

Hui Ming suddenly realized why, among the many concubines and nobles in the palace, only Concubine Kang was the only one who lived comfortably in the palace, and even had the spare energy to take care of His Highness the Seventh.

It also shows that although Concubine Kang gave her the title of a close maid, she told her not to wait by her side. Thinking about it, she just wanted her to be raised as an idler.

"You... I've been dragged down by me." Su Jin's face was also a little embarrassed when he mentioned this: "If not, a good palace maid in the imperial palace would not have to come to this Changxing Palace." "What is this? Say something. For those who are taboo, this Changxing Palace is much more worry-free than the imperial front!"

While talking, they also arrived at the entrance of Jingfangzhai. At this hour, Mammy Wang was watching His Highness having dinner. There was no one in the cubicle. Hui Ming took off his cloak and warmed his hands by the brazier. I want to pour a cup of tea for Eunuch Su first.

After Su Jin entered the room, she almost looked at her with a good look, and naturally she could clearly see that after Hui Ming stretched out his hand, the slender fingertips were frozen red.

"You sit down and warm up for a while." Su Jin's eyes narrowed, she stepped forward to stop Huiming's movements, took the teapot from her hand, sat down on the small teapot beside her, A clean one was picked out of the small pomelo-carved porcelain cup, scalded with hot water in the pot and put aside, and then the copper pot was placed on the brazier again.

Hui Ming sat on the side in a daze, then watched Eunuch Su roll up the corners of his sleeves and open the small tin can with tea leaves with his long, slender fingers, looking at the tea leaves in the can as if he was not satisfied. He frowned slightly, paused, then took out the bamboo teaspoon, slowly scooped out a little tea foam, poured it on the bottom of the cup, raised the kettle that had been heated on the fire for a while, and poured it with a familiar technique. I took a bowl and waited for a few more breaths before I raised my hands and handed it to Hui Ming, with a low voice: "The water is still hot at the moment, so you can keep your hands warm and wait for a while. When it's cooler, it's just right for the entrance."

What was in Mammy Wang's house was just some cheap rough tea leaves that were often used by palace people, and the utensils for drinking tea were nothing but tea pots and tea bowls, and there was no special tea pot and tea stove.

But for some unknown reason, the sturdy father-in-law Su rushed forward, and this cup of rough tea seemed to be very particular. Pass.

The water in the pot is not scalding hot, and the wall of the tea cup is thick, it is slightly hot in the hand, but it is not hot to the hand, I hold it with both hands, but after a moment, my fingers gradually feel comfortable in the stiffness that was frozen in the cold wind. up.

Huiming waited for a while, and couldn't help but lowered his head and took a sip. The tea tasted fresh and strong, and was slightly bitter at first. After he swallowed it, the warmth warmed from his mouth all the way to his stomach, and then he faintly reminisced. Subtle sweetness.

It wasn't until this time that Hui Ming suddenly came back to his senses, remembering that she originally wanted to pour tea for Eunuch Su, but Eunuch Su didn't drink a sip of hot water, so he made it for himself. One

It's so rude...

However, Eunuch Su didn't seem to care, and after taking care of the tea set, he slowly unfolded a silk cloth with a thin pattern on the vacated wooden table.

Hui Ming looked down—

It is the map of Jingxiang.

"Has your father-in-law already picked a place?" When it came to business, Hui Ming also forgot his rudeness and asked seriously.

Eunuch Su seemed to bow his head apologetically: "Although Your Majesty said that I would be allowed to choose one place at will, but as an eunuch, if I really choose those mansions that come in three or five times, it would be too flamboyant. So I chose , there are only a few places left." Su Jin said, and extended her finger to her: "This place is the most suitable, it is closer to Xinglongmen, and it is not too noisy, but it is slightly smaller. ."

Huiming followed Eunuch Su's instructions and looked at them one by one. Sure enough, the pictures were all small square houses. The most suitable one was located outside Xinglong. Instead, it turned a corner and took a step back. It is a quiet place in the middle of the noise. Although it seems to be a little smaller than the other places, if you look closely, it can be regarded as a courtyard with two entrances. From the front and back, it can be called a sparrow, although it is small, it has all the five internal organs.

What's more, she and Eunuch Su are the only two people. Where do you want such a big place

On the map, it was a small house as small as a fingernail, but Huiming looked at it and liked it more and more, and her face showed the same smile as that of the winter solstice night: "Yes. Living in the same place with Eunuch Su, I think it's fine, if Eunuch thinks it's suitable, then let's go to this place!"

Here again, it was the night of the winter solstice. Huiming said for the first time that it was exactly the same as when he was very happy living in the same place.

There was a slight red on Su Jin's cheeks, and she felt that her heart was suddenly caught by someone in this smile. It stopped for a moment, and then she went crazy and bumped back and forth in his chest. , let the Buddha tell someone to put a small deer in it, dissatisfied with the crampedness of the surrounding area, and only clamored to rush out to feel comfortable.

No, she has a good nature, she is happy for him knowing that His Majesty did not punish him, and because of Wei's actions, she only thought that the rumor of "contradictory food" was just a misunderstanding, so she was so close to him.

If she is told to realize that it is not what she imagined, I am afraid that she will be on guard against him just like when she first arrived at the Gande Hall.

Thinking of this, Su Jin's heart sank.

In order to prevent Hui Ming from seeing that something was wrong, he paused for a while, and as before, he turned his head slightly, forced himself to take a slow breath, waited for his heartbeat to calm down a little, and then resumed Whispered: "Since that's the case, I've settled on this place. In the past few days, I'll find someone to clean and repair it, and then add some things, and I'll be able to live in it in three to five days at most."

Hui Ming didn't notice Su Jin Su Jin's complicated thoughts, just nodded repeatedly, and said regretfully: "Unfortunately, I just arrived at Changxing Palace, and I will take leave as soon as I come, and I can't help you with cleaning up the place. ."

Su Jin's expression became more gentle: "You don't have to worry about such trivial matters. If you have anything you want, just sue me now, and I will prepare." After speaking, as if afraid that Hui Ming would be polite to him, he explained Said: "The house in the palace will be slightly repaired and added in advance. I was originally the head of the royal family, and these conveniences are just a matter of convenience."

Hui Ming had vaguely heard about this rule, and said a few things for his own convenience in the future. After a while, his subordinates accidentally touched the small purse containing the Seventh Highness's Buddhist beads. He said again: "If it is convenient, father-in-law may send a chess board? There are simpler chess manuals, if you can have it, it would be great." "Do you want to learn chess?" Su Jin was a little surprised, heartbroken. At the same time, he was also thinking about the treasures that he had copied from the Duke of Zhenguo's mansion, and later, His Majesty also rewarded him with a lot of rewards. It was just right for Huiming to go to Jingxiang.

Hui Ming shook his head again and again: "It's not me, it's His Highness the Seventh. I see that he doesn't speak, and he is bored in the room every day, thinking that it would be good if there is something for him to pass the time."

This is not Hui Ming's guess, but in the future, when His Highness takes the throne, he is the only one who can react to it. The people next to him who are learning chess will play the chess manual step by step. He sat motionless in front of the chessboard for several days, and never saw him practice, but sometimes Taifu deliberately left an endgame before leaving, and he would always applaud when he came back the next day.

Hui Ming wanted to let the little highness get in touch with his only hobby as soon as possible, but after hearing such an answer, Su Jin's expression suddenly froze, and after a pause, he lowered his eyes and replied, "Okay. "