Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

Chapter 38


Today is a rare good weather in winter. There is no wind, and the sun is out again. It is the afternoon. I came out of the house and sat under the sun, only basking in the warmth and comfort.

Outside the Jingfang Nei Zhai in Changxing Palace, Hui Ming looked at the little highness lying on the table and stared at the chess sheet that Eunuch Su had just sent yesterday. , made the sun slant on him, and then hugged the needle and thread basket, and went out to greet Yu Gan, who had come to look for her, and sat down against the pillars under the corridor outside the house.

Hui Ming originally thought that she had left the Qiande Palace, and the old man who had been estranged before would not pay attention to her anymore, but he didn't expect Yu Gan to be a nostalgic person, and he was still on duty last night and today's free day. Li specially brought a thick mattress to her, but said that there was no dragon in Changxing Palace, worried that she would be frozen here.

With Eunuch Su's care, Hui Ming would not be cold, but when he met Yu Gan's care, he was very grateful. In her two lifetimes, because of the Wei family, she really didn't have anything to talk about in this palace. The friend who came, now sees Yu Gan, although he is somewhat naive, but he is also frank and lovely, so he thanked her very well. Hearing that she is free today, he left her to talk under the porch while basking in the sun. .

"That's His Highness the Seventh?" Yu Gan could only wait outside the corridor because of Huiming's instructions. Seeing the little Highness's concentration on the chess score from a distance through the wooden window, Yu Gan asked Huiming a little curiously.

Huiming nodded, put down the sewing basket, laid a cushion for her under the fence, and seated her.

Yu Gan couldn't help turning his head to look, and whispered again: "I heard that His Highness the Seventh is a fool? It's quite normal to look at it like this, and he looks more handsome than the first few."

"I wasn't stupid originally, but my temper is different from ordinary people, and I don't like to talk." Hui Ming shook his head, seeing Yu Gan's curious face, and exhorted, "Your Highness is timid, you have to be quiet, don't keep talking. Look at him, His Highness can perceive it."

"Oh." Yu Gan seemed reluctant to hear the words, but he agreed. After that, he didn't turn his head to look at His Highness Seventh under the window, but just picked up a few colored threads from the basket.

Holding the lily bun, Yu Gan asked about Huiming's situation in the Changxing Palace, and he only slapped the net once and for a while, and also told Huiming about the current situation of the Qiande Hall: "Do you know, When Hongyun was delivering tea, he accidentally stained the book and was sent to the Department of Penalties. I still felt sorry for you a few days ago. Why did you make a mistake at the palace banquet together, and you drove out from the front of the palace? She's fine, nothing happened? Feelings are waiting here!"

Hearing this, Huiming raised his head, and he knew in his heart that it was probably Eunuch Su's handwriting. Although His Majesty had tacitly agreed that she and Eunuch Su would "eat each other," such a thing would definitely not be possible. Publicity, and as long as there is no deliberate spreading of rumors by the Wei family behind, the trivial matters of several palace officials in Qiande Palace would not have been publicized in half a day, and everyone knew that, so Huiming went to Changxing Palace, He was punished for making mistakes at the palace banquet. He didn't even make a statement about the mansion that His Majesty gave to Eunuch Su. He knew that Huiming was transferred to Changxing Palace to avoid suspicion and to facilitate access to Jingxiang. It was normal for Yu Gan not to know the inside story.

"She is also to blame." Hui Ming's face was pale, and if she wanted to blame, she could only blame her for not thinking about it, and she had to be the master of a Wei family.

Just thinking about the Wei family, Yu Gan immediately mentioned it: "There is one more thing you must not know. Just yesterday, Aunt Wei was made a noble lady."

Hui Ming heard the words, but his expression did not change: "I have never heard of this."

"This one has already made a clear decree, but Aunt Wei is unwilling to do such a good thing." Yu Gan was still a little confused: "I just cried and shouted that I couldn't bear your majesty, and only said that I would rather not be a noble person, If you want to stay in the Gande Palace to serve the master, you are still kneeling outside the palace and begging Your Majesty to take it back.

Hui Ming understood the meaning, raised his eyebrows slightly, and lowered his voice: "What's so good? Aunt Wei has sealed the noble, so she can't easily enter the Gande Palace. Your Majesty won't need her to sleep in a few years ago, do you think? Thinking of His Majesty's current body, will he still summon her in the future? An unloved nobleman, there are not twenty or eighteen in the whole palace, who would care? Where is the style and comfort of being a female official in front of the imperial palace?"

Hearing this, Yu Gan blinked his eyes and thought about it. Although he seemed to understand a little, he didn't quite agree with him: "What's so good about serving Your Majesty? If it were me, I would be so happy!"

Hui Ming just smiled: "Why don't you say you're not her?"

Yu Gan also showed the little pear vortex on his cheeks, and then continued with some worry: "In this way, you and Hongyun have left two at once, and even Aunt Wei is not here, the imperial front will definitely be a newcomer. Yesterday, I heard what Mama Xu said, I just wanted to take advantage of this time to replace the two older Yunhua Buye in the dormitory, and replace me and my sister."

Your Majesty is not in good shape yet, so fast? Hearing this, Hui Ming slowly frowned.

Speaking of this matter, Yu Gan threw away the net in his hand, propped his chin and said, "My sister and I, as soon as we entered the palace, we were ready to sleep, but when this day comes, I'm still a little scared..."

Hearing Yu Gan's words, Hui Ming unexpectedly thought of that less than two years later, because King Rui forced the palace, the palace servants in the Qiande Hall who had almost all been cut off looked up. Yu Gan's full and energetic face at the moment did not intend to persuade in general: "If this is the case, you should pay more attention to Your Majesty, and when His Majesty is happy, I will ask for grace and give you a position to release the most. it is good."

According to Hui Ming's memory in his previous life, after the two sisters Yu Gan and Kukou Yu Gan served in bed, the elder sister's bitterness was just average, but Yu Gan was considered to be relatively favored. There were often various rewards, not to mention, sometimes not her worth, His Majesty would order the summons. She went to the bed room to serve.

In the past, Huiming didn't care, but after getting to know Yu Gan, she actually understood somewhat of His Majesty's mind. There is a certain amount of youthful vitality, especially now that His Majesty is recovering from a serious illness and is getting old, such a full-fledged Yu Gan is naturally more sensible than the bitter mouth. People relax like.

Yu Gan's nature is like this, she is not someone who can pretend to hide, and the fact that she is being favored by others is something that others can't stop and avoid. In this way, it is better to persuade Yu Gan to be more attentive. By the grace of His Majesty, I ask for a position to be separated, and I will not mention it. At least, I will not be implicated in the life of King Rui's Zhongyuan Rebellion.

Yu Gan's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "You are right!"

Seeing that she was about to do it right away, Huiming felt a little uneasy, and quickly advised: "Don't be impulsive, this matter also needs to wait until His Majesty has some affection for you, and you will be in bed. It’s duty, and position is grace, if Your Majesty doesn’t mean it, go for it, I’m afraid it will provoke His Majesty’s wrath!”

Yu Gan pouted and gave Hui Ming a look of disgust: "Do you think I look like such a stupid person? I naturally understand this."

Hearing this, Hui Ming also smiled, and yes, if Yu Gan was really that innocent and indifferent, he would not have been favored by His Majesty for so long.

"Not only do I have to wait for His Majesty's willingness to give points, I also have to wait until His Majesty is in the best mood, and even decide where to stay in the future. Then I might as well be in the Gande Palace."

Hearing Yu Gan's last sentence, Hui Ming's originally smiling face was slightly stunned: "Aunt Wei, have you lived in the Wanxi Palace?"

Yu Gan nodded: "Well, I heard that Concubine Xian took the initiative to mention it, saying that she looked at Aunt Wei well, and asked her to have a companion in the palace in the future, and His Majesty agreed." With lingering fears, he patted his chest: "Where does Concubine Xian think that we are good maids, I'm afraid it's because Aunt Wei has been unpleasant for a long time, so I have to go and toss in secret."

Hui Ming also fell silent for a while.

Naturally, she wasn't worried about the Wei family. After staying in the palace for so long, she had long lost her senseless kindness and sympathy. Even after knowing that the Wei family had gone to the Wanxi Palace, the concubine Xian decided not to treat the Wei family well. Hui Ming Also doesn't care at all.

What she cared about was the relationship between Eunuch Su and Concubine Xian that was exposed in this incident.

Of course Huiming remembered that on the night of the winter solstice, Eunuch Su said, "Within three days, I will give you an explanation."

Eunuch Su is not a person who can't keep his word. Now that three days have passed, Hong Yun and Aunt Wei have indeed ended up as they deserved, but—

Hui Ming tightened the colorful rope on his hand, and Hongyun didn't pay it, just like the bowl of bird's nest that shattered in front of the imperial palace on the day of her palace banquet. Those who can always find a way to be sentenced to the Department of Prudence and Punishment are just trying to repay others with their own way, but they gave Aunt Wei the status of a nobleman, and then asked her to move into the Wanxi Palace, it was not Su. The things that the father-in-law can do by himself can be heard from Yu Gan's words. Almost all of them are the efforts of the concubine Xian, and Aunt Wei has been favored by the imperial family for nearly ten years. The concubine had never paid attention to it before, but she took the initiative to take action yesterday, saying that it had nothing to do with Eunuch Su, and no one would believe it.

Originally, Concubine Xian wanted to expose her affair with Eunuch Su outside the palace banquet. Huiming thought that there should be an injustice between Eunuch Su and Concubine Xian, but now it seems that Concubine Xian has personally come forward and solved it for Eunuch Su. Wei Shi, the involvement between them must have been profound.

And Concubine Xian was the biological mother of King Rui.

Thinking of this, Hui Ming couldn't help feeling a little heavy. She thought that it would be nearly two years before the 35th year of Xuande's Mid-Autumn Festival, and she was able to live with Eunuch Su by chance, and everything would be in time. .

Now, is it too late