Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

Chapter 45


"If not, father-in-law, should he take another day off?"

Inside Jingxiang, Huiming looked at Eunuch Su who was wearing a cloak, and couldn't help but persuade again.

This is the second day after Eunuch Su's cold and fever. Yesterday, under the persuasion of Huiming, he finally lay down in the house for a day. This morning, he got up and said that the death anniversary of the first empress was not bad. In a few days, even if he doesn't go to the imperial palace as an official, he should go to the Yongshou Palace to see how everything is prepared, but Huiming is still a little worried because the heat on Eunuch Su's forehead is not yet fully recovered. .

At Hui Ming's insistence, Su Jin put a thick rabbit fur hat on his head again, and even though he had explained it many times, he still spoke in a warm voice without feeling bored: "I won't go to serve in front of Your Majesty, I just went to the Yongshou Palace to see that the people below are attentive, they are so thickly dressed, and they are wearing gloves, and they can't stand the cold, it's really okay."

Worrying about the sacrifice of the first empress is certainly one end, but the more important thing is that he was recuperating under the care of Huiming for a whole day yesterday, with meals, water, medicine and dressing. The scene that Su Jin could only appear in a dream, but he has experienced a lot, but he is also worried that he may not be able to bear it seriously and show some rude behavior in front of Hui Ming. That is regrettable.

What's more, Su Jin couldn't lie down on the couch with peace of mind, watching Hui Ming busy before and after doing these chores of serving people.

Although Hui Ming didn't expect that much, but she has lived her whole life again, and she is not completely ignorant of world affairs. In this palace, as a palace servant, it is a good thing that she can rest well without feeling unwell, and she can plead guilty in front of the imperial court. One day off, it is already considered that Eunuch Su has won the trust of His Majesty and gave him a reward.

But if you really don't pay attention to anything, such as the sacrifice of the first empress, once you go out of business, the master will not care if you are sick, not to mention, she already knows that Eunuch Su and the empress of the first emperor are in the same family. , Even if there is no master's order, I am afraid that Eunuch Su will not want to make any mistakes in the sacrifice of his own aunt's death anniversary.

After listening to Eunuch Su's words, Huiming no longer discouraged him. After thinking about it, he just lowered his head and adjusted the corners of his sleeves and skirts, and continued, "If that's the case, then I'll follow Eunuch!"

Su Jin paused, looked down at Hui Ming, a look of hesitation appeared on his face, Hui Ming continued: "I'm not worth it right now, I'm idle in the room, it's better With my father-in-law, I don't know what else I can help you with. Since the father-in-law doesn't go to the imperial front, it's fine to take me with you. You can rest assured. I will follow An Sheng, so I won't cause any trouble and hinder your father-in-law's talents. "

Su Jin will never refuse Hui Ming's request as long as it can be fulfilled, and it is normal at this moment. As soon as Hui Ming's request for acknowledgment fell, Su Jin nodded silently, seeing that Hui Ming thanked him. After that, he left in a hurry, and hurriedly ordered: "You don't have to be so anxious when you go back and change into thick clothes.

Hui Ming had already left the house at this moment, and he answered from a distance through the wooden door, but his subordinates did not delay, he only fastened the sky blue hood and cloak that he was going out, and changed into a pair of thick-soled cotton shoes for going out. He opened the door again and walked out.

Su Jin raised her eyes and looked at her very quickly, then handed over the small hand stove that went out, and when she took it, before she could speak, she went straight ahead.

Wilmington paused for a while, and only thought that the stove was held for Eunuch Su first. After going out, he followed the rules and followed Eunuch Su with Yuanbao on the left and right.

Yongshou Palace and Qiande Palace are not far apart. Eunuch Su walked slowly, and in just two quarters of an hour, he arrived outside the palace gate of the first empress. He looked up at the gilded plaque of Yongshou Palace, and then carefully straightened it. Clothes, just walked over the threshold.

All the way forward, Su Jin paid no attention to the various palace people he met along the way, and just walked straight to the spiritual seat of the first emperor. Inside the incense burner, he knelt down on his knees on the cushion in front of the desk, meticulously covered his forehead on the ground, and gave a big salute.

Seeing this, Hui Ming, who was behind him, also lowered his head and lowered his eyes, knelt down on the gold brick, and kowtowed together.

After getting up, Hui Ming slightly raised his head and looked at the portraits enshrined behind the incense case. The painters in the palace painted people in large costumes, ordinary clothes and jewelry, and even the facial features seemed to be the same. At first glance, they looked like It was carved out of a mold.

But the Queen Qi Shengchun, who is hanging behind the case at this time, is different. Although she is also wearing a phoenix crown dress, her facial features are not rigid at all, and her expression is agile. You can see the generous and bright color of the first empress.

"This painting was painted by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince after the immortal death of the Empress." Noticing Huiming's gaze, Eunuch Su got up and explained softly.

That's no wonder, the painter painted the queen, and the son painted the deceased mother, the relationship between them is worlds apart, but the prince who once remembered the deceased mother is now a deceased person who is remembered.

From this point of view, none of the first queens, the first princes, including the full family of the former royal family members, had a good death.

Especially the Duke of Zhenguo, who is the head of the state, because of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, the whole family is beheaded...

Hui Ming frowned tightly and stood in the Longevity Palace. Thinking about the relationship between the Zhenguo Gongfu and the former queen and the Central Palace, she was startled, and then she had some vague guesses. While thinking, A reserved male voice came from behind him.

"It turned out to be Director Su." Hui Ming turned around and looked, it was Lord Xin in a python robe, with a slight smile on his lips, full of a broad and casual look: "I heard that you have a cold, this king only serves as a sacrifice. , Director Su can't come."

Su Jin took a few steps back, bowed with one knee, and then replied lightly, "The villain has seen King Xin."

King Xin shook his head: "Since he is suffering from a cold, he should have a good rest. Is Director Su not believing in this King?"

"The villain doesn't dare." Eunuch Su calmly lowered his head and said again, "It's just that His Majesty ordered me, the villain doesn't dare to be slow."

Hui Ming stood quietly in the back. In the past, although she often saw Eunuch Su when she was working in front of the imperial palace, it was almost always in front of the imperial palace. Besides, as a palace maid, her immediate boss was a female official in charge. Eunuch Su easily agreed. I don't care about them, but if they meet in private, Eunuch Su has always been gentle and considerate towards her, even a little shy.

That's why, until she saw Eunuch Su's attitude towards others when he was on duty, she vaguely understood what the "cold and ruthless" Eunuch Su looked like.

Not to mention to the rest of the palace servants, Eunuch Su has always been unsmiling, with a light expression. Although he has never spoken harshly or scolded at every turn, he only ordered a few light words, and the aura of his whole body made people not dare to neglect him at all.

Facing Lord Xin, he was normal, he clearly saluted him, spoke words, and followed the rules everywhere. He knelt on the ground with his knees firmly on the ground, and he also called himself "little man", never arrogant. But I don't know why, the same rules of words and deeds were asked by Eunuch Su at this moment, and it was plain and simple, showing a little bit of pure and aloof indifference, especially towards King Xin. Disdain.

However, King Xin just couldn't see it, he only slightly curved the corners of his mouth, with a smile on his face that had never been seen in Hui Ming's eyes, he gently waved his hand and signaled the palace servants around him to step down.

The palace servants in the palace bowed their heads one after another, took a few steps back, turned and walked out the door.

Hui Ming knew that she should have followed the current situation, but she seemed to have faintly realized that what King Xin said to Eunuch Su must be very important to her. She moved her footsteps for a while, but only slightly. After taking a few steps back to the door, at this distance, as long as Prince Xin and Eunuch Su were not whispering in their throats, they could still hear what the people in the room said.

Fortunately, Lord Xin seemed to still remember her, but he just glanced at her casually, and sat down on the chair next to him without paying much attention, leaning his upper body slightly, showing a trusting look to Eunuch Su: " Since my mother gave birth to me, I have always been weak. Since I was three or four years old, I have grown up at the knee of the first queen for 20 days in a month. You and I have known each other since childhood and grew up together. If you don't treat you as a slave, why should Director Su be so out of touch with me?"

Hearing this, Huiming was heartbroken, and quickly raised his eyes to glance at the two people in front of the spirit. Eunuch Su still lowered his head and couldn't see his face clearly, but he believed in the king and stroked his knees with his hands, showing a particularly sincere look: "Is it possible that Director Su really believed King Rui's nonsense and believed that what happened to His Royal Highness that day was what this king did?"

Su Jin remained motionless, did not say a word, and King Xin didn't seem to care, and continued: "Su Jin, how old are you, this king is also called your brother, so I would like to persuade you today. You don’t see King Rui’s rudeness everywhere, and you think that he is not articulate and candid, so easy to listen to him and confuse right and wrong, instead, it will hurt relatives, and enemies will be quick!”

Hearing this, Eunuch Su finally had a reaction, but he replied without any fluctuations: "The villain is a sinner. Fortunately, His Majesty Longen is able to serve in front of the royal family. I dare not call him brother or brother."

When King Xin heard this, he couldn't hold back his excitement, and he slapped the table and stood up: "Are you going to be hard-hearted and follow King Rui to trap me in injustice?"

"My lord, be careful!" Eunuch Su finally raised his head, but when he looked at King Xin, there seemed to be boundless coldness in his eyes: "The villain is fine, but only before the spirit of Empress Shengchun. Ling, after hearing the words of the prince, I am afraid that there will be no peace in the ground!"