Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

Chapter 58


When Su Jin returned to Jingxiang, the first thing he saw was Huiming in a green jacket, holding a paper umbrella, standing under the osmanthus tree outside the house, looking forward to Xinglongmen.

Su Jin didn't dare to confirm it for a while, but when she recognized that it was Hui Ming, she hurried forward a few steps, hurriedly pulled her into the door, and closed the door to block the wind and snow outside before she spoke. Said: "It's snowing outside, how can you stand under the tree?"

Hui Ming looked at him, but just pursed her lips and smiled softly. Although she was standing outside the door, she was wearing gloves, a stove, and an umbrella. Her body was clean, unlike Su. Jin, this way back from Yuqian, only a thin layer of snow fell.

The two stood under the eaves of the door, Huiming looked at it, took out the handkerchief, patted the snowflakes on his head and shoulders, and said, "Father-in-law came earlier today, will you be tired from the job?"

Su Jin was stunned when he heard the words. He was quite ordinary, but after this noon, the reply in front of the imperial palace really exhausted all his energy, and when I think about it now, I feel a little exhausted. At this moment, he just shook his head: "It's all errands you're used to doing, it's nothing, but you, why are you waiting outside, but something is wrong?"

"What's wrong with me?" Hui Ming lowered his head, looked up at Su Jin, and showed a bit of sincere apology: "I just remembered that I was angry with my father-in-law a few days ago, and now I think about it, really It shouldn't be, I feel that I should apologize to my father-in-law."

This is because when Huiming was in Jingfangzhai today, he heard from Yu Gan the details of the punishments suffered by the inner prisoner when he entered the palace. No matter what kind of punishment, Huiming only needs to put it on Eunuch Su and think about it. , the already distressed heart trembled, and when she regained her senses, she felt that Eunuch Su had gone through such a thing, and she had been so angry with him before, so she realized that she was taking it too far.

It has been more than ten days since this matter, Su Jin might as well bring it up again, looked down with some surprise, and clearly saw the expression of pity and regret in Hui Ming's eyes.

In fact, Su Jin has always disliked the pitiful sighs of others towards him. Her Majesty the Queen, Xian Fei, King Rui, Xu Ma and other palace officials who knew about him, even including the old and frail, did not ask about world affairs, but took it seriously. The empress dowager who simply pity him is a pity, every time he encounters such words and expressions, although his face can be unmoved, he only feels that it opens up some hidden resistance or even disgust.

He thought that even Hui Ming should be no different. At this point, he doesn't need any mercy from those who treat the weak.

When he really met at this moment, he suddenly realized that no, Huiming was different from them.

Maybe it's because Hui Ming is not the hypocritical person who is so high up and has nothing to do with him with a sigh, but a heartache that really comes from the heart, and can't wait to replace it with his body, or maybe it's nothing else, just because it's Hui Ming—

Under her gaze, Su Jin felt as if she had suddenly been stabbed in the softest spot, and her heart suddenly felt astringent, as if she had returned to her childhood and was punished by her grandfather. He was fine when he was alone, but when he returned to the room and asked his mother to ask in a soft voice, he couldn't help feeling aggrieved.

It's just that, with the passage of time, he is no longer the grandson of the public mansion who doesn't understand everything and can still rely on family relatives...

Su Jin came back to his senses, and under such gaze, he averted his gaze and led Hui Ming along the corridor to the back house, but his slightly trembling tone still somewhat revealed his mood: "Okay. Oh, why do you bring this up again, it was me who made my own decisions, and it also caused you to be punished, so you should blame me."

"I don't blame my father-in-law because I was punished by the empress!" Hui Ming followed, and couldn't help but distinguish.

Ever since the two of them talked about it for a long time on the palace road and got Eunuch Su's promise, Hui Ming realized that the relationship between them had already been brought to the fore. , closer.

In fact, after more than ten days of going in and out together, sleeping in one house and eating at the same table, the two of them are no longer as distant as before. Huiming is talking to Su Jin now, They seem to be much closer and more casual than before: "I was angry with you because Eunuch Su disregarded his own life and wanted to send me out of the palace."

While talking, the two of them also arrived at the door of the house. Su Jin opened the door one step ahead, turned her head, and looked at Hui Ming with a warm look: "You are right, I was wrong."

Hui Ming was embarrassed again, and only lowered his head, half complaining, half chatting: "Why is your father-in-law so polite?"

This is also something Huiming has been concerned about these days. Compared with her complete relaxation and casualness, Eunuch Su seems to be worried about something. He usually speaks and acts with a kind of deliberate politeness. , seems to always be separated by a layer of something.

However, although Huiming has lived for two lifetimes, he has no experience with this matter of men and women. Therefore, although he felt that something was wrong, he couldn't say it. Fang, she was too anxious.

Just like at this moment, after Eunuch Su said that, he very gently and politely asked her if she had eaten? After the two of them sat down, they went to the window and sifted a cup of tea before the rain for her in person.

Huiming took it, and Su Jin sat down at the other end, just as if he had something to say: "There is one thing I want to tell you."

Eunuch Su's expression was very serious, and Hui Ming couldn't help straightening up: "What's wrong?"

Su Jin lowered her eyes again, stared at the tea bowl in her hand, and said slowly, "I sent someone to inquire about the situation of your parents at this time. You can imagine."

at home, parents...

When Huiming heard this, his face didn't seem to react, and for a while he only showed a bit of helplessness and disappointment.

Although the maids entered the palace, they were not completely disconnected from their families. According to the rules, there would always be three or five days in July every year, and anyone from the family would be able to see them outside the Xinglong Gate. , under the supervision of the mama and the guards in the palace, see you last time.

Huiming's family grows fruit trees and vegetables for a living. In addition to her parents, she has an eldest brother and younger siblings. She has a large population. She still remembers that when she first entered the palace, her parents brought her with them. The eldest brother came to see her, but when it came to the second time, only the parents hurried over on the last day and told her that the eldest brother was married, the sister-in-law was pregnant, and the younger sister also arrived to talk about the marriage. Age, the youngest brother in the family is still a doll, and if the elder brother and sister-in-law also have grandsons, they will only become more and more busy.

On the other hand, the family is far away from here, and once I came to see her outside the palace, I even prepared to take her on the road, and I had to toss for four or five days.

Although Huiming was not very old at that time, he was always a sensible person. After hearing this, how could he make the parents who are not young to work so hard and still come to see her every year? At the moment, he just said that she was doing well everywhere, and hurriedly put away the one or two months' worth of money that he had saved in the past two years, and specially instructed that since the family was busy, there was no need to visit her again. If you can catch up with the grace and let her go back with grace, you can ask someone to send a letter to them and take her home directly.

The father and mother agreed, and the three reluctantly asked each other for a while, and then they dispersed.

Although Huimin said so, but she was only a twelve-year-old girl at the time, how could she not want to go home? At the beginning, she still had some vague expectations. Every July, when the stewards asked them to prepare for the little palace maids who had their relatives to visit, she would always listen carefully to see if there was her own name. But the mother really never came again. After a long time, she also gave up the idea.

After a long absence, even blood relatives will always be neglected, even Song Huiming, who is really fifteen years old, is like this, not to mention that at this moment, she is now living again, decades have passed, she has long been connected to her family. The appearance and names of the parents are already ambiguous, and it is unfilial to say a word. If Eunuch Su didn't mention it now, Huiming himself would not really think of his parents and relatives.

"My parents, how are you now?"

However, since it was mentioned, Hui Ming suddenly felt a little bit of regret in his heart, and only leaned over and asked.

Su Jin nodded, picked up the good ones and said, "Your body is still strong, the past few years have been good, your eldest brother has a son and a daughter, and now your sister-in-law is pregnant again, your sister, listen It is said that the marriage has been settled, and it is a family in the town, with a shop and a wealthy family, and they will marry after another two years."

After all, they are relatives who are connected by blood. When Huiming listened to this, he couldn't help showing a bit of a heartfelt smile on his face: "It's only been a few years, one son and one daughter, and another one? Sister-in-law is really amazing, Parents must be very happy."

"I just heard that your eldest brother injured his leg a few years ago and took care of it for a while." After Su Jin said, seeing Huiming's expression, he quickly added: "It's not a problem, it's just that I spent some money."

Having said that, Huiming was already ten years old when he entered the palace, so how could he not know that his family was always poor, but he just wanted food and clothing. Now there are more people in the family, and the eldest brother has injured his leg, I'm afraid it will be more difficult, so Thinking about it, he raised his head quickly: "I still have some money saved, and the coral head and face that the Empress gave me last time, it should be worth a lot of money, can Eunuch Su send it to them?"

Su Jin first agreed, and then slowly began to talk about the topic: "Your parents are getting older, and the whole day in the mountains is hard work. According to me, it is better to come to Beijing and see you later. It's better for you to give them yourself."

Hui Ming finally realized something was wrong. She raised her head and stared at Eunuch Su who was facing her.

Sure enough, Su Jin avoided her gaze again by drinking tea, but lowered her head again and said, "If you don't worry, I can also send you out of the palace, your family is reunited, and waiting for me outside is the same. ."

"Eunuch Su!"

Hui Ming frowned slowly, and his words showed a bit of seriousness: "You promised me, and you don't want to send me out anymore!"

"Naturally! If you don't want to, I definitely won't force it!" Su Jin was afraid that she would be misunderstood, and quickly differentiated.

Hearing this familiar promise, Huiming finally came back to her senses, so if she saw her family and wanted to go out, wouldn't it count

Eh... Hui Ming raised his brows, why did she feel that Eunuch Su was a complete gentleman