Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 107: Mission Machine


Shen Yue ignored it, took out her earplugs, put them on, and prepared to go to sleep.

I don’t know how long it was, but Shen Yue suddenly heard a noise in her sleep that even earplugs couldn’t block out, and then she woke up.

She opened her eyes and saw her expressionless third brother standing in front of her, looking at her expressionlessly.

There wasn't a trace of regret in his eyes, but rather a sense of normalcy.

"I'll play with you."

Shen Yue: …

Sure enough, the third brother only listens to the eldest brother.

Since the eldest brother just asked the third brother to play with her, no matter how she refused or how unwilling she was, the third brother would carry out the eldest brother's order to the end, that is, to play with her.

Shen Shuangchen’s current train of thought can be summarized in one sentence: I am playing with you, it has nothing to do with you.

Shen Yue understood.

The big sister said it well, when the sufferings of life cannot be avoided, turn yourself into the suffering of suffering.

If the third brother insisted on playing with her, she couldn't just give up. She had to find a way to sleep in the dark.

She wanted to sleep, and no one could stop her.

After the two looked at each other expressionlessly, Shen Yue took the lead in speaking, "Third brother, I want to play with milk. Can you help me get it from the refrigerator?"

Shen Shuangchen didn't respond at all, but left obediently. After a while, he came over with a bottle of milk and handed it to Shen Yue without any expression.

He has the same face as Shen Shuangyi, but this face on Shen Shuangchen lacks the delicate boyish feeling and has a bit more bloodiness.

That was trained with real guns and bullets, and was fundamentally different from Shen Shuangyi.

A buzz cut, bronze skin, terrifying muscle memory and instincts, and sharp eyes.

Shen Shuangchen unconsciously felt oppressive when handing the milk to Shen Yue, as if what he was handing to Shen Yue was not milk, but some important task delivery.

It was not until Shen Yue got the milk that the oppressive feeling on Shen Shuangchen's body was slightly relieved, and then he continued to lie motionless.

He just kept his eyes on Shen Yue, as if he was thinking about how to play with Shen Yue. Of course, it is also possible that he just equated playing with Shen Yue with accompanying Shen Yue.

Shen Yue tried the first round and understood something. She took the milk but didn't drink it. Instead, she continued to pass the milk to Shen Shuangchen and said innocently, "It's too cold. Can you heat it up for me, Third Brother?"

Shen Shuangchen did not object or respond, and left with the milk.

This time, it took Shen Shuangchen longer to get back to Shen Yue.

What was handed to Shen Yue was a cup of hot milk, which had been opened and contained only milk.

Shen Yue didn't answer and continued to make demands, "This is unpacked milk. I want a whole package of hot milk."

Shen Shuangchen said nothing and continued to do it.

This time it came back faster than last time, probably because I skipped the time of unpacking.

Shen Yue thought for a moment, and then said to Shen Shuangchen, "Third brother, let's play the clothes folding game. You are responsible for folding the clothes and putting them in the closet, and I'm responsible for watching."

Shen Shuangchen continued to tidy up without saying a word, and with amazing speed he put in order the clothes that Shen Yue had deliberately messed up just now.