Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 109: Explode the pork!


At lunch time, no one was at the usually bustling table.

The specific situation is as follows.

Shen Yichen left home to buy a toad.

Shen Shuangyi stayed at home and slept soundly.

Shen Shuangchen left home to get a gun.

Shen Jize left home to supervise the quality of his third brother's guns.

Shen Wu left home to accompany his fourth brother to supervise the quality of his third brother's guns.

Shen Yue sleeps at home while memorizing questions.

It was not until the afternoon that the few people who had gone out to make guns bought the materials and returned home.

With the help of Shen Wu and Shen Jize, even the tools for grinding and cutting parts were prepared.

Shen Shuangchen took the materials and began to draw the parts drawing without saying a word. The parts had to be drawn first so that there would be no problems such as missing parts during the later assembly.

Shen Jize was helping on the side. As he often did experiments, he had a good grasp of the accuracy of the data and could spot at a glance the problematic data on the parts drawing.

In the past, even if he saw a problem, he would just adjust it silently by himself and would not bring it up to others. Only when it was discovered after he had made the adjustment would he reveal the reason under pressure from others.

Until now…

"Third brother, the tolerance of these two numbers should be accurate to ±0.008mm, otherwise there will be problems after assembly."

Although Shen Jize's voice was still gentle, and even very soft in most cases, he was no longer as timid as before.

Not much difference, but much stronger.

"You are not afraid of me anymore." Shen Shuangchen said this in a declarative sentence, and while speaking, he modified the numbers according to what Shen Jize had just said.

Shen Shuangchen likes to confirm everything through his own eyes and experience. He won't believe other people's words casually, nor will he answer other people's questions casually. Once he says something, it is basically a fact that he has confirmed.

Shen Jize was slightly startled when he heard Shen Shuangchen take the initiative to talk to him, then he smiled, "Well, you are my third brother, I am not afraid."

Shen Shuangchen didn't react when he heard this, but just said to Shen Wu again, "You have changed too, you have become much more mature. In the past, you were still a mad dog with bared fangs and claws, and you would bite anyone you caught."

Shen Wu, who is carving delicate parts:

Are you polite to your third brother

"You are the mad dog." Shen Wu retorted unceremoniously. He was obviously a medical genius.

Shen Shuangchen didn't care and responded directly, "It's not up to you to decide whether I'm a mad dog or not."

This sentence seems to be just a rebuttal, but it also seems to have a hidden meaning.

This was the first time that Shen Jize had spoken to his third brother since he was a child. In the past, his third brother never took the initiative to talk to him, and he didn't dare to talk to him.

And now, because of the appearance of Shen Yue, Shen Jize has developed trust in his family and has the courage.

"Fortunately, you are not mad dogs, otherwise I would be the brother of mad dogs, hahaha." Shen Jize laughed after he finished speaking, and then he found that Shen Shuangchen and Shen Wu did not laugh. He suddenly felt uneasy. Just when he was about to ask what was wrong, he heard Shen Shuangchen say seriously, "The three mad dogs are a criminal gang and were caught some time ago."

Shen Jize was frightened, "Third brother, are you not hurt?"

Shen Shuangchen paused while drawing and said calmly, "No."