Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 116: Prison Chapter (Memory) 5 Is it considered self-production and self-sale?


The 34th floor is very big. Shen Yue took a quick look and had a feeling that it was huge.

As a result, Shen Yue spent half an hour trying to find where her bedroom was because her cell was so large. Instead, she discovered 23 functional rooms and five equipment rooms.

Shen Yue was wandering around on the 34th floor. When the prison guard came over with manuals for other buildings, he found Shen Yue and took her to the bedroom.

There is a bed in the bedroom with a pure gold nameplate engraved with Shen Yue's name.

The bedroom is estimated to be about 100 square meters, but except for a bed by the window and a round wooden table opposite the bed, the rest of the room is empty with nothing installed.

Prison guard No. 14 placed the thick manual in his hand on the log table, and then put down a piece of paper and a pen. He said with a familiar smile on his face, "You can write down what you need on the paper, and I will complete the process within one day after receiving your request. If the helicopter is delayed and cannot be completed on time, I will also reply to you."

Shen Yue looked at the paper without saying anything. Prison Guard No. 14 understood and bowed slightly. "Then I will leave first. I look forward to seeing you next time."

The noisy creature finally left. Shen Yue picked up the book with a red cover at the top and opened it. It was the manual for Building 2.

The first page reads that Building 2 is attached to Building 1 and is divided into protectors and assassins. Assassins and protectors belong to different camps. Killing the other can get a reward of 1 million, but accidentally killing someone in the same camp will require compensation of 5 million.


1. After becoming a protector and assassin, please keep your ID card safe. The prisoners in Building 2 whose identities are exposed will lose their value. (See p2 for details)

2. Once a dog chooses to become a prisoner in Building 1, when the owner leaves, the dog also needs to leave. A dog can only recognize one owner in its lifetime. (See p10 for details)

3. The resources in Building 2 are unevenly distributed. The higher up the prisoner is, the more preferential treatment they can get. Please work hard to serve Building 1, or upgrade your prison floor through floor battles. (See p15-p38 for details)


There are many more things to note later, but Shen Yue chose to look at the second one first.

Building No. 2 can become the dog of Building No. 1? No wonder Li Feng's face changed when he heard that she was from Building No. 1.

Page 10 states that when prisoners in Building 2 enter the prison, a chip is implanted in their chest, and its stability is controlled by an ID card.

Once you decide you want to be someone's dog, you can transfer control of the chip by placing the ID card close to the owner's headphones.

It is equivalent to handing your entire life over to another person.

This is the information about the dog in Building 2. There are two other pieces of information: protector and assassin.

These two identities are simpler and more crude.

Everything in this prison is related to the people imprisoned in Building No. 1. The assassin's task is to assassinate the prisoners in Building No. 1, and the protector's task is to protect them.

You will receive corresponding monetary rewards after each successful assassination and protection mission.

Logically speaking, the importance of money should be weakened in this closed prison, but due to the uneven distribution of resources, the role of money is highlighted instead.

Without money, you will live worse than pigs and dogs in prison. Even if you die in any corner, it will be the prison guards' responsibility to clean up. This place is isolated from the world, so the death of a prisoner who is not from Building No. 1 is no big deal.