Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 126: Prison Chapter (Memory) 15 Go, go, go


When they arrived at Building 6, Martha gave her name and a prisoner from Building 6 took them directly to the 17th floor.

Building 6 is the largest building in the entire prison except for Building 1.

Its characteristic is that it is half and half, half is used to house prisoners with medical skills and doctors brought in from outside.

Half are no different from hospitals.

Even many equipments that are only available in large hospitals are available here. It can be said that as long as you have money, we can bring you back to life even if you only have one breath.

In the ICU on the 17th floor was Martha's protector who had been attacked.

There were other prisoners from Building No. 2 outside the door. When they saw Martha coming, they walked forward and began to report the situation.

From what they said, the ones who carried out the sneak attack were the prisoners from Building 5, but based on the usual temperament of the prisoners in Building 5, they would never do anything to actively cause trouble.

Martha pondered for a moment and asked, "Does Si know about this?"

"We beat the people who attacked Leandra half to death. The person in charge of Building 5 should know about it now. Judging from his personality, he should come here soon."

Martha nodded, "If it's Building 5, you can listen to what Si has to say first."

At this time, Li Feng also spoke up, "So are we just going to wait here? We might as well go straight to Building 5. You guys, who have no ability, should just stay in this building. Why are you trying to copy what happened in Building 4?"

Martha looked at Li Feng, then at the door, without saying anything.

At this time, Shen Yue tugged at Martha's clothes and asked, "When are we going to eat?"

Martha was already accustomed to Shen Yue's way of thinking and was about to answer her, but on the other side, Li Feng, who had become extremely angry after seeing the injuries of his men, had already turned his anger on Shen Yue.

"If you want to eat, get out of here! Building 1 is full of idiots, what kind of assassins and protectors, they can't even let me stay in prison in peace. Can you guys just die quickly?! You even brought a prison guard with you, who are you trying to scare with a prison guard? I can crush this kind of thing with one hand. Damn, I give you some face, do you think you are so great? I really want to kill you all right now, without Building 1, there will be nothing to worry about."

Martha frowned as she listened, and silently protected Shen Yue behind her.

What Li Feng said is true.

First of all, Li Feng is neither an assassin nor a protector. According to the old prisoners, before Martha came to this prison, Li Feng had killed all the prisoners in Building 1 by himself and received a lot of bounty, enough for him to live a life of ease.

Then, he did not rank the floors based on the points from the assassination missions, but chose to start from the first floor and go up one floor at a time.

The rules of the floor battle in Building 2: the strong one prevails.

After Li Feng fought his way to the position of the ruler of Building 2, although there were still protectors and assassins in Building 2, there was no case of prisoners in Building 2 killing each other outside of missions.

This is Lifeng.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is the strongest person in the prison.

What's even more terrifying is that Li Feng has the support of the people in Building 2. Martha's protectors are all prisoners in Building 2, but if they are asked to choose between Martha and Li Feng, they will definitely choose Li Feng.