Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 129: Prison (Memory) 18 A Chapter of Nonsense


When Shen Yue woke up, she didn't know how much time had passed. She touched her stomach and found herself hungry.

Just when I was about to ask Martha what she wanted to eat, I noticed something was wrong with her.

Martha's body was hot.

She has a fever.

Under normal circumstances, Shen Yue would not be so panicked, but Martha was injured yesterday and had a broken bone. No matter how dumb Shen Yue was, under the influence of her fifth brother, she more or less realized that this might not be an ordinary fever.

She should have taken Martha to Building 6, or asked the doctor from Building 6 to come and see Martha, but what Martha had said was still echoing in Shen Yue's ears.

Someone in power wants to kill her.

Can't go out.

It's not safe to bring people in from outside.

Shen Yue still remembered the day when Martha was assassinated and hid in her room. She couldn't bring someone of unknown origin to the weak Martha.

Besides, No. 14 was just injured yesterday and he can’t recover much in just one day. He can deliver meals, but it will be difficult for him to fight against the assassin.

What's more, Shen Yue was sure that No. 14 would not try as hard to protect Martha as he did to protect her.

Because from the perspective of the value theory of this prison, her death would be completely worthless, but Martha's death would definitely create huge value for some people.

At this moment, Shen Yue realized one thing more clearly than ever before: Martha must not be allowed to die.

More precisely, she didn't want Martha to die.

Martha had to be kept alive and a doctor had to be found, but she couldn't tell who in the prison could be trusted.

Martha said you can't trust anyone, but she also said...

Si Chengyou is the only strong man in the prison who cares about other people's affairs.

Si Chengyou would not be the one who wanted to kill her this time.

That means that at least in the current situation, Si Chengyou is the most trustworthy.

Shen Yue seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw. She had no way to rely on herself to figure out the situation in the prison. She could only choose to trust Martha and believe that Martha had nothing to hold back from her.

It was also at this moment that Shen Yue inevitably recalled what Shen Hui had said.

[Why should I care about the harm my behavior may cause to him? Since he was reserved and calculating towards me, didn't he deserve to die because of his own calculations and reservations? Sister, you have to know that selfishness is human nature. We don't need to consider the consequences of doing things. It is better to hurt than to be hurt.]

If Martha did not lie to her and Si Chengyou was indeed not in danger, then Martha could be saved if she called Si Chengyou over.

But if Martha lied to her and Si Chengyou was actually dangerous, then Martha would die.

Die from your own lies.

Shen Yue hesitated for a moment, her hand on the earphone but she didn't touch it.

If Martha really lied to her, if Martha was killed by Si Chengyou, there would be no one to eat with her anymore, no one to show her boxing, and no one to make any other noise around her.

Even the light that once was bright will fade away and the false time will transform into a darker darkness, swallowing up her existence.

Her world would return to silence and she would fall into deeper despair.

If this is the case, it is better to do nothing and just get a moment of comfort in the falsehood.