Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 139: Prison Chapter (Memory) 28 Machine


The next day, Shen Yue prepared to go to Building 6 as agreed with Si Chengyou. Just as the killer said yesterday, there were many prisoners who were not newcomers lurking at the entrance of the building. It was self-evident what their purpose was.

After seeing Shen Yue, they all surrounded her like wolves seeing meat, and they would take action as soon as Shen Yue stepped out of the protection area of the Newcomer Building.

Shen Yue thought about it and did not act rashly. Instead, she stood in the safe zone and waited quietly.

Sure enough, before long, Si Chengyou came over from not far away, and finally stopped five steps in front of her, "I'm here to pick you up."

Shen Yue didn't say anything, just nodded, looking very distant.

Si Chengyou didn't care, instead he praised Shen Yue, "Your judgment just now was correct. You didn't leave the newcomer building casually. Did Martha teach you this? Or Shen Hui?"

Shen Yue was not going to answer, but Si Chengyou's question hit her heart, so she whispered, "It was Martha. She said that if you judge something to be dangerous, don't rush to do it. Wait a while, maybe there will be a turnaround."

Si Chengyou nodded, confirming Shen Yue's words, and then asked, "This is indeed what Martha would say. Did she tell you what to do if there is no turnaround?"

Shen Yue answered without hesitation, "Then run away."

Si Chengyou was not surprised to hear this answer. Martha completely treated Shen Yue as a child who needed to be protected under her wings. Naturally, she would only teach her how to protect herself, but not how to take the initiative.

"Do you think what Martha said is right?" Si Chengyou had already walked out of the newcomer building with Shen Yue. The prisoners who had been eyeing Shen Yue covetously withdrew their gazes after seeing Si Chengyou guarding her side. They became extremely obedient. "If I hadn't come, what would you have done?"

Shen Yue looked at the group of prisoners far away from her and began to think, if she had listened to Martha and escaped just now, how would she achieve her goal.

"Martha is right, but it's not suitable for me now." Shen Yue thought for a while and came up with the answer.

She could run away, but now she couldn't.

Si Chengyou raised the corner of his mouth slightly, as if he was happy that Shen Yue made the right choice. "If there is no turning point, you need to create one. Every piece of information you get from April can become a knife in your hand."

Shen Yue was not surprised that Si Chengyou knew that she had received information from April. She could not see through the man in front of her, so she did not think about why Si Chengyou knew these things. Instead, she followed Si Chengyou's words and began to think about the records of the prisoners in the prison, trying to find a turning point from them.

Si Chengyou did not disturb Shen Yue, and the two of them walked quietly to Building 6.

Under Si Chengyou's leadership, Shen Yue easily took the white coat she wore when studying here from Building 6 as she did before, and was then assigned to a workstation to treat patients.

This job was not difficult for Shen Yue. During the time in Building 6, she had already memorized how to use medicines and treat various injuries. She only needed to match her memory slightly to know what to do.