Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 166: Prison Chapter (Flashback) 55 Newbie Shen Yue


No. 14 had been following Daniela and Shen Yue. When he heard Shen Yue talking about the past, he felt a little touched.

Just as Shen Hui said, when people suffer misfortune, they always can't help but think about whether they would not have to suffer these things now if they had made such and such choices in the past.

Little do we know that suffering always exists, in different forms, in every aspect of life. What you think might be a better choice actually leads to different forms of suffering.

Weak people are unwilling to face suffering, so they always rely on fantasies, imagining that they can change a past choice in order to escape their current predicament.

But if a person does not change himself first, he will always end up with the same ending.

As for his ending, was it already predetermined

No. 14's eyes fell on Shen Yue without any confusion.

That night, Shen Yue lay in bed, wanting to have a good rest, but it was not until today that she realized how hard her bed was.

This is not a bed. It's no different from sleeping on the floor.

It was strange. Why didn't she realize that this bed was so uncomfortable before? How did she sleep during that time

It was not until this time that Shen Yue realized that she had been so tense before that she could not tolerate anything except Martha's affairs. However, recently in Building 8, she not only learned to analyze others, but also understood what she wanted better.

For example, right now, what she wants is undoubtedly a soft mattress.

Shen Yue habitually put her hand on the headset and was about to call No. 14 to ask him to change her bed, but after thinking it over, she gave up.

A few days ago, she heard a prisoner in Building 8 mention to LA that the mattress he had spent a lot of money to ask the people in power to buy from outside would arrive in the next few days.

This man used to be the son of a wealthy family. Although he is now down and out and has been thrown into prison, once he has some money he still can't help but find himself a more comfortable resting environment.

Well, I should be able to meet this person at table 5 tomorrow at 3pm, and then I can propose the bet to him.

Gotta win that mattress.

Once a person has a goal, he will become extremely powerful.

This sentence also applies to Shen Yue.

The next day, Shen Yue rushed into Building 8, killing anyone who stood in his way.

The guy who was watching the place had no choice but to go find LA immediately.

"Boss! Your apprentice has gone crazy!"

"What's wrong with you? Very crazy or just a little crazy?" LA didn't care and was fiddling with the tobacco he just bought on the table.

"Very crazy!"

"Damn it! I'm asking you why she's so crazy!"

"She won all the chips from all the gamblers today!"

"If she won everything, then she won everything. Why are you making such a fuss about it? Wait, what did she win?"

The younger brother repeated once more, "She won all the chips of all the guests who came to the casino today!"

"What the hell? All?!" LA finally put down his tobacco and started looking around for his fur coat.

"Boss, the central air conditioning is on outside, it's not cold!" My original intention was to remind LA that if he really couldn't find his coat, he should stop looking for it and waste time.