Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 169: Prison Chapter (Memory) 58 So stupid


It was still early and most of the prisoners were still gathering for training. Shen Yue didn't see many people as she walked along the road.

Tang Yu kept chattering about how many times he had opened the door in the past few days, how many new people had come in, and what those new people looked like. Then he suddenly changed the subject and asked, "I heard that Si Chengyou has not taken care of you during this period of time. Sure enough, he was just interested in you and threw you away when he had enough fun. Humph, I told you that it was best for you to follow me, but you didn't believe it."

Shen Yue listened to Tang Yu's seemingly random nonsense and suddenly found something inconsistent.

Si Chengyou always told her that there were no secrets in the Land of Broken Wings, and as long as you did this, others would soon know it.

But from what Tang Yu said just now, he seemed to be unaware of the agreement he had reached with Si Chengyou.

This is clearly just a very common thing. After all, even if there are no secrets in the Broken Wings Land, all intelligence requires money. If you don’t have money, you are a frog in a well, and all you see with your eyes is everything.

But this matter is not normal for Tang Yu, especially since it is related to Si Chengyou, which is even more abnormal.

Shen Yue understood from Tang Yu's words that Tang Yu had undoubtedly bought information about her and Si Chengyou, otherwise he would have been opening the door outside the prison and would not have known that she was in Building 8 these days, nor that Si Chengyou had not seen her for many days...

Shen Yue's mind began to flash over everything Tang Yu had said since he appeared today, and she found that all the information he said about herself was very accurate, but was very ambiguous about Si Chengyou.

Tang Yu couldn't even be sure why Si Chengyou hadn't shown up during this period.

In other words, Tang Yu did not buy Si Chengyou's information.

The news about Si Chengyou came from Building No. 3, but not everyone could get the news about Si Chengyou.

Currently, it seems that only the person in charge of Building 3 has this ability.

Shen Yue thought of the unfortunate woman who confessed everything after being interrogated by her for several days, April, the person in charge of Building 3, and suddenly realized something.

April said that Si Chengyou is a trustworthy person.

The fact that the intelligence dealer could say this was enough to prove that they had a close relationship. In addition, there was a rule in Building 3: the same prisoner in Building 3 could not sell the same intelligence to different customers.

In other words, once April sells information about Si Chengyou to one person, she cannot sell the same information to anyone else.

If anyone else wants to get the information, they can only buy it from other prisoners in Building 3.

It well demonstrates the atmosphere of Building No. 3: the same information cannot make one person earn a lot of money, but it can enable many people to earn at least one share of money equally.

Think about it more simply, assuming that only April can get information about Si Chengyou, or April restricts her to sell information about Si Chengyou, and Si Chengyou paid the money in front of everyone.

Then, news about Si Chengyou could not circulate in the prison.

Even Tang Yu had no way of knowing the information that had never been circulated.

If the above inference is true, April and Si Chengyou are in a friendly relationship.