Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 172: Prison Chapter (Main Story) 61 Werewolf


From that day on, Shen Yue went into Building 4 every day for two weeks in a row.

Even though she knew that her actions had been noticed by some people, and that Tang Yu had some calculations in mind, she didn't care.

She needs to know more and get more weapons so that she can get closer to the truth she wants.

After staying at Tang Yu's place for two weeks, LA sent someone to the new building to tell Shen Yue that she could continue to go there. So Shen Yue's daily schedule became 9:00-14:00 in Building No. 4 to practice the so-called physical conditioned reflex to deal with murderous aura.

15:00-20:00 Continue to practice observation skills in Building 8.

However, Shen Yue is no longer on the first floor of the casino in Building 8.

Building 8 is divided into two areas. One is the private area for the prisoners in Building 8, which is also where the cells in Building 8 are located. Anyone entering the private area without permission will be shot.

The other area is the public area, which is also where the prisoners usually gamble and entertain. There are a total of ten floors.

Guests are allowed to enter different floors of Building 8 according to their spending power, tolerance, danger level, and friendship value. Guests who are able to enter the tenth floor can make a request to the person in charge of Building 8 every month.

Prerequisites: Requirements that can be met.

These are the rules, but No. 14 does not recommend making requests at will. Before, a prisoner climbed to the tenth floor with his gambling skills, and bothered the person in charge of Building 8 every month, so he was issued a mission to be assassinated.

Shen Yue first stayed in a casino governed by L.A., on the simplest first floor.

After staying on the first floor for a month, L.A asked Shen Yue to go to the second floor.

The first layer consists of some ordinary and low-level gamblers, most of whom pursue low-level interests and desires. Starting from the second layer, there are more human calculations.

Every step you think you are taking to break through may actually be a trap set by the other party long ago.

This was not difficult for Shen Yue. No matter what kind of calculation it was, as long as she knew its purpose in advance, it would not feel mysterious. Shen Yue easily obtained the second-level certification and entered the third level.

On the third level, gambling involves not only human calculations, but also various insidious tricks.

But perhaps because Tang Yu had trained her well enough, Shen Yue was able to avoid some dangers, physical dangers, several times by relying on her body's subconscious reactions.

After all, some people cheat by carrying poison needles with them, and some even deliberately break their opponent's fingers during contact.

Starting from the fourth level, the chips are no longer limited to money.

People, emotions, and power can all be bargaining chips. It all depends on how much you can psychologically bear.

Starting from the second floor, Shen Yue used the remaining two months to climb to the ninth floor, only one step away from the tenth floor.

The administrator of the ninth floor also said that as long as Shen Yue was willing, he could immediately recommend Shen Yue to the tenth floor, not only because she was taught by L.A, but also because of Shen Yue's own terrifying strength.

However, Shen Yue did not go to the tenth floor, and no one knew what she was planning.

One day, the announcement of the building division battle finally resounded throughout the new building.

Regardless of the time they came in, regardless of whether the three-month newcomer protection period has ended, all prisoners currently in the newcomer building must participate in the building division battle: Werewolf Killing.