Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 190: Prison Chapter (Main Story) 79 Extra chapter for Yan Beast who absorbs luck


The building division ceremony is held in the square where people usually gather.

All the people in power sat on the platform, and the other prisoners in the new building were divided into 10 rows according to their names, with 30 people in each row.

Looking around, it feels like a sports meet at school.

This is the first time in so many years that the survival rate in the building division battle is so high. The warden feels a headache when he sees so many people waiting to be assigned.

The workload is heavy, and I don’t trust my young assistant to handle it. I really want to change an assistant, but unfortunately I can’t find anyone.

In the past, the ceremony of dividing the wing only required the people in power and the prisoners who had passed the battle of dividing the wing, and the total number of people would not exceed 30.

But this year, not only did more prisoners need to be assigned in the building assignment battle, there was another problem. As the only winner, Shen Yue asked to be the person in charge in Building 7.

Originally, the winner only had the right to choose his own destination, but Shen Yue's victory was too beautiful, and some wealthy people even spent a lot of money to help Shen Yue become the person in power. This forced the prison to consider whether Shen Yue would bring more benefits to the prison after becoming the person in power.

For various reasons, today not only the prisoners from the Rookie Building are attending the meeting, but also the group of difficult geniuses from Building 7 are here.

One of the agenda items of the building division ceremony is for all members of Building 7 to vote to choose the person in power.

You can vote for yourself, the previous person in power, or Shen Yue.

"Congratulations to everyone for overcoming the pain and not going to see Jesus. I'm sure you all have seen the results of the building division battle. This is the only time in the history of the building division battle that there is a sole winner. Due to this particularity, the top management has carefully considered and decided to meet the conditions proposed by the winner and re-elect the person in charge of Building 7 today.

I won't say any more nonsense. Now everyone in Building 7 please come up and give me your tickets."

There are not many people in Building 7, just over 50 in total, but these 50 people are more difficult to manage than the ordinary 100 people.

Among these 50 people, some have absolute drug resistance and often eat poisonous things as snacks. If you come into contact with them, you may be fooled into swallowing a big mouthful of poison if you are not careful.

Some people have extraordinary lock-picking and evasive abilities. They can always find their way into blind spots and run into other people's buildings, opening the locks effortlessly.

Some people also have the ability to quantify. Different people are different data in her eyes, and she can judge the person's next move based on the changes in the numerical values.

There are also people who have incredible strength, and so on.

Such people with extreme talents never admit defeat, nor will they obey others, but they will be loyal to themselves.

After two people voted, they walked past Shen Yue and asked casually, "Did you vote for Shen Yue?"

"I voted. The people in Building 4 said that as long as Shen Yue is in power, they will stop bothering me. I think that's great."

"I think so too. It would be interesting for Shen Yue to be the one in power, and we can get rid of Building No. 4."

The voice faded away, but Shen Yue already understood what Tang Yu meant.

Tang Yu is not the kind of person who would do good deeds without leaving a name. Once he does a good deed, he will ask for compensation. He just now meant to ask her for compensation.

Shen Yue looked at the ballots on the stage and suddenly felt that everything was meaningless, because she had already found the answer. Even if she became the person in power again, she would only be constantly verifying that she was right.