Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 193: Prison Chapter (Main Story) 82 Trade-off


What Si Chengyou originally wanted was just what Shen Hui left for Shen Yue.

But now he has changed his mind.

He wanted to save Shen Yue first.

His sixth sense told him that if he wanted to achieve the end result he had been pursuing, he could not leave Shen Yue alone.

"Shen Yue, you must think that everyone's heart can be controlled through interests and calculations, but I want you to see another possibility."

When Shen Yue heard this, she lowered her eyes slightly, making it impossible to tell her expression.

She weighed the pros and cons in her mind and analyzed Si Chengyou's purpose and motives, but in the end she found that no matter how she analyzed it, Si Chengyou seemed to have only one purpose.

That is who she is.

After a long, long time, Shen Yue said softly, "Okay."

Even Si Chengyou himself didn't realize that after Shen Yue gave the answer, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"You should have a good rest today. Can you come to Building 5 tomorrow? I have something I want to show you."

Shen Yue nodded.

After a while, the prison's cleaning team finally arrived, dealt with Tang Yu's body, wiped the door of Building 7 again and sprayed it with perfume. At this point, there was no trace of Tang Yu left here.

Whether it's the corpse or the smell.

After Shen Yue and Si Chengyou parted ways, she first called Hayes to her side.

On the day Shen Yue became the person in power, she talked to everyone in Building 7. During that test, she not only confirmed that Hayes had nothing to do with Martha's death, completely eliminating the last option of irrelevantness, but also learned that Hayes knew about Si Chengyou's past.

At that time, Shen Yue didn't care about Si Chengyou's affairs, so she didn't ask any more questions.

But the two simple sentences Si Chengyou said just now made Shen Yue a little concerned, so she planned to get some information about Si Chengyou from Hayes for a better analysis.

Shen Yue lives on the 35th floor, while Hayes still lives on the 36th floor. Hayes is Martha's man, and Shen Yue has also tested whether Hayes can be trusted, so she uses Hayes as her shield.

In Shen Yue's words, she was afraid that she would die before finishing what she was going to do, so she had to take an extra layer of insurance.

Unlike other people in power, she would die if anyone got close to her, so she had to keep the danger at a distance.

The other rooms on the 35th floor are occupied by No. 14, Mo Aman, and the werewolf with extremely strong body control that Shen Yue rescued.

When Hayes was summoned and came down from the elevator on the 36th floor, he was attacked by the death gazes of these three people.

Especially Mo Aman, this woman has a morbid admiration for Shen Yue. Every time he reports something to Shen Yue, he will be stared at.

No. 14 always stood aside pretending to be indifferent, but Hayes knew that this man was the most dangerous. He always stood in the most suitable place to take action, and as long as he made any abnormal move, he would be restrained immediately.

Not to mention the wolf cub that Shen Yue picked up, a physical monster who could be knitting a sweater one second and rushing up to you and punching you the next.

Hayes would like to call these three people Shen Yue's iron wall.

It was no wonder that the other prisoners in Building 7 didn't want to come to the 35th floor. Even he, a former royal knight, felt pressured under the gaze of these three people.