Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 194: Prison Chapter (Main Story) 83 Additional Update for Amino Acid 1



Shen Yue inexplicably thought of the scene when Martha tried on clothes for her, and looked at Si Chengyou with a bad expression.

She is no longer the Shen Yue who knew nothing in Building 1 at the beginning. Si Chengyou's words made it difficult for her not to suspect that he was taking advantage of the memories they shared.

Just as Shen Yue was about to speak to test the waters, she heard a familiar voice coming from a distance.

"Boss!!! Boss, why did you go out without calling me? Boss!!" This is the left-behind Xiaodao Mo Aman.

"Why did you drag me out with you? I haven't finished knitting my sweater yet." This is the good wife and mother werewolf guy.

"You're so noisy! The owner doesn't want to take you with him because of your noise." This is the cool and arrogant guy No. 14.

"Boss!!! Boss, I'm coming to find you!" After Mo Aman locked onto Shen Yue, he was moving forward at a speed beyond human limits.

Then she appeared between Shen Yue and Si Chengyou with tears in her eyes.

Shen Yue wanted to say something but stopped herself, and then continued to speak until she fell into a long silence.

It was Si Chengyou who first spoke to break the silence, "You can ask your companions to come with you, so you can feel more at ease."


Shen Yue suddenly felt a little dazed when she heard these two words.

Mo Aman seemed very happy, covering his face with his hands and laughing secretly, "He was just the boss's knife, how come he is a companion? The stinky man is quite good at talking."

No. 14 remained silent and just stood behind Shen Yue. His meaning was clear.

The werewolf brother had only one question, "I want to go back to knitting."

The final result was that Shen Yue and her three bodyguards entered Building 5 together.

This was Shen Yue's first time in Building No. 5. Compared with all the buildings she had been to before, Building No. 5 was the most ordinary building.

There are no brilliant decorations, no exquisite etiquette, and no lifeless atmosphere of just living one day at a time.

If I have to say it, it is ordinary, so ordinary that it seems like this is not a prison, but an ordinary residential building in any other country.

The relationship between prisoners is not that of cellmates, but rather that of neighbors.

Shen Yue even saw a prisoner knocking on another prisoner's door just to borrow a set of bowls and chopsticks.

These seemingly ordinary things seem too strange in the Land of Broken Wings.

Shen Yue also saw Daniela's younger brothers and sisters. They had smiles on their faces and looked rosy-cheeked. They seemed to be living a good life.

Shen Yue and his group followed Si Chengyou all the way to the 36th floor, where those in power lived.

Unlike other places in Building 5, the place where Si Chengyou lives is like another world. It is not the difference between luxury and simplicity, but... a different era.

As soon as I arrived at the 36th floor, I could smell the faint scent of sandalwood. In the nearest room, there was a rosewood table with rice paper on it, an inkstone on top of it, and a few brushes on the inkstone.

From the angle Shen Yue and the others were looking at, they could see that the strong bamboo was outlined on the rice paper with just a few strokes of ink.

The windows on Si Chengyou's floor are all hollow carved windows, and the exquisite carvings are extraordinary.

They walked a few steps further and saw another room with Go pieces placed on it. On the chessboard was a chess endgame. Next to the chessboard was a large red sandalwood stand with a large plate on it. Inside the plate were dozens of large and exquisite Buddha's hands.