Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 200: Prison Chapter (Main Story) 89 Additional Update for Amino Acid 1


On the way back, No. 14 couldn't help but ask Shen Yue what she thought, "Do you believe in Si Chengyou?"

Shen Yue answered quickly, "I don't believe it. He wants to get something from me other than the deal. Although I don't know what it is, I won't let him do it easily."

No. 14 thought about what Shen Yue had done today and Si Chengyou's haggard mental state, and seemed to understand, "You did it on purpose?"

Shen Yue did not hide it from No. 14 and nodded, "Yes. When you scheme against someone, you should expect the price you should pay for it. Si Chengyou himself knows this."

It is precisely because Si Chengyou knows this clearly that he is so indulgent towards Shen Yue.

But the more he indulges himself, the more he demands.

"Su Yun'an, what do you think I should do?"

No. 14 was walking behind Shen Yue when he suddenly heard Shen Yue calling his name.

Unlike any other time before, this time Shen Yue called his name not as a declarative sentence, but as a question.

This also made No. 14 feel that he was not being ordered, but being relied upon.

In the past, he always felt that since he came to atone his sins, he should help Shen Yue do whatever she wanted to do. He just had to be obedient and clear all obstacles for Shen Yue.

His position is that of a dog, and dogs only need loyalty and companionship.

But after watching Si Chengyou and Shen Yue get along with each other for a day today, some changes have taken place in No. 14's heart.

In terms of time, he is the person who has been with Shen Yue the longest. He has been with Shen Yue since the day Shen Yue entered the Land of Broken Wings.

At the beginning, Shen Yue would even do something heroic on impulse, and it was not the first time that I had to clean up her mess.

Shen Yue was also very naive when she first came. She didn't know the ugliness of the Broken Wings Land, nor did she know the calculations of those people. Just staying with Martha seemed to make her happy.

But after Martha left, Shen Yue changed.

At first, Shen Yue's changes were not obvious. She seemed to have just become a little more ruthless from not caring about anything. It was not until she came to the Newcomer Building, got in touch with Si Chengyou, and began to learn the so-called human heart that she really began to change.

It became scary.

No. 14 had to admit that even he could not see through Shen Yue now. He didn't know what Shen Yue was thinking or what Shen Yue wanted to do.

It seems that everything she says and everything she does has its meaning, but the combination of these meanings is so meticulous that it is frightening.

Shen Yue has become strong, so strong that she can not only protect herself but also easily accomplish what she once wanted to do most.

But No. 14 felt that Shen Yue was suffering, especially after she used people's hearts to kill Tang Yu.

Those who are good at controlling people's hearts will eventually be bitten back by their hearts.

This is Shen Yue’s current dilemma.

She was trapped in the ugly hearts of people and could not find the path she was looking for.

It seems that the only one who can help Shen Yue is Si Chengyou.

No. 14 has never liked Si Chengyou. He thinks Si Chengyou knows too much and is good at disguising himself. His every move exudes a different temperament from others, which makes people feel ashamed of himself.