Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 203: Prison Chapter (Main Story) 92 I'm going to work tomorrow and I'm dead


After receiving Shen Yue's order, No. 14 went directly to Building 3. Using his gossip talent as a prison guard, he successfully forced April, who had finished her skin care and was preparing for a beauty sleep late at night, to come to the reception room from the 36th floor of Building 3, and "friendly" purchased the information Shen Yue wanted.

Shen Yue took Ace and Mo Aman back to Building 7. No one spoke along the way.

Shen Yue was thinking about something, while the other two were frightened by the dangerous aura that Shen Yue had just emanated from.

Both of them were people who had experienced death at close range, and their survival instinct told them that the boss was in danger and they couldn't get close, so they just shut up and followed behind him. The atmosphere was very depressing.

This depressing atmosphere continued until several people returned to Building No. 7.

As soon as he reached the entrance of Building 7, Ace saw his mattress, as well as his unfinished sweater and scarf, which were already placed at the entrance of Building 7! !

Ace is ecstatic!!

In an instant, he no longer cared about the boss being in a bad mood, and he slid down to his knees and rushed to Shen Yue, loudly expressing his loyalty, "Boss! I will always be loyal to you!"

Other residents of Building 7 who passed by said... ... See, if you only train your muscles and not your brain, you will become like Ace.

Shen Yue glanced at the people who were whispering around her, and they instantly became quiet.

She then looked at Ace and said seriously, "I really like the sweater you gave me. These are my return gifts."

Si Chengyou said that the term "reciprocity" can easily be understood as meaning an exchange of interests.

But this word actually refers to the importance of reciprocity in etiquette, and is used to refer to treating others with the same attitude and method as they treat you.

The Book of Rites says, "Courtesy requires reciprocity. If someone does not reciprocate, it is not courtesy; if someone does not reciprocate, it is also not courtesy."

In interpersonal communication, people should help each other and treat each other with courtesy. The essence of courtesy lies in being humble to oneself and respecting others. When you bless others, others will return your gratitude. This is not just a formality, but also a respect and sincerity from the heart.

Shen Yue thought, even though Ace was very reluctant, he still chose the white sweater. What was the feeling in her heart at that moment

This should be how Ace feels right now.

So this is what it means to reciprocate.

I will treat you the way you treat me.

"Ace, Aman, go back."

"Here comes the boss!!"


The atmosphere returned to normal.

No. 14 quickly sorted out the information and gave Shen Yue what she wanted.

Soon, another Christmas is here.

While most people in the prison were enjoying the Christmas atmosphere, Shen Yue was on Si Chengyou's floor, learning from him how to write Spring Festival couplets.

Si Chengyou can write many kinds of fonts, including regular script, running script, seal script, cursive script, etc. No matter which font, Si Chengyou can write with his own unique style.

Shen Yue was right next to Si Chengyou, grinding ink for him. She was also watching Si Chengyou writing from a close distance, watching his pen strokes, his movement, and his strength.

Si Chengyou stood in front of the table, picked up the brush, and wrote smoothly and effortlessly, completing the task in one go.

His hands were unusually beautiful, slender and narrow, with distinct joints. When he exerted force, they seemed like a beautiful work of art.