Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 212: Prison Chapter (Main Story) 100 Crazy Updates for the Rich Woman


This mission, which mobilized different types of elite troops from the Broken Wing Land and a salted fish, finally came to an end after two months.

The confrontation between the two superpowers has come to an end, and the only ones who have truly suffered are the innocent people living in the territory they fought over.

When April heard that they could leave, she pulled Shen Yue and ran away. She rejected the battlefield instinctively, just like she rejected death.

Originally, April was afraid because she had been brainwashed by Shen Yue, but after a candlelight chat one night, she thought she and Shen Yue had become half-close friends.

Of course, according to April's own account, her closeness to Shen Yue came more from the filter she cast on Si.

Anyone that Si likes is not a bad person! This! is her view of good and evil!

Sitting on the returning helicopter, April leaned on Shen Yue and took a nap.

Shen Yue kept looking out the window, watching the wreckage of war getting farther and farther away from her. Obviously, those were people who had nothing to do with her, but her heart was filled with an emotion she had never felt before.

This is the smell of corpses piled up in the grass and the redness of blood flowing in the river.

The group was not taken back to prison until the shackles on their necks were removed one by one.

April twisted her neck and was about to complain, but suddenly she saw something. She reached out and poked Shen Yue quietly, whispering, "It seems like everyone over there is waiting for you."

Shen Yue followed April's gaze and saw Li Feng and his loyal subordinates, No. 14, Mo Aman, Ace, Daniela, and Si Chengyou.

Si Chengyou was just one person, but even if he stood there alone, he was more conspicuous than the group of people next to him.

Shen Yue looked at April, then at the other group of people, and a plan slowly took shape in her mind.

She patted April and said, "Come with me and look at me."

April looked at Shen Yue in confusion, but before she could ask, she was pulled to the other side by Shen Yue.

Opposite there are a bunch of Shen Yue's flower-guarding messengers.

April struggled, resisted, and tried to escape, but all failed. In the end, she could only be dragged by Shen Yue to stand between the three major forces and accept the baptism of gazes.

April is really impressed! What is this ancestor doing? She even said that she would help Shen Yue modify her headphones for free next time, but now it’s like this...

April's mental activities came to an abrupt halt because she turned her head and saw Shen Yue's tears.

Shen Yue's tears were held in her eyes and stayed there for a while before slowly falling down, like a pearl falling vertically, hitting everyone's heart heavily.

But even so, Shen Yue's expression did not change much. Her delicate and pure face was calm, moving, and indifferent. However, the moment the tears fell, it added a beauty that could not be described in words.

A tear from a beauty is a star in the sky.

Shen Yue reviewed while crying. This was the little crying technique Daniela taught her. The tears should fall drop by drop, and the expressions and movements should not be too big, so as to be able to bewitch people.

Shen Yue had prepared her tears, and the moment she looked at Si Chengyou, she controlled her tears to fall, one on the left and two on the right.

Then, she saw Si Chengyou's expression changed.