Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 216: Prison Chapter (Main Story) 104 Extra chapter for Zi Lan's transformation into Eggplant


While the world was still fighting over that one thing, a piece of news caused all countries to temporarily stop fighting.

Quite simply, the thing they were fighting for was gone.

The treasure they had placed at the Broken Wings Land had disappeared.

After investigation, it was discovered that it was the warden of the Broken Wings who let Shen Yue and several other prisoners go. The warden was immediately dismissed and locked up.

After further in-depth investigation, the person behind the former warden was found, and that was Si Chengyou.

Si Chengyou was also locked up.

This time, it's a real prison.

There are many ways to make people speak, and there are also many ways of torture, but no matter how those people tortured Si Chengyou, even using mental torture, they could not make Si Chengyou lose his mind and tell the truth.

After all, Si Chengyou was accustomed to despair.

But Si Chengyou is just a human after all.

After five days of sleepless torture, he reached his limit and even had hallucinations, seeing his father, sister, and older brother.

"Brother, why is your hand broken?"

"Ah? You mean this? Your body was blown into many pieces, and now it occasionally falls apart. It's okay, just put it together, don't worry about me."

Si Chengyou saw his elder brother holding the severed hand with his intact hand and placing it on the broken wound. Soon, the hand returned to its original shape.

"See, that's good."

Si Chengyou laughed softly. His elder brother hadn't changed at all. He was still as carefree as ever.

He looked at the other, older figure and spoke.

"Father, I'm sorry. I didn't complete the task you gave me. No matter how many times, I failed to save you. I'm really sorry."

"You are obviously a child of the Si family, but you are still so cowardly and longing for an empty illusion. I am really sorry."

"Not only did I fail to complete the mission, but I also implicated innocent people. I'm really sorry."

Si Chengyou thought of Shen Yue.

At first, he approached Shen Yue because he saw her weaknesses. He wanted to use her weaknesses to get close to her, make a deal with her, and get a chance to start over again.

But Shen Yue's growth rate exceeded his imagination.

When he saw that Shen Yue took only one week to fully grasp what took him ten years to understand, when he saw that Shen Yue had nothing but could tolerate everyone, when he saw Shen Yue coming in the moonlight and bandaging his wounds, Si Chengyou realized something.

People like Shen Yue are heroes.

Shen Yue is very powerful. Even if she doesn't have a heart yet, she can bring strength to the people around her, the power of the heart.

And when Shen Yue has a heart, she will be able to reach anywhere she wants to go.

Si Chengyou already knew that he had no chance to come back.

From the moment he failed to kill Shen Hui this time and was instead sent to the Land of Broken Wings by her, he knew that he had reached the end of failure.

What kept him from giving up was a vague belief. He wanted to see what the meaning of his 26 attempts was.

Then he waited for Shen Yue.