Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 236: Speechless


Niu Kaihuai was speechless.

He knew that the child Shen Yichen sent over could not be a normal child.

Shen Hui? Not even as good as Shen Yue! At least Shen Yue was just sleeping and a little lazy. But Shen Hui was almost as rude as that psychopath Old Five!

What should I do, Old Cow? If I don’t get angry today, I’ll get sick from anger.

"Shen Hui..." Niu Kaihuai just opened his mouth, but after meeting Shen Hui's calm eyes, he suppressed what he was about to say and said, "If Shen Hui doesn't want to introduce herself, then the students can get to know each other after class. Let's start today's class."

Niu Kaihuai turned around and wrote on the blackboard. He looked very calm, but Shen Yue knew that Lao Niu was planning a big move.

Shen Yue began to pass notes to Shen Hui.

「Meihui, you can’t talk to the teacher like you did just now.」

Shen Hui took the note, took a look at it, and did not write on the paper. Instead, she asked Shen Yue directly, "Why can't you talk to the teacher like that?"

Shen Hui did long for school life, but the word "teacher" never appeared in the life she longed for.

To her, teachers are consumables.

The two people said that teachers are just tools to enhance their own strength. They want to defeat every teacher who has taught her and take all the teachers' knowledge for themselves. Only in this way can they climb to higher peaks.

Don't have any expectations of the teacher, it's meaningless.

Shen Hui's voice was not suppressed. Niu Kaihuai had originally planned to let Shen Hui go today, but when Shen Hui disrupted the class order so much, he knew he had to take action.

If he, as the class teacher, doesn't take action, who else can

"Student Shen Hui, you seem to have a lot of complaints about my class. If that's the case, I won't talk about it anymore. You come up and talk."

As soon as Niu Kaihuai finished speaking, everyone looked over.

Shen Hui is a new classmate. Although she has only been here for a short time, only about ten minutes, almost every classmate in the class remembers her, starting from the moment she refused to introduce herself and made loud noises for no reason in class.

Shen Yue was not surprised when she saw this scene, nor was she worried at all.

Teacher Niu is okay with managing a "good student" like himself, but he can't manage a BOSS-level figure like Shen Hui.

Shen Yue has already seen the ending, but she is not ready to speak now. She wants Shen Hui to see the consequences of her actions with her own eyes so that she can understand why she cannot do this.

Generally speaking, if a teacher suddenly says to a noisy class, "Since you are so noisy, why don't you come up and give the lecture," the students will become quiet under the pressure of this sentence, because after all, no one wants to give a lecture in class.

But this generality does not apply to special classes, and is even less effective for Shen Hui.

Shen Hui's brain has been constantly developed since she was born. The simplest way to develop the brain is to keep learning and using the brain. After the brain is used to a critical value, it is used with drugs to develop the brain, then wake up again, and then reach the critical value and develop again.

Therefore, from the time Shen Hui could remember till now, she has had at least 200 teachers. Each teacher excels in a different field, and each field is very profound. After she has thoroughly studied these fields, she will arrange a competition with these teachers.