Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 239: Yay!


The chemistry teacher came to class.

She is very nervous.

Teacher Niu just said in the group that he can’t do anything about this new student for now, and let the teachers fend for themselves.

Even Teacher Niu can’t do anything about it!! What kind of monster is this!!

Teacher Xiaodie was at her wit's end. Before class, she could only take out the blessed bracelet that her mother had bought for her at the temple for 20 yuan, and pray to God to protect this new student and not to give her any trouble.

Perhaps it was the sincerity of 20 yuan that moved God, and Teacher Xiaodie really passed the course safely.

Although the new classmate Shen Hui was doing her own things during class and didn't listen to her at all, at least she didn't ask her any questions that were beyond the syllabus. As for the questions beyond the syllabus asked by other classmates, she could still handle them safely for the time being.

Very good, today is another smooth working day!

As soon as the bell rang, Teacher Xiaodie ran over quickly, "Students, if you have any questions, you can come to my office and ask me!"

Having said that, the person disappeared.

Shen Yue heard the classmate behind her whispering, "Teacher Xiaodie ran faster today than before."

"Teacher Xiaodie is timid, but she's good at chemistry."

If the chemistry teacher were still here, she would be very happy to hear that her students identify with her so much.

Shen Yue knew that Shen Hui hadn't listened to any of the lessons, so she deliberately asked, "Hui Hui, I didn't understand just now, can you teach me?"

Shen Hui glanced at Shen Yue, did not refuse, took Shen Yue's textbook, and asked, "What don't you understand?"

Shen Yue, "I don't understand here, here, here, and here."

The content that Shen Yue pointed out that she didn't understand was not difficult for Shen Hui, and she could easily answer them.

However, just because she could answer the question herself didn't mean she could make Shen Yue understand and answer it.

So, ten minutes after Shen Hui started teaching Shen Yue, she encountered a very big problem. She was unable to use simple language to make Shen Yue understand this problem which could be understood at a glance.

But looking at Shen Yue's sparkling eyes looking at her, she couldn't say "not to teach" and finally, Shen Hui had only one way left.

Listen to other teachers' lectures, write down their teaching methods, and when Shen Yue asks, copy the teacher's words exactly as they are, and let Shen Yue listen to them several times.

Sure enough, after a few times, Shen Yue said she understood.

Shen Hui felt a sense of satisfaction she had never felt before.

At lunch, Shen Yue used the same trick again and used Shen Hui's meal card. Shen Hui just symbolically refused and let her go.

On the first day, except for some noise in the first two classes, Shen Hui did not have any problems later because of Shen Yue's constant soothing.

In the evening, Shen Yichen came to pick people up. After taking two children with schoolbags and several other brothers to eat outside, Shen Yue and Shen Hui went to the hospital to take a look and found that Shen Shuangchen was able to open his eyes.

The doctor said that Shen Shuangchen has a good physical condition and now that he has passed the critical period, he will only recover better and better.

After seeing the third child, Shen Yue and Shen Hui were urged by Shen Yichen to go home and do their homework.

When Shen Wu heard the words "do homework", his DNA started moving and he almost went back to help Shen Yue with her homework.

This was not the first time he had done this. Before, whenever he got home, he was the one who did all of Shen Yue's homework. This had been going on for almost two years, and now he had developed a habit.