Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 34: They can only survive by eating dirt


Hearing Zou Xuezheng's question, Dong Nuo was stunned for a moment before saying, "I know her but she doesn't know me."

That being said, it actually makes it even more interesting.

Although Li Xing was not very interested in the relationship between the two children, he saw that Zou Xuezheng's attention was finally diverted, so he followed the trend and asked, "Is Shen Yue very famous in school? I see that she doesn't like to talk much here."

Dong Nuo hesitated for a moment, but after thinking about the rumors he had heard, he finally decided to believe his own eyes. "She is often with another famous boy in school, so she is also talked about a lot... She was not such a quiet person before."

Zou Xuezheng immediately grasped the point. Thinking of Dong Nuo's hostility towards Shen Yue on the first day, she seemed to understand something. "What are people talking about in school? Shen Yue already has a boyfriend at such a young age?"

"Not a boyfriend..." Rumors in the school say that Shen Yue is Shang Junyu's exclusive toy, a valuable and beautiful toy.

Dong Nuo was not an ordinary child who was ignorant of the ways of the world. He went to Sihai School and had been influenced by what he saw and heard to a certain extent. He also knew that those were not good descriptions.

Now on the show, he really couldn't say it, so he could only change the way to lead the topic to Shang Junyu, "Anyway, the man who was with Shen Yue was not a good person. Shen Yue must have been deceived."

Originally, most of the audience had followed Shen Yue and the only ones still watching at Dong Nuo's side were his family, relatives and that unreliable sister who had run away.

As luck would have it, among Dong Nuo's relatives, there happened to be one who had recently become a fan of Shen Yue. This morning, he went on a rampage on Weibo, attacking hundreds with one blow, and effectively saved the reputation of Sister Yue and the Shen family.

After discovering that Dong Nuo's words had exposed another of Shen Yue's victimizations, they quickly called their friends and went in groups to investigate the truth.

They will protect Sister Yue!!!

Dong Nuo still remembers that the first time he met Shen Yue was at a music festival competition. At that time, Shen Yue played one of her original songs on the pipa and won first place.

The twanging sounds from the pipa were like drops of water falling into Dong Nuo's heart. He was immersed in the melody and for the first time knew what it felt like to be "so intoxicated that he didn't know the way home."

Although he only got second place because of Shen Yue, he was convinced that Shen Yue deserved first place.

When standing with Shen Yue to receive the award, although Dong Nuo did not show it, he was actually very excited in his heart.

But gradually, rumors spread in the school about the relationship between Shen Yue and Shang Junyu, saying that Shen Yue depended on Shang Junyu for her life. What's worse, they said that the original song that won Shen Yue the award was specially bought for her by someone in the Shang family and was not original at all.

Dong Nuo didn't believe it at first. He had seen with his own eyes the emotions Shen Yue expressed when she performed that song. How could it be fake

But what he didn't expect was that Shang Junyu did not deny the rumor after hearing it.

No denial.

So Shen Yue really used someone else's song.

At that moment, something seemed to collapse in Dong Nuo's heart. How much he once admired Shen Yue, now he hated her.