Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 54: Is this the Overlord?


Shen Yichen usually sleeps in the company, and he couldn't remember how long it had been since he slept at home again.

While lying on the bed still smelling of detergent, Shen Yichen suddenly felt as if he was in another world, and he was also used to the bed.

Can't sleep.

Shen Yichen is not a person who wastes time.

When he found himself unable to sleep, he began to make a plan.

What's his plan, you ask

Of course, it is the plan to train Shen Yue.

He has written four similar plans, and they all seem to be working well.

So, where should Shen Yue start

Shen Yichen sat in front of the computer and began to think. Shen Yue’s biggest problem was laziness, so he had to ensure that she was in an environment that forced her to take action.

This environment is easy to determine, and a well-organized school is the best place.

The next step is to select the right person who can ensure continuous output and put pressure on Shen Yue.

These people must be able to respond to Shen Yue's various tricks.

Ordinary people certainly can’t do that.

Shen Yichen turned on his computer and began searching the Internet for winners in the junior group of various top competitions.

And the contestants of the Junior Class of The Brain.

After thinking carefully for five hours, Shen Yichen opened his phone's address book and randomly selected a lucky secretary to call.

When the ringing reached 30 seconds, a confused voice came from the other end, "Mr. Shen."

"I will send you a list right away. You can invite the students on the list to come to our school. They can set their own conditions."

The secretary was still a little dazed and responded while listening.

Shen Yichen suddenly said, "If you handle this matter well, I will raise your salary."


The decibel of the voice on the other side suddenly became more than five decibels higher than before, and Shen Yichen knew that his secretary had finally woken up.

After dealing with the students' matters, Shen Yichen began to edit emails and sent invitations to dozens of teachers.

After doing all this, he rubbed the Qingming acupoint and felt a little tired, but still not sleepy at all.

At times like this, he couldn't help but wonder why he couldn't share some of Shen Yue's sleep with him. Some people can't sleep, and some people can't wake up.

Shen Yue, who was lying on the big sister's legs and acting coquettishly in her dream, suddenly sneezed, and immediately a laugh came from above her head.

"Haha, I told you not to sleep with me yesterday but you insisted on coming over. You've never been able to snatch the quilt from me before! I'm not bragging, no one can snatch my quilt from me!"

Shen Yue was furious. She wanted to prove that she could snatch it away, so she grabbed the quilt that appeared from nowhere and pulled it hard!

Then he was dragged up.

Shen Yue was forced to open her confused and stupid eyes, and it took her a long time to realize that the person in front of her was the aunt who brought her food to her bedside every day.

"I won't eat now, I'll eat later..." Shen Yue said this with difficulty, and immediately closed her eyes and continued to sleep. She wanted to go back to her dream and grab the quilt from the big sister.

But Shen Yichen's voice suddenly came over, with a lethality that was hard to ignore, and hit Shen Yue's eardrum directly, "Get up and drink yogurt."

"Here I come." Dada Dada Dada, Shen Yue started running.