Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 56: Haha, I am not a human being anymore!


Sometimes, if you don’t make a great effort, you don’t know how good it would be to just lie down.

This was Shen Yue's truest thought as she lay on the sofa in Shen Yichen's office.

She had never felt the sofa was so comfortable.

But she didn't lie there for long before Shen Yichen called her again, "Shen Yue, don't lie down, you'll fall asleep again later."

Shen Yue stood up with an unhappy look on her face. She didn't understand why Shen Yichen seemed to have eyes above his head and could tell what she was doing when she was clearly reading documents.

At the end of the whole day, Shen Yue followed Shen Yichen back home in a daze, and felt that her bed looked cuter than usual.

Shen Yichen looked at Shen Yue who was about to rush to the bed with a happy face, grabbed her by the back of the neck, and said lightly, "Go wash up first and then go to bed."

Shen Yue chose to give up struggling on the spot, and used silence to tell Shen Yichen that she had run out of energy for the day and didn't want to move anymore, so he could do whatever he wanted.

Shen Yichen lifted Shen Yue and shook her twice, and couldn't help but sigh, as expected, his sister was made of water, and she could even shake in an arc.

If you ignore her current rogue behavior, she can still be barely described as cute.

Shen Yichen shook a few more times, but Shen Yue remained motionless, pretending to be dead.

"Shen Yue, you are a person, not an animal. You must know how to take care of yourself."

Shen Yue hung her head and said, "Haha, brother, I won't be a human being anymore!"

That arrogant attitude and that confident posture successfully showed two words: asking for a fight.

Bang, Shen Yue was hit by a small bead, and at the same time a helpless voice came from above her head, "Who did you learn this from?"

Shen Yichen was certain and certain that Shen Yue was not like this when she came back yesterday.

After being taught a lesson by Shen Yichen, Shen Yue became obedient and acted like a quail as she explained in detail her wonderful adventure of the day.

To put it simply, Shen Yue left the office after lunch and prepared to pick up trash everywhere to see if there was anything suitable to give to her eldest brother to make him happy.

As a result, when I was passing by the secretary's office, I happened to hear a powerful voice coming from inside, "おれは人间をやめるぞ! ジョジョ---ッ!!"

So she remembered it.

Shen Yichen's words just now just turned on her memory switch, and instantly made Shen Yue feel that this sentence was originally used at this time! So she translated it and said it out.

I thought I would get recognition from the eldest brother, but unexpectedly, not only did I not get what I wanted, I was also given a big beating.

Shen Yue felt a little aggrieved for a moment, but it only lasted for a moment. She was too tired to feel aggrieved.

After listening to it, Shen Yichen summed up the problem: A secretary who loves watching anime, right? It depends on whether I can find you later.

"Shen Yue, don't say that again."

Shen Yue said "oh".

While feeling sad that the good words and sentences I just learned today were denied, I sorted out this sentence from my head and threw it into a corner to collect dust.

Shen Yichen looked at Shen Yue, who still had her head down, and sighed, "Only this time."

Shen Yue was just wondering what this meant when Shen Yichen held her armpits with both hands and took her to the bathroom.