Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 63: Lose in one place, gain in another


“In fact, people usually regret whatever choices they make. We are always used to beautifying the path we did not choose at the time. But everyone knows that even if time were to come back, we would still make the same choice with the mindset and experience at the time. So does the ending of the story still matter

I like the saying, "If you lose something in one place, you may gain something in another."

Xiaoyue, I hope that our meeting does not make you regret it. If so, one day, the time we spent together will become a strength to support you. "

The second class was also chemistry. The chemistry teacher taught another class without any regrets, and Shen Yue also slept through the class with peace of mind.

Ye Yin sat next to Shen Yue, sometimes attracted by the subtlety of chemistry, sometimes wondering why Shen Yue was so beautiful.

Of course, what he couldn't understand the most was that he didn't think there was anything wrong when Shen Yue first came to the class, and he could even rationally analyze the reasons why Shen Yue loved to sleep. But why did his mood become a little strange since he realized that Shen Yue was very beautiful

As expected, psychology is a subject that needs to be studied. I will buy some related books and read them on the way home tonight.

Soon, the second class ended and music started playing on the radio, inviting everyone to go to the playground for exercise. Today's exercise was collective military boxing.

Ye Yin hesitated for a moment, wondering whether to wake up Shen Yue or not. Niu Kaihuai had already arrived at the classroom, shouting at the top of his voice, "Everyone go down and exercise! Quickly! Stop sitting! You can study at any time, but group exercise doesn't wait!"

When the other students heard Niu Kaihuai starting to drive people away, they all put down their pens and started walking towards the nearest gymnasium.

And Shen Yue, who was still sleeping, was also exposed.

Niu Kaihuai had an expression that said "I fucking knew it" and walked to Shen Yue and was about to speak, but Ye Yin stopped him first.

"Teacher Niu, if the human body is suddenly awakened during deep sleep, the deep inhibition of the cerebral cortex cannot be immediately released, and the closed capillary network cannot be immediately opened. This may lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain, causing symptoms such as dizziness and nausea. In severe cases, it may also lead to tachycardia, acute myocardial infarction, acute heart failure, acute cerebral blood flow tachycardia and acute cerebral infarction, and even sudden cerebral hemorrhage."

Niu Kaihuai, who was about to attack with a loud voice, suddenly choked up. This... is it so serious?! He instantly retracted the energy that had been gathered in his dantian and subconsciously lowered his voice, "Then how do we wake her up?"

Ye Yin thought for two seconds and came up with the answer, "Wait for her to wake up by herself."

Niu Kaihuai:…

"You are such a poor boy, get out of here quickly!" Niu Kaihuai remembered that he was fooled by this boy just two days ago, and he couldn't be fooled a second time.

But even though he was hinting at himself in his heart, Niu Kaihuai still gave up the attack with his voice and instead reached out his hand and patted Shen Yue gently, "Shen Yue, wake up."

Shen Yue didn't move.

Niu Kaihuai shook it a little harder.

Shen Yue still didn't move.

Niu Kaihuai seriously suspected that the girl was actually awake but just didn't want to move, so he gave up calling for help and directly carried Shen Yue on his shoulders, preparing to move her down by force.