Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 67: I don't want to try... No, you do


"It doesn't matter if you don't understand Gauss's theorem. That's something you learn in university. For now, it's enough to understand Ampere's law." Qing Xiaoyu realized that she might have said something wrong and hurried to make amends.

Some students in their class have serious imbalances in their subjects and are not proficient in all subjects, which is why the teacher has prepared general courses.

For example, she herself is not proficient in Chinese expression, so the teacher will explain some basic knowledge from the book to take care of her.

Her parents often taught her to treat others as she would like to be treated. Since other students took care of her weaknesses, she should also help others with their weaknesses.

Shen Yue is probably the type who just happens not to be good at physics.

But after she finished talking about Ampere's law, Shen Yue continued, "I remember it, but I don't understand it either."

She really didn't understand. Although she remembered the meaning of Ampere's law and the examples the teacher taught, whenever she encountered other questions, her only answer was, I don't know.

Oh, if the questions are repeated in her memory, she should be able to recite them.

Qing Xiaoyu didn't quite believe it, so she gave Shen Yue a question about Ampere's law on the spot, and then she found that Shen Yue really didn't understand it.

She can explain the meaning of Ampere's law word for word, and can even repeat what the teacher just said in class, but she can't do the questions independently.

Qing Xiaoyu realized that Shen Yue was a memory machine that didn't think!

"Shen Yue, you can't do this. Science requires understanding. If you just remember the formula and apply it rigidly, the scope of application is very small. Let me teach you how to understand that..."

Shen Yue listened for a while, but still felt that thinking was troublesome, so she quietly avoided the sight.

Then Qing Xiaoyu noticed it, and her voice suddenly lowered. She asked in a low voice, "Is what I am saying too boring?"

Qing Xiaoyu subconsciously pressed her bangs and smiled, "I'm really not very good at explaining knowledge points to other students. If you still don't understand, I won't explain it anymore."

Shen Yue looked at Qing Xiaoyu, who was obviously sad but still explaining with a smile, and suddenly felt that she was not so unwilling to think.

She didn't want to make Qing Xiaoyu sad. If thinking could make Qing Xiaoyu happy again, then she would think about it.

"You explained it very well, but I was slow to understand it. Can we do it again?"

Qing Xiaoyu's eyes curved up, "Of course. Let's start with the principle. It will be easier to understand if we convert the words into concrete forms."

Shen Yue nodded, not quite understanding.

Ye Yinze sat in the back seat and watched Shen Yue and Qing Xiaoyu chatting happily. He didn't understand why Shen Yue would sleep all day when she sat with him, but was so energetic when she sat with Qing Xiaoyu? !


He also wanted to explain the questions to Shen Yue! He was so good at explaining questions!!

"Ye Yin, what are you looking at? Aren't all the questions on the blackboard erased?"

"I'm looking at Shen Yue."

"Why, is she better at math than you?"

Ye Yin: …

Damn it! No one in this class is better at math than him. How many times does he have to explain it

"Why are you looking for me?" Ye Yin looked at Zhuo Wenfei and asked him why he came.

Generally speaking, Zhuo Wenfei would come to him either to ask about science or other subjects. After all, Zhuo Wenfei was very good at one subject and was proficient in politics, history, geography, and biology, but knew nothing about mathematics, physics, and chemistry.