Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 91: Weird repetition of Yue


Shen Yue slowly opened the refrigerator and saw the puddings neatly arranged in the second compartment.

I don’t know when it started, but the refrigerator that was originally used only to store food was gradually filled with some of her favorite snacks.

The pudding was placed by the eldest brother. His habit was to start from the left no matter what he arranged, and then arrange them in order of importance and size.

Yogurt is her favorite and is at the front, among which the different flavors are arranged from left to right according to her preferences.

Puddings are next in the second row, followed by small cakes and cookies further back.

As for the can of candy placed on the other side, it must have been placed there by Fourth Brother.

Candies don't need to be put in the refrigerator, but that's how Fourth Brother is. He doesn't know what to do right, but he wants to feel involved, so he puts some incompatible things in the refrigerator, hoping that people can spot them at a glance.

This is fourth brother’s cute little trick.

Unfortunately, not everyone can respond with kindness and accept such harmless intentions.

Shen Yue took out two candies from the candy jar and prepared to eat them in front of her fourth brother later to show that she already knew.

As soon as I closed the refrigerator door, I heard footsteps behind me.

When she turned around, it was indeed Shen Wu.

Shen Yue didn't say anything. She was waiting for Shen Wu to speak first.

The big sister said that unless there is a huge difference in strength, the boss is often the one who speaks the least and is the last to speak.

She will be the last to speak.

Under Shen Yue's silence, it was obvious that Shen Wu's half-hour limit was about to run out. He was in a hurry to copy the more than 500 things that he couldn't do 20 times, so he could only ask first, "Are you not afraid of me?"

"Why should I be afraid of you?" Shen Yue asked back.

"I just put the knife to your neck. My brother said that people would be scared in general."

Shen Yue wiped the mist from the pudding box and nodded, "Brother is right."

No matter what, just listen to your big brother.

Obviously, this was not the answer Shen Wu wanted to hear.

"I almost skinned that dog when I was almost 5 years old." Shen Wu said this without thinking. It seemed unintentional, but Shen Wu's eyes never moved away from Shen Yue.

When his parents found out about this, they looked at him with horror. Although his eldest brother repeatedly assured him, he was still not allowed to touch any pets in the house since then.

Including everyone who knew about this, they all looked at him strangely.

He remembered that look, and his elder brother told him that it was fear.

It's true that he didn't know what fear was, and he didn't feel guilty about it, but he still felt annoyed.

He didn't know why he asked Shen Yue this question. It was obvious that this so-called sister had never caught his eye before.

He didn't know what answer he expected Shen Yue to give, or perhaps, this test didn't need any results.

Shen Yue was indeed confused by Shen Wu's inexplicable words, but she has always been good at grasping the key points. Even with such messy words, she can accurately find the blind spots.

“Why is it almost?”