Even if I’m a Fake Heiress, I Will Dare to Be Trashy

Chapter 97: This is the second essay I wrote today


Shen Wu began to observe his fourth brother, who had little presence at home like himself.

He found that his fourth brother cried very easily. He would cry if he accidentally bumped into something, if someone spoke loudly to him, or if he cried for no reason when he was alone.

This symptom is very similar to tear incontinence, but Shen Wu feels that it is not entirely the same.

Compared to the description of tear incontinence in the book, his fourth brother was obviously able to control himself, but he just didn't want to.

Shen Wu began to follow Shen Jize, recording the various reasons that caused him to cry and looking for related cases in books. He felt that this fourth brother was very interesting, not in terms of his personality, but in terms of his body.

The other people in the family seemed to have not noticed that Shen Jize's wound could not heal on its own.

In the past, in order to further understand Shen Jize's body, Shen Wu might have directly used a knife to cut a wound on Shen Jize's body to conduct a verification experiment.

But after being taught a lesson by his eldest brother last time, he realized that he couldn't do that.

So he just continued to follow Shen Jize, waiting for Shen Jize to hurt himself.

However, a month passed and Shen Jize was not injured. When Shen Jize was alone, he seemed to be extra careful.

Until that day, when other guests came to the house and his parents were busy greeting them, Shen Jize was being pestered by children younger than him. Finally.

Shen Jize was scratched by a child's toy.

Familiar tears fell, but he only got a light apology. Shen Wu watched Shen Jize run to the place where the medical kit was kept at home, crying and preparing to apply medicine.

However, this time the injury was in the arm, and it seemed difficult for Shen Jize to handle it alone.

Shen Wu thought that this was a good opportunity to observe closely, so he took the initiative to step forward and offer to help Shen Jize treat his wounds.

Of course Shen Jize agreed, he had no reason to refuse.

Shen Wu was cleaning and observing at the same time, but just after bandaging the wound, Shen Wu made a movement, causing the small notebook that he had just casually placed in his clothes pocket to fall out and land right in front of Shen Jize.

And the page of the notebook that was opened happened to have Shen Jize's name written on it.

Shen Jize's Observation Diary:

1. Hide under the windowsill and cry.

2. Crying while reading in the study.

3. Hiding in the room and crying...

Looking around, most of the records are of Shen Jize crying in various places.

An ordinary person would be somewhat embarrassed at this time, but Shen Wu was not embarrassed at all. He even took the notebook and asked directly, "Why did you hide on the windowsill and cry yesterday?"

Shen Jize was stunned for a moment, and explained stupidly, "I didn't get to eat what I wanted yesterday, and I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable."

After saying this, Shen Jize laughed for the first time even though his wound was still painful. "So you care about me. Thank you."

Shen Wu remembered the memory of that day very clearly. It was in the warehouse, very cold, and filled with the smell of medicine.

But no matter when he thought of it, Shen Wu felt that there must have been the fragrance of flowers and warm sunshine at that time.

And he also understood that he was actually concerned about his fourth brother.

Before he discovered it, his fourth brother had already discovered it.

very nice.