Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 105: Don't be afraid of true villains, be afraid of hypocrites


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Ze got off work early. After sitting in the car, Gu Ye suggested: "Let's go shopping and eat at home in the evening." He doesn't like to eat takeout. He usually goes out to eat, and sometimes he is greedy for home. a feeling of.

Yu Ze gave the driver a day off and drove to the supermarket himself. Gu Ye walked in front, and he followed behind with a cart. Seeing Gu Ye keep putting vegetables into the basket, he said seriously: "I know a lot now It’s ready.”

Gu Ye was surprised, "You... are very powerful."

After the praise was over, he realized that praising someone for knowing how to cook is like praising you for not being mentally retarded. Gu Ye smiled and said: "Actually, it's not necessary. You have your own specialties. How can you waste time on life? Just know how to eat. No need to admit it.”

"I told you to learn."

"I also said you don't need to learn." Gu Ye threw a bag of shrimps into the car and said with a smile: "I raised you and you know everything. Why should I keep you by my side?"

Gu Ye told the other party very straightforwardly that I am attracted to you, and I will teach you what you don't know so well that you can't live without me. This kind of conspiracy showed how much he cared in his heart. Yu Ze's lips curled up, "I just want to share some of the burden for you, don't think too much."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, even looking at each other felt sweet. At this time, a strange voice timidly interrupted, "Excuse me, is this Master Gu?"

Gu Ye turned his head, and behind him came a young man who was not tall and looked very ordinary. He recognized Gu Ye at a glance, "It's really Master Gu. Do you remember me? I'm a reporter. I'm at the entrance of the hospital. I’ll ask you for fortune telling.”

Gu Ye shook his head and forgot. He had counted too many people to remember.

The other party smiled awkwardly, "It doesn't matter, I just saw you and came to say hello. If it were me, I wouldn't remember the person I only met once a year ago. This is Mr. Yu Ze, right? Excuse me, are you really a couple?"

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, "What do you think?"

The young man was at a loss for words, saying in his heart that you had forgotten me, but you guessed it but did not forget it. He smiled and said: "I look like you."

Yu Ze frowned, "Which newspaper company are you from?"

When the young man was asked by Yu Zhi, he immediately reacted and apologized sheepishly, "I'm sorry, I have an occupational disease. If you ask casually, I won't report it." He took out an ID card from his pocket, "I don't have it right now. I started shooting entertainment and gossip news, but now I am shooting social documentaries, and I have to work with a license.”

Gu Ye nodded, "This is great too. Why not reveal some useful information to the common people instead of digging up dirt on celebrities?"

"Yes, that's what I thought too. Excuse me. Goodbye." After the young man finished speaking, he wanted to leave. Then Gu Ye reminded him: "When you have nowhere to escape, go left. I remember you are Who."

The young man nodded and took note, then left with a smile. He also didn't expect that a month later, he secretly filmed making fake medicines and vaccines and was hunted down. When he was desperate, he remembered Gu Ye's words and walked to the left, saving his life and also exposing a group of people who had lost their conscience for money. shady businessman. At that time, the only thing in his mind was: Gu Ye is a living god! It would have been a year ago!

Gu Ye pulled Yu Ze to continue shopping. Seeing that his face was so cold when he looked at other people, and his eyebrows seemed to be gentle when he was only looking at him, Gu Ye couldn't help but smile and rolled his eyes, "That young man was scared by you. "

Yu Ze snorted coldly, "There is no need for the media to announce it."

Gu Ye curled his lips, "There's no need to tell them, let them guess. In today's society, too many people don't put themselves in someone else's shoes and think about what happened on what occasion." What are the consequences? They will just hold up the keyboard and regard themselves as messengers of justice to criticize you. You have donated 80 million, and they say you have so much wealth, why do you donate so little? You are just a fart, they all think you are so rich. Why pollute the air? How many people think that they are against keyboard warriors, but in fact they are just keyboard trolls. I don’t need other people’s opinions, judgments, or blessings on my life. I just care about my own feelings. "

Yu Ze said worriedly: "Are you worried that others will say something about you..."

"No," Gu Ye smiled, "Don't you know who I am? After I fell out, I fell in love with so and so. The more I scolded me, the more willing I became to fight. They may not have the ability to scold me. If not, I could still summon hundreds of people. Ghost, whoever criticizes me will keep him awake and listen to ghosts laughing every day and midnight." Gu Ye finally took a green onion and put it in the shopping cart. He looked into Yu Ze's eyes and said seriously. : "But I don't want you to be scolded in an unpleasant way, otherwise, I won't be able to help myself and take his life away."

After Gu Ye finished speaking, he felt happy and thanked his master for his good teaching. If his master hadn't been so strict when he was a child, with all the sins he had suffered and seeing so many tragedies when he grew up, he might have grown into a Perverted.

Yu Ze took Gu Ye's hand and just wanted to hold Gu Ye in his arms, crush it into pieces, and hide it in the bones and blood. How lucky was he to get this person? Gu Ye is the best return he has received in his life after investing everything he has. Even though many people were watching, Yu Ze still held Gu Ye's hand tightly, regardless of the eyes of others, and was reluctant to let go every second.

As expected, a video of the two of them together was once again exposed on the Internet. This time the video was taken closer and it didn't look like it was taken by a professional. The picture was a bit blurry, but it was still clear that it was Gu Ye and Yu Ze. Gu Ye's Weibo became lively again, and fans were particularly curious about the relationship between the two. Gu Ye's fans were all jumping and shouting: Gu Ye, please come out and clarify! If there is a scandal with others, wouldn't you clarify it as soon as possible? Why do you always pretend not to know about the scandal with Yu Ze? You two are about seven or eight years apart in age. Yu Ze would find a friend at such a young age. Are you talking about business? Or talk about feelings

This time Gu Ye did not pretend to be dead and replied: Guess

Fans: We don’t want to guess! We want to hear what you have to say!

It's a pity that Gu Ye is offline. Gu Ye went to cook. Fans were furious. This person can always use one or two words to make them scratch their heads and scratch their heads!

Yu Ze watched Gu Ye cooking and felt that he could do something. He said seriously: "I think I can also make soup."

Gu Ye's eyes widened in shock, "Really?"

Yu Ze washed his hands and said, "I'll try to make egg drop soup."

Gu Ye looked at the other party's method of beating eggs and laughed dryly, "You do it, and I'll make Tremella and Lotus Seed Soup for later use."

Yu Ze said seriously, "You have to believe me."

Gu Ye nodded, "Okay."

Then Gu Ye saw Yu Ze directly pouring half a pot of water into the pot. Before the water was completely boiled, he poured the half-beaten eggs into it, then threw in the green onion and ginger, and poured in vinegar. Start cooking. The corner of Gu Ye's mouth twitched, and he silently put the soaked white fungus and lotus seeds into the soup pot, planning to cook them in a while and drink two bowls to reduce the heat.

As expected, Yu Ze couldn't drink the soup at all. Visually, it was a failed pot. Mr. Yu himself didn't have the courage to taste it. He said with a cold face and seriously: "Get a dog in the future."

As soon as Gu Ye heard this, he knew that he wanted to try cooking in the future, so he quickly persuaded him: "Dear, please let go of the ingredients and the dog. I can be responsible for your food for the rest of your life."

Yu Ze's eyes were deep as he looked at Gu Ye to coax him. Hearing this sentence, his eyes became even darker. He pulled Gu Ye into his arms and kissed him domineeringly, "I don't want to eat anymore, I want to eat you."

Gu Ye: "..."

Yu Ze has been an elite in all aspects since he was a child. He really has no talent except for cooking. After being frustrated, he was not convinced. He got up early the next morning, looked at the instructions, and wanted to make breakfast for Gu Ye. Gu Ye slept late last night and was tired. The sound insulation effect of this house was very good. Yu Ze quickly demolished the kitchen, but Gu Ye didn't even hear it.

Until Gu Ye heard a "bang" and was suddenly awakened. He sat up in a daze and heard that the direction was the kitchen. Gu Ye's eyes widened in an instant, and he was scared away from his sleepiness. He got up. When he realized that he was naked, he wrapped himself in a quilt and ran out to see. The kitchen was in a mess. Mr. Yu blew up the microwave and broke the electric oven. He fried an egg and made a hole in the pan. He threw the pan away angrily.

"Pfft!" Gu Ye couldn't hold it back, leaning against the door frame and smiling with his eyes closed.

Yu Ze hugged him tightly with a sullen face and carried him back to the bedroom without saying a word in anger.

Gu Ye poked him carefully, "A child of destiny like you is really not suitable to enter the kitchen. Please spare him and order takeout."

Yu Ze grimaced, picked up the mobile phone placed on the bedside, and proved with his strength that if he was rich, an international famous chef could provide him with 24-hour door-to-door service, and he could live a life that was exquisite and could never settle.

Gu Ye was so amused that he hugged Yu Ze's waist from behind, laughing so hard that his whole body trembled. He didn't expect Yu Ze to have such a childish side, so cute!

Gu Ye spent half a day analyzing all the reasons why a destined son like you couldn't go to the kitchen. He made Yu Ze happy before he went back with peace of mind.

After arriving home, as soon as they parked the car, Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang came to him with their things. "Don't go home. Let's go directly to the hospital. We have bought all the things."

Gu Ye looked back and said, "Did you buy one for me?"

Zhao Pengyu nodded, "Don't worry, I bought them all!"

Gu Ye didn't ask what he bought and drove directly to the Affiliated Hospital of Beijing Medical University. After getting off the car, Zhao Pengyu picked up all the things he bought and divided them one by one. Gu Ye was speechless when he saw what they bought, a basket of eggs, a basket of fruits, and a box of milk powder for the elderly.

Xia Xiang had already contacted his wife and knew which ward Teacher Yu lived in. He carried the eggs and led the way, "If you buy expensive things, Teacher Yu will definitely not accept them. These things don't cost much, which also shows our intentions." ,fine."

Gu Ye thought about it and followed behind with milk powder. As soon as he entered the hospital lobby, he heard a young man who spoke vaguely cursed: "Let Diao Qirong come out! It was Diao Qirong who killed my girlfriend. I will make you pay with your life today." ! Diao Qirong! Get out!"

The young man drank a lot and was unsteady on his feet. He was holding a stick in his hand and was cursing and crying. No one around him dared to approach him. The hospital security guards were surrounding him, fearing that they would be hit by him and would not be able to cure him for a while. The young man cursed and cursed, then sat on the ground and cried, pointing at all the doctors and nurses in white clothes and scolding: "You are all liars! You are all demons who care about human life! You! You are all executioners! Diao Qirong killed my girlfriend , he killed my girlfriend!”

There was an old man waiting for treatment next to him who couldn't stand it anymore. "Young man, it's useless for you to make trouble here. The doctor didn't try his best, and there's nothing he can do to save her."

Many people around him couldn't stand it anymore and echoed: "Yeah, what's the point of making trouble in the hospital? People can't be resurrected. If you continue to make trouble like this, it will affect other people's medical treatment."

"This kind of drunk person has no sense at all. Your girlfriend is dead, isn't it the time for her to die? What does it have to do with the doctor? You should leave quickly. You are drunk and acting crazy here. It's disgusting. Dead." A well-dressed woman held her nose in disgust, "Are the security guards useless? Get him out! It stinks!"

"What are you talking about? I don't allow you to talk about her!" When the young man heard that the woman spoke so unpleasantly, he stood up angrily, holding up a stick and wanted to hit him. However, he staggered and almost fell to the ground. The security guard found him at this time. When he got the chance, he rushed forward, held him down, and snatched the stick away from him.

The onlookers applauded the security guard, "Okay! This psychopath has been cured!"

"You go to the hospital drunk and act crazy, but your family doesn't care?"

"You're talking like no one has ever died in your family. If someone dies and you make such a fuss, can the hospital still be opened?"

The young man was still struggling and yelled with red eyes: "You guys know nothing! Diao Qirong killed my girlfriend! He is a murderer!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who doesn't know that Dr. Diao is the most famous physician with superb medical skills and a kind person. How could he kill people? Yo! Doctor Diao is here!"

At this time, a middle-aged doctor in a white coat walked over from a distance. He wore glasses and was gentle. He always smiled and seemed to have a good temper when everyone greeted him.

When the young man saw him, he struggled wildly, "Diao Qirong! Give me back Xiaoya's life! You murderer! I'm going to kill you!"

This young man was like crazy. Several security guards held him down before he was able to hold him down. Diao Qirong said regretfully: "Xiaoya is my niece. I really tried my best when I rescued her. She had panda blood, and suddenly the bleeding was temporary. I'm sorry that I don't have enough blood to replace her. If you blame me, there's nothing I can do."

"Don't be hypocritical!" The young man was like an angry lion. He just wanted to pounce and bite Doctor Diao to death. The security guard was afraid of an accident. "Doctor Diao, we took him out."

Diao Qirong sighed and said with a painful expression: "Don't embarrass him, just let him go."

The onlookers all sympathized with Diao Qirong. His niece was unable to be rescued by his own hands. Dr. Diao must have felt more uncomfortable than anyone else. Now that his niece's boyfriend was so embarrassing, he even had to think about him. It was too frustrating.

Seeing this, Gu Ye patted Xia Xiang on the shoulder. Xia Xiang nodded knowingly. Watching Gu Ye follow the young man out, Zhao Pengyu asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Xia Xiang shook his head and said with an ugly face: "Maybe he saw something we can't see, resentment or evil."

Gu Ye came back within two minutes of leaving. Zhao Pengyu asked with concern: "What's going on?"

Gu Ye laughed and said, "Why are you such a gossip? You are not in this field, so don't pry."

"Aren't I worried about you?"

"Don't worry. I'll introduce you to my friends when I have time. With them here, I feel like I'm invincible."

Zhao Pengyu was immediately interested, "Okay."

Xia Xiang said seriously: "Believe me, you don't want to see me."

Gu Ye said with a serious face, "He wants to."

Zhao Pengyu nodded, "Yes, I think so."

Xia Xiang looked at Zhao Pengyu sympathetically, saying there was nothing he could do to save him.

The three of them came to Teacher Yu's ward together. Due to this disease, Teacher Yu suddenly looked several years older in appearance. Seeing the students coming to see him, Teacher Yu happily wanted to sit up, but was stopped by Gu Ye, "Lie down, it will be more comfortable."

When Teacher Yu saw the three of them holding things, he immediately became serious and said, "Why are you still bringing me things? You are still students and have no ability to make money yet. I don't need you to buy anything, so take them all."

Xia Xiang explained with a smile: "We didn't buy anything expensive. It was all money we earned. Participating in the competition will not only give you a trophy, but also a scholarship."

Zhao Pengyu echoed from the side, "Yes, we are of the same mind, just accept it."

Teacher Yu lay down helplessly, everyone was smiling, and he couldn't do anything to them.

Xia Xiang asked with concern: "Where is the teacher's wife? Is she not here?"

"Oh, I'm going to get my inspection report," Teacher Yu said guiltily, "Thanks to her for being so old."

"Where are your son and daughter? They're not here?"

"They all go to work, and my illness is not serious. I didn't tell them."

Teacher Yu took care of students like Gu Ye from the first year of high school to the third year of high school. This was the last group of students before he retired, so he did his best to teach these students at the most important stage in their lives. Guidance and affirmation, this group of students still respect and care about teachers. Zhao Pengyu said worriedly: "Teacher's wife can't do it alone. If that doesn't work, just hire a nurse."

"No, I have a student who is a doctor here." Speaking of this student, Teacher Yu looked pleased, "In my life, I am most proud of you students, each one is more promising than the other."

Just as he said this, the doctor came to check the ward, and the one at the front was Diao Qirong, whom Gu Ye and the others saw in the hall.

Seeing Gu Ye and the others, Diao Qirong was also a little confused. Teacher Yu happily introduced: "I'm talking about you, this is your senior brother, you don't know how many years ago. These three are my last batch of students, they are all emperors A top student, this one was the top scorer in science in the country last year.”

Diao Qirong smiled and said: "I know you, please call me Gu Ye. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Gu Ye's lips curled up, "Hello, senior brother."

Although Gu Ye had a smile on his face, Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang, who were familiar with him, saw the clues. Gu Ye's expression was clearly showing a smile but not a smile. In other words, he was giving Teacher Yu a face in front of Teacher Yu. , if normal, he might turn around and leave.

Diao Qirong did not see Gu Ye's indifference, and seemed to be quite interested in him, "You know that the teacher is sick, so you can come to see the teacher, so you are grateful. It is rare to study so well and have such a kind heart. You are such excellent people." It’s so rare.”

A college student of Gu Ye's age would already be in awe after receiving such compliments. Gu Ye's mouth curled up, with impatience already on his face.

Xia Xiang raised his eyebrows and immediately took over the topic, "Brother, you are too polite. This is your duty as a student. Teacher Yu just praised you and said that you take good care of him. Brother, you will have to work hard in the next few days." ”

Diao Qirong smiled and said: "It should be."

Teacher Yu looked at them and said happily: "You are all good children. When your senior brother was your age, sometimes he couldn't even eat. He has achieved what he is today through his own efforts. You all have to pay tribute to you." Senior brother, learn from this positive and persevering spirit.”

Diao Qirong's face paused and he said with a smile: "Teacher is joking, the juniors all have a higher starting point than me, and they will definitely be better than me in the future."

Gu Ye smiled, squinted his eyes and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother, for your kind words."

Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang looked at each other. Both of them were sure that they were not delusional. This Diao Qirong seemed to be currying favor with Gu Ye. It could be seen from his acquaintance with Gu Ye that he knew Gu Ye's background. This senior brother seemed to It's not like that on the surface.

After chatting briefly for a while, Xia Xiang saw that Diao Qirong kept looking for topics to talk to Gu Ye, and Gu Ye's expression became more and more impatient. He was afraid that he couldn't help it and gave Diao Qirong a fortune in front of the teacher, and the other party would get the fortune. With their bodies completely bruised, he and Zhao Pengyu looked at each other, said a few polite words quickly, and pulled Gu Ye away.

After leaving the door, Xia Xiang said firmly: "This senior brother's heart is different from his appearance."

Zhao Pengyu smiled, "Why don't you just say that he is a duplicitous hypocrite? Is there any point in saying it so elegantly?"

Xia Xiang said disgustedly: "Can you be more civilized? Do you see it too?"

Gu Ye smiled. Zhao Pengyu actually understood better than anyone else. He only had a question of whether he wanted to do it or not. There was no question of whether he could do it or not. Even though he was young and straightforward, and not as delicate as Xia Xiang, he You are born with more nerves than others, and in some aspects you have more talents than others.

The three of them walked to the gate. The young man who was sent out was no longer there. Xia Xiang frowned and asked, "Isn't that person in danger?"

"There is no danger to his life for the time being, but this matter is a bit complicated, and he is full of resentment. His fate can only be seen when things are happening in front of him."

Zhao Pengyu asked in a low voice: "It's not really Diao Qirong who killed his girlfriend, right? What did you see?"

Gu Ye raised his hand and flicked Zhao Pengyu's forehead, "What are you doing asking so many questions? You go back and study hard. Xia Xiang and I decided to apply for the sophomore graduation exam in advance and try to skip a grade during the Chinese New Year. If If you have good grades, the school may directly guarantee you a master's degree. Do you want to make a name for yourself in school? "

A world-famous school like Imperial University is so tough. If students are capable, if they dare to challenge me, I will give you a chance. If you can skip a grade, I will send you to it. If you can meet the standards for the diploma exam in your freshman year, I will dare to issue you a diploma. As long as you are a genius, I will provide you with a stage. If others are dissatisfied, they can either do it or hold back.

Zhao Pengyu choked for breath, "You two... stole lessons again!"

Gu Ye and Xia Xiang both sneered. Obviously, Zhao Pengyu went to play during the summer vacation and didn't study at all.

The three returned to the school and found a restaurant to eat. Zhao Pengyu stopped making trouble this time and went home to study.

Xia Xiang gave Gu Ye's key card to him, "Please pay attention to your safety."

Gu Ye smiled, "Don't worry, I cherish my life more than anyone else now."

Xia Xiang left with peace of mind. Gu Ye entered the house and found that the house had been tidied up. All the non-human beings were in their places. Gu Ye sat on the sofa and found a comfortable position to lie down. He took the floating Lingling and praised with a smile: "My daughter is becoming more and more spiritual."

Lingling took the fruit plate with cut red beans and fed it to Gu Ye with a fork. Her little face was full of pride, "Dad taught me well."

Gu Ye was amused. He must have imitated him in his ability to flatter others.

Just after eating a few mouthfuls of fruit, Gu Ye's cell phone rang. Lingling quickly brought it to Gu Ye, "It's that star."

Gu Ye took a look and saw that it was Du Jiano. After he answered the call, he asked jokingly: "Is the big star finally free to call me?"

Every time Gu Ye called him a big star, Du Jianuo felt embarrassed. Without Gu Ye, he wouldn't be where he is today. All the predictions Gu Ye made have come true a year later. He has become a popular traffic idol. He can now choose any role that he could not get before. Directors who used to replace him at will are now available. Begging him to cooperate, but his former manager is really not even qualified to carry his shoes now.

Every time he thought about the despair he felt looking up at the sky that night in the park, and every word Gu Ye said to him, he felt that only by working hard and making himself better could he be worthy of Gu Ye's kindness. His gratitude to Gu Ye became deeper and deeper as time went by, but he had nothing to repay Gu Ye. When he heard Gu Ye's voice, Du Jianuo blushed and couldn't help but his heart beat faster, " Master Gu, are you free these two days? I have finished filming and have a week off. I think... I have prepared the money and want to send it to you. "

When Gu Ye heard that the money had arrived, he sat up happily and said, "I should have something to deal with in the next two days. Please give me your address and I will go find you. It is not convenient for you to go out now. You were photographed and another one Hot search."

Gu Ye looked at the address that was sent and happily raised Lingling high, "Daughter, dad's investment is going to be paid back! We are rich, and dad is going to buy you clothes! Buy a lot of beautiful little clothes!"

Lingling clapped her hands and said, "I want the same clothes as my brother."

"Okay!" Gu Ye immediately turned on the computer and went to the clothing store where he had been custom-making before. He picked the most expensive one and bought it. Everyone in the family had clothes to wear. Even Dahei, who was sleeping on the window sill, had a pair of red pants custom-made. . Rich and willful!

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Gu Ye was about to go to bed when he suddenly received a call from an unknown number, "Hello, is this Master Gu? We met at the hospital this afternoon."

"You are the young man who made trouble in the hospital, right? I am Gu Ye."

"Master Gu, I'm at your door." The other person spoke weakly. He drank so much wine at noon, and it's good to be sober now.

Gu Ye asked Lingling to open the door and bring the other person in. Seeing such a beautiful little baby running on the ground seemed a bit strange. The young man was stunned for a moment, hesitated, and then followed.

Gu Ye sat on the sofa and nodded his chin, "You guys sit down."

The young man was stunned, "What?"

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Tell me, why did you go to the hospital to cause trouble?"

"My name is He Bin. I have been dreaming about my deceased girlfriend for the past two days. She said that her cousin, the attending doctor Diao Qirong, killed her." When He Bin said this, his face turned ugly, "I drank. , the more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I felt. Once my mind got hot, I went. "

Gu Ye nodded, "Can you tell me why your girlfriend entered the hospital?"

He Bin covered his face in pain, "We came back this time with the intention of getting married, and her parents agreed. On the way to get the certificate, we had a car accident, and I sent her to the nearest hospital. Her parents knew Later, she went to her cousin for surgery, and her liver ruptured during the surgery.”

He Bin choked and said: "Xiaoya has rh-negative blood, which is the legendary panda blood. There was not so much blood in the blood bank at that time, so... he could not save his life."

Gu Ye took the water handed over by Hongdou and placed it in front of the other party. He waited until the other party's mood stabilized before asking: "Is your girlfriend's cousin Diao Qirong?"

"Yes, he seems to be the child of Xiaoya's father's aunt. He is very famous. He is often invited to give lectures in medical schools and attend consultations in major hospitals. Xiaoya's parents trust him very much."

Gu Ye nodded and glanced at the girl with dull eyes who was following He Bin. There was a large amount of blood on her stomach, but she didn't seem to feel anything. She just followed He Bin subconsciously, muttering something. , so far away that Gu Ye couldn't hear clearly. Gu Ye asked He Bin: "What did your girlfriend say to you? I want to hear the exact words."

"She said that her cousin killed her and she didn't want to die." He Bin collapsed and covered his face. He didn't want to cry, but couldn't suppress it. His face turned red from holding it back, "Master Gu, you said you can see ghosts, you Can you call her out and let me see her again?"

Gu Ye sighed, "When it's time for you to see me, I'll naturally let you take a look." He stood up, pretended to take something, walked to the girl, and turned his head to listen to what the girl was saying.

"I can't die, he's waiting for me, I can't die, he's waiting for me, I can't die..."

Gu Ye took a deep breath. This girl could stay with He Bin only because of this obsession. Normally, if the consciousness is so weak, the body must be incomplete. Gu Ye winked at Hongdou and asked her to take off the girl's clothes and take a look.

"Didn't you realize there was something wrong with your girlfriend's death at the time?"

"I... I was confused at the time. Her parents had a mental breakdown. I stayed with them all the time. I didn't think so much at the time. Until I dreamed about her twice, I started to wonder. The injury was obviously not that serious. Why? Is her liver suddenly ruptured? Is she really being unfair to me?"

Gu Ye said regretfully: "The body is gone, and all the evidence is gone. Young man, you have to pay for working with me. I will help you find out the cause of your girlfriend's death, and let you take a look at her at the end. You have to pay me six Ten thousand dollars.”

"I'll give it." The price was just within the financial range he could afford.

Gu Ye and He Bin exchanged WeChat messages to facilitate contact at any time. After seeing each other off, Hongdou said with an ugly face: "That girl's stomach is empty and all her organs have been removed."

Gu Ye's face darkened, "So, she didn't die naturally, she was murdered."

The author has something to say: I am late in updating because I went to play games and steal pigs last night until midnight. I was too sleepy to get up in the morning. I apologized: "I'm sorry!" (pinch my waist and pinch my armpits.jpg)


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who threw [grenade]: cxp Ping and Mu Wange 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: 2 Sleeping Sheep; Su Yue Qingqiu, Zhang Qiling’s little fan girl, Who knows Jiang Shangjiu is still drinking with old friends, Lan Nan, 19500029, Qiaoruo, Marcia, Han, Eat my all leaves Amway, Tears of Love is a little fairy, you Ruochengfeng. , demeter, dawn 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

137 bottles of Mask Girl; 50 bottles of Qi Pipi and Little Rabbit Guaiguai; 40 bottles of Yanyue; 30 bottles of Acting Cute If You Disagree, Drinking a Thousand Zhongs, Xue Family Little Cutie, and Mo Xiaoqi; 28 bottles of Old Granny; 21 bottles of Depressed ing. ; 20 bottles of Weiwei, Squirrel Guiyuan, Faye, Qi; 13 bottles of Strawberry Sherbet; 12 bottles of Chen Huijiao; 11 bottles of Huanmei Rushang; Muyan, Time flies like water, recalling the past, worry-free. , Zi Jian, zero, night, 37676998, coffee beans, pooh, mugwort, lucy~~, neilrui, Youlongxifeng 10 bottles; 19500029 7 bottles; Xiu~ah, Yansi Taihuangxiu 6 bottles; keep people 5 bottles of Buzhu, 34751835, Jun 17, Yuanyuan, Huanhua, Xiaomei, Bread and Milk, Xinchen, ? Chase One Dream One One, Mu, green onion, ink goose, licyivy, cup of tea and wine, Beiming? 1 bottle of Hang 918, Pang Pang, Su Yue Qing Qiu, ★Daoxuan☆, Moon Night№Sura, and Qiaoxiao Yanran;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!