Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 112: Everyone is a murderer


Gu Ye and Jie Cheng followed Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang upstairs and came to the house where the fire had broken out. The scene had been cordoned off and there were police investigating the scene. After going in, they found that the scene was not as messy as they had imagined. Only the balcony was on fire, but it has now been extinguished. There was still water on the ground and the bodies were gone.

Gu Ye stood on the balcony, "It seems like they deliberately let people know that this house is on fire."

Xiao Zhang wondered, "It's so strange that a person could be burned to death but nothing around him was burned. Everything in the house was in normal condition."

Gu Ye made a "tsk" sound and shook his head, thinking that this was because it was not something a human could do.

Xie Cheng walked around the house and went to the balcony. "Where's the body?"

"The body has been taken back for an autopsy," Xiao Wang saw that the other police officers were busy with their own things, and whispered to them: "The previous autopsy showed that the person was burned alive or choked to death by smoke. How could such a small fire burn or choke a person to death? You two came here, do you also think this case is abnormal?"

Gu Ye smiled and said, "We are still investigating and we are not sure. We currently suspect that there is a ghost involved."

By this time, the others had almost finished their check, so Xiao Wang went to inquire about it. “It was indeed a 50-year-old woman who died in a rather tragic way. She wrapped herself in garbage bags, poured half a bucket of cooking oil on her head, and then set herself on fire. The weirdest thing was that despite such a painful death, she didn’t struggle at all after being set on fire. She just lay on the ground motionless.”

Xie Cheng's scalp tingled as he listened to this. "Was she still alive when she died?"

"The autopsy report hasn't come out yet, so I don't know the details. But according to the autopsy reports of the previous ones, they should still be alive."

Gu Ye looked at Jie Cheng speechlessly, "The other party is obviously seeking revenge. How could they burn her after she died? They must have let her be burned alive."

Xie Cheng rubbed his arms. This way of death was chilling.

After the others left, Xiao Wang suggested: "Do you want to check it using special methods?"

Gu Ye shook his head, "It's useless, the soul has been eaten."

“Who ate it?”

Gu Ye smiled and said, "It's hard to say for now. You guys check yours and we check ours. In the end, we can compare the clues and maybe get some unexpected results. I can't say anything for sure."

"Yes, you are thoughtful."

Xie Cheng asked: "Does anyone among you have any doubts?"

Xiao Zhang said: "We identified the male owner of the first house as one of the suspects from the beginning, but we just got news that he has been in the hospital and did not have time to commit the crime."

Xie Cheng was surprised, "We heard that he was missing."

Xiao Wang said helplessly: "Who told you that? He is not missing. He is in the hospital. After all, the shock he suffered was too great. He was taken away by relatives for treatment and has not returned since. Until now, the bodies of the mother and her two children are still in the police station and no one has claimed them."

Xie Cheng nodded, "We also feel that the first case is different from the others."

Xie Cheng and Gu Yehe looked at each other and had an idea in their mind. If the man did not have time to commit the crime, then the possibility of human-ghost accomplices was ruled out. The ghost was most likely the first woman who was burned to death. But now she could not be found, so there was no way to confirm it.

As they were talking, Xiao Wang's phone rang. After he answered it, his face suddenly changed, "What? Self-immolation again!"

This sentence drew everyone's attention to the scene. "Okay, I got it. We'll go there right away to maintain order and protect the scene." Xiao Wang hung up the phone and said with a grim look, "Let's go quickly to the underground garage."

Xiao Wang ran in front, and everyone behind him followed. After running into the elevator, Xiao Wang said with a grim expression: "In the underground garage of the community opposite, someone set himself on fire in his car."


"Yes, the underground of this community is connected to that of the community across the street. There is not only a garage, but also a haunted house. The crime scene is right next to the haunted house."

Gu Ye and Jie Cheng looked at each other, both of them looked unhappy. The hexagram showed that at least two more people would die. This was the first one, and there was another one.

When a few people arrived at the scene, the situation was out of control because there were too many people watching. It was originally a time for square dancing, but when they heard that a car was on fire, they all ran to watch the excitement. Now the fire has been put out, and the body is in the car.

The property management staff also rushed over and were maintaining order. Xiao Wang went up to ask about the situation and learned that the security guards found the car on fire while on patrol. After putting out the fire with a fire extinguisher in the corridor, they found that there was actually someone inside, so they quickly called the police. As for how the onlookers knew about it, they didn't know either.

The investigation and surveillance found that there was no second person at the scene. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang were both scratching their heads, thinking that this seemed to be another suicide case.

Gu Ye and Jie Cheng looked around but couldn't find the soul of this person. Just like before, he was eaten. They both sensed that trace of ghost energy again. Jie Cheng was surprised and said: "It seems to be a little stronger than before. Could it be that with the killing and the soul being devoured, the treasure can no longer suppress the aura on the body?"

Gu Ye released Dog Fang and asked it to search nearby. As long as the other party still wanted to kill someone, it would have to come back.

Looking at the crime scene again, Gu Ye got a headache. There were so many people!

Xiao Zhang shouted coldly: "Don't go in, don't destroy the scene."

Some people ignored the obstruction and curiously leaned over to take a look, then screamed in fright. Gu Ye frowned. He had to watch even if he was afraid. What was so good about such a lively scene? Aren't they afraid of having nightmares

Among this group of people, Gu Ye actually found an acquaintance, the auntie who told them about the situation at the gate. Gu Ye walked over and asked helplessly: "Auntie, are you joining in the excitement of the neighborhood next door?"

"Hey! Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I just take a look." The aunt didn't care and whispered to Gu Ye: "It's so tragic! I just took a look, and the people inside were burned so badly that you can't even see their faces. Young man, why are you here too? Are you police officers?"

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Underground police."

Auntie didn't react, she was very curious, "What police?"

Xie Cheng glared at Gu Ye and told him not to follow his aunt's nonsense. The aunt might spread the news that they were in an underground organization. There were too many people watching, so Xie Cheng threatened: "You should leave quickly. The car has just been turned off and it might explode soon."

There were mostly elderly people around, and some of them were really scared when they heard this, and some took a few steps back. Others laughed, "Young man, don't scare people, the fire in the car has been put out, how could it explode?"

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and said seriously: "It really could explode. The engine is still smoking. If it really explodes, everyone will die."

After hearing this, the group of old men and women were frightened, and many of them left in an instant, leaving the area with a little more space.

However, the crime scene had been destroyed. If the ground was made of dirt, even if the murderer left a large footprint, it would not be detectable.

At this time, Xiao Zhang had copied the surveillance video over. Xiao Wang called Gu Ye and Jie Cheng, and the four of them gathered together to watch it.

In the picture, the car drove smoothly to the parking space as usual. After stopping, he opened the door and wanted to get out. However, the next second, he seemed to be controlled by something and retracted his leg and closed the door.

Because of the viewing angle, the car was right under the camera, and everything that happened inside the car could be seen clearly. The more this happened, the more eerie it felt.

The man struggled in the car for a while, then he used a lighter to light his clothes, and then he struggled painfully in the car. As he did this, the car quickly caught fire.

"This... is this another suicide? What's the reason?"

Gu Ye looked at the two policemen's confused states and wanted to say, "Brothers, don't waste your energy. There is no need to think about any scientific basis for this. This is not something a human would do."

Many of the onlookers at the scene had already left. Gu Ye looked around and found that the auntie had not left yet. She was chatting with someone, looking very excited, as if there was nothing in the world that she didn't know.

Seeing her face, Gu Ye frowned. She was fine just now, but now he saw a bit of death on this aunt's face. Gu Ye was about to go over to see more clearly, when he heard a female voice coldly asked: "What are you all doing here? Do you know the crime scene? If you interfere with the investigation, you will be arrested. Disperse quickly."

After hearing this, all the onlookers ran away. Before Gu Ye could call out to the aunt, she ran faster than him with very nimble legs and feet.

Mu Jingfei came over with a frosty face, and when he saw Gu Ye, his expression softened a little, "Why are you here?"

Gu Ye said helplessly: "Actually, I don't want to come."

Mu Jingfei patted him on the shoulder and said, "I was in a meeting when you called me. I didn't have time to call you back before I rushed here. Is this what you are asking me?"

Gu Ye nodded, "Almost."

Mu Jingfei looked at the car, "First crime scene?"

Xiao Wang quickly said: "Yes."

Mu Jingfei walked to the car and took a look at the charred body. "Is it so tragic? What happened recently? I can't think straight. I can't think straight." She took the video Xiao Zhang handed over. "The case happened right under the camera. On the surface, it looks like another suicide."

Gu Ye reminded: "Sister, it's not suicide, it's homicide."

"I know. It's still a serial murder case."

"I read the fortune and it shows that this is a dead end. The fortune shows that one more person will die."

Mu Jingfei's eyes widened, "Still dead? Brother, are you Conan? Wherever you go, there are dead people."

Gu Ye's mouth twitched, "It must be... Jie Cheng is poisoned!"

At this time, the aunt returned home and excitedly told her husband and children what she had seen. "That person died so tragically. Everything was burnt in the car. I could smell the smell of burnt meat from a distance. I don't think it was suicide. Was it homicide? You should be more careful when you go out in the future. This is a serial killer. The murderer is so cruel. I don't know what the police are doing. They haven't caught the murderer yet. Oh, it's terrible."

Her daughter-in-law was frightened when she heard this, and said helplessly: "Mom, don't go to join in this kind of fun in the future, what's so good about it?"

"Just watch and play. I'm bored at home anyway. Why don't you give birth to a child and let me take care of it?"

The daughter-in-law stopped talking. She had been married for three years but had no children. The old man kept urging her to have one, but she just didn't have one. There was nothing she could do.

The old man saw that his daughter-in-law looked unhappy and said, "You better stop talking."

The aunt didn't care. "What's wrong with my mouth? I was like this when I was young. Why don't you dislike me?"

"You... are making a fuss." The old man couldn't argue with her, so he picked up the cigarette and lighter and wanted to smoke one.

The aunt snatched it away and said, "Don't smoke. My daughter-in-law can't smell cigarettes while she's trying to get pregnant."

When the daughter-in-law heard this, she went back to her room with a pale face. The aunt also realized what she had said, and threw the cigarette on the table with an ugly face. The old man picked up the lighter and looked at her helplessly, "Alas!"

He still took out a cigarette and fumbled for a lighter. No one saw that in the dark corner of the balcony, a young woman was looking at them with resentment.

At the moment the lighter was lit, there was a bang and the lighter exploded in the old man's hand. A set of ghost energy rolled over and the flames suddenly grew countless times larger and attached to the two people's bodies. The fire suddenly became bigger and the old couple were covered in fire. They rolled around in the living room screaming.

After hearing the noise, the daughter-in-law ran out to see what was happening. She screamed in fear and ran to the bathroom to get a bucket of water to pour on her father-in-law who had rolled to his feet. When she ran out to get more water, she saw that her mother-in-law had already run to the balcony and was hugging the railing, turning into a fire man. The strange thing was that she seemed to be held down by someone and could not move at all.

The daughter-in-law was so scared that she burst into tears and hurriedly called the police. When Mu Jingfei and others arrived, they saw the scene and looked at Gu Ye speechlessly. He was so accurate. They didn't know whether to say he was a jinx or a little god.

Gu Ye spread his hands and said helplessly: "The second one is dead."

Mu Jingfei was desperate. "The time is too tight. You just told me that I didn't even have a chance to protect him, and he's gone."

Gu Ye was helpless, "I can't do anything about it, this is fate."

Xie Cheng went to check on her. "The old man can still be saved. Send him to the hospital immediately. The old lady... has lost her soul."

Gu Ye saw the family portrait on the table and sighed. It was indeed this aunt. She had a dead look on her face when she left. This ghost found her at the last minute. If she hadn't watched the fun, she might not have suffered this disaster. So, everything is fate.

Gou Ya smelled the scent and whined a few times. Gu Ye looked down at it and said, "Go chase it. We'll be there soon."

At this time, in the haunted house, the woman was holding a new soul in her hand and said viciously: "If you guys didn't block the fire truck, my children and I would not have died. My children, one is five years old and the other is two years old. Because you blocked the fire truck, they all died! You all have to pay with your lives!"

No matter how the new soul struggled, the woman tore the soul apart and ate it bite by bite. Her eyes were red and her body was filled with a eerie ghostly aura. After eating the soul, her complexion looked much better, the burn marks on her neck disappeared, and her soul power increased a lot.

A fierce aura rushed over from behind. The woman turned her head alertly. A big dog with three heads bared its teeth at her. The woman took a few steps back defensively. "Three-headed dog? Are you here to take me to hell? I can't go now. I want revenge and I want to find my children. Have you seen my children?" Her eyes were red and she gestured. "A five-year-old boy, this tall, and a two-year-old girl, only this tall. Have you seen them?"

Gou Ya looked at her solemnly, then took two steps back vigilantly, staring at her closely, as if afraid that she would run away in the next second.

"You don't understand what I'm saying? Forget it, I'm going to go find my child." The woman stood up, and it felt like there was a flame burning around her soul. The temperature was very high. Gou Ya couldn't get close to her for a while, so he followed her not far away.

The woman sneered, "Follow me again and I'll eat you."


Gu Ye said, "Gou Ya found the aura and has already gone after it. I want the information of the first family, especially the information of that woman."

Mu Jingfei pulled out the information and showed it to him. Gu Ye pointed at the first dead person and said, "Lü Xi, the one who has been killing people, should be her."

After reading the report, Xie Cheng said with regret: "This mother is so young, and these two children are even more pitiful. They have to suffer such a hardship at such a young age."

Gu Ye nodded, "Combined with the previous clues, she is taking revenge on those who blocked the fire rescue because they were just watching the fun."

Xiao Zhang found another video. "This is the video of the rescue, shot at the door."

The video was played again, and everyone sat down to watch it. Fires had never happened in this place before, so everyone had no sense of rescue at first, and had never seen a fire truck put out a fire, so they just watched it for fun. Not only were there a lot of people watching at the gate, but there were also private cars that stopped to watch the fun, and some deliberately slowed down to take videos, blocking the passage of the fire truck. The fire truck finally got in, but there was something downstairs blocking the fire passage, and the people watching the fun also became obstacles, blocking the rescue.

Seeing this, several people were speechless. Xie Chengqi laughed, "There are still people who applaud the firefighters. They think they are very conscious. At this time, shouldn't they stay far away and not delay the firefighters' work to cooperate best?"

Gu Ye wondered, "This auntie was just there to watch the fun, and she didn't seem to be the most prominent one. Why did she die?"

"I have a clue," Xiao Wang said, "I just found out that the deceased and her husband were walking home after buying vegetables that day. The fire truck sirens kept blaring behind them. I don't know who pushed them, and the bag of vegetables broke, and the vegetables were scattered all over the floor. They wanted to pick up the vegetables, so they stopped the fire truck from leaving, delaying them for half a minute."

Several people didn't know what to say, especially Gu Ye and Jie Cheng. They had heard her say before that if the car hadn't delayed the fire truck's rescue, maybe the mother and her two children wouldn't have died. Wasn't she the same? Everyone felt that it had nothing to do with them, and that what they did was not a big deal. In fact, unintentionally delaying a few seconds could mean life.

From the perspective of the old couple, the food is very important as it is bought with money. From the perspective of those waiting for rescue, waiting for even one more second is torture, not to mention half a minute. Who can say whether the mother and her two children would have been rescued if they had not wasted this half minute? If there is no ghost revenge, can this incident be regarded as never happening

The atmosphere was a bit depressing. After watching the film, everyone had their own thoughts and no one spoke.

Mu Jingfei drew six circles on the last paused screen. "These six people are already dead. Everyone has hindered the rescue to some extent, but the law does not punish everyone. We cannot arrest all of them. But each of them indirectly caused the death of the mother and her two children."

Gu Ye stood up and said calmly, "We can't just watch so many people die. They will get karma for everything they did, but she will also get karma for killing people. Reincarnation is impossible. If we don't stop her, once the thing that protects her loses its effect, she will lose her mind and become a murderer. By then..."

Xie Cheng also stood up and added: "Everyone in this picture will die."

Gu Ye nodded, "Yes, we will go find her, you guys go back to sleep, we will deal with it tomorrow if there is anything."

Mu Jingfei said worriedly: "Be careful."

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Don't worry, sister. We are professionals."

Gu Ye followed Gou Ya's scent and chased her for more than 50 kilometers. Xie Cheng complained, "This sister is really a fast runner. Are you sure Gou Ya didn't go out to play, but was really chasing after this sister?"

Gu Ye said firmly: "Gou Ya is not the kind of mad dog that runs around. It is very sensible."

"Okay," Xie Cheng yawned and looked at his watch. It was already past three o'clock. He found a bottle of Red Bull in the car and said, "This is the last one. Do you want to drink it?"

Gu Ye shook his head. Just then, a few old ghosts passed by on the roadside. Gu Ye stopped the car and asked them, "Uncle! Have you seen this woman? There is a dog with three heads chasing after her?"

Several old ghosts looked at Gu Ye and asked in disbelief: "Are you talking to us?"

"Yes," Gu Ye stuffed a few ghost money into the bag and took out Lu Xi's photo. "Have you seen this woman?"

Several ghosts said happily: "I have seen her. She often hangs around here. I saw her just now. She was looking for a child."

"Looking for a child?"

"Yes, she asks everyone she sees, 'Have you seen my child?'"

Gu Ye and Jie Cheng looked at each other. Her child was not with her

At this time, a woman was seen in the distance. She ran anxiously to a tree, looked up and asked the hanged man hanging on the branch. Her movements looked like she was looking for a child.

"It's Lu Xi." Gu Ye drove after her. From a distance, the woman turned her head and saw Gu Ye's car coming from afar. She seemed to be frightened. In panic, she turned into a wisp of black smoke and ran away quickly.

Xie Cheng asked in surprise: "What the hell! Why is she running?"

Gu Ye was also puzzled, "Why did you run away when you saw the car?"

Xie Cheng said confidently: "Gu Ye, she definitely knows you! She bumped into your divination plate on purpose. She even knows your car, how could she not know what you do? Remember to wear a mask next time you go out, whether you are catching people or ghosts! Otherwise, I will break up with you!"

Gu Ye was speechless and didn't know how to defend himself, "...Okay."

The two chased for two hours but failed to catch up with the ghost who was hiding his breath while running. When it was almost dawn, Xie Cheng angrily slapped Gu Ye and said, "You scared it away!"

Gu Ye felt tired. He really didn't know how he became so famous among both humans and ghosts.

It was no use chasing him any further, so Gu Ye frowned and said, "Go back to sleep. I won't chase him anymore."

Xie Cheng frowned, "Are you serious? What if she kills someone again?"

Gu Ye said seriously: "Then let her come to us herself. I just thought of a way."

When Xie Cheng heard this, he fell asleep in the car.

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then turned the car around and went back to the police station. He found a hotel next to the police station and had just fallen asleep when he heard crying outside.

Gu Ye closed his eyes and asked irritably, "What's going on?"

Ye Li stood by the window. "I heard that the ghost girl's husband came back to claim the body. The situation is a little out of control."

Gu Ye sat up with dark circles under his eyes. "Before I let him take me away, I have to take a look at the body to verify my idea."

The author has something to say: I fell asleep again while writing this morning. It may be related to the cold medicine I took. Now that the weather is cold, I would like to remind everyone to wear more clothes and don't catch a cold, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable like me.


Thank you to the little angels who cast their votes for me or irrigated me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: Evelyn, Demeter, Lemon Tea, Beautiful Tomorrow, Danmei Lovers, Faith&zql, Su Yue Qing Qiu, Jiang Nuo Er, Mu Yan 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Cong Su 230 bottles; Bugua's Glory 100 bottles; Wangxian 80 bottles; Candy, 12 Yang 50 bottles; 21318838 45 bottles; Still Waters Run Deep, 40691407, Zi Shu 40 bottles; Heartless Willow 30 bottles; Li Zhen, Awoo, hsh, Tong, Lu Ge, Mai Mai, Night Owl, Xiao Xue 20 bottles; Quietly Grow Mushrooms, Domineering Sweetheart, Jiu Feng Chao Yang 18 bottles; It's Your Dog 15 bottles; Jun Zi 12 bottles; Qu Shui Liu Shang, Miyano Haruka, 21309707, Single Name Wei, Lan Ge Xiang Ting, Da Ji Has No Heart, Cherry Blossom Tears, Bread and Milk, Hanging Alone on the Southeast Branch, 22978059, Cantonese Chestnut Steamed Pork with Flour 10 bottles; Mo Qingqing, Yan Xi 9 bottles; Soul Lock 8 bottles; Ling, Jiu Han, Sakura White Night, Qiu Qiu, Qinglin Dian Baiyun, 26159420,? Pursuit?, may7020, bookworm, fat, 22760777, A Ran, Qian Qiu 5 bottles; Phantom, little ant, Xia xx who only likes 4p origami, rabbit of the flower-growing family 3 bottles; Show~ah, rolling glutinous rice cake, Jasmine, Tan Zi, Qiao Xiao Yan Ran, cater, 14337862 2 bottles; Ge Lai, Su Yue Qing Qiu, Shui Yao Ri, Zhuo Jumping, Qi Ye, Xiao Yao, study hard and win glory for the country 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!