Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 14: Don't walk on the bridge when it rains


When Teacher Yu heard about cheating, his serious face became even more severe: "You and Gu Ye are not in the same examination room, how do you know he cheated?"

Seeing Teacher Yu's face, Lin Zihao was slightly nervous. "He used a special method. Not only do I know about this, but Liu Yiwen also knows about it, as do Xia Xiang and Zhao Pengyu. They all know about it."

Teacher Yu frowned, "How did he cheat? You need to provide evidence."

"He must have used abnormal means, otherwise if you asked him to do it again now, he would definitely not do it."

Teacher Yu raised an eyebrow, "That means you have no evidence."

"I have, I..." Lin Zihao gritted his teeth and whispered, "Gu Ye can control ghosts. He must have something to catch ghosts in his schoolbag. You can find out if you search it. It must be those things that told him the answer."

Teacher Yu, a serious old scholar, couldn't stand to hear nonsense about ghosts and monsters. "Nonsense!" As soon as Lin Zihao finished speaking, Teacher Yu angrily scolded him: "What era is this? Ghosts, monsters, demons and gods are all people's imaginations. They can all be explained by scientific methods. Even if they can't be explained now, they can be explained clearly in the future. If you don't understand, you should read more. You are already a senior high school student, why do you still believe in feudal superstition?"

"No, Mr. Yu, believe me, he really can control ghosts. He often carries a bottle in his pocket, and the bottle must contain a female ghost. He also helps the female ghost kill people. If you don't believe me, you can check his dormitory and schoolbag. There must be something inside."

Teacher Yu's face became more and more gloomy. Seeing that Lin Zihao seemed to be possessed by a demon, Teacher Yu took out the draft paper that Gu Ye had used before and said, "Take a look. This is what the invigilator brought back. You can see from this that Gu Ye really figured it out on his own. It was in broad daylight. How could there be any ghosts?"

Lin Zihao looked at the calculation process on the draft in disbelief. There were several questions that he couldn't answer, but Gu Ye actually answered them. "This must be... He is possessed by a ghost!" The more Lin Zihao looked at it, the more he felt that he was right. "Teacher Yu, Gu Ye is so different from before. He must be possessed by a ghost. He can't possibly answer these questions! How can he answer such difficult questions correctly if he is so stupid?"

Seeing that he refused to repent, Teacher Yu angrily slammed the thermos cup on the table, "Lin Zihao!"

Lin Zihao was so frightened that his whole body trembled, as if he was poured with a basin of cold water. He calmed down immediately, cold sweat running down his forehead, and he dared not say a word.

Teacher Yu said angrily, "Since you are diligent in your studies and have good performance, I will forgive you this time. Don't talk nonsense in the future. I know that Gu Ye did better than you in the exam this time. You can't understand it, but you can't make up rumors and slander others. If you have time to care about Gu Ye, you might as well care about your own grades. In three months, you have fallen back by more than 300 places. If you keep going like this, do you still want to get into a first-tier university? You can't even get into a second-tier university!"

When Lin Zihao heard this, he turned pale with fear, "I'm sorry, Teacher Yu, I will, I will study hard!"

Teacher Yu said helplessly: "Go back."

Lin Zihao secretly regretted that he should not have acted on impulse. He should have taken Gu Ye's evidence to Teacher Yu. Teacher Yu would not believe his one-sided story.

Lin Zihao returned to the classroom in a daze and sat down in his seat. The classmates around him thought that he was called by the head teacher for special education. They all comforted him, "Don't think too much, just do well in the exam next time, there is still a chance."

Lin Zihao nodded absentmindedly and opened the drawer, intending to take out the books he would need for the next class. Unexpectedly, he was frightened when he opened the drawer, and his heart skipped a beat. His mind was stunned for a moment. The few pieces of paper he had hidden at the bottom of the drawer were now lying on the surface, with the big words "Read" on them, reminding him that what he wanted to do had been discovered.

This was an article he wrote at home about the death of the singing king Li Rui and what Gu Ye did. He planned to sell it to a newspaper to earn some pocket money. However, because he had to catch the bus on the way here, he missed the submission deadline and put it in his schoolbag for the time being.

Lin Zihao vaguely saw something behind the paper, and nervously turned it over. Behind it was a Q-version big-headed doll graffiti, which was about a student who was going to take the college entrance examination, but dropped his admission ticket into the toilet when he went to the toilet and was unable to enter the examination room. Lin Zihao was confused when he read it, and the three words "dragon and phoenix dancing" at the end made his pupils shrink.

It turned out to be: Gu Ye sent it!

Gu Ye knew

Lin Zihao suddenly remembered that when Gu Ye asked him if he had done anything to let him down, he told him that if he hadn’t done it now, he shouldn’t do it in the future. Could it be that Gu Ye could not only catch ghosts, but also predict the future

Lin Zihao looked at Gu Ye in horror. At this moment, Gu Ye turned around and smiled at him. The slightly curved corners of her mouth were unspeakably soft, but it suddenly reminded him of the scene of Gu Ye fighting ghosts, which scared him so much that his scalp went numb.

Gu Ye raised her index finger, put it to her lips, and said "hush" to him, then turned her head and stopped looking at him. The more this happened, the more scared Lin Zihao became. Gu Ye wanted him to keep the secret and not to tell anyone. He knew everything. Could this painting be Gu Ye's curse on him? Would he miss the college entrance examination? Thinking of that result, Lin Zihao wanted to go crazy. He hurriedly tore up the papers and threw them into the trash can, feeling cold all over.

"Gu Ye, I... I'm sorry!" After a class, Lin Zihao plucked up the courage to come to Gu Ye's desk and apologized sincerely. He was afraid. He was afraid of missing the college entrance examination and afraid of Gu Ye's punishment.

Gu Ye looked at him and said with a smile: "Get lost."


At noon, Gu Ye had just finished his meal when he heard a classmate say that Teacher Yu was looking for him.

Gu Ye asked around and finally found Teacher Yu's office. Teacher Yu was wearing reading glasses and looking at a test paper. Seeing him coming, Teacher Yu looked up at him and said, "Gu Ye, sit down."

Gu Ye sat down obediently and was very well behaved.

"I'm looking at your test paper this time. You've made great progress, so much so that the teachers find it incredible. Even your handwriting is so beautiful." Teacher Yu looked into Gu Ye's eyes seriously, "Teacher, give me a few more questions. Can you do them again?"

Gu Ye nodded obediently, "Of course."

Teacher Yu took out a set of questions that he had prepared in advance from the drawer and handed Gu Ye a pen. Gu Ye took it and started writing, and finished it in a few minutes.

Teacher Yu looked at his answer, his face was filled with joy, and his serious face was wrinkled with smile. "Good, good, very good. Keep working hard in the future!"

Not long after, Teacher Yu contacted the school and posted Gu Ye's test paper on the bulletin board. Even Gu Ye's draft paper and the questions that Gu Ye had done under his nose were all put there to prove that Gu Ye had scored first place on his own ability.

This time, the senior high school campus was in an uproar, and those who had previously said it was impossible were slapped in the face!

Many teachers told their students, "There are no stupid students, only students who don't work hard! Gu Ye must have secretly studied at home during the winter vacation when you were out playing! He was always the last in the bottom class, but now he is the top student in the whole school. How inspiring! You all should open your eyes and see how he learned!!"

There were actually quite a few students who secretly watched Gu Ye, wanting to know how he studied and how he could improve his grades so much in such a short time.

Gu Ye suddenly felt that he was not only a weirdo, but also a weirdo with a panda head. When he went to the toilet to pee, people would stare at him. It was so cool. Unfortunately, he didn't want it.


Finally, the day of the holiday came. As soon as Gu Ye returned home, before he even took off his shoes, Mrs. Gu rushed over excitedly, "Third brother, you got first place in the exam? First in the whole school?"

Gu Ye nodded tiredly, "You already know?"

At this time, Gu Decheng came down from the second floor, his eyes also showing joy, "Teacher Yu called me and said that you have made great progress."

"Yes, yes, yes, the teacher keeps praising you!" Mrs. Gu said happily, "Because of this, your father didn't even go to the company, he was waiting for you to come back and reward you well!"

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, and his eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Gu Decheng holding several thick red envelopes in his hands.

"I will definitely study hard and keep up the good work, and get good grades next time!" Gu Ye's face turned serious in a second, and he bowed deeply to his parents, "I'm sorry for making you worry before!"

Mrs. Gu was startled. Why was he suddenly so sentimental? She felt embarrassed.

Gu Decheng wanted to scold him and tell him not to be proud, but he didn't expect his son to be so sensible. He swallowed the words back and stuffed the stack of red envelopes into Gu Ye's hands. He said seriously: "According to our family's rules, if you get first place in a subject, you will be rewarded 10,000. Since you got first place for the first time, I will give you another 10,000. If you can get first place next time, I will double it for you."

"Thank you, Dad!" Gu Ye put the red envelope in his arms and ran upstairs happily.

Gu Yang saw that his brother had several red envelopes and scratched his head. "Well, I also moved up three places in this monthly exam. Do I have a red envelope?"

Mrs. Gu didn't wait for Gu Decheng to speak, and said angrily: "I'll give you an extra chicken drumstick as a reward."

"Hehe." Gu Yang happily carried his schoolbag and ran away happily.

Mrs. Gu sighed silently, wondering what was wrong with her. This silly child was satisfied with just one chicken leg. Didn't he see how thick his third brother's red envelope was? He could buy a truckload of chicken legs!

When he got to his room, Gu Ye happily opened the red envelope. It was fifty thousand. He was indeed the national dad.

Gu Yang followed quietly and asked curiously: "Brother, how much money did Dad give you?"

Gu Ye hooked his finger at the child, and watching the child come over like a big dog, he took out a dozen red tickets and stuffed them into his brother's hand, and whispered, "Use it to buy the game console you like. Don't let mom know."

Because if Mrs. Gu finds out, it will definitely be confiscated, just like the lottery ticket he won.

Gu Yang rushed over excitedly and hugged Gu Ye's legs, rubbing against them, "Brother! I will make a lot of money when I grow up! I will make money for you to spend!"

Gu Ye touched his brother's head and wanted to say, "Don't be silly, my silly child. You will never make any money in your life. Just wait for the dividends."

At noon, Mrs. Gu and the nanny cooked a lot of dishes. Gu Decheng was happy and drank a small cup. Gu Ye looked at his father's eyebrows and said with concern: "You should have a good rest at home this afternoon. Don't go to the company. It will rain heavily soon and it will be dangerous."

Gu Decheng glanced out the window. The sun was shining brightly, so where did the rain come from

Because Gu Decheng almost had a car accident last time, Mrs. Gu was frightened and hurriedly advised: "Whether it rains or not, you are happy today and have drunk wine. If you don't have anything important to do in the afternoon, don't go to the company. It's a rare day to rest at home."

After being persuaded by his wife, Gu Decheng hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, I won't go this afternoon."

Unexpectedly, it really started raining suddenly in the afternoon, fast and fiercely, for the whole afternoon. In the evening, news broke that because the rain came suddenly, water accumulated in a tunnel, causing more than a dozen vehicles to be trapped in the tunnel. Firefighters were dispatched urgently, but fortunately there were no casualties.

Looking at the time and place where the news broke, it happened to be the tunnel that Gu Decheng had to pass by when he got off work. Mrs. Gu was terrified and looked at the news in shock and said, "It's amazing, the third brother is really amazing!"

Gu Decheng frowned, hiding the fear and surprise in his eyes, and said stubbornly, "I was just confused, but I guessed it was correct."

Mrs. Gu didn't listen to her husband's excuses at all. "No, I have to ask the third son to calculate for me when I will get rich." After saying that, she hurried to find Gu Ye.

At this time, Zhao Pengyu finally came out of the Internet cafe. He was about to take the college entrance examination. His mother didn't allow him to play computer or mobile phone. He couldn't stay idle, so he secretly ran to the Internet cafe in the morning. Unexpectedly, it rained in the afternoon. After the rain stopped, he was anxious to go home. He rode his mountain bike, took a shortcut, and rode home like a hot wheel. It was already dark, and there were not many pedestrians on the road. Zhao Pengyu suddenly saw something golden in front of him. He rode over and saw that it was a red cloth bag embroidered with gold thread.

Zhao Pengyu picked it up. The fabric was a bit old, and it was embroidered with auspicious dragons and phoenixes. It looked like something used by people getting married in the 1980s. Zhao Pengyu opened it and was shocked. "Fuck! So much money? Wouldn't someone who lost money be worried to death?"

The enthusiastic young man stood there waiting for half an hour, but no one came back to look for him. As it was getting later, his family would get really worried if he didn't go home, so he simply put the cloth bag in his arms and planned to go back to find a phone to call the police.

Zhao Pengyu also didn't see that after being washed by rain, a cement pillar was exposed at the place he passed by. This was an old bridge that was abandoned and deliberately buried.