Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 234: Our goal is the stars and the sea


Gu Ye pulled the grass from his master's grave and wiped the tombstone clean. Under Yu Ze's stop, he regretted not being able to give away eighteen girls and only burned some paper money.

Gu Ye said while burning: "It's not easy to give you a grave. You have traveled thousands of miles. If you hadn't had your last words first, I would have moved your grave. But since the fallen leaves return to their roots, since you want to be in your hometown, I can't help it. When I get old and can't come, I will knock down the tombstone on your grave and let nature smooth it out. No one will be able to find you in the future. I will go down and serve you. "

Gu Ye finished burning the paper and said, "Okay, your apprentice's wife bought this money for you. Are you so happy that he is so filial? It doesn't matter if you are not happy. I recognize him anyway, and I won't cry even if you don't. Will not break up."

Yu Ze wanted to laugh as he listened. When Gu Ye's master was alive, he must have had his beard curled up every day because of this cute guy in his family.

"Okay!" Gu Ye stood up and patted the dirt on his body, "Old man, if you miss me, tell me your dream. Let's go."

Gu Ye took the initiative to take Yu Ze's hand and said with a smile: "We will hold hands for the rest of our lives. Whoever runs away will be a little coward."

Yu Ze then squeezed Gu Ye's hand tightly, "You can't run away."

Gu Ye focused: "I'm talking about you!"

Yu Ze thought for a while and smiled, "Did I run away?"

Gu Ye said with a smile: "You can try, I will capture your soul, beat you up, and not delay your reincarnation, so that you can watch with your own eyes your transformation from the proud son of heaven to a little fool. "

Yu Ze couldn't laugh or cry, "Bao, you don't have to say it."

"No, I have to tell you the consequences so that you don't dare to run away."


When Gu Ye returned to the Imperial Capital with the photo, the first thing he did was to find Mu Jingfei, "Sister, I want to meet that gloomy, short middle-aged man, who is the prisoner who led this incident."

Mu Jingfei thought for a while, "Okay, I'll make some arrangements for you. He killed several people and is bound to die. What do you want to ask? You only have this chance."

Gu Ye met this middle-aged man in the felon detention center. The person who took Gu Ye in told him: "This man's name is Kong Qimin. He is forty-five years old. He is a shady person. He talks and refuses to answer, but he has committed all the crimes." admit."

Gu Ye nodded, looked at the other person's calm face, and asked, "What is your relationship with my master?"

The other party looked at him indifferently and said sarcastically: "I don't know him."

Gu Ye took out the photo and pasted it on the glass, "Don't you know? This person is you, right?"

Kong Qimin's eyes darkened, and his red eyes became even darker. His expression was a little complicated, "Why do you have this photo?"

Gu Ye said with a smile: "I found it in my master's collection. He kept it until he died. It's so precious. He thought you were dead."

"Still keeping it?" Obviously, Gu Ye's words had a great impact on Kong Qimin, causing his always cold expression to turn into shock, "How could he keep it?"

Gu Ye squinted his eyes, already trying to detect something, "Why did you lie to him by pretending to die?"

"No! I didn't lie to him! It was him who thought I had no talent and said I was cruel and unfit to be his disciple. He was the one who drove me away!" Kong Qimin suddenly became excited and glared at Gu with his red pupils. Ye, after finishing speaking, he calmed down for a few seconds, suddenly sat down, and instantly calmed down his excitement, "Yes, he dislikes me! Why would he care about someone like me?"

"If you don't care, why do you keep this photo?" Gu Ye said seriously: "When my master was dying, he said that I still have a senior brother, but it's a pity that he died early and I can't see him."

Gu Ye's words made the other party's eyes red with excitement, "Impossible! Impossible!" The other party's eyes were red and he said excitedly: "He once taught me something, but he kicked me out after a short time. I’m out of school! He drove me away!”

Gu Ye said seriously: "Then you must have done something bad."

"You know what the heck, he just thinks I have no talent, that's why he doesn't want me, right! That's it!" Kong Qimin kept nodding, as if telling himself that he couldn't believe Gu Ye's lies. He said firmly: "He disliked my poor talent, but he spent so much time looking for that short-lived ghost. In the end, he died earlier than me? Ha! He deserves it!"

Gu Ye smiled and said: "You are so jealous, so there is a reason why my master doesn't want you. You are too stupid and your heart is too poisonous. He would rather have a short-lived life than want you. How stupid do you have to be?" Sample?"

Kong Qimin's pupils shrank and he stared at Gu Ye insidiously. If the other party could come out, Gu Ye was sure that the other party would want to bite him to death.

Gu Ye smiled, "You want the world to be in chaos, you want everyone to be buried with you for your life, with your broken dreams. You feel that everyone is sorry for you, you feel that the world is sorry for you, so you find This is a vicious method. Unfortunately, your dream is still shattered. The zombie has been wiped out. Now you have nothing to blame. You are not only stupid, you are also a waste."

Kong Qimin stood up excitedly and pounded the glass between the two of them with his fist, "You are a person who grew up in a honeypot! What do you know?!"

"Shh!" Gu Ye smiled and said, "Don't get excited, I'm just teasing you. My master has never mentioned you to me at all. He buried this photo a long time ago."

Kong Qimin was stunned for a moment, and then his whole body trembled with anger. He gritted his teeth and shouted with hatred: "Gu Ye! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill all of you!"

The person in charge of the guard said seriously: "Be quiet!"

Gu Ye stood up and said the last three words to the other party with a smile: "You don't deserve it!"

After saying that, he hung up the intercom. The other party was completely ignited by these words. He smashed the glass with red eyes. Gu Ye couldn't hear what he said. Under the other party's gaze, Gu Ye tore up the photo with a smile. It's better to make amends for the sins he has done. It's no wonder that his master looks down on such a person.

After the incident was reported, Kong Qimin was quickly taken to court. This man was a murderer with a serious anti-social personality. He was indeed very talented in the mystic arts, but because of his bad intentions, Shao Fuli picked him up and raised him, but was unwilling to accept him as his disciple. Instead, he relied on what he saw in Shao Fuli. He is self-taught and has developed his own set of techniques. Unfortunately, after all, it was because of psychological problems that he felt that the whole world was sorry for him. He was immersed in his own world and had a distorted personality, forming an antisocial personality.

In order to take revenge, he began to study evil arts. He killed famous people on the Internet, as well as the little star.

When the result that he was the murderer was announced on the Internet, all netizens immediately remembered the name, Kong Qimin! Murderous maniac!

Those who forced the police to find the murderer finally let the police go, and now the pressure has been transferred to Kong Qimin, the murderer. Mu Jingfei and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

That ancient tomb quickly applied for rescue excavation. I don’t know how Mu Jingfei did it. Anyway, the excavation method is different from other ancient tombs. This one directly lifted the top of the mountain. The contents inside can be left out and must be exposed to the sun. .

After this matter was over, Gu Ye and the others took a rest for a while. Gu Ye also fulfilled his promise and took out the cruise ship Yu Ze bought for him and took everyone out to sea for a complete vacation.

It's a pity that Xie Cheng didn't go because he was worried about his master's health. When everyone came back, they brought him a lot of seafood, including a huge octopus, which Fan Xiao carried back in his schoolbag. The legs could not be stuffed into the bag, and the outside of the schoolbag was full of legs. As soon as Fan Xiao walked, all his legs trembled. It was really not easy to have a child, but Xie Cheng didn't want it at all.

Gu Ye and Fan Xiao sent it to Xie Cheng together, and even had a meal at Xie Cheng's place, making Mr. Tang extremely happy.

At this time, they didn't know that the relevant departments had already drawn up a list because of their performance this time.

The country had previously considered setting up an underground department composed of occultists to deal with some difficult cases or unnatural phenomena. They are not part of the police, they are just a separate department, their identities are kept confidential, their working locations do not need to be fixed, and they do not even need to clock in every day.

At this time, Mu Jingfei came to the bureau with the list and a map, and called Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhang to the office, "How do you feel about following Gu Ye and the others on this trip?"

The two of them still didn't understand what the boss meant, so they didn't dare to say more. They only had two meaningful words: "Exciting!"

Mu Jingfei smiled beautifully, "They will work here in the future. The environment is very good and they are very free."

Xiao Wang looked at the map and exclaimed in amazement: "It's a small villa-type apartment! They are all civil servants, and their treatment is so good!"

Xiao Zhang asked warily: "Why did you tell us?"

After asking this question, Xiao Wang immediately became wary, "Yes, why are you looking for us?"

Mu Jingfei said earnestly: "After this department is established, two people will definitely be needed to run orders for them at the beginning and become familiar with the process. You..."

"No!" Xiao Wang said vigilantly: "Boss! I think their apartment is too good and the conditions are too good. I don't deserve it! Thank you!"

Xiao Zhang also nodded, "Yes, I don't deserve to go."

Mu Jingfei: "..."

What kind of stimulation did these two people receive

Although the team did not discuss it, the news was still released. At the same time, invitation letters have been sent to many mystic masters, inviting them to take exams. Most of them are about ideological quality and consciousness, and there are also some psychological tests. If you are a civil servant, you will be responsible for food, housing, five insurances and one housing fund, and all expenses incurred when going out will be reimbursed.

As soon as these conditions were announced, many people were really excited. Everyone discussed in the group: Have you received the invitation letter? Are you going or not

Go ahead, play at home and join in the fun together.

State departments, civil servants, are quite interesting.

I just think it would be fun for everyone to live together in the future, and I want to give it a try.

Is Gu Ye coming

Gu Ye must be embarrassed, his parents might not let him come.

After saying this, everyone suddenly lost interest: it would be boring if he didn't come, so he wouldn't go.

Then I won’t go either. If he doesn’t come, Xie Cheng will definitely not come either. It’s boring if they are not here.

Gu Ye saw this said in the group and encouraged: You go! With such good conditions, why not go

Everyone asked him: Are you coming

Gu Ye: I probably won’t go.

Xie Cheng: If Gu Ye doesn't go, I won't go. We are partners, so we won't break up.

Everyone replied: Then we won’t go either.

Gu Ye advised: Go ahead. Now that you have gone there, you will be a senior member of the official department of the country. If you pass the exam, you will be a civil servant. You are not required to check in. Are you stupid if you don't go? I have a family to support me, but most of you have no family. Relying on the country is not better than relying on yourself? Go ahead, silly kids!

Fan Xiao said aggrievedly: If Brother Xie doesn't come, there's no point in us going. Anyway, if you don't go, I won't go.

Gu Ye:…

When the list of applicants was collected, the relevant staff learned what this group of people meant and quickly reported it. The next day, an uncle with graying temples called Mu Jingfei to the office and gave Mu Jingfei two appointment letters. "Xiao Fei, please go over and send one to Gu Ye and one to Gu Ye." "Xie Cheng."

"What?" Mu Jingfei opened it and was shocked. "Gu Ye is still young. This burden is too heavy on his shoulders."

The other party smiled slightly, "He can afford it. I have investigated it. In the minds of this group of young people, Gu Ye Hecheng's status is very high. From this action, we can see Gu Ye's ability He is the strongest among this group of people, and he can coordinate the overall situation and has a foresight in doing things. In order to protect his teammates, he does not steal the limelight and stays behind the scenes. This kind of temperament is so rare. "

Mu Jingfei still couldn't bear it, "But he is still a little small after all."

"You feel sorry for him, right? Your boyfriend's brother."

Mu Jingfei's face paused and she was not embarrassed, "I do feel sorry for him. To be honest, I regard him as my brother. This kid helped me solve cases when he was in high school. For several years, he called me sister. I I can’t bear to see him in trouble in the future. Uncle, please think about it again.”

The uncle smiled and said: "You, you underestimate him. Even if he is in his twenties, he can still take on this important responsibility. He has a very good relationship with Cheng Cheng. The two of them are almost the backbone of this group of people. If they don't Come on, this department will not be established. I also asked the older generation of academics about the situation. Among this group of young people, the most courageous one is Gu Ye. In fact, if the Xuanzhu Society cannot fail, this group of people will not succeed. The older generation of masters helped Gu Ye to rise to the top, and Gu Ye was just a high school student at that time."

Mu Jingfei was secretly happy. Someone praised her brother. Of course she was happy, but she still said: "He is too young."

"Yes, young people have courage. I have information on all of them. After comprehensive analysis, we unanimously decided that Gu Yelai should serve as the minister. And also taking into account his family background." The other party showed four photos, Gu Decheng, Gu Sen, Gu Lin, and Yu Ze, "With these four people protecting him, this department can do its job. Another important point is that this is an underground organization and cannot be exposed openly. If the desire for profit is too strong, , can only be the next president of the Mysterious Arts Society, and only a person like Gu Ye, who lacks nothing and doesn't care about fame and fortune, can afford it. Trust me, I am your biological uncle, and from now on I will be the in-laws of the Gu family. Can I cheat the Gu family’s children?”

Mu Jingfei laughed. She had considered every aspect of the matter. She nodded slowly, "I understand. I'll go find them."

Gu Ye originally wanted to have dinner with Yu Ze at noon, but was temporarily invited out by Mu Jingfei. The two found a quiet private room and talked about it while eating. When Gu Ye received the invitation, he exclaimed: "Let's Who made the decision to become a minister? Did I take the wrong medicine?”

Mu Jingfei said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, this is my old superior!"

Gu Ye said helplessly: "But I'm so young, I haven't graduated yet."

Mu Jingfei took a sip of juice and said, "Isn't it also the last year?"

Gu Ye said seriously: "I'm still a child."

"What kind of kid are you?"


Mu Jingfei was amused, "Don't be poor."

Gu Ye smiled and said: "I can't go, let me introduce you to someone who used to be a member of the Xuan Shu Society."

Mu Jingfei said seriously: "You know we don't really approve of the Mystic Arts Society."

"I know, but such a big society cannot be all bastards. He is responsible for investigation. I would rate his ability at 70%, but he has a good character and was not dyed black in the big dyeing vat. Moreover, he is of the right age. , thirty or forty years old, relatively calm, much younger than me. His name is Qi Zong, you can check it out. "

Mu Jingfei smiled, "But if he comes, your friends won't come."

Gu Ye frowned in embarrassment, "Then let me think about it."

"Okay, you can discuss it with your family again. I suggest you come. Firstly, you can find a stable direction for your future, and secondly, you can find stable jobs for your friends. After all, it is a national department, and the establishment of After you get up, you may be higher than me."

Gu Ye was happy, "Then I don't dare to care about you, you are my sister."

Mu Jingfei glared at him, "Seriously, this department doesn't have so many restrictions. You are like a consulting group. The office is in the villa area built by your elder brother. As long as you come, you will be assigned dormitories. You can form groups freely. Team."

Gu Ye thought for a while, it shouldn't be too far from his store, it was only a twenty-minute drive away. Gu Ye hesitated for a moment, "Then I'll go back and think about it."

In the afternoon, Gu Ye received another call from Xie Cheng, "I received an appointment invitation."

Gu Ye: "Yeah."

Xie Cheng said thoughtfully: "Give me the position of deputy minister. I don't know what kind of paratrooper the minister is. Anyway, if you don't go, I won't go."

Gu Ye: "... Please let me think about it again. In fact, I also want these people in the group to find a way out. They are different from me. It is too difficult for these orphans without parents."

Xie Cheng sighed, "Yeah, let's discuss it again and see if we can find a way to have both sides."

Gu Ye thought for a moment, then hung up the phone and called Mu Jingfei again, "Sister, if I go, can I ask for leave? You know, I haven't graduated yet, I have to go back to school at any time, and I have to face all kinds of things. Internships, various exams, various reports, and my father may let me take the postgraduate entrance examination in the future. I am very busy. "

Mu Jingfei smiled and said: "Of course, you can take care of these things yourself, and the superiors have no time to care about you. Generally, the tasks are given to you, and you just submit the report when it is due. As for who does it, there is no one Do you have enough time to keep an eye on you?"

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I can go on a trial basis without signing a contract. When they are stable, I can quit at any time."

Mu Jingfei didn't hear the bad intentions hidden in Gu Ye's words, "Okay, you can approve the leave note yourself."

After Gu Ye and He Cheng spoke, he happily sent a message in the group: I and He Cheng will wait for you at the exam site! Let’s go and have a wave together!

Xie Cheng: Our goal is the sea of stars!

The author has something to say: Gu Ye: I will approve the leave note myself!

Xie Cheng: What a coincidence, so am I.


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2019-12-14 11:10:35~2019-12-14 13:35:21~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the mines: demeter, tear love is a little fairy, tikie 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: ck 144 bottles; Xiao Qingyan 85 bottles; 29098610 66 bottles; died in warm water 50 bottles; Later Tang Dynasty, Thousand Birds Flying Jue, None, Give Me a Piece of Candy, Yuanxi, Linh-, Jiayu 10 bottles; Gouzi with Beautiful Eyes, signed 5 bottles; Shang Jiuxiao 4 bottles; Xiao Ruoxie's Misfortune 3 bottles; 2 bottles of Berry Qian; 1 bottle of Xiaojuanma, Zijia Xiaoyue, Xiaoli, Jingjinghang 918;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!