Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 236: Wedding jewelry


After the examination, a special department composed of masters of mystical arts was formally established, with Gu Ye as the minister and Xie Cheng as the deputy minister. This independent department is not subject to any department constraints and does not accept any transfers. Its existence is also an underground department. He only belongs to the Imperial City Security Bureau, and he lives in a high-end apartment with all the basic necessities of life including food, clothing, housing and transportation.

High remuneration also means high risks and corresponding efforts. On the first day this department was established, the superiors sent a box of top-secret files directly to Gu Ye's office.

This office location was temporary. It had been built but not decorated yet. Their superiors rented an apartment for them to stay temporarily for three months. Gu Ye hadn't even finished decorating the office when the work started. After opening a file bag, Gu Ye and He Cheng had the urge to throw all these things away.

"Is it so exciting on the first day?"

"It seems that these are all cases with no beginning or end. Either they were unresolved due to insufficient evidence at the beginning, or they are major cases that are being investigated but no evidence can be found." Gu Ye said tiredly. : "I knew it wouldn't be so easy."

"Secretary Wang, come here!" Gu Ye called Xiao Wang who was transferred here, "Next, you will be responsible for opening all these file bags. You will divide them into two categories. Cases that need to be investigated now will be divided into one wave. Those without evidence Post unsolved cases. Make a large bulletin board on the wall of the lobby on the first floor and hang them on both sides of the wall. Let everyone form teams and take over the cases freely. After they are completed, you will accept the cases. Reports and bonuses are given once a quarter, based on the number of cases completed.”

Xiao Wang looked at his workload and asked helplessly: "Minister, I have done all this work, what are you two going to do?"

Gu Ye shook the file bag in his hand, "The two of us will take this."

"No, you shouldn't be here..."

Xie Cheng knocked on the table and asked seriously: "Do you think we can live here? We are asked to do everything. Why do you need a secretary?"

Xiao Wang was about to cry, "I was not a civilian before, I was always on the front line!"

"It's just because you're on the front line that you understand these things. We don't understand anything."

Xiao Wang was stunned for a moment by their absurd reasoning, and finally he felt aggrieved and asked his old superior to ask for someone, "It will take at least four secretaries to keep him busy."

Mu Jingfei comforted him: "When the case in Xiao Zhang's hands is over, he will go over to help. You just have to hold on for two more days. Hold on, you can do it."

Xiao Wang looked at this lot of work and just wanted to say: I can't.

The next day, when Xiao Wang arrived, he saw two leave requests on Gu Ye's desk. The minister and deputy minister asked for leave collectively, and the reason for the leave was all for the same thing. Xiao Wang was so angry that he just wanted to chop the table with a kitchen knife, "Free and undisciplined! Unorganized and undisciplined!"

Fan Xiao took a bag of roasted chestnuts and asked, "Where is Brother Gu and Brother Xie?"

Xiao Wang softened his expression and said, "Do you have a problem with them?"

Fan Xiao: "My mother brought me roasted chestnuts. Let's eat them together."

Xiao Wang took a deep breath and said, "The minister can't eat anymore. He asked for marriage leave."

At this time, someone happened to be passing by outside the door. Hearing this, he stopped and asked happily: "Gu Ye is getting married? When?"

Xiao Wang said helplessly: "One month later."

Everyone was surprised, "Are you asking for leave now?"

Xiao Wang took the leave note and said tiredly: "I said I need to prepare in advance."

"What about our deputy minister?"

"The deputy minister went home to help the minister prepare for the wedding, and he also took a month's leave."

Everyone thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's do it ourselves."

Xiao Wang was shocked, "Do you accept it so calmly?"

"What else?" Everyone is more Buddhist, "Just get used to it, they often can't find anyone."

Xiao Wang: “…”

I feel like life will be even harder in the future.

Gu Ye was indeed lazy, but Xie Cheng couldn't live without his master and hoped to spend more time with him. It's not like the two of them don't work. Occasionally they will take on a case, which is relatively simple and easy to handle and can be completed in one day. This way Xie Cheng can ensure that he can go home and watch over Mr. Tang at night. Until the wedding day was approaching, Gu Ye drove Xie Cheng to the airport to pick up Qiao Jun.

It is worth mentioning that Gu Ye also pulled his dog.

After receiving Qiao Qiaojun, Gu Ye introduced him enthusiastically: "Qiao Qiao, this is my dog. His name is Qiao Mei'er, also called Qiao Niu'er."

Qiao Qiaojun didn't know how many days he would be away from home, so he checked his cat over and petted the cat with a dark face, "Gu Ye, come here, daddy gives him a hug."

"Qiao Niuer, come and give one to daddy."

Xie Cheng felt tired, "Can you go back and fight again? We just met! Take a breather!"

On the way, Gu Ye and Qiao Qiaojun fought all the way. The two bickered at first, but then started fighting directly. Xie Cheng was driving in front, and he had the urge to lift them both off, "Are you two together three years old?"

The two snorted coldly and turned their heads to the side, not bothering to look at each other, as if just looking at each other would hurt their eyes.

Xie Cheng was tired and sent Gu Ye home. Gu Ye led Qiao Qiaojun into the house naturally, and Qiao Qiaojun naturally followed Gu Ye to meet his mother. Jie Qiaojun was like a little hedgehog on the road. When he saw an elder, Jie Qiaojun said politely: "Hello, aunt, excuse me for disturbing you."

Gu Ye said: "He is also a good friend of mine. He will stay at our house these two days."

Xie Cheng was expressionless on the side, not knowing how the two of them reconciled.

Mrs. Gu smiled and said: "This is the first time for us, Gu Ye, to bring friends to stay at home. I will arrange guest rooms for you."

Xie Cheng quickly said: "Auntie, if I don't want to stay, he will live alone."

Mrs. Gu's face paled. She was a little worried because Qiao Qiaojun looked so good.

"Okay, just arrange a room. Gu Yang, take your two brothers around the house and get familiar with the environment. Gu Ye, come with me, and we'll arrange a guest room."

Gu Ye saw that his little mother had something to do with him, so he quickly followed her. When no one was around, Mrs. Gu asked Gu Ye in a low voice: "When did you make friends?"

Gu Ye didn't know why, "It's been a long time."

Mrs. Gu asked worriedly: "Does Yu Ze know?"

Gu Ye heard what it meant and smiled and said: "I know, they have seen it before, don't worry."

After a while, Gu Ye found Qiao Qiaojun and confessed. Qiao Qiaojun asked, "Is it convenient for me to live here?"

He also saw that Mrs. Gu had something to say to Gu Ye. He followed Gu Ye here because he actually wanted to see if Gu Ye's family treated him well. There was no need to live at home.

Gu Ye smiled and said: "It's very convenient. We have a lot of houses. My eldest brother and my second brother don't often come back to stay at night. My younger brother lives on campus, and I usually stay at home. Yu Ze will come over in the evening, and you all know each other. , it’s not inconvenient. My mother came to see me just now because she was afraid that I would cheat before marriage, so she wasn’t that cautious.”

"Me and you?" Qiao Qiaojun looked at Gu Ye with disgust, as if he saw something dirty, with a disgusting look in his eyes.

Gu Ye kicked him angrily, "There's no need for you to dislike me so much! You live in my house, eat my food, and drink my food. Where do you have the nerve to dislike me so much?"

Qiao Qiaojun pointed to his face, "I have a face."

Gu Ye took a deep breath, "Bah!"

Mrs. Gu observed carefully and found that Gu Ye actually lost the quarrel. She called Gu's father uneasily, "Gu Ye won't give in to him, right? That child is so good-looking, with that nose, those eyes, that face, It’s all the same as high-end customization. I found that our son likes good-looking ones, so don’t let anything happen.”

Dad Gu made her laugh with this metaphor, "Don't think too much, it's just impossible at this point. Yu Ze can do anything to spoil him, and he has no chance in this regard."

Mrs. Gu suddenly calmed down after thinking about Yu Ze's ability, so convincing.

Not long after, Mrs. Gu happily called Gu Ye: "Son, the guest room has been arranged. Take your friend to stay."

Gu Ye winked at Qiao Qiaojun and said, "Look, my mother is so enthusiastic."

Qiao Qiaojun's face softened and he felt relieved.


The wedding between two people, in Gu Ye's mind, was as simple as two or three tables of people. The two families invited their closest friends to sit together for a meal, and that was it.

On the same day, Gu Ye was taken to the wedding venue by Yu Ze, looking confused. Yu Ze rented a large manor in advance, and invited all the wealthy families in the imperial capital, as well as the top people in the literary and art circles, and the top celebrities in the entertainment industry. Gu Ye looked at the formation and looked at Yu Ze dumbfounded, "Dear, is it so grand?"

Yu Ze asked back: "Where is the grand ceremony?"

In his opinion, it wasn't enough. It was just that Gu Ye and Gu's father didn't like too much excitement, so he didn't do anything big. A wedding that was not grand was held quietly in a private manor far away from the city. But this time, all the people who accepted the invitation were respectable people. He just wanted to tell them that they would be together until they grow old and die, and it would be him. Anyone who dares not to give Gu Ye face is not giving him face.

Gu Ye looked at the battle and whispered, "I suddenly have the urge to run away from the marriage."

Yu Ze grabbed his wrist and pulled him in forcefully, "Not a single mosquito can fly out without my permission today."

Gu Ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I was joking, don't scare me."

The corners of Yu Ze's lips curled up, "I'm teasing you."

Gu Ye: "..."

Yu Ze is really bad at learning, it was so scary just now!

On the lawn, the scene had already been arranged, with a priest on one side and a performance stage on the other. Yu Ze invited a few first-line singers to sing a few romantic love songs to set the mood.

Gu Ye also saw many reporters inside, all dressed formally and with badges on their chests. They were found in domestic and foreign newspapers. As soon as they saw them coming in, the reporter immediately took pictures of them, but they didn't take pictures enthusiastically. They just stood aside, didn't say much, took two pictures and left.

Gu Ye asked softly: "How long have you been preparing for this?"

"It won't take long, but I will prepare for a month to take you on a trip." After Yu Ze finished speaking, Gu Ye's eyes widened in shock, "Really?"

Yu Ze said with a smile: "I'll leave this month to you. Wherever you want to go, we will go."

Gu Ye happily grasped Yu Ze's hand, "It's not easy. You finally came out of that office. You are so capable. I was even afraid that you would be bald in middle age."

Yu Ze laughed angrily, "Nonsense."

Everyone was busy socializing, and the children were running on the grass. When the twins saw Gu Ye, they ran over happily and hugged each other's legs. Now the two children have grown taller. In two years, they will probably be able to hold Gu Ye. waist. Gu Ye patted the little heads one by one and praised them in a fancy way: "Oh, who is this young man? He is so handsome? This little face... Pfft! My nephew and uncle are really sincere in what they say."

Yu Ze raised his eyebrows, "Where does it look like?"

Gu Ye said seriously: "It really looks like you, you can't tell it yourself."

Yu Ze was slightly disgusted. He didn't look like this when he was a child, and he definitely wasn't this fat.

The third sister's belly was already very big now, and her brother-in-law accompanied her wherever she went. When she came over, the third sister pinched her waist and told them both: "No one is allowed to make trouble with uncle today. Uncle has business."

Gu Ye looked at her belly and felt tired for her, "Sister, rest if you can. Find family members to take care of these two children."

"I understand, don't worry."

At this time, Mr. Yu waved to the two of them. Father Gu and Mrs. Gu were also there, and there were many people standing around them. It seemed that they were introducing relatives and friends to get to know each other.

The third sister urged: "Go quickly."

The parents of the two families were together and introduced their relatives and friends. Gu Ye nodded while listening. Sometimes he was confused. He was really face-blind and sometimes he couldn't remember clearly.

Yu Ze reminded him in a low voice: "I have remembered it all, just follow me all the time."

Gu Ye's eyes lit up, "Dear, you are so smart."

"Being smart doesn't mean you'll be bald in middle age."

Gu Ye couldn't help laughing, do you care so much

After getting to know all these relatives, friends and business partners, it was finally time to hold the ceremony. The priest was already in place, and Gu Ye and Yu Ze had already gone over to wait. A group of relatives and friends sitting below were looking there. Among these people, there was a special area that was obviously different from those business elites. They were all young and dressed casually, and they were incompatible with other people. These people are Gu Ye's friends in the mystical circle.

However, after knowing their identities, no one dared to look down upon them. Don't offend anyone if you offend the master, otherwise you won't even know how you died. Smart people know this truth, and this group of young people did not follow them when they got together. Those aristocratic families meant that they just played together. Qiao Qiaojun was also sitting among this group of people. Gu Ye asked Xie Cheng to take him with him. When he saw that the ceremony was about to begin, Qiao Qiaojun opened the bag he had been carrying with him and took out two tablets.

Xie Cheng's lips twitched, "Brother! Calm down! This is a wedding venue!"

Qiao Qiaojun said with a cold face, "It's not our style to peek. I'll call a ghost for you two."

The corner of Xie Cheng's mouth twitched wildly as he watched Qiao Qiaojun take out a black umbrella from his bag. It was very small when folded. It had to be 60 to 30% off. It looked like he had bought it specially and had already prepared it.

Regardless of everyone's eyes, Qiao Qiaojun opened the umbrella on the spot. The umbrella cover was relatively large and black like a black cloud. Qiao Qiaojun continued to summon the spirits of the two old people. He learned this method from Gu Ye, "Now that Gu Ye is getting married, I usually can't call you two. If you have time now, just come over and take a look. If you don't have time, forget it. "

Gu Ye naturally looked over here. The sun was not particularly strong now. There was a man holding a black umbrella in the crowd. He was conspicuous no matter how he looked. Gu Ye turned his head and looked at the figure who suddenly appeared under the umbrella. Gu Ye His pupils shrank, and the corners of his mouth moved excitedly. Before he could say anything, his eyes suddenly turned red, "Master, master, aunt."

The author has something to say: I will cook some food first, and there will be an update later. Be more sincere~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2019-12-15 19:46:39~2019-12-16 17:54:57~

Thank you to the little angel who threw the grenade: your dreams are colorful;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the mines: Tears of Love is a Little Fairy, Salamander Coco, Rabbit's Short Tail, Pearl Loves Fish, Lemon Tea, Light of Yinghuo, Demeter, ?Pursuit? 1;

Thank you to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 144 bottles of Rourou must be thin or she can't wear it; 50 bottles of Little Fairy; 30 bottles of Millennium Fairy, Yinghuo Zhiguang, Baitangtang; 25 bottles of Renshanrenshan; Bingtuotuozi, Yan, Wang Er Gouzi loves money but not people, Springfield Flowers, Invincible Little Jianmao, Bean Sprouts Bucai 20 bottles; Leading Cat Oo, Chen Yi 15 bottles; July, Goudan’s Cat, Qinghuo, Mobiu Si Xiaoyuan Yuan, Lan Lanlan, 32072405, Flowers Falling on the Other Side of the River of Destiny, Tears of Love is a Little Fairy, faye, Like a Fish in Water, A Dumpling, Li Zhi, Yanlin 10 Bottles; Star's ?, Skin God is the Cutest, 40204147, Children, Sakura White Night, Sweet Love, Vero, Lantian Pastoral, 2333333, 5 bottles of lz’s Pig and Rabbit; 3 bottles of An Qian, Pearl Loves Fish, Jiu Xia and Xing; A Cat’s Monologue, 27269506, 2 bottles of Luhuahua, Baize, cinderella, Yelingxue; 22776082, yo, Xiaotuanzi, Yi Dagan, Xiaoxiaofang, Qiye, Xishan Hanye, Liunian, yoyo, Tumi, Su Qingbai; 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!