Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 24: Once I count, you will be cool


Early the next morning, Gu Ye got up early to wash up, took his schoolbag and luggage downstairs, put them in the lobby, and then went to eat.

This time breakfast is not "100% noodles", but dumplings. According to Mrs. Care, "Lejia Dumplings and Home Noodles, these are egg dumplings. If you eat them, you two will get out."

Gu Yeqing glanced at her brother's bowl and then at her own bowl, as if comparing them.

Mrs. Gu felt nervous because she was afraid that Gu Ye would say nonsense like "My brother's dumplings are bigger than mine", which would make Gu Decheng and the eldest brother and the second brother feel uncomfortable. Gu Ye took a look at her face, smiled and pulled his brother's bowl to him, and gave his own to his brother, "Our mother is partial, there are open dumplings in your bowl."

Gu Yang blinked and really believed it, "Really? Mom, why do you only love my brother and not me?"

Mrs. Gu couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, and said with disgust: "Because your brother is better at studying than you, you idiot, you don't develop your brain after eating too much."

Gu Yang looked confused, "You are your mother, you are really your mother."

Mrs. Gu gave her son a sneer happily.

Just after finishing the meal, the servant came to the door of the restaurant holding a long brocade box and said, "Third Young Master, a middle-aged woman just gave you a gift."

Gu Ye wiped his mouth and took the box under the doubtful eyes of the whole family. Under his father's scrutinizing eyes, he quietly opened it a crack and after seeing clearly what was inside, he immediately closed it.

"Mom, this is a Mother's Day gift for you." Gu Ye handed the box to Mrs. Gu and said with a smile, "Take it back to the room and look at it. Don't let my dad take it away."

Mrs. Gu happily took it, looked away, her expression paused slightly, and then she became happy and hugged her tightly, "Mom has accepted this gift, you won't want it back again."

Gu Ye's flesh hurt, but he still had to keep smiling, "No."

Inside was the bank card sent by Aunt Wang. He didn't know where he got the money and paid off his debt. What’s more embarrassing is that there is even a pennant! His old man's blood pressure had soared when he saw the banner, and now he wanted to force him out of the country to prevent him from having his fortune told. How dare he take it out at this juncture? !

Gu Ye was in great pain, dragging his suitcase to go to school. Mrs. Gu happily put him in the car and told him to take good care of himself and not to catch a cold or lose weight. Who his biological son was had long been forgotten.

Gu Ye sat in the car and shook his head. A money-obsessed woman is so scary!


As soon as I returned to school, the topic that everyone cared about was which school to apply for. Groups of small and medium-sized people with good connections gathered together to discuss their decisions about what their first choice was, what their second choice was, and what the reasons were. It was like a room full of people. Little duck, there is no idle time.

The monitor stood up and shouted: "Students, Teacher Yu asked all the students who have arrived to submit their volunteer forms first! Come to me!"

Xia Xiang took out his form and came to Gu Ye, "Have you decided where to go?"

Gu Ye took out his own and showed it to him. The "First University of the Imperial Capital" was particularly neat. He really had a soft spot for it.

Zhao Pengyu came over to take a look, "Damn it! This is the leading university in the country. If you pass the exam, you will be able to honor your ancestors, but the score is too high." He looked around and saw that no one was approaching them, and then asked in a low voice: "What are you two doing?" Conditions, don’t study abroad?”

Gu Ye said in a low voice: "No, there are many rich people in Emperor Star, who make money by telling fortunes."

Zhao Pengyu and Xia Xiang were both speechless. The reason was simple, "What if I fail the exam?"

"That's great. Let's take my brother to set up a stall under the overpass. All the sponsors and dads have to take care of my business."

Xia Xiang took a pen on Gu Ye's desk and wrote in the empty first choice column: Imperial Capital First University, "Believe in yourself, you can do it, give it a try."

The corners of Gu Ye's lips curled up. Xia Xiang was really a contradictory person. He looked timid, but was very independent and did not panic when he encountered anything. Looking at Zhao Pengyu's, all three spaces are empty. It seems that he has no idea where to go.

Zhao Pengyu hesitated for a moment, took the pen from Xia Xiang's hand, and wrote his first choice with a calm expression: The First University of the Imperial Capital,

The class monitor who ran over to ask if he had finished writing saw Zhao Pengyu's wish and looked at him again with wide eyes. His eyes seemed to be: Are you crazy, with poor grades

Zhao Pengyu chuckled carelessly, "Everyone must have a dream. What if it comes true?"

Gu Ye looked at Zhao Pengyu's eyes carefully and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "Let's make up the lessons. Last time I advanced 500 places in the monthly exam, I will advance 800 places in this monthly exam and get into the top 300 in the school. The last monthly exam, the top 50, is almost the same for the college entrance examination.”

Zhao Pengyu waved his hand, said nothing, and went back to study materials.

At noon, Teacher Yu called Gu Ye to the office, "No problem with the first choice, why don't you change the second or third choice?"

Gu Ye insisted, "I won't change."

"So confident?"

"It's not about having confidence, it's about cutting off all avenues of escape for yourself."

Teacher Yu has never seen such a stubborn person, "Why?"

Gu Ye said with a cold face, "Because it's close to home."

Teacher Yu twitched the corner of his mouth and said kindly: "If you change your first choice later, don't delay. Teacher is doing it for your own good."

Gu Ye nodded, "I understand, but I don't want to go to any other school."

"Okay then, you can go back." Teacher Yu asked Gu Ye to leave and sent a message to his parents: "Your child applied for a volunteer and applied for three identical ones. Do your parents know?"

When Gu Decheng received this WeChat message, he really hesitated whether to directly change Gu Ye's wishes. As a father, as long as it's for his own good, he doesn't mind being a bad person and making Gu Ye hate him. How many years does he have left to live? Gu Ye's life has just begun.

Just when he was hesitant, Mrs. Gu shook her head at him and advised: "Forget it, the child finally lives like a normal person, just follow his wishes, if you want him in the future To expand the territory for you? Our family’s money is enough to support him for a lifetime. Besides, if you send him away for three to five years, can you not let him come back for the rest of your life?”

Mrs. Gu hesitated for a moment, but was still cruel. She took out the bank card that Gu Ye gave her and placed it on Gu Decheng's table. "The third child went out on the second day of the holiday and saved a family of four. Someone gave it to me." I checked the thank you letter and the remuneration, and found that it contained 1.8 million yuan. He called me at school and asked me to donate half to charity and leave the rest to me. As a Mother's Day gift." When Mrs. Gu said this, her heart ached and she wiped away tears, "How can there be any retribution for a child who has done good things? I raised him so big, is it easy for me to give him away? Just send him away without even thinking about how I feel as a mother. People say that my stepmother is uncaring. People don’t know what to say about me when my child is gone. Am I unable to tolerate him or what?”

The more she talked, the more she felt aggrieved. Mrs. Gu was originally a bit of an actor, but she had to keep Gu Ye for her own sake. Unexpectedly, she became sincere as she talked, and the more she cried, the more she felt aggrieved. Being a stepmother is not easy, and raising children is not easy. When she raised Gu Ye, she was only in her twenties and had no experience at all. Gu Ye was weak, and she was afraid that if she didn't do anything well, the child would be brought up with something wrong and the Gu family would be unhappy. As a result, she had no right to speak at all.

When Mrs. Gu cried, Gu Decheng also felt distressed. Thinking of the smile on Gu Ye's face, he softened his heart, "Okay, okay, if you don't send him away, listen to your mother and father. You have the right to speak, and I didn't say no to you." Comments."

Mrs. Gu cried until her eyes turned red, and she began to be arrogant and petty, "Then you keep my son!"

"Leave, stay, stay!" Gu Decheng had no choice but to call Teacher Yu immediately. "I won't change my first choice, but I will change my second choice to Huaxia University of Science and Technology, and my third choice to Huaxia Renmin University."

These two schools are ranked in the top five in the country and are also very famous in the world's top schools. Moreover, they are both in the north and relatively close to the imperial capital, which satisfies Gu Ye's wish to go home at any time.

Teacher Yu gave Gu Ye's wishes and then gave them to him again, "This is your father's wish. When filling out the volunteer form online, you should write according to this. You can't write the same in all three."

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and looked at it, then happily raised the list high, "Thank you, teacher, thank you, mom! I won!"

Teacher Yu: “…”

I don't understand what this kid is thinking.

Next, everyone studied like crazy. Gu Ye also felt the pressure and put all other things behind him, just to study hard to get into the First University of the Imperial Capital, which was closest to home.

Not to mention Xia Xiang, he would go wherever Gu Ye went, studying hard in order not to keep company with ghosts.

Zhao Pengyu also went crazy. He was too far behind and needed to make up for it. He stopped playing ball and only slept five hours a night. He had to study with a flashlight after turning off the lights. The information given by Brother Gu Ye, It really came in handy, I finished one in a few days. What shocked everyone was that Zhao Pengyu was able to draw inferences from one question after another. He did two questions of the same type and basically mastered them all. His grades were flying around the Internet like a rocket. His clever mind made many good students jealous. .

The teachers of all subjects were so angry that they wanted to beat him. You are so smart, why didn't you learn before? Where have you used your IQ? !

Gu Ye returned for Zhao Pengyu, "Use the second offense."

Zhao Pengyu didn't even have the strength to resist.

Finally, by the end of the month, Zhao Pengyu lost several kilograms, and his monthly exam results shocked the entire school. Just as Gu Ye said, he moved up to 800 places in one go, ranking among the top 300 in the school.

Just like that, the last two crazy months came to an end, until the eve of the college entrance examination, when the senior high school students had a day off. Go home and pack your things, go back to school the next afternoon, and go to the examination room in advance.

When Gu Ye got home, the eldest brother went abroad again and the second brother returned to the company. The house was quiet. Gu Ye lay down and fell asleep. He slept for twelve hours before Mrs. Gu woke him up and took a sip of soup.

Looking at the time, it was already past ten o'clock. Gu Ye looked at the sky outside and asked worriedly: "Where is my dad? He's not back yet at this o'clock?"

When this was mentioned, Mrs. Gu became angry and complained distressedly: "I'm busy, there is a cocktail party tonight. If you still drink at such an old age, your blood pressure is like a balloon tied to it. It only rises but doesn't fall."

Gu Ye frowned and said, "Give me your address and I'll pick him up. Don't drink too much."

In the business circle, seniority is based on financial strength, and the one with more money is the boss. Wherever Gu's father goes, there are people who flatter him. It's hard not to show some respect when someone comes. If you have a sip with one person, dozens of people can knock him out.

A middle-aged entrepreneur came to him with a glass of wine and started chatting with him, "Mr. Gu is not only talented, but also a very good tutor. The two eldest sons are both good and bad. Needless to say, I heard that the third son is in The school is also ranked among the best, and I have a very good master who has saved many people.”

What Gu Decheng likes to hear is other people praising his son. He is also happy to hide here and chat and drink a few drinks. Just as he was talking, a sarcastic voice asked: "Can you please Gu Sanshao to dance a big dance?" Let’s count the ropes, how can we guard against villains?”

Gu Decheng didn't need to look back to know that it was Li Shengkai. Now that the entire Li family had been turned into an empty shell by him, he didn't know where he got the courage to dare to provoke him here. Gu Decheng had a cold face and said condescendingly with a victor's attitude: "If you want to guard against villains, just cover your face when you go out."

At first, Li Shengkai didn't understand what Gu Decheng meant, but the man next to Gu Decheng almost burst into laughter. Mr. Gu meant that Li Shengkai was a villain. If he covered his face when he went out, others would have to guard against him.

After Li Shengkai thought about it, he cursed in a low voice with a dark face, scorning Gu Decheng's attitude of "showing off" his son, "I don't know what master is so awesome and can teach a fool so well?"

Gu Decheng understood what he heard, and his face suddenly turned cold. Just as he was about to have an attack, a cool voice said coldly: "Mr. Li still has time to care about how to raise the Gu family's children, so it is better to care about yourself."

When everyone heard this voice, they were startled. They turned around and saw that a tall, handsome but unsmiling young man had come behind Gu Decheng. He was wearing a white shirt, including the collar and cufflinks. The cold gray used to make his handsome face look inhumane at all.

It was Yu Ze.

Even though Yu Ze was young, everyone present did not dare to look down upon him. Everyone present could understand his temperament to some extent. Unexpectedly, the young man who was famous for being indifferent would directly become angry with Li Shengkai as soon as he arrived. Everyone who noticed what was going on here shut their mouths and quietly observed the developments here, for fear of accidentally getting themselves into trouble.

Yu Ze passed by Li Shengkai expressionlessly, picked up a wine glass from the plate held by the waiter, and signaled to Gu Decheng: "Mr. Gu, we meet again."

Gu Decheng clinked glasses with him happily, and was a little surprised that Yu Ze would be nosy, "I thought you wouldn't come."

"The company has something to do temporarily, so I'm late." Yu Ze's face softened and he directly jumped to the topic, "Mr. Gu is a good teacher. Gu Ye saved my nephew's life a while ago and took good care of him. My family has always Thank you very much.”

"Yes, it is our duty to save our friends." Gu Decheng's lips curled up, feeling relieved. He looked at the young man with admiration and felt envious in his heart. Yu Ze was able to support a business empire at such a young age, but none of his sons wanted to succeed him.

The atmosphere had just calmed down, and a smiling voice said softly: "Hey, sir, let me tell you, you have been plagued with bad luck in the past few months. Is it okay to wear a wig at such a young age?"

When Gu Decheng heard this familiar voice, he laughed angrily. His third son, who was the most difficult to discipline, didn't know how he got in. He was pinching his fingers and standing seriously in front of Li Shengkai, telling him his fortune, "He has done too many bad things." , don’t walk at night, it’s easy to bump into ghosts, and it’s easy to have impotence if you go to bed with your mistress. !”

Gu Decheng had a stern face and wanted to stop this little bastard from engaging in feudal superstition in front of so many people. Before he could go out, he was stopped by Yu Ze. "I suddenly felt that he was quite interesting like this." Yu Ze paused. After a pause, he stared at the evil smile on Gu Ye's face, frowned slightly, and raised the corners of his mouth a little, "I want to hear what he wants to say."

Gu Decheng held his forehead with a headache. This little villain said nothing nice and he would definitely regret hearing it.

Li Shengkai came today with his wife. After all, it was a formal business reception, and more than half of them brought their wives. He took over his business from his father-in-law, and if his wife comes, he can gain some face. As soon as he heard that her husband was messing around outside, Hu Yu felt a little confused.

Gu Ye smiled and said: "Madam, don't worry about changing your face. He looks like a traitor. Your father should still be alive, but he is not in good health. He is a villain. Did you take him back? Did he make his fortune from your family?" You have to resort to dirty tricks. Do you still think that your father’s sudden illness is really because of his poor health? Have you never used such methods as to be punished by God?”

"You're talking nonsense! Where did you come from, a wild child, talking nonsense!" Hu Yu immediately turned her back. She had met Gu Ye before, but Gu Ye had changed so much that she didn't recognize him for a while.

Gu Ye curled his lips and said happily, "Wild boy? That's not what you said when you asked my mother to kill me."

Everyone present understood what Gu Ye said. This was the third son of the Gu family. What Hu Yu said to induce Mrs. Gu was put on WeChat by Mrs. Gu. Many people present knew about it and did not comment on it. They looked at Hu Yu differently.

Hu Yu became angry because of embarrassment, but could not make excuses, and his face turned pale with anger.

Gu Ye sneered, "How did your father get sick? You can ask someone to find out. It has absolutely nothing to do with the man next to you."

People present actually heard that Li Shengkai started his business by relying on his father-in-law and mother-in-law. In the end, he tricked his old father-in-law and all the shares went to him. Although there is no evidence, people who know this industry can see something. It happened, so Gu Decheng told Mrs. Gu that this man had a dirty family history. Only Hu Yu loves him deeply and knows nothing.

Being watched by so many people, Li Shengkai felt panicked and said angrily: "Gu Decheng, this is the son you taught. What kind of place is this? How dare you come here to act wild!"

When he was anxious, Gu Decheng didn't want to care anymore. The old god was watching them, clinking glasses with Yu Ze and drinking another one.

Li Shengkai's eyes were red with anger.

Compared with Li Shengkai's anger, Gu Ye said calmly: "I did the math again. You have a mistress who is pregnant with someone else's child, and now her surname is Li. How amazing! How much money did you smuggle to this illegitimate child of yours?" "Ma'am, please be careful. He used your father's wealth to support his lover, and his lover even cheated on him. The relationship in your family is so messed up."

Hu Yu's face turned even more ugly. She knew that her husband had raised a woman outside. She had cried and made trouble. Later, her husband also broke off the relationship with the woman. Why is the child involved now? It is said that the third son of the Gu family is good at calculating. Now he has a nose and an eye for calculation. Is this true

Unnaturally, Hu Yu looked at her husband with a bit of uneasiness and speculation, and took this matter to heart.

Li Shengkai glared at Hu Yu, "You believe this kind of nonsense!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Gu Ye chuckled a few times, "I'll count on my fingers and I'll know how many bastard things you've done. Are you hiding the tax evasion thing well? Anyone who dares to cooperate with you will be the one. A hero is not afraid of death or sacrifice, and dares to contribute all his wealth. "

Li Shengkai finally managed to recruit a few people who reluctantly wanted to cooperate with him. Now they looked at each other, tax evasion? Gu Ye saved Mr. Yu's grandson. This matter has long been spread throughout the world. If the third son of the Gu family is talking nonsense, it is okay, but if it is really calculated, this cooperation must stop.

Li Shengkai squeezed the wine glass fiercely, wishing he could stab Gu Ye to death with the glass.

Gu Ye had enough time to ask: "Do you want to hit me? It's true that the old cat room is passed down from generation to generation. Your son must be a relative. This is still certain. He dared to engage in school violence when he was just in junior high school. You beat your classmate into a vegetative state, and you gave him half a million to settle the matter. How can you settle your son's murder and arson in the future

All the people watching the excitement were high-profile people. If you want to see the family tradition, you can see it from the children. Li Shengkai has raised his children like this. It is conceivable that their parents are not very good. .

Li Shengkai's face was really unbearable. With so many people guarding him, he really couldn't do anything to Gu Ye. He was so angry that he was shaking all over. If eyes could kill, he would have killed Gu Ye Lingchi eight hundred times.

Gu Ye glanced at him with a cold face, and finally said to him: "You must be cold."

If he hadn't created the evil and mourning talisman in the first place, the original body of his would have had half a year to live. Although by mistake, he got into this body and got a big advantage, Gu Ye still felt that "he" was bullied. If I don't take revenge and go back, I will feel uncomfortable all over.

Gu Ye directly passed Li Shengkai, walked to Gu Decheng, and asked with a smile: "Let me see first, has this old gentleman drunk too much?"

Gu Decheng laughed and scolded: "It's for you!" Gu Decheng was in a good mood and introduced: "This is Mr. Yu, a young and promising leader of the younger generation in the business world. If you can have one-tenth of his power, I will burn it." Very fragrant.”

Gu Ye regretted, "Forget it, Bodhisattva will not accept your incense."

Gu Decheng opened his mouth, but what he wanted to say was choked back. He just wanted to hit the child.

Gu Ye looked at Yu Ze and said with a smile: "Mr. Yu, I still owe you two meals." He sighed in his heart. From his facial features to his figure to his temperament, every detail of this man made people feel perfect and flawless. But he's picky. His father wants him to be like Yu Ze, but he can't do it. He just wants to lie down.

Yu Ze raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "What should I say?"

Gu Ye pointed out his fingers and explained to him, "You treated me to a meal that night. The next day I asked you to go out and have two meals."

Gu Decheng grabbed Gu Ye from behind and scolded him: "Nonsense! Mr. Yu is busy, how can he have time to eat with you?"

"Yes," Yu Ze said with a gentle face and took out a business card, "You decide the time and place, just inform me one day in advance."

Gu Ye took it blankly, a little confused. Is the CEO so easy to talk to

Gu Decheng said helplessly: "Don't pay attention to him. He has a childish temper and cannot be tolerated."

Yu Ze smiled slightly, "He is very sensible."

Gu Decheng glared at Gu Ye and reminded him not to mess around and not really invite people to dinner.

Gu Ye had already happily put the business card into his pocket. The card was still stained with purple energy. He went back and rubbed his hands more before buying a lottery ticket.

It was almost midnight and the business banquet was about to break up. Gu Decheng and Gu Ye exchanged greetings with a few old friends and then left. When he walked to the parking lot, Gu Ye looked at his father with resentment. The old man was really unreasonable. When he went out, the big boss asked him to make a fortune. He forgot about it. The old man wouldn't let him collect money. How could there be such a loss-making business

Gu Decheng glared at Gu Ye back, "Uncle Lin is teasing you, do you really dare to count?"

Gu Ye curled his lips and said, "I dare to count even if the King of Heaven comes."

Gu Decheng had a cold face and was about to take the opportunity to educate him and let him know what kind of words to say on what occasion. Especially in this kind of business world, people are full of two-faced people. They may smile at you on the surface but stab you behind your back if they talk too much. Will suffer a loss. Without saying a few words, a middle-aged man in a black shirt came over and said, "Hello, Mr. Gu, I am from the Mystic Arts Society. I have been waiting for you two for a long time."

Gu Decheng frowned, "Why does the Mysterious Arts Society want me? My son won't be a Taoist priest."

"You misunderstood," the people from the Mysterious Arts Society quickly explained, "I just want to ask San Shao a few questions."

Gu Ye asked with a look of disgust: "Mysterious Arts Society is not my father, why should I answer the question? Chouji!"

People from the Mysterious Arts Society: “…”

This tooth-ache-inducing temperament had nothing to do with that Gu Ye, and I wouldn't believe it even if I beat him to death.

The author has something to say: Gu Decheng: Don't listen to his nonsense, it's out of tune!

Yu Ze: It’s quite interesting.

——The dividing line for drawing 80 red envelopes today, the following is the author’s nonsense——

When I updated it the night before yesterday, I felt bad. I ate food that had been stored in the refrigerator for several days. I got food poisoning and suffered from vomiting and diarrhea. My husband was not at home, so I didn’t want to go to the hospital by myself at night until the third update. When I was about to finish writing, I felt like I was dying. I was dehydrated and felt cold all over. After calling a friend, I drank a glass of rehydration salt and sent the third update before I left the house. At that time, my lips were all white and I could no longer sit still. I was swaying back and forth in the car like a tumbler. I thought I would be saved when I got to the hospital, but I didn’t expect that the doctors and nurses would make me angry. Call the emergency number in Building 1, go to Building 8 to see a doctor, come to Building 1 to pay for the test, and then go to Building 8 for follow-up consultation, a round trip of more than 2,000 meters. At the worst time, doctors were out of work and could not find anyone every time they went back. The nurse was even more awesome. She asked me three times face to face, but she just ignored me. My friend asked her where the doctor was. He kept silent and knocked on the door several times. She glanced at him and didn't answer a word. She lazily called the doctor. Who am I? I just want to hold up the infusion bottle and do it. Where is my professional ethics? I will write them into the article in the future. Who dares to say that I am insulting the medical staff by writing this kind of joke? It is because my life is short and I am ignorant. I have never seen that the world is so big and has everything. Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [Bazooka]: I can’t keep anyone alive;

Thanks to the little angel who threw [Grenade]: 1 Raosheng;

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: 3 Xiaoman, demeter; 2 Qiankun Liulise, Biyu Xieqing, Qianjian Moyun; althea, Qingqing, Shangjiuxiao, Mingxin, Benny,, Qi, Chirmi? , Baobaotao, Yeshi, _gigu_, Amin, Yunduo, Ameow 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

40 bottles of kumquat and lemon; 36 bottles of Rainy Day Nap; 20 bottles of 38888763; 19 bottles of rouge; 12 bottles of Tingfeng; t., , Wu Mao, Mo Shang, Shaoer, Xiaotuanzi Guaiguai 10 bottles; the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month 9 bottles; Salt You Roll_ 8 bottles; Seven 7 bottles; Li Zi, Mo Xiaorui?, Yu, jh Heyi, Lala La, Jiheng, the house is really big, 5 bottles of ink dye; Muni, Twelve Fanqi, marshmallow, jasmine tea ~ 4 bottles; Xuanyuan Yumo, Jiu Mi? , Zi Xun, Fireworks in Yangzhou in March, Love, Little Black Flower Xiao Ping Xie, Shang Jiuxiao, Qing Shui Qing Kong, Bai Yu, Purple Yicae, 34892492 3 bottles; afftty, Ling Yi, Mo Zi Xi, Qian Xia Ashes, Stealing Tears Thief, Shanquanshuishi, Shanguiyi, Xinyue88668, Amin, Xiaoyue, 2 bottles of Magic Realm; Xiaoxiaofang, Huniu Sister, Pai Daxing, wak711, ★Daoxuan☆, kiki_9207, Mu Mianmian , White Robe Butcher, Watch quietly, Hao Xiaoha wanders in jj, 36377772, gypsophila, 33679282, Su Bai, Beiming Youyu, Chunrenrener, Xiaotang, slewiier, Yuanyuan, Beyond the Four Seasons, Wang Mumu World, Water Lian Mo, Qing You Cosine, xiaomry, Nian Fei Crossing the Sea, Breeder. , Jinni, Chu Xiaoyanzi, - south of Sioux City. ,. 1 bottle of Huangtao Yogurt Factory;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!