Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 3: I'm going to call back the soul of my grandfather


Mr. Gu didn't know how he got his two sons back home. He was so angry that he didn't even have the energy to teach them a lesson. He sat in the boss chair, looking at his two sons with a tired face, unable to utter a word.

Gu Ye didn't know what to advise him, for fear that a wrong word might make his old father angry and pass out.

Gu Decheng is an old-fashioned and conservative person. He follows the rules and does things in a methodical manner. He does not believe in mysterious things like metaphysics, especially since his original body used to do things on his own and bought a lot of information on Taobao for research. In this case, it is not realistic to expect the other party to believe that he can really tell fortunes.

After a full quarter of an hour of silence, Gu Decheng took a deep breath, looked at the calm Gu Ye with complicated eyes, and asked, "How do you know that my business has been bad recently?"

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes. "It was definitely not like this when the house was first built. My grandfather must have asked an expert to calculate it. The front door is a White Tiger to suppress evil spirits, and the interior is a Azure Dragon to protect the moon. That's why the Gu family has been smooth sailing for decades. Unfortunately, after he passed away, no one cared about these things. The beast has no teeth, evil spirits have invaded, the center of the formation has been destroyed, and the Feng Shui formation has long lost its original function."

Gu Ye's words were very logical. Mr. Gu, who didn't understand what he was saying, felt a headache and knocked on the table, "Speak human language!"

Tsk, uneducated, how terrible. Gu Ye said helplessly: "To put it simply, the Feng Shui of the house has been disturbed, money is leaking, bad luck is coming, and then someone will die."

Father Gu's face turned cold. How can you just say what a dead person says

Gu Ye saw that his father looked unhappy, and hurried to make amends: "There is really something wrong with the Feng Shui of our house. My grandfather came to me in a dream and said that it was not like this before." Gu Ye was desperate, "I will summon his spirit, and you will know if you ask him yourself."

Gu Decheng looked at him pinching his fingers, which seemed to be true. A surge of anger shot up from his heart to his forehead. With a cold face, he picked up something from the table. Without even looking at what it was, he wanted to spank Gu Ye, "You even dare to use your grandfather as a shield! You unfilial son!"

When Gu Ye saw that something was wrong, he ran away.

Gu Yang was squatting on the ground and being scolded, but when he saw his brother running away, he ran after him too.

Mr. Gu hadn't even taken two steps when his two sons disappeared. He was so angry.

Mrs. Gu nervously snatched the things from her husband's hand, carefully held them in her arms, and bravely tried to stop the fight: "Brother Cheng, please talk nicely and don't hit the child."

Father Gu slammed the table in anger, "A loving mother often spoils her son! How dare you protect them! I haven't even settled the score with you for covering for them!"

Mrs. Gu was so frightened that she trembled and wanted to cry. This jade ruler was worth millions. It would be a shame if it broke into pieces. It was all money.

Gu Ye looked back and saw that Mrs. Gu had been scolded. She stopped running and cried out aggrievedly, "Mom, save me!"

Father Gu glared at Madam Gu in anger, "You still dare to say that you didn't spoil him? He's already nineteen! He comes to mom whenever he has a problem. Isn't it shameful!"

Mrs. Gu, who was actually taking the blame, was about to cry out of anger. Gu Ye, that little bastard!

Gu Decheng believed that Gu Ye was afraid of being beaten, so he deliberately brought out his grandfather who had been dead for many years as a shield. Unexpectedly, he had a dream that night, which directly changed all his cognition.

The next morning, Gu Decheng got up early and came to the gate of the villa. He carefully looked at the teeth of the stone lion on the right side of the gate. Due to years of wind and sun, a crack appeared in the stone lion's mouth, and the two teeth closest to the inside had fallen out. However, it did not look like they were damaged naturally, but rather like they were chiseled off by someone.

Gu Decheng walked to the garden again. He suddenly found that his family had really changed a lot. He had been busy with work and hadn't had a good rest at home for a long time. The eldest son was busy opening up foreign markets and was doing well. He would not come back to take over for the time being. The second son opened an entertainment company before graduation. It was doing better and better. He could not take over for the time being. The third and fourth sons... Mr. Gu held his forehead with his hand. He should work for a few more years.

After walking around the house, Mr. Gu asked the gardener who was pruning the crabapple trees, "When was this fountain rebuilt?"

The gardener said respectfully, "Sir, three months ago, the fountain was broken, so Madam hired a construction team to replace the fountain and renovate it."

"When was this white elephant placed here?"

"It was also three months ago that the madam thought it looked nice and there was a lot of space here, so she had it placed here."

Gu Ye put his hands behind his back, walked slowly behind his father, and asked quietly: "My grandfather talked to you last night, right?"

Gu Decheng's face paused. Last night he did dream about his old father who had been dead for more than ten years, and they did not get along very well.

Gu Ye smiled, "The Gu family's layout was obviously calculated by someone with real skills. One thing leads to another. The stone lions at the door are used to ward off evil spirits. The villa is too big and we have a small family. It is not suitable to buy a big house because there are not enough people to ward off evil spirits. In order to prevent unrest in the house, the Feng Shui master set up a white tiger formation at the door, and the two stone lions are the center of the formation. There must be something wrong with the lions."

Gu Ye pointed at the white elephant again, "White elephants are indeed auspicious animals, but they are also ferocious beasts. The Azure Dragon Embracing the Moon Formation was originally meant to ensure wealth and safety, but now the fountain that serves as the center of the formation has been replaced, and they have brought such a ferocious beast into the house. If the Gu family wasn't so blessed, something bad would have happened long ago."

Gu Ye looked at his father's face, which looked like his worldview had been reshaped and he hadn't recovered from the blow yet. He suppressed a smile and said, "Actually, I suspect someone wants to harm the Gu family, otherwise this Feng Shui formation wouldn't be broken so quickly."

Gu Decheng frowned, "Is this what your grandfather told you?"

Gu Ye pinched his fingers seriously and said, "I will call back another soul for my grandfather."

Gu Decheng was so angry that he laughed. Relatively speaking, the third son had changed a lot. Before, he couldn't do anything with his feet. He knew everything you said. He often locked himself in the room to study Feng Shui and gossip. He didn't dare to tell his parents when he was beaten. Now, Gu Decheng persuaded himself that at least he knew to hide when he was beaten, which was a good thing.

Gu Ye circled around the white elephant and said, "Uncle Li, go get me a hammer."

Gu Decheng also followed, "Is there really something wrong with this white elephant?"

"Whether there is a problem or not, you'll know after you take a look," Gu Ye took the hammer handed over by the gardener, put Gu Decheng behind him, and smashed the white elephant's belly with the hammer. The hollow white elephant broke into several pieces. In the white elephant's belly, a talisman that looked like a ghost painting floated out. Gu Decheng's face suddenly turned cold.

The facts were before him and he had to believe it.

Madam Gu heard the noise and rushed out to take a look. When she saw Gu Ye smashed the white elephant her friend gave her, she was about to get angry when she saw something floating out of the white elephant's belly. The yellow talisman paper was a little old, and the vermilion cinnabar was winding and looked like coagulated blood. Madam Gu felt a sense of viciousness for no reason. Under the scorching sun, she got goose bumps from the cold.

Madam Gu immediately stepped back several steps and asked in disgust, "What is this? Why does it look so evil?"

Gu Ye held the amulet between his legs and asked, "Mom, who gave you this?"

"It was given by Hu Yu, Li Shengkai's wife."

Gu Decheng said angrily: "I'm telling you, stop getting involved with his family? Li Shengkai's history of making a fortune is not clean."

Madam Gu lowered her head in grievance, knowing that she had been deceived. "Isn't it that his wife is a pretty good person?"

In the circle of wealthy families in Beijing, Mrs. Gu is not very popular. It’s not that she has done a bad job, but the real wealthy families look down on her as a concubine. She was not born into a wealthy family, and her family has no background. She is young and beautiful, and she dresses herself up every day. Gu Decheng is sixty years old, and she is seventeen years younger than Gu Decheng. For this reason, the eldest and second sons don’t go home often to avoid suspicion with their stepmother. Others always think that she is so showy because she has some ideas, and they always feel that Gu Decheng is green on the forehead. In short, wealthy ladies are too disdainful to take her to play. Li Shengkai’s wife Hu Yu doesn’t have so many taboos. She calls her whatever she does. Over time, Mrs. Gu treats her as a friend.

Gu Ye was speechless. She treated him as a friend, but he might not be sincere to her. This was not only an attempt to steal their business, but also an attempt to kill their entire family. Gu Ye drew two strokes on the back of the talisman, and the talisman seemed to have life. It twisted and shook a few times, then turned into a khaki color and remained motionless, as if it was dead.

Gu Ye handed the talisman to his father, "This is a talisman for attracting evil spirits and bringing misfortune. You know what it means just by the name."

Madam Gu was also scared, her face turned pale, and then she became angry and stomped her feet fiercely, "Damn it! This little bitch!"

Gu Decheng wanted to teach her a lesson, but before he could open his mouth, he was amused by his wife's appearance and let off steam. "Alright, don't tell anyone about this. I'll take care of it. As for the rest," Father Gu glanced at Gu Ye, "you can fiddle with it yourself. Let me make it clear first, don't fiddle with these things anymore in the future. Study hard!"

"Okay, Dad~ I love you, Dad~" Gu Ye smiled and saluted. Gu Decheng staggered, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, but only for half a second. He immediately suppressed it, returned to his serious look, and walked away with a sullen face.

After arriving at the company, Gu Decheng called his secretary over and pointed to the map and asked, "Does Li Shengkai want this piece of land?"

"Yes, Mr. Gu, he meant to build a commercial street."

Gu Decheng said in a deep voice: "Go and smooth things over. I want this piece of land. Also, ask someone about the Golden Street that he has been planning."

The secretary asked tentatively: "What does Mr. Gu mean?"

"I will make sure that his whole family can't even afford porridge." Gu Decheng took a look at the planning map of that area and suddenly remembered that day when the land next to the government building was auctioned, his wife and Hu Yu had dinner and had an accident on the way home. He hurried to the hospital and was one step too late when he rushed to the auction. That good piece of land fell into the hands of Li Shengkai. From this point of view, it should have been planned by the other party.

Gu Decheng's face became increasingly colder. This time it was all thanks to the third brother.

At this time, the Third Young Master was arranging for people to change the feng shui at home. Mrs. Gu, who was dressed up beautifully, came out in a little red dress and carrying a shoulder bag.

Gu Yang shivered as well, "Mom, aren't you cold?"

Madam Gu sneered and said proudly, "It's not cold! Mom is going out for a while, you two should pack your things, school starts tomorrow, understand?"

"I understand!" Gu Ye also nodded obediently, always feeling that Madam Gu was murderous now.

Gu Ye was not mistaken. Mrs. Gu went out this time with Hu Yu. Hu Yu was also in her forties and came from a wealthy family. Unfortunately, she had been married for a few years and her father's family fell into poverty. Now she lives a life of taking care of her husband and children. She does beauty treatments and plays cards when she has nothing to do. She also maintains herself well. If Hu Yu's temperament is like an orchid in a valley, Mrs. Gu is like a flaming rose.

The two met at the coffee shop they often went to. Hu Yu looked at Mrs. Gu's outfit and smiled slightly, hiding the contempt in his eyes. He smiled and said, "Why did you ask me out today?"

"I was so angry at home!" Mrs. Gu sat down and took a long breath. "This third son bought some books on gossip again. It seems that if he learns them, he can open his Yin-Yang eyes and do well in the exam."

Hu Yu covered his lips and chuckled, "You have worked so hard, your third child, ah." Hu Yu shook his head, looked at Madam Gu with sympathy, and whispered: "If I were you, I would want to strangle him to death, it's not tiring enough."

Mrs. Gu's eyes flashed with anger, and she pursed her lips and calmly continued, "That's right. After all, she is not my biological child. I can't hit her or scold her."

Hu Yu looked around, then carefully approached Mrs. Gu and whispered, "I say, your son is an adult now, don't you think about him?"

Mrs. Gu was stunned for a moment, pretending to be confused, "What do you mean?"

"Are you stupid?" Hu Yu was worried for her, and said in a tone that was completely for his friend. "Gu Yang is only sixteen this year, and your old man is sixty. If he has an accident one day, your family property will have to be divided into four parts. Don't you know who your eldest and second sons are? With them around, how much can you and your mother get? In my opinion, the third son is stupid every day, it's better to..." Hu Yu winked at Mrs. Gu, "This way, there will be one less competitor, what do you think... Ah!!"

Before Hu Yu finished speaking, Madam Gu stood up angrily, grabbed Hu Yu's hair with one hand, and slapped him hard with her other hand. The slap made Hu Yu stunned. "No matter how useless he is, I raised him with all my heart! I am his stepmother, and I admit that I am biased, but I have raised him for eighteen years. As long as he calls me mom, he is my son! You heartless little bitch, how dare you instigate me to kill my son! You must want to die!"

It is said that the first wife is dignified and the second wife is spoiled. When Gu Decheng first fell in love with Mrs. Gu, he was attracted by her fierce temperament. She could act like a spoiled child, but she could also take on things. She was the kind that would fall down when the wind blew. Not to mention that she couldn't help him take care of the house and children, she couldn't even take care of herself. Hu Yu was also a lady from a wealthy family. She had never seen such a fierce lady from a wealthy family since she was a child. She had no room for resistance and was slapped and grabbed several times by Mrs. Gu.

The waiters in the store were also terrified. By the time they reacted, Hu Yu had been beaten so hard that her makeup was ruined, her hair was messed up, and there was a long bloody mark on her neck from being scratched. She was crying and tears were streaming down her face.

Mrs. Gu snorted coldly, pursed her red lips and spat at Hu Yu with disdain: "Bah!" Then she twisted her slender waist, stepped on her high heels, and walked away.

She asked her out today just to beat her up, nothing else. It was obvious that her husband, Gu, wanted to make a big move, and this vengeance would be taken slowly and thoroughly. However, she couldn't swallow this anger. She didn't expect this woman to be so tactful. Once the topic was brought up, she dared to say anything and had already found the reasons to beat her up. Mrs. Gu wiped her hands, took out a recorder from her bag, and curled her lips. This woman looked down on her too much. Did she think she was really so big-breasted and brainless

Mrs. Gu directly posted the recording on her circle of friends and threatened: Hu Yu, you little bitch, I will beat you up every time I see you!

Soon, the news that Madam Gu beat Hu Yu spread throughout the wealthy circle. The reason why Hu Yu was beaten also spread quickly in the wealthy circle. Many noble ladies looked at Madam Gu with admiration. Although beating people was very uncivilized and scolding people was also very uncivilized, it must be said that she beat people well. Hu Yu's reputation as a vicious woman spread quickly, and countless noble ladies avoided her.

Gu Decheng wanted to deal with Li Shengkai, but he couldn't find a suitable reason. He couldn't say that you sent a spell to my family and cursed my whole family. The Gu family was big and powerful, and Li Shengkai was at a disadvantage. If the Gu family confronted him and trampled him to death, without a suitable reason, the disadvantaged enterprises would inevitably feel that the lips and teeth would be cold and they would be afraid of the Gu family. Mrs. Gu's slaps just gave the reason to Gu Decheng. Instigating his wife to kill his own son, the hatred was great!

Li Shengkai was also panicking. After taking Hu Yu home, he looked at his wife in such a miserable state. Instead of feeling sorry for her, he slapped her hard in the face and said, "You stupid woman! The Li family will be defeated by you!"

Thinking about the injustice she suffered today, Hu Yu covered her face and burst into tears without any image.

Li Shengkai was annoyed by the crying and shouted angrily, "Stop crying!" His eyebrows turned cold, and a ferocious cold light flashed in his eyes, "If you go to that master again, I will destroy Gu Decheng's family!"