Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 30: Gu Ye I'm going to fall in love with him!


Gu Ye got off the car at the door of the Yu family's old house, looked at the courtyard, and exclaimed: "What a geomantic treasure place where water gathers and dragons are hidden."

Yu Ze pushed open the door, and an old man with gray hair wearing a blue Tang suit came up to him. He said with a smile: "The young master is back. Is this it?" Seeing Gu Ye who was blocked by Yu Ze behind him, the old man was stunned. This is it? Yu Ze brought someone home for the first time.

"Gu Ye, the master I invited. This is Uncle An."

Gu Ye smiled and said hello: "Hello, Uncle An. Mr. Yu invited me to see the painting."

"Is he the master who saved Master Pengyu?" Uncle An said in surprise, "You are so young and promising. Master Gu, please come in."

Gu Ye smiled awkwardly. There was a reason for being young. This was the first time he heard someone use this word to praise him. Others said he was not doing his job properly.

Step into the gate, cross the front yard, enter the hanging flower door, and then enter the inner yard. On the left and right are the east and west wing rooms. Several servants hung lanterns at the door. Yu Ze turned around and glanced at Gu Ye, who was half a step behind him. "These are my father's study rooms. Even the east and west wing rooms were filled with books and books." calligraphy and painting.”

Gu Ye sincerely praised: "Old Yu is knowledgeable and it is normal to have many books."

The more Gu Ye walked, the more he admired him. He sighed in his heart that the Yu family was worthy of being a scholarly family. All the buildings were antique, from the stone tables and benches to the wooden carvings in the corridors, which all demonstrated the owner's cultural accomplishment and rich family heritage. Moreover, to have such a large courtyard house so close to the center of the imperial capital, the value of this courtyard must be at least several hundred million. The most rare thing is that there is a layer of golden light over the Yu family. This is the aura of merit that can only be formed by doing good deeds. The Yu family is so rich but does good deeds in such a low-key manner, which shows the character of this family.

After walking a few dozen steps forward, we arrived at the main house. "It hides the wind and collects water, and the four spirits control the house. It's good Feng Shui! Mr. Yu, can I see the military parade from the roof of your house on October 1st?" "Gu Ye sighed and whispered something in a low voice, very curious.

Yu Ze's lips curled up slightly, and he smiled and said, "You can go up and take a look later."

Gu Ye gave him a puzzled look, could he be so casual

Yu Ze nodded and said it didn't matter, he could go if he wanted.

Gu Ye smiled and shook his head. It would be too rude to hang around other people's houses.

Gu Ye was taken to the backyard by Yu Ze. When he stepped in the door, he found a familiar figure squatting by the pool. Gu Ye slowed down and walked over to take a look. He just wanted to kick Ya off, "Are you lacking in virtue?"

There was a pool of koi carps that looked silly. Zhao Pengyu was fishing in the koi pond with a fishing rod.

"Hey~ Daxian'er is here!" Zhao Pengyu chuckled, "I'm going fishing tomorrow and try out the fishing rod in advance."

Gu Ye was speechless, so he said he was extremely wicked.

Zhao Pengyu raised his head and asked, "Will you come with me?"

Gu Ye said with interest: "Go, let's go together tomorrow."

"I heard that you went to experience life among the people. How was it? Didn't you tan?"

"No one with a high IQ can tan."

Zhao Pengyu touched his face and rolled his eyes speechlessly. He was tanned playing basketball.

Yu Ze looked at the watch on his wrist and said to Gu Ye, "You take a rest here. Someone will call you later."

Gu Ye nodded, "If Mr. Yu has something to do, just go ahead and do it. Don't worry about me."

Yu Ze's lips curled up, "Okay, by the way, do you want to eat the dessert from last time?"

Zhao Pengyu raised his hand, "Eat!"

Gu Ye was not a hypocritical person, "Eat!"

"There is a pastry room in the post-photography room. Let Peng Yu ask for whatever you want to eat."

Gu Ye grabbed Yu Ze's sleeve, smiled and rolled his eyes, "Thank you."

Yu Ze was slightly startled, and Gu Ye immediately let go, with a smile on his face that made it difficult to guess what he meant. Yu Ze looked at his wrist, said nothing, and left.

Zhao Pengyu looked hopeless, and waited until Yu Ze left before he dared to complain: "I seem to be your nanny."

Gu Ye looked at the purple energy retained on the tips of his five fingers with emotion, "Your brother-in-law is so good at taking care of people, such a warm man!"

"You..." Zhao Pengyu's eyes were full of words: Are you crazy? !

Gu Ye was too lazy to pay attention to him. He happily took out his mobile phone, logged into the game, and smashed the hero egg that he had not dared to smash for a long time: Congratulations to the player for smashing the S-level hero Nuwa.

"I'm so jealous!" Zhao Pengyu threw away the fishing rod in envy and hatred, "What kind of shitty luck are you doing! This hero can add an extra life when he goes into battle, allowing players to resurrect after death! I want it too! "

Gu Ye looked at the purple energy that had been used up on his fingers and suggested secretly: "Then go and touch your uncle and see if you can get good luck."

"I don't dare! He has mysophobia! You caught him just now and he didn't throw you out," Zhao Pengyu stretched out his paw angrily, "Can I touch you? Are you also possessed by good luck?"

Gu Ye grinned in disgust, "Go away! I'm a European now, and Europeans don't want to talk to you."

Zhao Pengyu: "..."

Sooner or later this friendship will end!

After resting for a while, Uncle An came over and said, "My master asked Master Gu to go to the wing."

Gu Ye put down the half-eaten cherry blossom jelly in his hand and followed Uncle An to the east wing. Only after entering the door did he realize that there were several colleagues here. After Gu Ye sat down, he was happy when he saw some familiar faces across from him, "Hey! We meet again! Where is your little apprentice?"

When the person opposite saw him, his expression was not very good, and he said sullenly: "Luo Huai is still young and not suitable for such a scene."

It was the master I met in Daliu Village.

Gu Yequan didn't think he could hear the hint in the other person's words, "You are right, you are really young, and your studies are not very good. You still need to practice."

Huai Xiangguo's face turned red instantly when he was retorted by these words. Doesn't this mean that his teaching is not good

Uncle An put the half of the jelly on the table, as if he didn't hear the conversation between the two, and said kindly: "You continue to eat, the master and the young master are talking, and they will be here soon."

Gu Ye thanked him with a smile and started eating. All the masters present looked at him, with a lot of scrutiny in their eyes. Those who came here were all well-known figures in the circle, but Gu Ye, a young face, received such courtesy, it really made people confused about his background. Huai Xiangguo had to shut up and endure it at this time.

The old man at the table next to Gu Ye took a sip of tea and asked tentatively: "I wonder where the young man studied?"

Gu Ye took a mouthful of jelly, smiled and rolled his eyes, and said harmlessly: "You have no family, no sect, just do it by yourself."

This was obviously a lie. The old gentleman saw that he didn't say anything and didn't ask any more questions.

Huai Xiangguo said calmly: "He is Gu Ye's junior brother, also named Gu Ye."

"Gu Ye?" The expressions of everyone present changed. Some were surprised, some were regretful, and some were disdainful.

Gu Ye said with a smile: "Yes, my name is Gu Ye, and my father is Gu Decheng. The family needs to change the feng shui someday. Please go. My father is very rich."

Huai Xiangguo was choked back and his face turned red from holding back.

The old man next to Gu Ye sighed, "Your senior brother is not bad. In fact, this technique does not need to be so clearly divided into sects, and there is no need to distinguish between good and evil. As long as you don't do bad things and use it in the right place, everything will be fine." That's good. Don't you understand the death of Gu Ye? It's time for the Mysterious Arts Society to reform. The rules and regulations are trapping people. This is the real reason why this profession cannot be passed down."

Everyone present did not dare to say anything, lowered their heads, and listened quietly to the teachings.

The old man looked at Gu Ye's brows again and said with a smile: "The young gentleman has great merits and is not strict with trivial matters. This is a good thing, but he needs to restrain his temper to avoid offending others. You must know that it is easy to hide from an open gun, but difficult to hide from a hidden arrow. Defend."

Gu Ye put down the jelly in his hand, stood up, bowed to the old man, and said respectfully, "Thank you, Mr. Tang, for your advice."

Mr. Tang was surprised, "Do you know me?"

"I know you. The highly respected seniors in the mystic arts circle are completely different from those hypocrites who are just trying to gain fame."

Mr. Tang shook his head helplessly. He was not afraid of offending others when he spoke.

Behind the screen, Yu Lao, who was nearly seventy years old and had gray hair, couldn't help but laugh when he heard what Gu Ye said. "It's quite interesting that you brought this kid back."

Yu Ze's face was cold and disgusted: "They are much better than those people you are looking for."

As soon as Mr. Yu appeared, everyone in the hall stood up.

Gu Ye had always heard people calling him "Lao Yu, Lao Yu", and thought that the old man was a staid old scholar, even more staid than his father. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be an elegant and handsome old man with a smile on his face and a very handsome look. Peaceful. Looking at Yu Ze standing next to Shi Shi, Gu Ye understood that Yu Ze's growth was not all due to his mother's genes. The old man was very good-looking.

Mr. Yu simply said a few polite words to everyone, and after everyone sat down, he said: "A friend gave me an unknown ancient painting. I invite you here today just to let the masters take a look at it. This girl is Not alive?"

If someone dared to say such nonsense, everyone present would laugh and give him two words: fart!

As soon as Mr. Yu said these words, everyone present became serious, "Is he possessed by a spirit body? It's impossible for the person in the painting to come back to life."

"It's better to invite that painting out and let everyone take a look."

When everyone saw the ancient paintings packed in glass boxes, they all praised: "What a profound skill! The lines and ink are clearly layered and the colors are bright. The most rare thing is that it is so well preserved, eh? There is no signature?"

"There's resentment attached to it, and it's ominous. Is it possible that it wasn't dug out of the ground?"

This painting was placed here like this, and everyone present could feel the resentment, but they could not see that the people in this painting would move on their own. Yu Lao turned his head to look at Yu Ze who was hiding far away, coldly disdainful to participate.

Yu Ze said with a cold face, "Don't ask me, I can't tell anything."

Yu Lao pointed to the door, "Then please go out first. When you are here, ghosts and gods will not dare to breathe."

"Pfft!" Gu Ye couldn't hold back and laughed out loud. It's no wonder that Yu Ze didn't believe in ghosts and gods. With his aura, he really couldn't see any strange things. When he was around, ghosts and gods didn't dare to come out.

Yu Ze watched him smile helplessly, with a hint of resentment in his eyes.

Gu Ye immediately gave the other party an "I understand you" look. It's not easy for old people. When you grow up, they will become old men and they will be unreasonable.

Yu Ze went out with a sullen face.

After closing the curtains, the whole study became dark, but the girl in the painting remained motionless. Mr. Yu said to everyone: "Next, I can only ask you gentlemen to show their talents. I have no other intention. I just want to know the reason. Who can After checking it out, you can go to the second floor and choose one of my calligraphy and paintings to take with you."

Gu Ye, who had shown little interest just now, suddenly widened his eyes. These are all Yu Lao's calligraphy treasures. These are treasures. They are always valuable!

Except for Mr. Tang, everyone else was eager to give it a try and was obviously moved by the reward mentioned by Mr. Yu.

"If she doesn't show up on her own, we can only force her to come out." Someone has already prepared a magical weapon, like a warrior who slays demons and defends the law.

Gu Ye walked over from the back and pushed the man away. Regardless of everyone's gaze, he put his hand on the glass box, closed his eyes and felt it with his heart.

The young man wanted to speak, but Mr. Yu shushed him, signaling for silence and not to interrupt him. The young man could only endure it and looked at the magic weapon in his hand. He felt like a joke for some reason.

Two minutes later, Gu Ye opened his eyes and asked Mr. Yu: "As long as we can figure out the reason, it's fine, right? There's no need to kill her."

"Yes." Mr. Yu nodded appreciatively, "I just want to know the reason."

Gu Ye smiled, "There is indeed a spirit attached to it. She is imprisoned in this painting. She wants to leave but can't. She is also a poor person."

Yu Lao said with interest: "Oh? I would like to hear the details."

"A thousand years ago, a local corrupt official wanted to give his boss a birthday gift. He heard that his boss loved calligraphy and painting, but he couldn't do it himself, so he hired a scholar to write for him. The scholar was arrogant, so he naturally didn't listen to him. They sent someone to arrest the scholar's family and threaten him. The scholar had no choice but to paint." Gu Ye looked at the woman in red again and said, "The scholar painted a promiscuous woman who pretended to be a good girl and secretly went on a date and waited in the mountains. The scene of the sweetheart is a metaphor for a corrupt official who has become a bitch and still has to build a memorial arch. In the end, he can’t wait for anything and can’t get anything.”

Yu Lao suddenly realized, "No wonder this painting has no inscription or signature. The scholar must be disdainful."

"How do you know so clearly?" The young man who was pushed away by Gu Ye just now asked in a bad tone: "Who knows if you are making up stories to scare people."

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows and murmured, "Because I'm smart, I'm talented, and I can empathize. Can you do that?"

The young man stared at Gu Ye with envy and hatred. He really didn't have this kind of talent. "Then you still haven't explained why she survived."

Gu Ye's face turned cold, "This is also an inhumane tragedy. In order to make the painting never fade, the corrupt official added corpse oil to the paint and specially prepared it with a secret method."

The faces of everyone present changed. There were indeed many such inhumane things in ancient times, and there were also many people who used people as sacrifices. I didn't expect that such things could also happen in this painting.

"This painting has not changed at all in a thousand years. The girl in the painting gradually became spiritual due to long-term exposure to things taken out of living people and felt human emotions. In addition, she was surrounded by corpse oil with resentment. She can't escape, even if she wants to leave." Gu Ye asked seriously, "Can't you feel her despair?"

Very good. Gu Ye could understand from their expressions that they couldn't feel it.

"You are so talented..." Gu Ye didn't want to say any more. Everyone knew what he meant, he was so good!

After being disgraced by Gu Ye, the young man wanted to get it back, "This matter can be easily solved. Just get rid of this spirit."

"Getting rid of her is not enough," another master said with a kind heart, "The human world is not the place she should stay, so why not send her to reincarnation. It is not easy to form spiritual consciousness, and reincarnation as a human being is the greatest kindness to her."

Gu Ye laughed and said, "Why do you decide for others? Have you ever considered this young lady's opinion?"

"There is a difference between yin and yang. She can't survive in this world. This is for her own good."

"Then why don't you ask this little sister what she thinks." Gu Ye stretched out a finger and tapped the glass twice, "Little sister, if you don't show up, they will kill you. ”

With everyone paying close attention, the woman in the painting finally moved. The beautiful woman in red put down the things in her hands and bowed to Gu Ye Yingying. Every movement was beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Gu Ye pointed at her and asked everyone, "Look, you are so sensible, you guys can't bear to kill someone?"

An old man advised her with sincerity: "She is a spirit, not a human being. If given the chance, she can become a demon. Just because she doesn't do bad things now doesn't mean she won't do bad things in the future. Letting her reincarnate doesn't mean killing her. You young man, don't do that." Seduced by her beauty.”

Gu Ye sighed, "Old man, you have to ask the person involved if you want to be reincarnated. Miss, do you want to be reincarnated?"

The woman in the painting shook her head. She had the spiritual consciousness that she had acquired with great difficulty. If she were reincarnated, she would no longer be herself.

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, "Can you play the pipa?"

Even though the person in the painting didn't understand why he asked this, he still nodded.

"Then can you sing and dance?"

The man in the painting nodded again.

"Can you come out and hold an umbrella for me when it rains?"

The man in the painting was stunned, then nodded again.

"Can you help me get takeout when I'm hungry?"

The person in the painting didn't understand what takeout was, thinking it was probably about running errands, so she nodded again.

Gu Ye snapped his fingers, "Okay! It's you! From now on, you will be my number one elf. I will save you from the painting, and you will serve me for eighty years. How about it?"

Gu Ye's words immediately caused an uproar, "Are you crazy? Raising ghosts and spirits is forbidden!"

Gu Ye ignored them at all, took out a small porcelain vase, took out a cinnabar pen, and drew a talisman on the glass. The beauty in red finally emerged from the talisman and was put into the porcelain vase in the blink of an eye. Gu Ye curled up the corners of his mouth, clenched the porcelain bottle tightly, and looked at everyone with a provocative expression, "Whether you can support it or not depends on my mood."

"There is a difference between human beings and spirits. You kid, don't bring sin upon yourself!"

"Crazy! If you don't listen now, something will happen sooner or later!" Several masters present shook their heads and sighed, as if they had predicted that Gu Ye would be killed by this woman in the near future.

Gu Ye looked at Elder Yu and Elder Tang, who had been silent, "Is this matter settled?"

Mr. Yu looked at the painting and said regretfully: "Oh, if the people are gone, the soul of this painting will be gone."

Gu Ye couldn't help laughing. At this time, the old man actually felt sorry for his painting.

"It's fate that we met each other." Yu Lao took the key to open the glass shield, took out the scroll inside, rolled it up and put it in the box. "You take the person with you, and take the painting with you as well."

Gu Ye asked anxiously: "Then, can I choose another one to take away?"

Yu Lao was amused, "Pick, I am happy today, and I specially allow you to pick two more pictures." Yu Lao whispered in Gu Ye's ear: "I tell you secretly, there is one of the most precious things hidden in it. Baby, most people can’t pick it out, it depends on your eyes.”

Gu Ye's eyes lit up, "I'm so rude of you to say that. My dad likes your words very much. He will be celebrating his sixtieth birthday soon. When I came this time, I wanted to ask you to give him a few words for his birthday. It’s a gift, I didn’t expect to make a lot of money! Hahaha~”

"Okay, go pick it!" Yu Lao patted Gu Ye on the shoulder, and Gu Ye went upstairs under the jealous eyes of everyone who wanted to bite.

After inviting several other masters to the tea room, Mr. Tang said: "I didn't expect that after choosing for so long, I finally picked someone with aura. He doesn't stick to the rules, has knowledge and courage, and seems to be able to withstand pressure."

Mr. Yu nodded and said with a smile: "Unfortunately, it is too small to convince the public. It will be of great use in a few more years. In order to choose someone for you, it is useless to use my three paintings."

"You can do it," Mr. Tang stroked his beard and said calmly, "You obviously like that child and are willing to give it to me, but I don't know about you?"

At this time, Gu Ye had already visited Yu Lao's study. He could see the aura in the calligraphy and paintings. Yu Lao's calligraphy was majestic. Every one of them was worthy of being treasured and wanted. After walking around, Gu Ye couldn't find the treasure that Mr. Yu was talking about. He walked to the window and happened to see Yu Ze standing outside the door. Gu Ye stood upstairs and shouted: "Mr. Yu!"

Yu Ze looked up and saw Gu Ye waving to him with a smile on his face, signaling come on!

Yu Ze paused and really went up.

Gu Ye asked in a low voice: "Old Yu said there is a treasure hidden in this. Can you tell me which treasure it is?"

"Has he even told you this?" Yu Ze's lips curled up, "Has anyone ever said that your temperament is very lovable?"

Gu Ye waved his hand, "No, a lot of people say I'm a ghost and crazy."

Yu Ze frowned and said dissatisfied: "That's because they are stupid and ignorant."

"Yes, I think so." Gu Ye raised his hand and motioned for Yu Ze to give him a high-five. It was true that heroes saw the same thing.

Yu Ze looked at Gu Ye's face, slightly lost in thought. At this time, the setting sun was shining through the window, and Gu Ye's fair cheeks were stained with a thin layer of pink by the sunset. His long eyelashes flickered like two cute little fans with his bright smile. Although she looks as delicate as a doll, her temperament is like a glass of strong and strong wine. Those who are timid dare not approach her, but those who dare to taste it will get drunk first.

Yu Ze stretched out his hand out of nowhere, fulfilled Gu Ye's wish, and patted him gently with his palm. Looking at Gu Ye's happy look, he also smiled, "The treasure he said is what he thinks is a treasure. It has no value at all to others.”

At this time, Gu Ye's eyes suddenly fell on a painting in the corner, and he couldn't look away. This painting is obviously one size smaller than the other drawings, and there is no inscription. It is just a heavy broken sword stained with blood, inserted in the devastated desert, surrounded by wind and sand, and the sky is vast. This broken sword was left here, which should have given people a sense of desolation. However, this painting gave people the feeling of being domineering. Who else but me was so fierce that it rushed towards the face. Even if it was broken, it still did not hold back. Edge. Gu Ye suddenly thought of the ghost general sitting in Yu Ze's car. How similar was the feeling this painting gave him to that ghost general

Gu Ye couldn't help but touch the painting, "This painting is so handsome. What kind of mind should the person who painted this painting have? I'm going to fall in love with him. This! I want this!"

Gu Ye moved the stool excitedly and climbed up to take off the painting and take it away. He was already in awe of Yu Lao's admiration and decided to go to Yu Lao later and ask the old man for a word.

Yu Ze raised a finger and poked Gu Ye's waist twice, "This is my sixteen-year-old graffiti. It's worthless. Do you really want it?"

The author has something to say: Gu Ye: "Sorry, the previous sentence doesn't count!"


Yesterday's comment section was full of talented people. I'm going to lose my job when you wrote this little joke. It was so funny. Hahahahahaha. Read it again and laugh again.

I got up to eat and write tomorrow's update. On Monday, I will go to the mountains to play with my friends and write and save the manuscript in advance. Can I really write it? Regarding the price of this courtyard house, I suddenly want to tell you something. A supplier I met at the company once had a meal. He said that his family was in a lawsuit because they lived behind the hotel and very close to each other. A few years ago, his two uncles had their own affairs. He sold his yard for tens of millions, and now the price has increased. He regretted it. He came to his father to snatch it if he didn't have a house, so he started a lawsuit. The valuation given by the court was 120 million for a small courtyard house. I was thinking , why do you still have to work when your family is so rich? ! !

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: Hua Hua Hua Hua, Mint Candy, Demeter, Ghost City Boss Hua Hua, Mingyue Prison Song, .pamper, Only You?, Huangya, Qi, Time flies like water, Nickname 1 indivual;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

34498552 28 bottles; 23 bottles of Epiphyllum; 20 bottles of Yujiu; 10 bottles of Clouds on Gazi’s Head, Pigeon, Spring Tide Brings Rain, Meow Meow, Tear Thief; 9 bottles of Li Yu; 7 bottles of Ah Shui; 6 bottles of Xicheng, sesame paste; ?) strong, fleeting memories of the past, Lan Sizhui who planted others, early and late years, d-sphenoid bone, rabbit, ching, Guo withdrew 5 bottles; Wan Yezi , 4 bottles of Yuxing; 3 bottles of Yiyun; 30850654, Mingyue Prison Song, Shang Jiuxiao, Lu Dudu,. . 2 bottles; Xinyue 88668, Fannian Muchen, blank, kiki_9207, mint, Yi. , Study hard and win glory for the country, Fleeting Time, Cheng Xixi, Xiaoyao, Shihan, Chu Xiaoyanzi, こんにちは, Xuanjiu, aruoxie, Menglin Xiaoyue, Yunran, Baita, Meng, Qingyao Family The big dumpling, Baiqi’s Little Fairy, Meow You, Geely Ji Li, Baipao Butcher, Ye Zisheng, 31027546, Xiao Xiaofang, Qianxia Ashes, Ermu Chenglin 2016, an anonymous reader, Zui Qingfeng, I am a lone wolf 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!