Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 34: A horrific tragedy


The puppet probably didn't expect that someone was not only not afraid of him, but could come up and beat him brutally. It lay on the ground and stared at Zhao Pengyu for five seconds, then turned over in Zhao Pengyu's fierce eyes. He crawled away using his body, hands and feet, crawling very quickly.

Zhao Pengyu chased after him angrily and stepped on the ground with his kick, "You scared me and you still want to leave. Don't you want to lose face?"

Gu Ye quickly pulled him away, took one of the puppet's arms, lifted the puppet from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, "Be gentle to him, he is still a child."

Zhao Pengyu sneered, "I'm still a baby!"

Gu Ye was speechless, "I know, you are a giant baby, he is really a child."

Zhao Pengyu made a sound and expressed his deep disdain for this kid. After discovering that ghosts can also be beaten, classmate Zhao Pengyu's aura instantly jumped to 18 meters. Now he is like the God of War, and he just wants to fight with ghosts.

The puppet was frightened by Zhao Pengyu, and cried out "Wow". His voice seemed to be squeezed out of his throat. It was heavy and muffled, but it was strangely harsh, making people's heads buzz. But he sounds like a real kid. Zhao Pengyu was dumbfounded, "Fuck! Milkman!"

Gu Ye rolled his eyes, "I told you it's a child, but you don't believe it!"

At this time, I heard the voice of a little girl singing: "Ten little people eat together, one chokes to death, and there are nine left. Nine little people stay up very late, and one oversleeps, and there are eight left. Eight little people. People went to play, and one was left there, seven of them were chopping wood, and one cut himself in half, and there were still six..."

In such a strange environment, such a clear song was sung in such a quiet courtyard. She was still a little girl with a tender voice. She knew that no little girl would come here in the middle of the night. Zhao Pengyu became nervous, "What the hell? A singing ghost?"

Gu Ye frowned, "It sounds like a scary nursery rhyme."

The nursery rhyme was still singing, getting closer and closer to them, and it became clearer and clearer, "Six little people were playing with a honeycomb, one was stung by a wasp, and there were five left. Five little people went to the hospital, and one was left behind." There are four left. Four villains went to the beach, and one was eaten by a shark. "

Zhao Pengyu was frightened by this weird nursery rhyme and had goosebumps all over his body. "Is this rhyme implying something? Why don't you die in peace?" He looked around and said warily: "Why do I feel that this place, this place is a bit... illegal?" A place to raise children.”

Gu Ye looked at the crying kid in his hand and said with a sullen face: "Yes, the ghosts here are all children and have incomplete limbs. I asked those little ghosts and they were all abducted children. Some were kidnapped. Their organs were dug out and they died on the spot. Some had their bones broken many times, causing them to become deformed and sent to different places to beg. Those who couldn't support them all died here rather than in this ghost house. It’s the human heart that uses this somewhat terrifying house to do unscrupulous things.”

Zhao Pengyu's face turned cold and he cursed angrily: "These beasts!" Looking at the puppet in Gu Ye's hand again, Zhao Pengyu couldn't help but pat the dust on the little man's body, "I'm sorry, it hurts from being kicked. without?"

The little puppet didn't expect that Zhao Pengyu would apologize to him. He finally stopped crying and twisted his body uneasily, still trying to escape.

Gu Ye took out a small porcelain bottle from his pocket and pulled the ghost's soul out of the doll. "When the matter here is resolved, I will send you to reincarnation. Can you tell me the few who were caught by you?" Where is the person?"

The villain struggled in fear and did not cooperate at all. Gu Ye had no choice but to stuff him into the bottle.

At this time, a red shadow flashed in front of him, and Hongdou came back carrying a kid, "Master, I caught him."

The child was holding a small rabbit doll in his arms. Gu Ye could clearly feel the breath of a living soul in the rabbit. He snatched the rabbit over and took out the soul that was stuffed inside. He saw that it belonged to a stranger. , not very old, looks similar to Xia An. As soon as the man came out, he collapsed and cried, "Oh my god, I actually dreamed that I turned into a stuffed toy!"

Gu Ye kicked the opponent with a cold face and said disgustedly: "You are not dreaming, you are seeking death! Tanfu's ghost house! Where are your classmates?"

"I, I don't know!" The man looked around in horror, "Why am I here? Didn't I go home?"

Gu Ye pressed his head in frustration, "Seven spirits protect your life, go to the Three Pure Ones, come back!"

The man disappeared in the blink of an eye. When the little man saw that his toy was gone, he cried out "Wow". Gu Ye picked him up, stared at him and threatened: "Where are those people you captured? You If you don't tell me, I will..." The child's eyes were empty. Even if he couldn't see his eyes, he could still feel his fear. Gu Ye frightened him for a few words and couldn't continue talking. He held the child in his arms, He patted her gently and coaxed: "Okay, don't cry anymore. I just want toys. I will buy them for you. I will buy a car."

Zhao Pengyu couldn't see anything and was worried, "Why can't I see? Please let me see!"

Gu Ye clicked on his eyebrows and opened his yin and yang eyes. Seeing clearly the miserable state of the child in front of him, Zhao Pengyu couldn't care less about being afraid. He only felt an evil fire in his heart rushing straight to his forehead, "These beasts, catch them." They shot him even 800 times!"

At this moment, a little girl in a red skirt quietly came to the window, staring at them with blood-red eyes, unblinking, her red mouth moved, and the weird nursery rhyme started again, "Three little people walked into the zoo, one was snatched away by the big bear, and two were left. Two little people were basking in the sun, and one was heated to death, leaving only one. One little person felt so lonely that after he hanged himself, no one was left. Haha , Hehehehe... Hahahaha... not a single one is left, they are all dead."

Gu Ye looked towards the window. The little girl looked at him with a smile on her face. She had a pair of shallow dimples on her face. She was obviously very cute, but now she looked extremely weird. At this time, the window slammed shut, and all the light in the room was the flashlight in Gu Ye's hand.

"Giggle..." Clear laughter kept coming from outside the window. It sounded innocent, but if you listen carefully, it was full of resentment.

Zhao Pengyu pushed the window nervously and found that it was as if it was welded and it was motionless.

Gu Ye sighed, "Kid, you are the most powerful here, right? You stuffed the souls of people who entered this yard into rag dolls?"

"Giggle, giggle..." A string of sweet laughter came from the window again, "They are all dead, they are all dead, there is no one left, they are all dead!"

Gu Ye crossed the grave and walked to the locked door, "Little girl Pianzi, do you think you can trap me like this?" Gu Ye raised his foot and kicked the door panel with a bang. They were all kicked out by him.

The little girl was so frightened that she let out an "ah" and flew backwards far away. Gu Ye rushed out to chase her. Unexpectedly, when he saw the scene in the yard clearly, Gu Ye froze.

In the yard, I don’t know when many more children appeared. I counted more than thirty children. Judging by their height, they ranged from three or four to seven or eight years old. Every one of them has missing limbs.

Having seen too many human tragedies, partings between life and death, too many moral decays, and the loss of humanity, Gu Ye thought that he had developed a heart of stone and had become a perfect bystander, able to face all kinds of things rationally. But now, he suddenly couldn't suppress his heartache, nor could he suppress his impulse to kill those scum.

"Gu Ye, these children..." Zhao Pengyu couldn't go on and said that those criminals were beasts, which was an insult to beasts.

Several of the children were holding shabby rag dolls in their arms. Gu Ye had already felt that there were living souls hidden inside, and now he was reluctant to snatch them from the hands of these miserable children. Gu Ye knelt down under the hostile gazes of the children and released the few imps he had captured. Seeing that they were safe, all the children were ready to move and wanted to surround them, but they were afraid of Gu Ye. Don't even dare to come.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. The police will take you home to your parents. There will never be bad people again." Gu Ye spread his hands and said with a smile, "Look, brother's hands There's nothing in there and it won't hurt you."

The little girl in a red skirt stood quietly in front of Gu Ye, watching him smile at them, but did not step forward or do anything. It was obvious that he did not believe Gu Ye very much.

Gu Ye stretched out his hand to the little girl and asked with a smile: "Do you want to go home? I'll help you."

The little girl looked into Gu Ye's eyes and took a tentative step forward. When she found that Gu Ye hadn't moved, she took another small step forward. Little by little, she moved to Gu Ye's eyes. She stretched out her little hand and gradually moved toward Gu Ye. Ye's palms came closer. Just when she was about to be caught, a sinister sneer appeared at the corner of the little girl's mouth, and a cold ghostly aura dug directly into Gu Ye's eyes!

This kid was so fast, no one expected that she would suddenly turn against her, and she would have such a cruel move. Gu Ye raised his hand to block it, but unfortunately it was too late, and his eyes could already feel the cold ghostly aura. At this moment, the Buddhist beads on her wrist emitted a dazzling golden light, and the little girl was instantly thrown away by the golden light. Gu Ye looked at the bead in shock, and when he looked up again, he saw the little girl's resentful face, "Liar! You are all liars! You are all liars!"

"Just because I don't want to fight with you doesn't mean I won't beat the naughty child!" Gu Ye stood up, a little angry, but more angry at those who lied to this child. How many nightmares did such a young child go through before he became such a child? No one will believe it anymore

Gu Ye walked over, and under the little girl's resentful eyes, he reached out and picked her up, "Be honest with me, and I will take you home."

The little girl's eyes widened and she felt the warmth in Gu Ye's arms. She tilted her head back in disbelief and looked at Gu Ye's bright black eyes. Being so close, she could clearly feel the warmth of these eyes. What kind of tenderness was buried in her eyes, it seemed really different from the person who used to lie to her with a gentle mask. The little girl asked defensively: "Why are you helping me? Do you also want to take off my clothes like those uncles?"

With these words, Gu Ye's breath was suffocated, and he felt something clutching his heart, "No," Gu Ye hugged the child tightly with a cold face, his fingers were trembling, "I just want to let those people Go to hell."

At this time, in the yard next door, someone called quietly: "Brother Long, two people came in next door. They tore down the door. They must have found something. What should I do?"

"What should I do? What else can I do?" The person on the other end of the phone said angrily: "Stone them to death, hit them with a car, strangle them to death with a rope. I don't care what method you use, they must be silenced forever. Otherwise, we are the ones who will die! How did you let people in when you were looking at the yard? How did those people get in two days ago?"

The young man broke into a cold sweat and said nervously: "I clearly remembered to lock the door. It was locked from the inside. I don't know how they opened it!"

"You can explain to me later. Go and stop them. I will be there with my men right away."

"Okay Brother Long, I'll go to Brother Long right away."

Gu Ye hugged the little girl and returned to the house with the grave, "Are all your bones buried here?"

"Yes." The little girl still had a defensive attitude and didn't do anything to Gu Ye because she felt that Gu Ye was too powerful and she couldn't beat him.

Gu Ye opened the tombstones at the base of the wall and saw a coffin that was not tightly covered. The flashlight shone on the gap. Gu Ye pursed his lips and couldn't bear to look at it anymore.

Zhao Pengyu followed, "Gu Ye, call the police. We can't dig up their bodies here, not to mention there are too many." When he said the last three words, Zhao Pengyu's voice was trembling.

Gu Ye said with a sullen face, "Find Xia Xiang and the others first, little girl, we can exchange conditions." Without exchange conditions, the little girl would not let down her guard. She always felt that he had evil intentions, so Gu Ye simply said: "Bring it on Let the few people you arrested a few days ago go free, and I will help you go home. There are my friends there, and his parents are waiting for him to go home. "

The little girl said defensively: "Two of them have already run away. I can't return them to you."

"Run away?" Gu Ye had a bad feeling that it was the Xia Xiang brothers who ran away.

Zhao Pengyu also had a headache, "Isn't this adding chaos?"

"Hongdou go look for them, they can't escape from this yard." As soon as Gu Ye finished speaking, a big grizzly bear rag doll hugged a small green dinosaur, struggled to get out from under the wood at the base of the wall, and ran over quickly. As soon as they came out, all the little ghosts in the yard looked over and saw the little dinosaur in its arms. All the little ghosts rushed over excitedly as if they had been given blood. When the bear saw this posture, he was so scared that he hugged the little dinosaur tightly. The dinosaur ran away like flying.

Gu Ye's eyes lit up and he pointed at the running bear: "Xia An!"

The bear doll looked back, and with just this moment, the little devils caught up with him, rushing up to grab the little dinosaur in his arms. This little dinosaur is like addictive candy to them, everyone wants it.

Zhao Pengyu ran over with the wooden sword and said fiercely: "Get out of my way! Whoever robs me will not be sent home!"

The little ghosts were so frightened that they quickly dispersed and formed a circle, looking at the bear lying on the ground like a piece of cake.

"Are you Xia An? We are here to rescue you. Where is your brother?" Zhao Pengyu twitched the corners of his mouth, unable to bear to look directly at the battered bear with its cotton exposed.

The little bear looked down at the little green dinosaur who was held in his arms and was also pulled out of the cotton.

Zhao Pengyu twitched the corner of his mouth and stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Xia Xiang like this, but Xia An kicked the back of his hand, and it seemed that he was quite angry.

Zhao Pengyu raised his hand helplessly, "I'm sorry, I won't touch you. Your brothers' tempers are too different."

Xia An anxiously pointed to the next door and then to the door, dancing anxiously. Zhao Pengyu was puzzled, "What do you want to say? Just say it!"

Gu Ye ran over, grabbed the little bear's head with one hand, and pulled Xia An's soul out. Xia An's first words were: "I told you to run away! Someone is coming! Bring a gun!"

As soon as he said this, a dozen people wearing masks rushed in from the door and locked the door behind their backs. When the kid present saw them, they ran around in fear. With quick eyes and quick hands, Gu Ye picked up the little dinosaur that fell on the ground, pulled out Xia Xiang's soul without pausing for a second, grabbed the two brothers, stuffed them roughly into a small bottle, and ran into the house with Zhao Pengyu. inside.

At this time, the psychological quality of the rich young master was revealed. Zhao Pengyu calmly took out his mobile phone to call the police, and explained his location simply and clearly, who was outside, what weapons were in his hands, and reminded the other party: "There are The body of the child, we found human bones."

As soon as the little girl heard that Zhao Pengyu called the police, the police would arrive immediately, and her precautions were no longer so obvious. She squatted between Gu Ye and Zhao Pengyu, looked back at Hongdou who was standing behind Gu Ye, thought for a moment, and caught Gu Ye's clothes.

"Are you afraid of them?" Gu Ye felt the little girl trembling and said softly: "Don't be afraid. Do you want to make them pay the price? Do you want to let out a bad breath?"

The little girl's eyes lit up, "I think so."

"Very good," Gu Ye smiled, sat cross-legged on the grave bag, picked up a cinnabar pen, and drew a spell on the little girl's eyebrows, "You bring all your children into this bottle, and then you can see It’s a show.”

"Gu Ye," Zhao Pengyu frowned, "the police will be here soon. If they die, it will be easy to suspect that you used mystical magic to harm others."

"They won't die. It will only make their souls disabled. They will also be disabled in their next life as animals. Let them feel what it is like to go to hell." At this point, Gu Yexiao bent his eyes and comforted. : "Don't worry, I have experience."

Gu Ye picked up the cinnabar pen and started to write in the void. "I can't give them such an easy way. Even the death penalty can't atone for their sin of harming so many children." Gu Ye frowned and drew his finger. Break it, squeeze out two drops of blood, "Gathering ghost formation, summon hundreds of ghosts, gather hungry spirits, start the formation!"

As soon as the word "qi" was dropped, a dark wind rose in the room. Zhao Pengyu saw a group of green-faced, fanged, and extremely ferocious-looking evil spirits suddenly appearing in this gloomy hut. His forehead buzzed, and he went blank with fear. Gu Ye tapped his finger between his eyebrows and closed his yin and yang eyes. Zhao Pengyu took a deep breath, but before he could recover, rapid footsteps were already at the door. Zhao Pengyu threw away the wooden sword and picked up a small tombstone. Without reading what was written on it, he walked behind the door in two steps. As long as the other party came in, he would take his turn and slap the other party on the head.

Gu Ye curled his lips and smiled, "You don't need to take action," he waved to the ghosts, "Keep them alive, and do whatever else you want."

Several criminals who had found the door were also frightened when they saw this room. "This room can't really be haunted. The ghost suppressing thing seems to be broken and it doesn't glow anymore. "

Another said fiercely: "What are you afraid of? How can there be ghosts? Even if there are ghosts, you are not afraid of living. What are you afraid of when you are dead?"

The man was right to think about it. He had the courage to kick open the door. Standing outside the door, he saw a very handsome young man sitting on the grave bag. Next to him sat a little girl in a red skirt, looking at it with a smile. Watching them. Seeing the little girl's face clearly, he was immediately frightened and took two steps back. His voice changed, "There is a ghost, there really is a ghost!"

Gu Ye raised his phone and pressed the camera function. He was trembling as if he was frightened. "Ghost? You just do too many bad things and it's just a shame. If you don't do something bad, how can a ghost come to your door?"

Zhao Pengyu didn't realize for a moment what Gu Ye was doing, man, you change your face so fast!

The group of starving ghosts discovered that the sacrifices had been delivered to their doorsteps. They rushed up with the evil wind, grabbed the souls of these people and dragged them out. The pain of having three souls and seven souls ripped out of the body was no different than skinning. Several criminals could not see anything. When such a situation suddenly happened, they all held their heads and screamed.

Zhao Pengyu mustered up his courage, pointed to his eyebrows, and signaled: Please open my yin and yang eyes again.

"Ghost! Ghost!" The screams kept coming. Zhao Pengyu opened his eyes again and saw a ghost twisting off the arm of a living soul and eating it. He regretted it on the spot. The scene that happened next made his face turn green. The evil ghost stretched out its long nails, took out the intestines of the living soul, and swallowed it alive. Zhao Pengyu felt so sick that he wanted to vomit, so he covered his eyes and didn't want to watch.

In Gu Ye's lens, he could only see these people going crazy, screaming and writhing in pain on the ground. It wasn't until one of them was lying on the ground motionless, and the others were struggling less, that Zhao Pengyu asked nervously. : "Did anyone die?"

Gu Ye shook his head and said fearfully: "I don't know. Who knows why they went crazy? They said they saw ghosts." When Gu Ye said this, he asked with a trembling voice: "Did you see it? We don't really see ghosts here. Is there a ghost?"

Zhao Pengyu opened his mouth in shock, "Brother, your acting talent is so terrible!"

Zhao Pengyu understood at this time what Gu Ye meant when he said he had experience, so he could only cooperate with him in acting, "What will we say when the police come?"

Gu Ye was trembling with fear and almost cried when he spoke, "We came here for an adventure. When we found the body under the rock, people came to hunt us down. We are the victims, let's tell the truth."

Zhao Pengyu swallowed and quietly gave Gu Ye a thumbs up, "It's okay, buddy. You can act in "The Self-cultivation of Actors", it will definitely become a big hit."

He also understood that Gu Ye's video was leaving evidence for himself. How could he turn a blind eye to the performance that he should cooperate with? Zhao Pengyu slapped his thigh excitedly, "Fortunately, you recorded this video, which can prove that we really didn't touch them! Damn it! Look, that person is still holding a gun, it's contraband!"

Gu Ye asked tremblingly: "We won't die, right?"

Zhao Pengyu comforted his friend thoughtfully, "No, the police will be here soon. Listen! Sirens!"

Gu Ye was so moved that he cried, "I will never play this kind of game with you again. If you play again, we will break up our relationship! Uncle police officer, come and save me!"

Zhao Pengyu gritted his teeth and squeezed out three words: "... I'm sorry!"

Another living soul was dragged out by evil spirits. This one was even worse. Each person pulled a part of the body, and it was torn apart and divided into five pieces. A ghost holds a part and starts to chew it. For a starving ghost, these are all delicacies that can fill the stomach. Seeing that this person's soul was about to disperse, Gu Ye turned off the video and threw a magic talisman over to protect the other person's soul. The fear on his face was no longer there. He smiled lightly and said: "Friends, you can Eat their bodies and leave them limbless. Please don’t eat their spiritual consciousness. They will still be awake to go to court and accept the trial.”

These starving ghosts looked at the talisman in Gu Ye's hand with fear, and obediently let go of the food in their hands. When they noticed that Gu Ye's expression was not good, they all invariably stuffed the chewed souls into each other's bodies, signaling that we really Stop eating.

Zhao Pengyu no longer dared to look at them. Gu Ye smiled at the starving ghosts, drew the spirit scattering talisman, and watched them disappear, with a hint of exhaustion on his brows.

"Giggle, giggle... Hahaha..." When the little girl saw this scene, she clapped her hands happily and started singing the nursery rhyme again without any leftovers.

Gu Ye looked at her and rubbed her head distressedly.

The police finally arrived. They had prepared for the worst. The two young men had been kidnapped by criminals or had been killed. After rushing in, they saw a dozen people lying on the ground, and two more. A high school student sitting on the ground, huddled in fear.

"Uncle policeman! Help!" Gu Ye ran over and grabbed a young lady in plainclothes. "They all said there was a ghost and they were all crazy!"

When the police saw that he could still run and scream, they were relieved. They quickly called a doctor to check their bodies, and then arrested these people lying on the ground. The young lady comforted him gently: "It's okay, we are here, don't be afraid."

"The safety on this gun is turned on. It's too dangerous." The policeman in charge of the scene investigation looked frightened. "You two are really lucky!"

Gu Ye pointed at the door and said nervously: "Sister, there is a child's body inside, a body!"

People from the police team and forensic doctors rushed to investigate. Unexpectedly, the digging lasted all night.

For such a tragic case, the entire police department was mobilized. When digging these children, they all worked with tears, using their hands without enough tools, and their fingers were worn out. A policewoman with a child broke down and cried on the spot. When the bodies were finally counted, everyone's eyes were red.

Thirty-eight corpses, all children under the age of eight!

The author has something to say: When I was writing this paragraph, I felt very uncomfortable, the kind of discomfort that no matter how I retaliate, how I judge, or how I make these beasts live worse than death, I can’t vent it, because no matter how I do it, these children are still died. Trafficking in women and children, child abuse, and child molestation have often been reported in the news in recent years. Such crimes hidden in the sun are often heinous. What to do if you can’t recognize these beasts in human skin at first glance? You can only learn to protect yourself first. Little girls go out alone in the middle of the night. Those with children must teach them to be defensive.

Okay, enough nonsense, I have to adjust my mood and write the manuscript to be sent out tomorrow. Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who threw [Bazooka]: 1 Gensan;

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: Lu Xiaoqi, Mu Yangzi, Ah Shui, Lantian, Eleven, Ge., tears, 30018071, demeter, Mingyue Prison Song, Zhen 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

30 bottles of "Die Wu Huang Yu" and "Pang Li"; 28 bottles of "Life is Not Easy Nuonuo Sigh"; 20 bottles of Boiled Eggs without Sugar, Shiyi; 18 bottles of Highlight; 15 bottles of Moving Ants; 11 bottles of Anan; 11 bottles of "Muddle-headed" and "Jian Tea" , duckweed, corto, still, the recent book shortage, drink more hot water, Dahu Junxi, maple syrup chestnuts 10 bottles; Wuxin Master ggg, cat's demon 9 bottles; a big abdominal muscle 8 bottles; Quietly Hanging 918, 6 bottles of Fang Yiming; 5 bottles of Yujiu, Thevenin, Mingyue Prisoner's Song, Xinyi Zhiqing Yiyi, Huang Fanfan, and Mo Suyue; 4 bottles of Li Yu; 3 bottles of Muyu, Cloud Flower Shell Pattern, and Xuanyuan Yumo; 2 bottles of Xiaoheihua Xiaopingxie, Hibiscus, Lu Dudu, ey~honey, 32939807, Fei Fei, I don’t like pineapple; Dong Dong Dong Dong, Qiqi, Xinyue 88668, Qin Lang, Xia Jiaozi, Gu Jin,★ Daoxuan☆, Hualou Yiqing, Xiao Xiaofang, Meng, Shang Jiuxiao, Yuxing, Ashes of Light Summer, Margaret Don't Sleep, Gone with the Wind15, syusuke Fumina, Chuxiao Yanzi, Cointreau, Geely 1 bottle of Ji Li, Shangguan Arden, Qian Jian Mo Yun;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!