Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 48: I want them all dead


At around ten o'clock, Gu Ye went to study at night and wandered for more than ten minutes before returning home. My residence is not far from the school, but the school is so big that I have to use my legs to go everywhere, which wastes a lot of time. After entering the community, Gu Ye opened the online mall and bought a bicycle in the same city. He bought it tonight and would have it delivered to him tomorrow.

When he arrived at the door of his house, Gu Ye raised his hand and pressed the combination lock. Just as he was about to open the door, he felt a sense of resentment in the house, as well as a small ghost spirit. This kind of aura is very strange. If it is a ghost with resentment, it must be filled with evil spirits, but Gu Ye did not feel a trace of evil spirits in it. He took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket, hid it behind his back between his two fingers, and slowly pushed open the door with his other hand.

After coming in, I felt that there was a lot of resentment in this room and it was very complicated. Gu Ye was so happy. Could it be that many kiddos regarded his house as a gathering place and would meet up to dance in the middle of the night? But this single strand of resentment is not enough to support a kid's survival in the world.

At this time, Gu Ye sensitively noticed a pair of eyes staring at him from the crack of the bedroom door. Gu Ye lowered his head and saw a pair of big round eyes, like a pair of cat eyes, emitting a strange light in the darkness.

Gu Ye said "tsk" without turning on the light. He walked over slowly and asked with interest: "Let me see, which little cutie is hiding there?"

The bedroom door opened slowly by itself. Amidst the resentment, a small figure moved out from behind the door, tilted his head, and secretly looked at Gu Ye.

After Gu Ye saw who it was, his eyes widened in surprise, "Why is it you?"

The doll stood motionless at the door, as if it was lifeless and unresponsive.

Gu Ye walked over, squatted down, and checked the scent of the doll. He became more and more confused. This human skin doll was like a bottomless pit, absorbing all kinds of resentment. Unfortunately, she didn't know how to contain it inside her body, and some of it came out of her body and surrounded her, making the whole room full of resentment.

"You're just like a little fish blowing bubbles, suck it in and spit it out." Gu Ye found that she had no ill intentions, so he put away the more lethal charms in his hands, took out a charm, and helped her contain all the resentment in the room. After entering the body, he turned on the light again. At this time, I was finally able to see the child clearly. After absorbing the resentment, the doll's skin color became more human-like than before, and its eyes were no longer so ethereal. The pupils were slightly darker and looked a bit weird.

"Can you speak?" Gu Ye asked, but the doll remained silent and stared at Gu Ye, as if giving him a face.

"Tsk, little mute." Gu Ye stood up and wanted to get a bottle of drink. As soon as he turned around, his calf was hugged. Gu Ye lowered his head and saw that the doll was hugging his legs tightly and looking up at him. Gu Ye couldn't figure out what the child was thinking, but he was sure that this little thing had developed spiritual consciousness. With her My thoughts are not resentful spirits, nor are they possessed by evil spirits.

Gu Ye hesitated for a moment, then bent down to pick her up, went to get drinks from the refrigerator, and then sat one big and one small on the sofa. The doll seemed lifeless, sitting there motionless. Gu Ye poked her with a finger, "What's your name? Why did you come to me?"

The doll slowly raised its head and squeezed out two words in her throat: "Dad."

The childish voice sounded like a two or three-year-old child. Gu Ye was stunned, unable to laugh or cry, "So you came to me?" Then Gu Ye remembered the ghostly aura remaining on his hands. After squeezing the child's little face, she might have developed spiritual consciousness at that time and remembered what he said. "Okay, my little princess, this is probably fate." Gu Ye picked up the doll, sat on his lap, and called Mu Jingfei on his mobile phone, "Sister Mu, she didn't lose it, she came to see me. "

The person on the other end of the phone took a deep breath and didn't say a word for more than ten seconds.

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Yes, she came to me on her own and thought I was her father."

Mu Jingfei: "...Wait a minute, let me wash my face. I need to take a moment."

Gu Ye waited for a while and applied for a video call. The other party hesitated for a long time before passing the call. Gu Ye pointed the camera at the puppet on his lap and said, "Girl, look here."

The puppet raised its head obediently, revealing a beautiful little face, its bright red mouth curled up, and it actually smiled!

The person on the other end screamed, and the call was hung up within a second.

"Eh?" Gu Ye muttered dissatisfied: "You said it well, why did you hang up the phone so suddenly?" He helplessly sent a message to Mu Jingfei: Sister Mu? She has no intention of harming others, and she is not a ghost, but a spirit formed by absorbing a lot of resentment. She is very well-behaved. If you need her to testify someday, I will send her back, and then I will pick her up again.

Mu Jingfei: No need! Those dolls are enough as evidence, don't send them back!

Gu Ye was dissatisfied: You rejected her too quickly. Isn’t my daughter good-looking

Mu Jingfei: Beautiful! I really don’t need to send it back, thank you!

Gu Ye: Well, if you still need evidence, we will work hard to cooperate and firmly support your work.

Mu Jingfei: Thank you for your cooperation!

For some reason, Gu Ye had an inexplicable feeling that the other party said thank you through gritted teeth. He was probably overthinking it. Looking at the puppet on his legs, it still kept staring at him. Gu Ye looked at him for a while. This appearance, tsk tsk, is so eye-catching! He took a tissue from the table, wiped her red leather shoes clean, and then carried her to the study, "From now on, your name is Lingling, and this grid is yours. From now on, when people come to the house, you will sit here." , can it be disguised as a real doll?”

Lingling moved from Gu Ye's arms to the bookshelf, turned her face outward, and looked at Gu Ye quietly, just like an ordinary doll, proving with practical operations: I can do it!

"You're so good!" Gu Ye touched her head happily and called out Hongdou, "Her IQ is only two or three years old, and she doesn't understand anything. From now on, I'll rely on you to teach me. I'll just go to sleep."

A good spirit can not only wash, cook, run errands, and clean, but also help its owner take care of the children. Late at night, after Gu Ye fell asleep, the little doll jumped down from the bookshelf and flew to Gu Ye's bed. He stood beside Gu Ye's pillow and looked at Gu Ye's sleeping face quietly. After standing for a while, he lay on the bed. There was no movement next to Gu Ye's pillow.

Hongdou floated over and carried her back. Within a few minutes, the little doll flew over again and lay beside Gu Ye's pillow, kicking his legs and motionless. Hongdou moved her dozens of times throughout the night, until it was almost dawn, and she stood up by herself, climbed to the bookshelf, and sat down.

Hongdou: "..."

After Gu Ye woke up, he noticed the ghostly spirit falling on the pillow. He was amused and looked at the doll on the bookshelf with a smile. The more he looked at it, the more cute it became.

Hongdou prepared breakfast and brought it to the dining table. It turned into a wisp of red smoke and got into the beads on Gu Ye's wrist. Gu Ye chuckled and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Are you still going to attend the lecture with me?"

The red light on the beads flashed, and Gu Ye understood, "Okay, let's go together, my daughter, you can watch TV at home."

After Gu Ye left, the little doll jumped down from the bookshelf and saw a small box at the bottom of the bookshelf that was as tall as herself. It was rectangular and closed, much like a coffin. She inexplicably liked this shape, so she opened the lid and climbed in I went in, lay down and was hit for a while. The little doll sat up straight, picked up the thing and stared at it for two minutes. Suddenly, the resentment on her body burst out uncontrollably, and her brown eyes were stained with blood. She threw the doll that looked like the boss in the On the ground, the little leather shoes stepped on it, violently trampling the three-dimensional paper man into pieces of paper.

When Gu Ye came back from school in the evening, he heard some noise in the kitchen. Gu Ye hurried over and saw a little man standing on the stove. The water in the pot was boiling. He was holding a chopstick in his hand. Poke things in the water. Feeling the ghostly aura coming from inside, Gu Ye went over and took a look worriedly. There was a little man in the pot who had been crushed. He was struggling to flop in the water. As soon as he wanted to climb out, Lingling took the chopsticks. Just poke it down. There are two souls and three souls sealed in the body of the paper man, which proves that the man is not dead yet, but his senses are all in this little man. He can really feel anything he does here. Lingling is actually boiling a living person. ? !

Gu Ye ran over anxiously, "Lingling, where did you catch this person?!"

The puppet turned its face innocently, not understanding why it was being scolded. The little man in the water took the opportunity to climb to the edge of the pot. Lingling turned around and poked the paper man down with a chopstick. The paper man struggled happily, his soul being boiled alive, unable to survive or die. Gu Ye hugged Lingling, rescued the villain, pulled out the soul, took a look, paused, and then stuffed it back with an expressionless expression.

Gu Ye's expression softened and he said softly: "Lingling, do you hate him very much?"

The puppet nodded obediently, picked up the paper man, grabbed the head with one hand, and grabbed the legs with the other. As soon as he pulled, Gu Ye heard the scream from the soul being torn apart. Gu Ye frowned and was sure that the doll had absorbed a lot of the dead girl's resentment and inherited the other's hatred. She resentfully retaliated against the boss, but she didn't know why she hated him.

Lingling rubbed the soul and squeezed it a few more times. She looked at the soaked paper man and looked at Gu Ye pitifully, "It's broken."

Gu Ye laughed and went to the study room with Lingling in his arms, "Okay, I'll make a few more for you. Paper can't touch water. Even if it's blessed with spiritual energy, you can't play like this. Try another method next time."

Upon hearing this, the soul struggled like crazy and looked at Gu Ye resentfully. The resentment that had risen in his body was immediately absorbed by Lingling, and it was held powerlessly in the palm of Lingling's hand, without even the strength to struggle.

Gu Ye sneered, "Karma, who's to blame? But Lingling, you can only play with him. You can't touch other people's souls without my permission. Remember?"

The little doll nodded obediently, sat on the desk, and watched Gu Ye making the paper man seriously. When Gu Ye finished one, she picked up the paper, followed Gu Ye's example, and folded an identical one.

Gu Ye was surprised and praised: "You are so smart! I will teach you this kind of task in the future. Can you help Dad fold a hundred at home tomorrow?"

The villain clapped his hands happily, took the paper and started folding it. At this time, Gu Ye's phone vibrated. He gave all the paper to Lingling, clicked on the phone and saw that it belonged to Mu Jingfei: That boss is crazy, he keeps He said that the doll he made came to life. The doll you raised is too evil, so you should give it away.

Gu Ye looked at the soul that was bound up and stuffed into the paper figure by Lingling with resentment, and replied: It's probably retribution. I've done too many things to my heart's content. I don't do bad things, so I'm not afraid.


The next day, Gu Ye rode his bicycle to school. Zhao Pengyu saw it and snatched it away halfway without returning the key to Gu Ye. During lunch, Zhao Pengyu rode out happily and asked Gu Ye: "Are you going to sit behind me or in the basket?"

Gu Ye was shocked by his shamelessness and wanted to pick up a pebble in the flower bed and slap him on the back of the head!

Xia Xiang ran a few steps to catch up with Gu Ye and whispered: "Gu Ye, I heard that there is a strange website that can help people realize their wishes. Only those who are destined can meet it."

Gu Ye was surprised, "So magical? Do you want to ask if you can grow ten centimeters taller?"

Xia Xiang glared at him dissatisfied, "I don't need it, the concentrated essence is the essence!"

Zhao Pengyu rode back and said, "I need it. I think I'm too short, especially when playing basketball, I can't even touch the basket with my hands."

Xia Xiang choked his neck angrily, "Shut your mouth! Otherwise I will strangle you to death!"

Zhao Pengyu was stunned, "You are too scary. You were clearly not like this before. You have learned bad things from Gu Ye!"

Gu Ye said disgustedly: "Bah! I am a pacifist and never hit anyone."

"Tui!" Xia Xiang said unceremoniously to Zhao Pengyu's face. The short man's resentment towards his height was a bottom line that could not be touched!

Zhao Pengyu wiped the spit from his face, his face almost deformed with anger, "You two are too cruel!"

"Haha!" Xia Xiang sneered, with murderous intent on his face, "Who told you to laugh at me for being short!"

Zhao Pengyu couldn't laugh or cry, "It's just a joke."

At this time, Xia Xiang called. He gave Zhao Pengyu a hard look, "Hello? Are you here? Well, okay, I'll be out right away."

Xia Xiang pushed Zhao Pengyu out of the car, "Get on down, I have requisitioned this car. I want to go out to eat, will you go?"

Zhao Pengyu wants to ask if your legs are so short, can you reach the pedals? Thinking about it, Xia Xiang might hit him to death with his bicycle, but he endured it and asked curiously: "Who are you with?"

Gu Ye raised the corner of his mouth, "Your brother?"

Xia Xiang suddenly smiled and rolled his eyes, looking very happy, "Well, my brother is here to deliver something to me. I will take him to have some food in the store at the door before leaving."

Gu Ye smiled and said: "We won't go. You go quickly. Don't delay class in the afternoon."

Xia Xiang rode his bicycle and left happily. Gu Ye couldn't help but wonder, was this car really his? Why is there an illusion that brothers are saving money to buy together

"Gu Ye, where is the website Xia Xiang mentioned? Why can't I find it?" Zhao Pengyu searched the school's intranet as he walked, but Mao couldn't find it either.

Gu Ye asked in disgust: "Why are you searching for that?"

"I'm just curious. I feel stupid when I hear it. Some god can fulfill your wishes for no reason. It doesn't sound like a good thing."

Gu Ye smiled and said, "You know it's not a good thing, so why are you looking for it? You don't ask for anything."

Zhao Pengyu laughed happily, "Hahaha, yes, I am so good, others want to live like me."

Gu Ye was even more disgusted, "This narcissist!"

The two of them made a meal and found a corner to sit down when Yu Ze sent a message: Have you had lunch

Gu Ye smiled and replied: "I am eating, where are you?"

Yu Ze: Right away.

Gu Ye: I have a little girl.

Yu Ze:

Gu Ye sent a photo to the other party.

Yu Ze sent over a series of speechless dots.

Gu Ye was dissatisfied with the other party's attitude and solemnly introduced: She is made of human skin, has spirituality, can absorb resentment, and can make paper dolls.

Yu Ze: Don’t raise strange dolls.

Gu Ye took a sip of the soup and thought to himself, "You have raised a big one too, you just don't know it!"

Zhao Pengyu secretly observed Gu Ye's expression and asked tentatively: "Are you in love?"

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, "What?"

"Your expression looks like a fool in love."

Gu Yegan laughed twice and said, "No, just to cultivate feelings."

Zhao Pengyu suddenly became energetic and asked excitedly: "Who is it? I haven't heard you say it, a netizen?"

Gu Ye held up the soup guiltily, "No, we know each other in real life."

Zhao Pengyu asked gossiping: "Whose eldest lady? Did your family order it, or did you find it yourself?"

Gu Ye explained awkwardly: "I'm not a eldest lady. I haven't developed to that stage yet. Even if I tried, I didn't make the relationship clear."

Zhao Pengyu stole Gu Ye's meat and ate it, "I really want to know who it is."

Gu Ye took a deep breath, "No, you don't want to know at all."

The two of them were just talking, but they didn't know that the girl with her back to Gu Ye turned pale after hearing their conversation.

After the two of them had finished eating, they stood up. It happened that the girl behind Gu Ye was also carrying a plate and was about to leave. Neither of them expected that they accidentally bumped into each other. Gu Ye quickly said: "I'm sorry."

"Yes, I'm sorry." The girl also apologized. She had long, slightly curly hair and wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses with flat lenses, which just covered her beautiful eyes. She didn't dare to look up at Gu Ye and shook her head hurriedly.

Gu Ye smiled and said, "You go first."

The girl's face turned red and she said squeakingly: "Gu Ye, thank you."

"Ah?" Gu Ye didn't know why he was thanking him.

The girl pushed up her glasses, blushed and lowered her head slightly, her hair covering most of her face, "Thank you for the last time."

"Last time?" Gu Ye asked doubtfully, "Have we met before?"

The girl raised her head, revealing her half-covered face. After looking at Gu Ye blankly for a few seconds, she suddenly said "I'm sorry" and ran away with the plate.

Gu Ye: "..."

Zhao Pengyu looked at this scene and asked gossiping: "Tell me, where did you owe the love debt?"

Gu Ye frowned and didn't remember until he was almost at the library, "Ah! I remembered it! I did her a favor before the college entrance examination. This girl's ears were soft and she was deceived. Her hair covered her face. No facial features can be seen, who can recognize them?" Gu Ye also wondered, "Why have they become so gloomy? They are completely two people. If I can see their faces clearly, I can do the math."

Zhao Pengyu shook his head, grinned and hid a meter away, "You are really terrible!"

Gu Ye sneered, "Then I will give you a fortune now, so that you will have no secrets."

Zhao Pengyu gave in for a second and said, "Dad, please let me go."


As soon as Li Jiatong arrived at the door of the dormitory, he was stopped by two pretty girls. "You are so brave, Li Jiatong. Seeing how honest you are, I didn't expect you to be so flirtatious. I heard that you struck up a conversation with Gu Ye in the restaurant." ? What did Gu Ye tell you? "

"No." Li Jiatong pushed up his glasses, said muffledly, walked around with his head lowered, and left quickly.

"Bah! I don't know where that face comes from? If you don't look in the mirror to see what she looks like, she looks as gloomy as a ghost. How could Gu Ye know her?"

The voice was not low. Li Jiatong heard it clearly. She froze, lowered her head, and clenched her fists tightly. She wanted to say no, she didn't mean to strike up a conversation with Gu Ye, she just wanted to say thank you to Gu Ye. Thank him for helping her and for being her spiritual support during her most painful time.

Gu Ye only helped her once, and she remembered Gu Ye's smiling face. Especially after the accident, she accidentally saw Gu Ye's photo and thought of his sunny smile. She suddenly felt that the dark world became brighter, giving her the courage to climb out of the abyss. She just regarded Gu Ye as her sunshine and was only grateful to Gu Ye. She didn't have so many delusions.

She admitted that she liked him, and it hurt to hear the news that he might be in love, but she was self-aware and would not disturb him. She only had to watch secretly.

Li Jiatong hurried back to the dormitory, and a girl who was reading a book asked gossipingly: "I heard that you struck up a conversation with Gu Ye? The news has spread all over the campus forum."

Li Jiatong gritted his teeth and shook his head. He was about to cry, but she didn't.

Her roommate advised her kindly: "Forget it. With Gu Ye's background, it is impossible for a Cinderella like us to be born. His father will definitely find him a match."

Li Jiatong shook her head, hid her hand in her pocket, and pinched her index finger hard with her thumb nail, which already produced blood marks. She said tremblingly: "I just..."

"I know that there are many girls in school who like him. They are excellent in studies, have a good temper, and have a rich family. Who wouldn't want to be the third young wife of the Gu family? But the reality is that Gu Ye does not join any clubs or group activities. He does not even He lives on campus, and I heard that his father bought him a villa in the neighborhood. If you do this, don’t get involved, or you’ll be looked at as a joke.”

Li Jiatong couldn't quibble, and she didn't have the strength to quibble. Ever since she was a child, she had been accustomed to taking the blame, accustomed to other people's cynicism and slander. No one would believe anything she said. Sitting on her bed, looking at the photos on her phone, Li Jiatong posted a message in Moments that was only visible to her with tears in her eyes. This was the only way she could express her inner thoughts: I just want to thank him, I don’t want to be his daughter. My friend, I'm so dirty and I don't deserve it, I know it.


On Saturday afternoon, after two classes, Zhao Pengyu put his arms around Gu Ye's neck and said, "Today is the monthly basketball game between our department and the law department next door. Go and cheer me on."

Gu Ye slapped his paws away in disgust, "Talk to daddy properly and don't put your arms around each other."

Zhao Pengyu turned around helplessly and sat on Gu Ye's table, "Just go! There will be more girls if you go to cheer."

The corners of Gu Ye's mouth twitched, what the hell is this reason for

Zhao Pengyu couldn't help but grab Gu Ye's arm and drag him away, "Whether brothers can get out of singles depends on you today!"

"You can't rely solely on me to find a wife," Gu Ye said seriously, "I'm not the father of all of you."

Zhao Pengyu was so angry that he just wanted to jump up and beat him up!

Gu Ye arrived at the gymnasium and was pinned down by Zhao Pengyu in the auditorium, "You just sit here and cheer for our department. You are not allowed to sneak away."

Gu Ye felt inexplicably like a mascot.

Not long after, all the seats behind Gu Ye were filled by girls. The freshman representative was originally the leader of this grade. He had to participate in any activities on behalf of the freshmen, but Gu Ye was too lazy, and he didn't feel anything. Interests, except for being selected as a flag bearer during the military training report, and showing his face publicly, it was difficult to see him after that.

This time he appeared in the gym, which really attracted a lot of people to watch. Some of the more lively ones directly asked Gu Ye for his WeChat ID. Gu Ye said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I forgot to bring my mobile phone."

"Oh, what a pity! Gu Ye, can you really see ghosts?"

"Gu Ye, can you read faces?"

Gu Ye smiled slightly, "Looks come from the heart, there is no evil in the heart, they are all beautiful women."

"What you say makes sense, and you have Buddha nature!"

"Gu Ye, give you some water."

"I have snacks here, do you want to eat them?"

The people on the basketball team were stunned when they saw Gu Ye surrounded by a group of beauties from a distance, eating and drinking. Are you all looking at the beauties only in the audience? Can’t you see how handsome we are

Li Jiatong looked at the girls surrounding Gu Ye from a distance, his eyes hidden behind his lenses full of envy.

At this time, Li Jiatong suddenly received a heavy tap on her shoulder. Li Jiatong turned around and the girl who tapped her shoulder said jokingly: "Who are you looking at? Stop dreaming about your Cinderella dream. You can also help me do my duty tomorrow." Yes, I’ll give you fifty dollars.”

Li Jiatong clenched his fists tightly, bit his lips hard, and his eyes were red. Everyone looks down on her and thinks they can bully her if they have money! Is her life really so worthless

"Hey, do you want to do it?"

Li Jiatong suddenly stretched out his hand, pushed the girl in front of her and staggered, and ran out of the gym quickly.

"You're sick! Aren't you just doing duty for others now? Why are you so noble?"

Li Jiatong turned a deaf ear and ran out of the gym. He habitually took out his mobile phone and took a look at the photos hidden in the album. As soon as he opened it, a website suddenly popped up on the homepage: Whatever your wishes are, as long as you are pious enough, the true God will fulfill them for you.

Li Jiatong's pupils shrank, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit, and he clicked in without hesitation.

There is a black Buddha statue on the screen, and a black boy sitting next to him. The corners of their mouths are raised, and their eyes are half-open and half-closed: Poor child, leave your wish quickly, and the true God will help you.

The tears that had been rolling in Li Jiatong's eyes finally fell, and he quickly left a string of words with trembling fingers: I want him to like me, I want to stand upright by his side, and shut up all those who look down on me! I want my adoptive father to die! I want my sister to die! I want everyone who bullied me to die! All die! ! !

The author has something to say: Everyone says that it’s scary to watch updates at night, but you shouldn’t be scared of updates now, right? The sun is so hot, and Gu Ye protects us, we have nothing to be afraid of! Actually, I don’t think what I wrote is scary. It’s not scary at all. You little girls are too timid. Oh, okay, come into my arms (expectation.jpg)

By the way, there is a lottery on Weibo. I finally have money this month! Each of the three babies will receive 10,000 Jinjiang coins, and they will draw tonight~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [Grenade]: 1 sleeping sheep;

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: 36212948 2; Benny, 20737706, meow meow meow, Xiaoxing'er, Mu Yang, little pitiful, no one can stay, Qingjia, stone, demeter, 24884307, madman , Peach Blossom ※ Snow Rabbit, Yaoyao, Yingyingying, lonely, Tears of Love is a little fairy 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

53 bottles of meeting, why should we have known each other; 30 bottles of Mujin; 20 bottles of cinderella, Congji, Qingfengxiao; 19 bottles of a little red flower on the mountain; 17 bottles of Chijiu's; 15 bottles of 27202968; 14 bottles of evelyn; Tears of Love is a Little Fairy, 2982664, Divine Shimmer, Zhao 60, Have You Eaten, Popular, Cat's Demon, ai Xiao900, Yi Qing, Live the Life, Jasmine Tea~,... - 10 bottles; Abnormal, 6 bottles of Fannian Duchen; Kaidao&Cha Mi, Lan Yi, Seven Years Old, Hua Liang, Orange Jam, Roudu Dumpling, Book Lover, Ten Years and a Lifetime, 5 bottles; Mo Ran, kwslkwsl, Xuanyuan Yumo, Yi. , 2 bottles of four evils; Banmulberry, Yansi Taihuangxiu, Yunying, Qiqi, Laosan, 36212948, Jingjinghang 918, Peach Blossom ※Snow Rabbit, Little Chrysanthemum, Bei Lubei, Prince Ruhua, Cut Off Long Fa, Qian Jian Mo Yun, Xinyue 88668, I am a lone wolf, Sanliang Banxia, Shang Jiuxiao, Yun Hu does not like to see Qing'e 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!