Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 53: Gu Ye Come on, bully me!


Carrying his bag, Du Jianuo arrived at Imperial University, a world-famous university, as scheduled, and found the Stone Pot Fish Restaurant Gu Ye mentioned at the gate. The store was not big, but the interior was elegantly decorated. It happened to be meal time, and there were many students. , Dujano found a seat in the back and sat down. He passed by several tables. A few students glanced at him because of his handsome appearance, but no one recognized him.

After waiting for only two minutes, Gu Ye arrived. Without Du Jia Nuo's reminder, he went straight to the corner where Du Jia Nuo was, found him immediately, and said with a smile: "Hey~ I've been waiting for a long time."

Seeing Gu Ye's overly young face face to face, Du Jianuo was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "Hello."

Gu Ye sat down opposite him, "I really don't look like a fortune teller. If you regret it now, I can still reimburse you for the fare."

Dujano saw through it at a glance and smiled sheepishly, "No, I've been here for a long time. I want to take a gamble. It's already this far anyway."

"Okay," Gu Ye looked at Du Jianuo's face again. He had not used a knife or put on makeup. There was nothing wrong with the appearance he had seen before. "This is five hundred thousand," Gu Ye took out the bank card he had prepared in advance. , "This time next year, if you have more than 40 million fans, remember to pay me back 5 million."

Hearing the figure of 40 million, Dugarno clenched his fists in shock, "Do I really have the financial ability to repay it? Can I really have 40 million fans?"

"Yes." Gu Ye said firmly: "As long as you don't do anything, don't cause trouble, and act steadily, your first work will make you famous. However, I will take a look at all the scripts you perform this year. ”

Dujano picked up the card and said seriously: "I will listen to you."

Gu Ye held his chin and looked at him, then said with a smile: "I'll give you another suggestion, stay away from dogs for the past two months."


"Yes, a real dog. A dog that runs on the ground. It has four legs and barks."

Dujano couldn't laugh or cry, "Is it difficult for me to have a dog? Get bitten by a dog?"

Gu Ye nodded with a smile.

"Okay, I remember."

The two had a meal together, and Dujano didn't want to stay nearby. He booked a ticket for the high-speed rail station that night and planned to go to his agent to terminate the contract the next morning.

Before parting, Gu Ye said: "It may be unpleasant to go back, so be mentally prepared."

Dujano nodded seriously, "I know, I have been mentally prepared for a long time."

Dujiano's manager, Hou Shiqi, is a veteran manager of Dingnan Entertainment. He has also promoted several artists. He likes to talk sweetly and stir up trouble. He also needs to be obedient. If he asks you to go out and drink with you, you should be happy. If you go, be in a good mood with your distinguished guest, and he will be happy to compliment you. Dujanuo was good-looking and young, but he didn't cooperate with his arrangements and had no backing, so he kept being pushed into the corner. He didn't want to praise him in return for discarding him.

As soon as he heard that Dujano wanted to leave, Hou Shiqi immediately turned against him, "Eating everything! You still want to leave like this? Who would want you? You have no acting skills, you don't know how to speak, and you can't even accompany a drink." Trash, where can you go to become famous?”

Dujanuo has long been accustomed to hearing such insults, and said without changing his expression: "I just want to act, I just like this industry, and I don't want to participate in anything else. Thank you for taking care of me in the past two years. Goodbye!"

"Are you leaving? Let me see how you leave? Just for the few scenes you have acted in, you wish you could put money into it. Can you get the liquidated damages?" Hou Shiqi sneered and looked at Du Jiano's leaving figure. With a look of disdain on his face, he said, "Go away, otherwise you will be buried in the cold!"

Dujano paused and said coldly: "Then just wait."

Hou Shiqi had already expected that Dujano would not be able to leave. He never expected that Dujano actually paid the liquidated damages and left the apartment with his luggage the same day after receiving the contract. After asking someone to inquire, he found out that Dujano went directly Yuming Media.

"Does Yuming Media have money to burn? Why would you hire such a mentally retarded person? He doesn't have many works, they are just passersby, and they have no acting skills!" Hou Shiqi scolded angrily, "He has absolutely no way out!"

Even though he scolded him like this, he didn't know for sure, because several newcomers who went to Yuming Media became popular, and even the old actors who had been tepid before became very popular after they went there. Du Jianuo's family was poor, and he was in his 50s. A liquidated damages of 10,000 yuan is nothing to others, but to his family, it is a huge sum of money. He himself cannot afford the liquidated damages of 500,000 yuan, so Yuming Media can only pay it to him. Does Dugarno really have acting skills

The assistant said: "I heard from his roommate that he had no contact with anyone from Yuming Media at all, but he had contact with Gu Lin's younger brother. Yesterday he went to Imperial University specifically, and it was midnight when he came back."

"The third son of the Gu family who can tell fortunes," Hou Shiqi sneered and narrowed his eyes, "Did he figure out that Du Jianuo would be popular?"

The assistant shook his head, "Who knows how this young master views people."

"If he wants to leave, I have to let him go. If all the artists in my hands want to imitate him, why don't they go to heaven?" Now many people in the outside world are saying that Dingnan has been suppressing those artists and not giving them performance. opportunity, otherwise they would have become famous earlier. Many actors with acting skills are now pressed by contracts. They don't have much on the surface, but they must have been thinking about when to leave. Hou Shiqi said with a cold face and a sneer: "How can it be so easy to leave? The studio sent news that Du Jiano was being kept by wealthy businessmen and was persuaded to quit. Because he violated the company's agreement, he paid 500,000 liquidated damages. At the same time, he reminds other artists in the studio to take a warning. No one in the studio can testify for him. How can he fly without public relations and backstage? "

The news spread that day, and the name Dujano became popular. No one knows what roles he has played, but he is well known for his reputation as "an 18th-tier starlet kept by a wealthy businessman". Netizens were so happy that a man didn't want to make progress but was taken care of by a wealthy businessman. They didn't even bother to scold him. Just two words: disgusting!

Before Du Jianuo joined Yuming Media, black material was already flying everywhere. When Yuming Media saw this, the person in charge of signing the contract hesitated. Is it necessary for a person like this who is not well-known and has a lot of scandal to sign

Having just escaped from that hopeless company, he finally found hope. When Dujano saw the scandal, he was completely confused. He knew that it would not be so easy to leave. He knew Hou Shiqi too well, and he would rather destroy disobedient artists, so he left on the same day without giving the other party a chance to react. Unexpectedly, the other party had this trick.

He knew that no one would testify against him. Not to mention whether there is a chance for a comeback now, even if he is able to clear himself in the future, it will be useless. The longer the time passes, the less chance he will have to clear his name. No matter what he does in the future, he will have to carry this stain. Hou Shiqi wants to kill him as a warning to others and force him to a dead end.

Carrying his bag, Dujano sat on a rest chair in the park, resting his head on the back of the chair, looking at the not-so-bright starry sky with an expressionless expression. He felt that his life was like the hazy night sky, covered with an inextricable haze. At this moment, Du Jianuo really gave up, and the hope that was rekindled by Gu Ye was crushed abruptly.

This industry is too tiring and dirty. He doesn't have that much thought. He just wants to act steadily. Why is it so difficult

The rapid ringing rang for a long time, and Dujano glanced weakly. It was his mother who called. Dujano hesitated for a moment and chose to hang up. He no longer knew how to explain to his parents. Instead of letting them Worry is better than silence.

I have been sitting there for more than an hour. There are no people running at night in the park. Dujano is still sitting here numbly. He doesn't know where else he can go. It feels like the world is so big, but there is no place for him. Feeling of helplessness.

At this time, the phone rang again. He thought it was from home again, but he didn't answer it. The phone kept ringing unwillingly. He picked it up tiredly and took a look, and his pupils suddenly shrank. It turned out to be the phone number of the agent he had written down during the day! Dujano answered nervously and heard the other party say angrily: "Why didn't you answer the phone for so long? Did you drop it in the toilet? Come to the company headquarters at nine o'clock tomorrow morning to sign a contract. The company has artist apartments with single rooms. If you want to live there, You can bring your luggage with you.”

"Can I still go?" Dugarno looked at the caller ID again in disbelief to make sure he saw it correctly.

"Yes, you haven't paid attention to what's going on online, have you? You have to thank Mr. Third, and remember this great kindness." After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Third Young Master, is this Gu Ye?" Du Jianuo logged onto Weibo excitedly. He didn't care how many people were scolding him, so he went to Gu Ye's Weibo first. Gu Ye, who rarely updates his news, posted this: Hou Shiqi, am I the wealthy businessman you mentioned supporting Du Jiano? I paid his liquidated damages, and I told him that on this day next year, you won’t even be worthy of carrying his shoes. I'm poaching you, come and bite me~

When Dujano saw this sentence, he had never shed tears after suffering all the humiliation. Tears fell down his face. He covered his eyes with one hand, raised his head, and tightened the corners of his mouth. I never thought that there was such a person who could unconditionally believe that he could do it. He never thought that such a person could stand up and speak for him at this time. Why did Gu Ye believe in him so much, just because of his illusory fate

As soon as Gu Ye's news came out, many people on the Internet were shocked. No one believed that Gu Ye could support Du Jianuo. How old is Gu Ye? He is twenty years old. The Gu family has always had a very strict family tradition. Gu Decheng is also known as "decent and serious". When reporters interview him, they can't even tell jokes to him. Gu Ye dares to do this. His father Not to kill him

In addition to being good at studies, Gu Ye is also good at fortune telling. Judging by this, does he predict that Du Jianuo will be popular in the future? Anyone with a discerning eye can understand that Hou Shiqi was dissatisfied with Du Jianuo's job-hopping and wanted to destroy him directly before he became popular.

Hou Shiqi didn't expect that Gu Ye could speak for Du Jianuo. What was the difference between pointing at his nose and scolding him? Hou Shiqi had a gloomy face and thought for a long time but couldn't figure out how to reply. He was tough, he didn't have the courage. Behind Gu Ye was not only Gu Lin, a big boss in the entertainment industry, but also "Daddy Gu". If he is not firm, it will appear that he has acquiesced. What will he do in the future

While he was hesitating, Gu Ye spoke again: Hou Shiqi, I not only poached Du Jianuo from your company, but also Zhou Luochun, Jing Xingchun, Fei Zhitong, Shao Mengqin, Mei Mei, and Jian Wenwen were all poached by me. Yes, don't pick on honest children to bully, come on, bully me!

Hou Shiqi almost ran out of breath and said, "How can you bully others like this!?"

Not only was Hou Shiqi angry, but several agents in Dingnan were almost angry to death by these words. Now, all of them have become famous quickly after being poached by Yuming Media, and they are all money-spinners! How much money can they make if this is in their hands? They were all picked out by Gu Ye!

People on the Internet are excited: Damn it! Gu Ye is such a master! It’s all figured out in advance!

These people were inconspicuous when they were at Dingnan Entertainment, and there were no announcements. But when they went to Yuming Media, they became popular after just one drama. They really have acting skills!

They have acting skills, but the top brass of Dingnan Entertainment have eye problems! Zhou Luochun was so suppressed. When he walked on the red carpet, he wore Ji's clothes and was not allowed to cut off his trademark, which made him the laughing stock of the audience. Zhou Luochun is such a strong kid. He even broke his leg during filming and walked out of the venue without crying. Then he broke down and put his head against the wall and cried. The scene was heartbreaking. I am here to kneel down for my brother Zhou and thank Master Gu Ye for giving him a chance to be reborn!

Thank you Master Gu for choosing my goddess! When the stupid TV series couldn't find anyone, I, Wenwen, was forced to take the lead. Later, the ratings plummeted. I don't know who the mentally retarded person said that the reason why Wenwen wasn't popular was because of a small mole on the corner of Wenwen's mouth. She ruined the good luck of the film and asked the company to hide her for a year! Just a fucking glutton, okay

Dingnan Entertainment is really in trouble. There are so many people with acting skills, but their managers don't praise them, but instead praise them with exaggerated vases.

So, Du Jianuo was poached by Gu Ye because of his potential

My little brother has a bright future, waiting for good news!

Dujiano, come on, Master Gu is very optimistic about you, I hope you can be as popular as the above ones, I trust Master Gu! You can be popular!

Dujano was sitting on a chair in the park, enjoying the cool breeze, and kept reading comments. He could not stop crying as he read other people's words of encouragement to him one by one. He wanted to call and send messages to Gu Ye several times, but he didn't know what to say. The kindness was too great, and all words were pale.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that Du Jianuo summoned up the courage to send a message to Gu Ye, just one sentence: From now on, I have nothing to fear.


As the news spread on the Internet, the artists named also heard the news and asked their managers, "Is it really Mr. Gu who set this up for us?"

In response to this, several agents were dumbfounded, "He drew a circle on your head and said he would come over here, so our brother-control boss sent someone to come over to you."

Although this process was like a joke, several artists were still shocked and felt full of gratitude to Gu Ye. If they hadn't been hired by Yuming Media, they might still be passers-by. It is much better to support them when they are in the most difficult time than to add icing on the cake when they are popular. Several people knew each other, and after some discussion, they all forwarded Gu Ye's Weibo post: Thank you to my little prince Gu Ye for your appreciation. No matter how Yuming Media develops in the future, I will stand with it through thick and thin. If the jade inscription remains, I will never give up.

This was tantamount to a disguised confession to the company that made them famous. Gu Ye didn't see them forwarding it and went to bed after finishing the confrontation with Hou Shiqi. Early the next morning, I picked up my phone and found countless WeChat messages. When I saw the one from Dujiano, Gu Ye replied with a smile: Come on! God loves children who work hard.

Facts have proved that Gu Ye's vision was right!

Dujano was indeed up to date and worked hard enough. He received professional training within the company in the first month of signing the contract, and got an audition opportunity in the second month. Relying on his own strength, he snagged the second male role in a fantasy martial arts masterpiece produced by a big director. This character is a charming character who has confidantes all over the world, but in the end he sacrifices his life for the sake of the common people in the world. There are many fans of the original work. At that time, many people cried when the novel was finished, and many angry readers threw rotten eggs at the author. When Dujano's audition photos were circulated on the Internet, his handsome appearance and romantic eyes made many fans of the original movie cry. His Weibo followers increased by hundreds of thousands that day.

There is no young star with such magic power. He can attract fans just by posting a few photos before the filming officially starts. Thinking of what Gu Ye said before, many artists became excited and wanted to find Gu Ye to figure out their future.

Suddenly, Gu Ye's private messages were exposed again. Due to the attention of several popular traffic idols, his fan base has grown to more than two million.

However, as soon as Gu Ye came online every three days, he couldn't even get in the queue to ask for a hexagram, and he couldn't find any connections.

It's getting cold now. Master Gu, who has been missing from the outside world, is wearing a slim-fitting white sweater, dark blue jeans, and a gray windbreaker. He is sitting elegantly on a stone stool in the bamboo forest of the school, with a shelf in front of him. , painting the golden bamboo forest at dusk.

Several seniors passed by and stopped curiously, looking for angles to take pictures of him without hesitation. If you want to talk about the changes in the young ladies in the past four years of college, when they were pursued in the freshman year, they would definitely say, "Senior, I'm sorry." In the sophomore year, they would say, "Senior, I won't date you." In the junior year, they would say, "Senior, I'm sorry." "This junior is so handsome!" Senior: "Senior, don't run away! Let's chat together!"

After the seniors finished taking the photos, they walked up to Gu Ye and asked openly, "Senior, can you be a friend?"

Gu Ye paused his pen tip and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, senior sister, I didn't bring my mobile phone."

The senior sister was not annoyed, so she teased him, "Oh, you've been using this excuse for almost half a year, why don't you change it?"

Gu Ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was really time for a new one, but no one believed it.

"Eh? The lady in red you painted is so beautiful! Is there a model? Or is it imaginary?" A senior sister pointed at the beauty dancing in red costume in Gu Ye's painting and was amazed.

Gu Ye looked at the beauty in red dancing gracefully in the shadow of the bamboo forest and said gently: "There is a real person."

"Wow! So beautiful! Is she your girlfriend?"

Gu Ye smiled and shook his head, "No, she is like my sister."

"Oh, then I'm relieved, you're still single." Several seniors patted Gu Ye on the shoulders, "Let's go, juniors remember to find another reason for refusing to be friends!"

Gu Ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry, waving goodbye to several seniors. After everyone had disappeared, Gu Ye sent a message to Zhao Pengyu.

Not long after, Zhao Pengyu sent a message scolding him: "You lazy guy! Wait! Dad will buy it for you! Pulse or black tea?"

When Xia Xiang heard this, he frowned and said, "Pengyu, don't call yourself Gu Ye's father."

Zhao Pengyu said nonchalantly: "He calls himself my dad every day. He can even draw a picture and ask dad to bring him water!"

The corner of Xia Xiang's mouth twitched, "I'm afraid that you will lose your life in the future."

Zhao Pengyu was confused, "What?"

Xia Xiang hesitated for a moment, "Nothing, that's all."

"Sneeze!" A gust of cool wind blew over, Gu Ye sneezed and picked up the phone dissatisfied, "Zhao Pengyu, did you scold me?"

Zhao Pengyu: Are you still a human being

Gu Ye curled his lips, heheed twice, and really scolded him, this egg man!

At this time, Gu Lin's secretary sent a message: San Shao, a friend of mine is the agent of actress Tang Jingyi. Something seems to have happened to Tang Jingyi recently. He wants to ask you to take a look. Are you free

Gu Ye replied: Once the money arrives, I will be free.

Secretary Yang: Let’s see if you have time tomorrow night? They come to you.

Gu Ye: Come on, I don’t have self-study on Saturday night.


On Saturday night, Gu Ye waited at home for Secretary Yang's friend Xie Ren, and the actress Tang Jingyi, who was wrapped like a rice dumpling. She wore a black coat, a black mask, and black sunglasses. She was wearing thicker clothes than normal people. It was the season to wear coats, so she put on her down jacket and followed Xie Ren in. She took off her mask, revealing half of her thin face, and said weakly: "Hello, Third Young Master, I am Tang Jingyi. "

Gu Ye looked at the aura on her body and said calmly: "Call me Master Gu. When I do this kind of thing, I don't want to have anything to do with my brother. You don't seem to be in good spirits."

"Well, I haven't slept well for several days." Compared with the enthusiasm of others when they saw her, the young man opposite was holding an exquisite doll and had a lukewarm attitude. This contrast made Tang Jingyi couldn't help but look at Gu Ye Xia, like the doll in his arms, had an unusually delicate face, and was also too young. He was completely different from the masters he had seen before.

Gu Ye closed the door and asked them to sit down in the living room, "Miss Tang, can you take off your sunglasses too?"

Tang Jingyi nodded and took off his glasses, "Sorry, I'm used to it."

Before coming here, Gu Ye specifically told her to stay bare-faced and try not to wear makeup. Even so, Tang Jingyi was still very beautiful. The haggard and pale face could not hide her stunning beauty, but instead gave her a bit of a pitiful look. Most men would feel pity for her when they saw her. Unfortunately, Gu Ye's face turned cold after seeing it.

Her skin was pale and lifeless, and the sinister aura between her eyebrows was so dark and intense. No wonder she was so afraid of the cold. The other person bit his lip and looked pitiful, but a sharp and mean aura rushed towards him.

Agent Xie Ren asked worriedly: "Master Gu, can you see anything?"

Gu Ye smiled lightly and asked directly: "What did you do that was so outrageous? Tell me."

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of the two people changed instantly.

The author has something to say: I had something to do yesterday and ran around all day. I didn’t get home until nine o’clock last night. Now I just wrote today’s update. I’m sorry everyone, I’m too busy qaq

I will draw a hundred red envelopes in the message today, I love you all~~Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [grenade]: Ice Queen, 23212505 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: 23212505 6; 2 who are not fat for half a month; rabbits who don’t like to eat carrots, work hard and try harder c,  Mo Xiao Rui?, Meow Meow Meow Meow, Jing Baobao, Feng Lin Ran, Qing Huan, Tao Hua ※ Snow Rabbit, Red Pillow, Demeter, Celia's Little Wife, Tears of Love is a Little Fairy, Yo, Misaki 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

13460641 77 bottles; christina 48 bottles; Mr. Lu, ai Xiao 900 20 bottles; karry_ 15 bottles; half-month-old but not fat 14 bottles; Big Steamed Bun Drops Stepmother, Calm, Big Panda Bear, 33496615, It’s a bear cub not a wolf cub, Hanhan , Duoduoduogeng, Children, Lanyi, Moli, Yo, Misaki, Ice and Snow Queen, Sunglasses Yu 10 bottles; Ice and Coke 8 bottles; Yangliu Yiyi, Lin Shujing, Past, Sweet Love, Smoke 5 Bottles; 4 bottles of Moyu Lu Tiantian wants to catch fish; 3 bottles of la; 3 bottles of Yansi Taihuangxiu, Shang Jiuxiao, Bookworm, Xuanyuan Yumo, 3094427; 2 bottles of alas, zz, 33627925, Wang Ziruhua, Zi Yan, Peach Blossom ※Snow Rabbit, Qian Jian Mo Yun, Shu Ying, Ban Mulberry, Zui Qingfeng, Jing Jing Hang 918, iris, Pang Pang, Xiao Xiao Fang, Little Demon, Black Bear Spirit and Little Flower Demon, Nianhua, Kanwen Don’t be too smart 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!