Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 54: I'll give you a chance to chase me


When Gu Ye directly pointed out that they had done something against the law of nature, both of them changed their expressions.

"No!" Tang Jingyi blurted out, and then put on sunglasses to hide the panic in his eyes, and said calmly: "Master Gu, we came to you to solve the problem."

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Oh, then go away. You didn't even tell me the truth. I don't want to solve this problem."

"Don't," Xie Ren quickly stood up to smooth things over, "Master Gu, don't be angry. She didn't want to talk for a reason. She had a hard time in the entertainment industry in the past few years. To find some comfort, she adopted a ghost boy."

Tang Jingyi panicked and tried to stop him, "Thank you, brother!"

"There's nothing to hide," Xie Ren said nonchalantly, "Gui Mantong is the golden boy or Buddha boy in Southeast Asia. It's the kind of little ghost worshipped by Buddhism. It can bless people, and it's not an evil ghost." He then said to Gu Ye, "It was fine in the past few years, but in the past few days, it suddenly started to become uncontrollable. No matter what we worship it, it doesn't work."

Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, pinched his daughter's hand and said slowly: "I know that ghost mantong is different from ghost children. Ghost children are made by sorcerers who take premature babies or fetuses that have been formed but not born, smear corpse oil on them, wrap them with banners, put them in a jar and use secret methods to refine them for seventy-four or nine days. These ghost children have strong resentment and obey the instructions of their masters. They are very evil and are very likely to backfire if adopted by others. But ghost mantong is different. Ghost mantong is made of children's ashes mixed with extremely yin materials and blessed by a high monk. If a ghost mantong kills, it must be because Miss Tang did something to make him angry. Mr. Xie, you don't know your artist very well."

Xie Ren was slightly stunned and subconsciously glanced at Tang Jingyi. The other person was sitting there with a dignified face, looking up at him. He was wearing sunglasses, so it was impossible to see the thoughts in his eyes.

"I think I understand her quite well," Xie Ren said this, even though he himself was not very confident. After Tang Jingyi was able to stand on her own feet, he began to train new people. In the past year or so, he had hardly taken care of her.

Gu Ye shook his head, not knowing what to say about this silly brother. Tang Jingyi's face was definitely not as gentle as it seemed. She was petty, mean, arrogant and cold. Her gentleness was all pretended. There were many good people in the entertainment industry, those who did charity, those who set an example and were upright. He had seen many people like Tang Jingyi who were good at pretending. "Miss Tang, you should have beaten or scolded your assistant, and your ghost boy as well. Do you still treat him as your own son as before? You have been too popular in the past two years. You have become too proud."

"Master Gu, why do you say that? If you don't want to show it to me, let's go." Tang Jingyi's body froze when Gu Ye revealed his deepest secret, then he returned to normal and stood up. "Xie Ge, let's go."

"Goodbye, I hope you can last a few more nights." Gu Ye let Lingling in his arms stand up and touched the back of the child's head. "Okay, girl, go play by yourself."

As Gu Ye said this, Tang Jingyi subconsciously stopped and looked back stiffly, and saw the puppet in Gu Ye's arms jumping out of Gu Ye's arms and running away with the sound of small leather shoes. Tang Jingyi and Xie Ren's faces turned pale on the spot, and they were frightened by the scene before their eyes.

"What is this?" Xie Ren quickly grabbed Tang Jingyi and winked at her sternly, "Master Gu is really capable and can definitely save you. Sit down and talk properly!"

After being told this by her agent, Tang Jingyi had to sit down. Her voice was dry: "I don't know where I offended him. Recently, I felt that he wanted to kill me."

Gu Ye tilted his head and said slowly: "There are requirements for wearing Gui Mantong. Don't eat wild food, respect your parents, care for your children, don't fight for fame and fortune, and don't scheme. If you do all of these, he will bless you. If you can't do any of them, Gui Mantong will be tainted and will inevitably backfire. It's already come to the point of killing you. What have you done? Don't you know it? Go back and wait for death."

As Gu Ye spoke, Tang Jingyi's face became paler and paler. When he said the last sentence, Tang Jingyi's body froze and his fingers trembled. It was obvious that his last psychological defense had been defeated. "I... I'm sorry for her."

Xie Ren frowned, "Who are you feeling sorry for? What did you do without telling me?"

Tang Jingyi bit her lip and hesitated for half a minute before she said, "I was not originally chosen for the role of Yu Ji."

"I know. Isn't it because Qiu Junling had an accident and broke her leg that Director Li gave you the role?"

"Yes," Tang Jingyi gritted her teeth, "She had an accident. It was... I asked Gui Tong to push her, and that's why she was hit by the car."

Xie Ren's face changed, and he pointed at Tang Jingyi and was so angry that he couldn't speak. He tapped her several times before he managed to utter, "Are you crazy? You don't have a good script or a good role, do you have to use such means to compete with Qiu Junling?!"

Tang Jingyi took off her sunglasses. Her eyes were red and filled with tears. "I just don't like her. She bullied me a lot when I was not famous. I just don't want to see her become famous!"

She acted like a little girl, and Xie Ren didn't know what to say to her.

Gu Ye made a "tsk" sound and interrupted the other party, "This matter is not over yet, how did you get the life?"

"Human life?!" Xie Ren was shocked. "Why is it related to human life?"

At this point, nothing can be hidden anymore. Tang Jingyi looked into Gu Ye's eyes. Gu Ye raised his eyebrows, and Tang Jingyi instantly felt that he had seen through everything. She collapsed and said, "Who knew... Who knew she was pregnant? The child died on the spot." Tang Jingyi covered her face and cried bitterly, "I really didn't mean it. If I knew she was pregnant, I wouldn't let Gui Tong do it."

"You... you can do it, Tang Jingyi!" Xie Ren was so angry that he didn't know what to say. Tang Jingyi was made famous by him, and he never thought that the quiet and gentle girl in the past would do such a thing when she got ruthless.

Gu Ye narrowed his eyes, "Now you know you are wrong, do you really regret it?"

"Of course, I feel guilty," Tang Jingyi cried, "I regret it every day."

Gu Ye rolled his eyes. He didn't like talking to this masked woman. "Mr. Xie, take her away."

"Master Gu, please help me. Eight million, what do you think?" After all, he had supported Tang Jingyi for so many years, and Xie Ren couldn't bear to see her die.

Gu Ye took the water Lingling brought him and said indifferently: "She knows whether she is really guilty or not, and she did more than just this one thing."

Xie Ren opened his eyes wide and looked at Tang Jingyi in shock, "There's more?!"

Tang Jingyi's face turned pale, and he lowered his head and whispered, "Even when people were fighting for roles and limelight in the past, no one was killed."

Xie Ren suppressed his anger and said kindly, "Master Gu, she is wrong and should be punished. I will do whatever you say. I just ask you to save her. She grew up in a single-parent family with only an old mother. If she dies, her mother will be sending her son to his grave. Just think about it, how can the old lady bear it?"

Gu Ye frowned, looked cold and said nothing.

Seeing that he didn't refuse outright, Xie Ren quickly continued to persuade him: "We all have parents, and we all know that it's not easy for people to grow old. Please save her life for the sake of the old people. She has saved money in the past few years, so let her donate more to the children in the welfare home and do more good deeds. Do you think it's okay?"

Gu Ye was silent for a while, then said with disdain, "You can let me save her, but only if you agree to three conditions: First, apologize to those people, seek their forgiveness, resolve the hatred, and worship that unborn child for the rest of your life. Second, quit the entertainment industry. She became famous because of Gui Mantong's blessing. She instructed a kind-hearted Gui Mantong who had blessed her for three years to do a lot of bad things, which gradually infected Gui Mantong with evil spirits. All the evil spirits accumulated before must be returned. Third, I don't want a penny, but she wants to donate all her property to welfare organizations, not a penny left."

"No! I have worked so hard to get to where I am today," Tang Jingyi begged, "I can give you more money, Master Gu, please save me, I have changed, I really have changed, I will give you all my property, please take that ghost child away!"

"Do you think I'm short of money?" Gu Ye looked at the other person's face and said, "Ms. Tang, you have too many desires. To be honest, I don't really want to save you. You either live to atone for your sins or be attacked by the ghosts and die. It's your choice."

Tang Jingyi wanted to beg, but Gu Ye said, "Hongdou, please send us away. You two go back and think carefully about the conditions I mentioned."

A breeze blew by, the door opened by itself, Gu Ye stood up and left.

Tang Jingyi wiped her tears, wrapped herself up again, and was escorted out with a pale face by an invisible person.

Ever since she was kicked out by Gu Ye, she hadn't spoken a word along the way. She lowered her head, hugged herself tightly, and her whole body was cold.

Xie Ren could tell from Gu Ye's words that Tang Jingyi had no guilt or remorse at all, "Tang Jingyi, I really want to know, what did you do? As your agent, I didn't know anything." Xie Ren was so angry, "You asked me to save you, but you have to save me, right?"

"I..." Tang Jingyi took a deep breath and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"You haven't let me down! You're letting down the people you've hurt! Have no one else really died?"

"No, I just want them to embarrass themselves or have some minor accidents so that they can't make it to the audition time."

It was still unfair competition. After Xie Ren sent Tang Jingyi to the hotel, he asked two female assistants, "How does Tang Jingyi treat you?"

When asked this question, the expressions on the two assistants' faces became unnatural. The younger one said, "Mr. Xie, my contract will expire next month, and I want to resign."

Upon hearing this, Xie Ren understood that Tang Jingyi must have treated them badly. It was not easy for Xie Ren to praise her to this point. After being very angry, he still didn't want to watch her retire. In desperation, Xie Ren found Gu Lin's secretary Yang Feng, told him the general situation, and asked: "How do you think we can ask this gentleman to help?"

Yang Feng sighed and said, "If you listen to my advice, just give up Tang Jingyi."

"I have trained her for five years," Xie Ren felt a pain in his heart when he said this. "I have invested all my resources and connections into her. If I give up on her just like that, I will have to pay a lot."

"It's better to lose money than to get yourself involved," Yang Feng advised his old friend earnestly, "The Third Young Master never makes mistakes when judging people, so don't make mistakes for the sake of immediate benefits."

"Okay, I'll think about it." Xie Ren hung up the phone and just took a breath when he heard the door being smashed. Xie Ren was startled and ran to open the door. Tang Jingyi's assistant stood at the door and said anxiously: "Mr. Xie, Sister Tang is going to commit suicide! You should go and have a look, we can't stop her at all!"

Xie Ren's face changed, and he ran to the next room anxiously to see, and saw Tang Jingyi holding a piece of glass in his hand, waving with his teeth and claws, with a fierce look on his face, "Don't come over! Don't come over! Kill her! Kill her!!"

Tang Jingyi's face turned blue, not a normal face at all. Her wrists were already covered in blood, and the ground was covered with blood. Obviously, she had cut herself. Another assistant was hiding in fear. When he saw Xie Ren coming, he finally had a backbone and said with a pale face: "What should we do, Mr. Xie? She was fine just now. After drinking a glass of water, she suddenly went crazy, dropped the glass, picked up the glass and cut her wrists."

Xie Ren tried to get closer with a cold face, but Tang Jingyi bared her teeth at him with red eyes and an evil smile on her face. She rushed towards Xie Ren. Xie Ren was so scared that he dragged his assistant and ran out, "What are you waiting for? Call the police!"

The assistant was embarrassed, "But..."

Xie Ren said angrily: "But what? My life is gone, so why should I be afraid of scandals?!

The assistant quickly called the police, and within five minutes, the police arrived. The strange thing was that Tang Jingyi, who wanted to bite anyone he saw, suddenly became obedient after seeing the police. He squatted in the corner and dared not move, looking aggrieved like a child.

Xie Ren sent Tang Jingyi to the hospital for treatment overnight. The doctor thankfully said, "Fortunately it was glass and the wound wasn't deep. Otherwise, he would have gone into shock long ago."

After the bandaging was completed, Xie Rengang breathed a sigh of relief, but Tang Jingyi suddenly jumped up again and rushed to the window. The doctors and nurses were all startled to see her pretty face twisted and deformed because of her exaggerated expression. She looked like a mad ghost, and several medical staff couldn't hold her down.

"Sedative! Nurse! Go!" The doctor said sternly, "Has she ever had this kind of illness before?"

Xie Ren shook his head grimly. He had already understood what was going on. The ghost Mantong's spiritual power was getting stronger and stronger, and it seemed that he wanted to kill her tonight.

The doctor injected Tang Jingyi with a sedative with a cold face. He watched her slowly calm down before he breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, help her to the bed, head nurse, you...ah!"

Before the doctor could finish his words, he felt a sharp pain in his jaw. Tang Jingyi bit his jaw with red eyes. There was blood at the corners of his mouth. He wished he could bite the bones in his jaw into pieces.

This scene shocked everyone, and after they reacted, they all went to pull. The other doctor had no choice but to use some skill to dislodge Tang Jingyi's jawbone, and then rescued his colleague. After this incident, no one dared to approach Tang Jingyi, who was smiling. Tang Jingyi grinned, and his mouth was full of blood, looking like a ghost.

At this time, the police who sent them to the hospital came back, knocked on the half-open door, and kindly delivered a message, "Someone recognized her just now, there are reporters at the door, when you left... what happened?"

The policeman noticed that everyone was looking at him and blinked in confusion. At this time, Xie Ren discovered that Tang Jingyi had huddled in the corner again, not daring to move.

"Mr. Policeman, can you help me?" Xie Ren asked for help: "Please don't leave, otherwise I'm worried that she won't survive tonight."

police:"… "

After explaining the situation, the policeman left one person behind and put a hat with a police badge on the table in the ward. Tang Jingyi was so scared that she trembled all over. Xie Ren immediately understood that the little ghost in Tang Jingyi was afraid of the police and the police badge. He had heard a long time ago that people like policemen and soldiers have righteousness and evil spirits dare not approach them. Fortunately, Tang Jingyi did not make trouble that night and survived until dawn. When she regained consciousness, she saw the doctor whose chin was bitten by her and her own injuries, and she broke down and cried, "Brother Xie, I promised Gu Ye's conditions, I agree to them! I can't stand it anymore!"

Xie Ren sighed and completely gave up Tang Jingyi's future acting career, "Okay."


After Gu Ye drove them away, he took a shower and played with his phone for a while. When he was about to go to bed, Yu Ze’s avatar flashed. Gu Ye clicked it and saw Yu Ze: Checking in at night on the 65th day.

Gu Ye was amused: That’s enough, you punch in every morning and evening, but I won’t pay you!

Yu Ze: Lend me 1,500 yuan.

Gu Ye: Transfer 1,500 yuan.

What happened to you? Did you go out? Did you forget your money

After accepting the transfer, Yu Ze replied: I will pay you back in fifteen years, one hundred yuan a year, eight yuan and thirty yuan a month, twenty-seven cents a day, ten cents in the morning, ten cents in the afternoon, and ten cents every day.

The corners of Gu Ye's mouth twitched, he couldn't help it!

Gu Ye: Mr. Yu, please let me go. Can you talk like a normal person? Don't read such a messed up book!

Yu Ze: Are you free tomorrow

Gu Ye said with a cold face: No!

Yu Ze requested a video call, and Gu Ye answered it reluctantly. He saw Yu Ze wearing a white slim sweater, sitting at the bar, with the empty white wall of his house behind him, and an abstinent and cold air all over his body.

Gu Ye curled his lips. The white wall panel behind him looked so handsome. Gu Ye shook off the goose bumps that he had just gotten from the thunder, and they were instantly healed.

Yu Ze poured himself a glass of wine and said seriously, "I'm free tomorrow afternoon."

Gu Ye laughed, "Why are you always free when I don't have classes?"

Yu Ze curled his lips, "You won't let me say it."

Gu Ye turned over, lay on the bed, put his phone on the pillow, held his chin and said helplessly: "What difference does it make whether you say it or not? You have been clocking in every morning and evening for more than 60 days!"

Yu Ze said seriously: "If I can live to be over 80, I can still hold on for another 60 years."

Gu Ye praised him expressionlessly: "Then you are great."

Yu Ze was choked and said seriously: "You haven't promised me yet, I can only keep working hard."

Gu Ye: "... Then you keep working hard, I'm going to sleep."

Yu Ze nodded in response, "Well, I'll come to see you tomorrow, keep working hard, good night."

Gu Ye was at a loss whether to laugh or cry, he was fooled!

The next day, after Gu Ye finished two classes, Xie Ren invited him to the hospital. Seeing Tang Jingyi's miserable condition, he frowned and said, "You were tortured so badly, that ghost boy must hate you so much."

Tang Jingyi pursed her lips, looking frightened.

"Let me make this clear first. I'm going to take him away, but you must follow the three conditions I say. Otherwise, the consequences will be even worse."

"Okay!" Tang Jingyi said quickly, "As long as he's gone and I'm well again, I'll do it."

Gu Ye looked at her scrutinizingly and said nothing more. He pasted talisman paper on Gui Mantong, wrapped it up with red thread, and put it directly into his pocket.

Tang Jingyi said nervously: "There were masters who took him away like this before, but he ran back on his own. He knows where I am, and he can find me wherever I hide."

Gu Ye said indifferently: "That's because the person you found is too useless!"

Xie Ren asked worriedly, "Master Gu, how are you going to deal with him?"

Gu Ye's expression softened, "Take him back and pray for his soul to rest in peace. He was a poor child who died young."

"Well, the fee..."

Gu Ye became serious, "I still say the same thing, donate all to charity, don't leave a penny."

Xie Ren personally sent Gu Ye to the hospital entrance. After returning, he said to Tang Jingyi: "The rest of the matter is up to you. This is all I can do for you. I'll go back and ask a lawyer to write the termination agreement. Take care of yourself in the future."

"Brother Xie!" Tang Jingyi looked at Xie Ren in shock, not believing that he could say such a thing. "Are you really going to terminate the contract with me?"

Xie Ren frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I don't want to give up just like that." Tang Jingyi grabbed the bed sheet, her joints turning white from the force. "For five years, I have climbed step by step to the position I am today. Only I know how much hardship and tears I have shed. How can I give up just because of a few words from an outsider? Brother Xie, I am the most popular actress right now, a position that many people dream of. If I quit now with a pay of tens of millions for a role, am I crazy?"

Xie Ren's face was gloomy. "But Master Gu said that if you can't do it, your fate will be even worse."

"That ghost Mantong is gone, what else is there to be afraid of? Let's wait a little longer," Tang Jingyi clenched her fist, put her finger to her lips, squinted her eyes and bit her finger to leave a tooth mark. She took a deep breath and said fiercely: "Yes, I will not quit. If the days ahead are calm, I will continue to take on the role."

Xie Ren also hesitated. It was a pity for him to give up Tang Jingyi, who he had cultivated for so many years. But when he thought of what his old friend said, he was frightened. Not to mention that Gu Ye was Gu Lin's younger brother, if he made Gu Lin unhappy, it would be difficult for anyone to get along in this circle. In addition, Gu Ye was really good at calculating. It could be seen from the two things he kept at home that he was really capable, otherwise he would definitely not be able to control himself. It would be more troublesome to offend him.

Xie Ren hardened his heart and said in a deep voice: "Take care of yourself. Goodbye."

"Brother Xie! Brother Xie!" Tang Jingyi stared blankly at Xie Ren leaving the ward. She realized that he had given up on her, and punched the quilt in hatred, "Xie Ren! You will regret this! You will definitely regret this!"


As soon as Gu Ye walked out of the hospital gate, she received a call from Yu Ze, who asked unhappily, "I heard that you were picked up by a man."

Gu Ye said calmly: "Yes, I just left the hospital."

After a few seconds of silence, the other party asked, "Which hospital? I'll pick you up."

Gu Ye couldn't help wanting to laugh and teased Yu Ze deliberately, "No need, that man can just take me back."

After saying this, Gu Ye clearly felt that the person on the other end of the phone was angry. Gu Ye's heart tightened, and just as he was about to say something to comfort her, he heard Yu Ze slowly ask: "You said this on purpose, do you want me to be jealous? In other words, you accepted my pursuit, and I am now your boyfriend."

Gu Ye was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out of anger. How did he get around this? His face gradually became serious, "Yu Ze, are you sure you like me? Not just a casual liking, are you sure you want to live with me?"

Yu Ze asked back: "What else?"

This time it was Gu Ye's turn to remain silent. He had no concept of men, women, ghosts or monsters. As long as they could get along well with each other, looked good, treated him well and could live a stable life with him, he could accept any species.

It's not that he doesn't have feelings for Yu Ze. After all, such an outstanding and handsome man flirts with him every day, punches in every morning and evening, drives two hours to see him on Saturdays and Sundays, feeds him snacks from time to time, and acts as his spiritual mentor, guiding him when he is confused. He is really very reliable. Gu Ye has a heart of stone, and it has been warmed up for such a long time.

He also knew that Yu Ze was not the type to play around casually, and the reason why he didn't want to make it clear to the other party was actually because he was afraid that he would be short-lived and just like the other person's face, but not really like her. Or Yu Ze would suddenly find that they were not suitable for each other one day and wanted to break up, and they would not even be able to be friends in the future.

Gu Ye looked at his palm lines, and found that his love line was quite smooth and long, and it was connected to the end, which meant it would last a lifetime. Gu Ye's mouth curled up, and he wondered if God thought that he had saved too many people in his previous life and had made great contributions, so it was not enough to give him a life, and he also arranged for his own son to be born

"Yu Ze, I'm at the east gate of Yunqiao Hospital, come and pick me up." Gu Ye clenched his fists, smiled with his eyes bent, and chose to bow to fate, "I'll give you a chance to pursue love, I will seriously consider it."

The person on the other end of the phone suddenly chuckled. His tone, which was usually a bit cold, softened at this moment, revealing a deep joy. "Okay, wait for me."

Gu Ye said "hmm", hung up the phone, tightened the collar of his coat, and wanted to laugh for some reason. Maybe it's not love yet, but if the other person is Yu Ze, he would like to give it a try.

Gu Ye had just waited for a few minutes when he noticed that several people wearing masks were secretly looking at him. Gu Ye looked at them cautiously, but unexpectedly, the people on the opposite side looked at him without hesitation. After staring at Gu Ye for a few seconds, four or five people surrounded him at the same time!

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the [grenade]: 30452738, only you? 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: Demeter, Hei Dashuai, Chizhen, Only You? 2; Baijia Xiaocha, Ouhua°, Ashui, Meow Meow Meow Meow, Nanfeng Fengfengfeng, Qingqing, Hen Qianqiu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Mu Zishi 100 bottles; Momoxian? 60 bottles; Feng Zi 52 bottles; Xiaomo Xiaorui? 50 bottles; Xiaoyao Xiuchengxianer 40 bottles; 37.2c 30 bottles; Pingzi 23 bottles; What kind of fairy love is this! ! 、Ye Jiuqi 20 bottles; Turkey 19 bottles; Fox foraging 18 bottles; How many today 15 bottles; Meow who loves rice noodles, Mu Xi, Benbenju, akill Yaqi, anhyou, Kongkong, Leduo? 10 bottles; Linglin 8 bottles; Marshmallow, Sakura Dance, Dim Sum, Little Whale Who Doesn't Like Studying, Mu I Still Don't Want to Write a Paper Today, Fengshengheli 5 bottles; Still 4 bottles; Sweet Love, Xicheng 3 bottles; Lu Dudu, Mu Ziyu, Tadada Jun, Xuanyuan Yumo, 21450676, I am a Lone Wolf, Lingyi 2 bottles; How to be like an old friend at first sight, Shang Jiuxiao, Baiyu, Xiaojuan's mother, I want to work hard to become a rich man, Xia Jiaozi, Wu Qiya, Yueyueyueyueyue, Youchuan, Grapefruit Tea, Three Liang Pinellia, Xinyue 88668, Lao Wang, Bansang, 24391061, Peach Blossom ※ Snow Rabbit, Shallow Paper Ink Rhyme, Floating Clouds Like Dreams 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!