Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 68: I have embarked on a new journey


Gu Ye said half a year ago that "Dingnan Entertainment will be in trouble within half a year." Counting the days, it was indeed within the deadline. Many people used to say that he was bragging. Is Gu Ye the reincarnation of a god? How could it be so accurate? How could such a big Dingnan Entertainment Company, with so many veteran artists, become so popular in half a year

Now the facts tell them: it’s really cold!

As soon as this hot search went viral, Gu Ye's fans suddenly grew to more than five million, and every Weibo post he posted was wildly forwarded: I just want the immortal to look at me, and ask the immortal to tell me my fortune!

Not just ordinary people, there are many people in the entertainment industry who want to ask him for fortune telling. In the past, they were all little stars with little future, but now even the first-line stars are tempted, and they have begun to use their connections to find him, and secretly registered accounts to follow him. There are a lot of celebrities here, and there are a few who are quite cheerful. Directly follow me on the big page: Master Gu, please take a look at me!

Gu Ye knew that he was on the hot search, or Gu Lin told him. Gu Ye was surprised to log on to Weibo, and when he saw the number of his fans, he exclaimed: "Are you crazy? I'm not an Internet celebrity."

Looking at the private messages again, they were already full of criticism. Because there were too many, Gu Ye simply stopped reading them.

When they arrived at school, the classmates also gossiped about this matter and asked around Gu Ye: "How did you calculate it? If you calculate it again, where will those stars go? What is their future? By the way, read the script. Can you figure out whether this drama will be a hit?"

Gu Yezheng heard a buzzing in his head. When his cell phone rang, he immediately had an excuse, "I'll go out and take a call."

It turned out to be Du Jianuo, whom he hadn't contacted for a while. Gu Ye answered the phone and asked with a smile: "Big star, how are you doing lately?"

Dujano laughed, "I'm a big star, so please stop teasing me. I'm not disturbing your class, right?"

Gu Ye chuckled and said, "No, do you have anything to do with me?"

"No, I'm just asking about your current situation. There was a scandal some time ago, and now it's trending again. I'm worried that someone wants to cause trouble for you." Dujiano's voice was deep, a little embarrassed, "It's just me overthinking it, Gu. The master can figure things out, so he won’t be afraid of trouble.”

Gu Ye leaned against the wall, basking in the sun, and asked with a smile: "You have been paying attention to me. If you don't contact me, I thought you forgot about me, my investment!"

"No, I haven't forgotten!" Dugarno explained anxiously: "I have always wanted to call you and send you a message, but I just didn't have the courage to do so. I always felt... I feel that I haven't met your requirements yet."

Gu Ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What kind of reason is this? Whether you do well or not is your own business, and you don't do it for me."

Dujano smiled awkwardly, "You're right."

Gu Ye heard his caution and comforted him gently: "You have to believe in my vision and be more confident. You will be fine."

Du Jianuo's tone immediately became more relaxed, "I will work hard, Master Gu. I bought you gifts when I was filming in various places. I...can I give them to you?"

Gu Ye was amused, "Logically speaking, I won't accept it."

"That's it," Dujano said disappointedly, "It doesn't matter."

"Send it over after you buy it. I don't want to waste your time. Take a selfie for me. If you want it now, if it's inconvenient, take a photo of the palm of your hand and I'll take a look."

Zhou Jianuo asked happily: "Can I make a video?"

"Okay, wait a moment." Gu Ye hung up the phone and made a video call directly. The other party picked up the call almost instantly. Du Jianuo was still in the hotel. He must have just woken up and his hair was still a little messy. Gu Ye made the call so quickly. When he called me, he was a little surprised and more embarrassed. He quickly grabbed a handful of hair and said apologetically: "It was a night scene shot last night."

"Isn't he handsome?" Gu Ye curled his lips and looked at the other person, "You are now a traffic idol with both good looks and acting skills."

Being praised so straightforwardly by Gu Ye, Du Jianuo scratched his head shyly, "No."

Gu Ye smiled and said, "It's good. Don't get close to women wearing pink clothes recently."

Dujano's heart skipped a beat, "Pink?"

"Yes." Gu Ye said with a smile: "If you have anything to do, you can feel free to come to me. I am your consultant. You will give me five million next year. I have to work without spending so much money."

Dujano quickly shook his head, "You have already helped me a lot."

"Anyway, if you need anything, come to me. You're welcome." Gu Ye looked at the time, "I have to go to class, bye~"

After hanging up the phone, Dujano excitedly pulled out a large box from his suitcase. Inside was a variety of small items, all special souvenirs he bought while filming in various places. He was about to call a courier to deliver them to his door. Gu Ye sent it, and there was a knock on the door.

Dujano put on his clothes, walked to the door and asked, "Who is it?"

A familiar female voice came from outside the door, "Xiao Du, it's me, please open the door."

Dujano opened the door, and a woman in a pink skirt stood at the door, "I want to ask you if you have time to discuss tonight's plot together."

Du Jianuo was stunned when he saw her clothes. Thinking of what Gu Ye said to him, he immediately shook his head and refused, "I'm sorry, sister, I'm too sleepy. Let's talk at night."

The woman said regretfully: "Forget it, you continue to catch up on your sleep, and I'll ask Teacher Zheng."

Dujano watched the other party knock on the door of the male number one next door, and felt something was wrong. How dare a girl just enter a grown man's room

Dujano didn't expect that the scandal would spread that night, faster and more detailed than expected. Female No. 2 entered Male No. 1's room and didn't come out all afternoon. Many fans on the Internet are paying attention to this matter. It seems that the two of them have consummated their relationship. They are all shouting that the man should be responsible. If he is not responsible, he is a scumbag!

During the filming at night, many reporters came to take secret photos. The first male lead was also very unhappy when he was exposed to such a scandal. The second female lead apologized to the other party, saying that she did not expect such a thing to happen. I don't think well of myself. The man had been famous for many years, but he was too embarrassed to argue with a little girl. He kept a cold face and didn't say much all night.

Du Jianuo's heart felt chilly. He admired Gu Ye's ability even more and was extremely grateful to him. If it weren't for Gu Ye's words, he would be the one being rumored about the scandal now. He hasn't established a foothold yet, he is just a popular celebrity, and many of the people who like him are his girlfriend's fans. How many fans will he lose if this wave of scandal spreads? Moreover, if this kind of scandal spreads a few times, no matter whether it is true or not, the reputation of a scumbag will spread, and it cannot be washed away.

Du Jianuo wanted to say thank you to Gu Ye again, but after thinking about it, he felt that the word "thank you" was too pale and weak. In addition, many people on the Internet were following Gu Ye. He felt that Gu Ye was quite busy, so he silently I packed the things I bought and sent them by courier without saying anything.

Gu Ye was also speechless about the behavior of worshiping him online. You can just pray for peace. At least I am selling charms, right? But if you want to get a bonus during the Chinese New Year, do you want to come and worship me? Do I have the final say

Gu Ye took a picture of Ghost Mantong and posted it on his Weibo, telling them: It would be better to worship him than me.

As soon as the little golden boy appeared, millions of fans were sending emojis to say goodbye and ask for anything. Gu Ye looked at these fans and closed Weibo in confusion.

Gu Ye couldn't be found online, but someone from Gu Lin's company still found him on WeChat: Master Gu, our movie is about to start shooting, please calculate the start date!

Little Prince, help me, our variety show needs to change its name, please choose one!

Master Gu, which actor is best for this drama? Do the math!

Gu Ye took a screenshot of his second brother with an expressionless face: If you ask your people to come to me to do something, please pay beforehand. The brothers must also settle the accounts clearly, otherwise there will be no discussion and they will be blacklisted!

Gu Lin: "..."

Soon, the artists of Dingnan Entertainment Company were poached by major entertainment companies. The company that benefited the most was Gu Lin's company. Those with acting skills and good character were all here. Fans finally don't have to worry about their idols not having any future movie dates or having food to eat, but the masters of the Mysterious Arts Society still feel cold in their hearts.

In the middle of the twelfth lunar month, the Mysterious Arts Society was officially closed!

The management had just paid back the taxes they owed when they received another summons: the hustling company! Feudal superstitious cult organization!

Countless charges were slapped on his head, Jing Lianzhong was arrested overnight, and no one in the circle knew how to protect themselves, so who could care about him

After the police obtained the search warrant, they searched Jing Lianzhong's home and found hundreds of millions in cash hidden under the floor of his home. In the more than ten years since he became the president, Jing Lianzhong has been like a money-making machine. He collected money, but he failed to do anything he promised members of the Mystical Society to donate money to welfare organizations.

At this moment, all the members collapsed and wished they could go to the police station and stab him to death. This was such a waste of human life! In the society, there are many masters in their 40s and 50s who have been working in the society for 20 or 30 years. If they keep revealing secrets but do not accumulate virtue, how many lives will they have left? Isn’t Huaixiangguo an example

When Luo Huai, Huaixiangguo's disciple, walked out of the gate of the Mysterious Arts Society with his master's relics, his expression made him want to dig up Jing Lianzhong's ancestral grave. Seeing how pitiful he was, Xie Cheng led the people into the group and put them into his own team. The child is only sixteen or seventeen years old, so don't be tempted to go to the newspaper office.

When Mr. Tang learned about it, he was heartbroken. His only property was the old courtyard passed down from his ancestors, as well as some jades he had collected before. Mr. Tang wanted to sell all the property and planned to donate it all to welfare institutions and give it to former members. Accumulate some virtue. The old man packed his luggage overnight and moved to a place where he knew the rented house. When he got home, he was so anxious that he almost fainted. He was so frightened that Xie Cheng called his second senior brother over the night and sent the old man to the hospital. The two of them didn't dare to sleep a wink all night, guarding the old man. One night.

Early the next morning, the old man calmed down and told Xie Cheng: "Prepare pens, ink, paper and inkstones for me."

Xie Cheng was anxious, "What kind of pen, ink, paper and inkstone do I need in the hospital? You should take good care of yourself and write again when you get back."

"No, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until then." Mr. Tang's face was pale, frustrated with anger, and his breathing was labored.

Xie Cheng didn't dare to make him angry and quickly went to prepare.

"Hel me up!"

Xie Cheng quickly supported him and looked at the words written by his master. Unexpected but reasonable, he comforted: "Master, don't be angry, there are still us."

Mr. Tang sighed and couldn't help but have red eyes, "For more than 40 years, he was not in good health when he was young. When he got sick, I would hold him in my arms like my own son! In the end, it chilled me the most. Yes, it's him." Tang Lao folded the letter with trembling hands and stuffed it into Xie Cheng's hands, "Go tell him that he was expelled from the school!"

With Master's instructions, Xie Cheng came to the place where Jing Lianzhong was temporarily detained. After the application was approved, he finally met his senior brother. The usually gentle and gentle man now has gray hair, handcuffs on his hands, and a very ugly look on his face.

After seeing Xie Cheng, Jing Lianzhong asked excitedly: "Junior brother, did Master ask you to come see me?"

Xie Cheng said angrily: "Yes! You almost pissed him off!"

Jing Lianzhong's expression of surprise faded away, "Is master okay?"

"You're lucky, you're still alive."

Jing Lianzhong breathed a sigh of relief and asked tentatively: "Has he forgiven me? Did master say when he would rescue me?"

Xie Cheng was so angry that he wanted to punch him, and said with a cold face: "I came today to give you something for Master, but it's not what you want." Through the glass, the other party couldn't get the letter, so Xie Cheng could only Unfold it and stick it on the glass for the other party to see. Mr. Tang's handwriting was very familiar to Jing Lianzhong. After reading it, he stood up in shock and lay on the glass, "Impossible! Master will not let me go!"

Hearing the sound of handcuffs hitting the glass across from him, Xie Cheng said with a complex expression: "Do you know in your heart that my words have come to you? You... you made so much money! You didn't even spend it in the end, what did you do with the money?! "After talking about it, Xie Cheng was also very sad and angry, "There is something wrong with you!"

Jing Lianzhong sat down dejectedly, looked at his hands, and asked expressionlessly: "Is Master really so heartless?"

Xie Cheng said desperately: "You have gotten to this point and don't know how to repent, and you still want Master to save you? Do you know that you have broken the law! How to save me?!"

Jing Lianzhong raised his eyes and looked at Xie Cheng coldly, "You all betrayed me. Master no longer wanted me. You also betrayed me. You all betrayed me. That's why I ended up in this situation. Aren't you my family? Why? Don’t help me?”

Xie Cheng stood up angrily, "Since you still have no intention of repenting, just stay in there!"

After saying that, he turned around and left. If he said another word to the other person, he almost couldn't help but want to hit him.

Jing Lianzhong was brought back to the place where he was imprisoned, and the letter was finally handed into his hands. He held it in both hands and read the words on the paper countless times. In the end, he couldn't help but his eyes were red and the corners of his mouth were grinning. He laughed out loud and said, "If you have bad conduct, you will be expelled from the school." Jing Lianzhong's eyes turned cold, he bit his finger and wrote Xie Cheng's birth date on the paper with hatred.

Xie Cheng took a taxi back to the hospital. He was halfway there when he received a call from the hospital, "Mr. Tang suddenly bleeds from all seven holes, and we are currently rescuing him! Anyone else in your family, please come here quickly!"

Xie Cheng was stunned for a moment, and his mind went blank. Although his master was weak when he went out in the morning, why was he not in such a good condition? How could he suddenly bleed from all his orifices

When Xie Cheng rushed back, his second senior brother Jiang Xu had already arrived, holding a critical illness notice in his hand and sitting outside the operating room with a pale face.

Xie Cheng asked anxiously: "What's going on, Master? Have you seen anyone?"

Jiang Xu shook his head. He also received an impromptu call from the hospital. He went to the company to handle some matters in the morning. He hurried back before he finished his work. When the master entered the operating room, he did not see him.

At this time, the nurse responsible for taking care of Mr. Tang came and said, "This was found under Mr. Tang's pillow."

The two brothers quickly took it, opened the envelope, and a piece of talisman paper fell out. Xie Cheng picked it up, his eyes were red, and the birthday and horoscope written on it belonged to him!

The master actually died for him!

Jiang Xuhan blushed. In this industry, birthdays and horoscopes are kept secret, especially Xie Cheng. He is an orphan and he doesn't even know his birth date. It was calculated by his master. Only he and his senior brother know.

After Jiang Xu read the letter, he took a deep breath and patted Xie Cheng's shoulder heavily. He was so angry that he couldn't even say anything to comfort Xie Cheng.

In the letter, Mr. Tang had already written his last words. He knew who his eldest disciple was. Jing Lianzhong always thought that he favored Xie Cheng, the closed disciple, the most. He was afraid that one day, Jing Lianzhong would lose his mind, go crazy in a desperate situation, and harm Xie Cheng, so he prepared the substitute charm early.

Mr. Tang left a message: If this day comes, I will take him with me as my teacher.

"Second senior brother, master..." Xie Cheng covered his face and cried like a helpless child. He had been living a heartless life because his master pampered him like a child.

Jiang Xu's eyes were also red, and he wiped away Xie Cheng's tears comfortingly, "Silly boy, stop crying. Master must be fine."

The doctor issued two critical illness notices in succession. Xie Cheng held the avatar and almost collapsed. Three hours later, the doctor came out and said tiredly: "Mr. Tang is old and his heart is not good. Can he survive?" Come and see for yourself."

Xie Cheng asked excitedly: "In other words, there is still hope?!"

"If you can survive tonight, you will be saved. But if you can't survive..." the doctor said apologetically: "Let's prepare for the funeral."

The two brothers' hearts felt like they were on a roller coaster. Before they could react, they heard the nurse shout: "Director Sun, another patient is bleeding from the seven orifices! Get to the hospital immediately and prepare for surgery!"

Director Sun didn't have time to elaborate, so he hurried to save the person. Just as he was getting ready, he heard the nurse say regretfully: "Don't worry, I just received the notice and the person is already cold."

The medical staff sent Mr. Tang to the special ward, and the brothers followed closely. They happened to hear someone in the corridor say: "...Yes, it's Jing Lianzhong, please issue a death certificate."

"Jing, Lian, Zhong!" Xie Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then he gritted his teeth and was about to rush over. Jiang Xu stopped him and said with a cold face: "Don't be impulsive. You go and guard the master. I'll find someone to inquire about the situation. "

The result of this inquiry is that the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, but retribution is not good.

The person Jing Lianzhong cursed became the master who raised him, and he was attacked on the spot. If you bully your master and destroy your ancestors, you will definitely die!

When Xie Cheng heard this result, he was not happy at all, and felt even more aggrieved.

After Jing Lianzhong's accident, his wife had already gone abroad with her children. The only way to collect his body was Xie Cheng and the others. After something like this happened, Mr. Tang's life or death was still uncertain. How could the two brothers be in the mood to collect his body? The two brothers were disheartened and asked the police to follow the rules, but they would not accept it.

Gu Ye and Yu Ze also heard about Mr. Tang's illness and came to the hospital that afternoon. Gu Ye saw Xie Cheng's sallow face and patted him on the shoulder, "What did the doctor say?"

Xie Cheng said weakly: "My master's desire to live is too low, he is too sad, and he is too old. If he can't wake up tonight..." Xie Cheng shook his head, gritting his teeth and unable to speak.

Gu Ye pinched his fingers and calculated. Ordinarily, Mr. Tang's life should not be terminated. "Did you talk to him?"

Xie Cheng said without raising his head: "As I said, the doctor said he is conscious but can't wake up."

Gu Ye frowned, "The desire to survive is low... The old man is quite willful. Is it okay to just close your eyes when you want to?" He thought for a moment, then looked back at Xie Cheng, "I have a more damaging move, I don't know. Can it be effective?”

Xie Cheng made a grimace, "You can tell me, you can lend him my life."

"That won't work. Birth, old age, sickness and death are destiny. Taking advantage of one's destiny is against the harmony of nature." Gu Ye said seriously: "Go and tell him that you are in love with a girl. The girl is pregnant and you wanted to bring her back to get married. If he No, you have to observe filial piety for three years, and the child cannot be born without a father, so it can only be aborted."

"Ah?!" Xie Cheng said in embarrassment: "If I say this, I will make him angry to death! No!"

"Why not?" Gu Ye urged: "Just say it like this, doesn't he have no desire to live and wants to die? Just make him feel uneasy when he dies and force him to open his eyes! You go in and tell him, it won't work again. Say it twice, not twice in one night, if he is conscious, he can hear it. "

Xie Cheng was still hesitating, and Gu Ye asked angrily: "Do you want the old man to live?"

"I think so!"

Gu Ye raised his foot and kicked him, "Then go!"

Jiang Xu paced back and forth worriedly, "Is this okay?"

Gu Ye sighed, "Let's take a gamble, isn't he most worried about Xie Cheng?"

"Yes, Master is afraid that he won't be able to support himself. At Master's age, he looks at his younger brother like a grandson. He loves him the most."

"That's alright. If you go and tell him, he won't worry. He knows you are reliable. Tell Xie Cheng, it should arouse his desire to live." Gu Ye paused and asked Yu Ze seriously: "Let's Go buy a walking stick for the old man, it should be useful."

Yu Ze rubbed Gu Ye's head, and he could think of all the harmful tricks.

Xie Cheng and Jiang Xu were busy all the time and didn't eat. Gu Ye and Yu Ze went out to buy some food for them. When they came back, they found that Jian Cheng was still nagging his master. Now that he has spoken, he can't There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, just let yourself go. My girlfriend lives in any place, and I even met her parents. She made up everything her parents cooked.

Gu Ye touched his chin and felt that even a walking stick wouldn't be enough for the old man.

At dawn the next day, Gu Ye received a call from Xie Cheng, who cried and told him: "My master, he woke up once around five o'clock, looked at me angrily, and then fell asleep again. The doctor said there was hope. "

"Pfft!" Gu Ye finally let go of his worries and asked with a smile: "The old man is saved. He should be happy. Why are you crying?"

"He will definitely hit me when he wakes up!" Xie Cheng was crying and laughing at the same time. He talked on the phone with Gu Ye for three minutes. He spoke incoherently and didn't know what to express, making Gu Ye dumbfounded.

"It'll be fine when you wake up. Just give it a good beating." Gu Ye comforted with a smile. He got up and walked to the window. He found that it was white outside. He opened the curtains and said with a smile: "It's getting cold. There are so many old people." Even if you can’t survive the cold winter, Mr. Tang is lucky, so take good care of him.”

Dahei jumped up to the window sill and cupped Gu Ye's hand with his head. Gu Ye lowered his eyes, touched its head, and said with a complex expression: "Dahei, it's snowing. There is no such heavy snow in the south, especially in the south." It’s Huaixin City. During the Chinese New Year last year, it rained heavily. Strangely, it was even colder than the snow now.”


Following Jing Lianzhong's death, many members of the upper echelons of the Xuan Shu Society were arrested, and the society was completely disbanded. As the new year was approaching, Gu Ye also bought his car, but unfortunately he couldn't drive it because he was on vacation.

If his father saw him, a student, driving such a good car, would he be beaten? Gu Ye assessed it and told Yu Ze seriously: "My dear, let me leave the car at your place first, and then you can bring it to me when I start school!"

Yu Ze: "Okay, can I pick you up during the holiday?"

Gu Ye said regretfully: "No, my second brother asked me to wait for him, and he came to pick me up and told me not to waste time."

Yu Ze's face turned cold, "Isn't your second brother busy?"

Gu Ye didn't hear the resentment in the other person's words, "Maybe it's something about his company? I'll go to your company to find you when I'm done."

Only then did Yu Ze smile, "Okay."

The two of them didn't expect that they wouldn't have much time to see each other after returning home, because as soon as Gu Ye got home, he received a notice from the head of the family, Gu's father: "I will go back to my hometown to spend the Chinese New Year this year."

Gu Ye suddenly remembered the Gu family's tradition of worshiping ancestors! There is a festival every three years, and we have to go back to our hometown once every three years.

The happiest thing in the whole family is the fourth child. The young man jumped up and down at home happily, "Hahaha, I can finally go back and wander!"

The three brothers Gu and Ye looked at him as if they were a little fool. Brother Gu said in a deep voice, "The fourth child is now sixteen. He is considered an adult and it's time to pay his respects."

The second brother nodded sympathetically, "Yes."

Gu Yeqian laughed a few times and said, "Yes."

Gu Ye went back to his room, hugged Dahei who he brought home with him, and sent a message to Yu Ze, telling him about his next trip. He would first go to his second brother's company to finalize the announcement for the next six months, and then go to Gu Ye , and then return to his hometown.

Yu Ze had no choice. He wanted to take the person to live with him and watch over him every day, but reality didn't allow it.

Gu Ye groaned and expressed his deep regret for not being able to see his beautiful wife for several days. Yu Ze wanted to deal with him every time he heard his nonsense, "I will pay you a visit after the new year, so that you can see enough."

Gu Ye felt guilty, "Why did you make the visit so impressive?"

Yu Ze smiled, "Isn't going to your house just like robbing someone?"

Gu Ye thought for a while, the four of his brothers were sitting in a row, and Yu Ze was sitting in a row across from him. The scene of 1vs4 suddenly made him happy. It was really almost like robbing someone.

While chatting, Gu Ye was in a great mood and took out the hexagram plate. After the calculation, his good mood suddenly hit the bottom. He wanted to cry: Why is there no peace wherever he goes? Is it really because he worshiped the Lord of Hell?

The author has something to say: Hey hey hey hey, the last copy I posted didn’t get a few requests for a month, but yesterday’s article got 300 requests, hehe hehe I’m happy ~ I love you all ~ keep going and don’t stop~

Today I am the 7,000-year-old me, very long! Then it’s time to start organizing the outline, and I’m going to write it! I love you all~~My heart is as big as a shrimp hotpot~~Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [landmine]: Shiqi. , steven_exe, tear love is a little fairy, demeter 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

60 bottles of Jiangnian; 30 bottles of Jiejiejiejiejie; 20 bottles of aixiao 900; 15 bottles of Mango without ice; 8 bottles of Scenery; 5 bottles of Don’t Chase Games, Qing, Qing; 4 bottles of Xiaoshengximu; carry with you 3 bottles of Rose Pass; 1 bottle of Xia Xia Xia Xia, Shang Jiu Xiao, Xiao, etc.;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!