Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 87: Live worse than a bird!


When asked by Gu Ye, the man was stunned for a moment, then nervously explained: "I was too tired that day, and I fell asleep while sitting on the bed. Master Gu, you have to believe me, I am telling the truth!"

"You are deceiving yourself if you lie to me. Just be responsible for your own life." Gu Ye's eyes darkened. "Add me on WeChat and take a selfie for me. I will check if your life is in danger."

In less than a minute, the other party added Gu Ye's WeChat and sent him a selfie. Gu Ye just glanced at the person in the photo and replied coldly: I don't have time to go there these two days, you can wait until I am free on Saturday night.

The other party asked anxiously: Master Gu, do you mean that my life is not in danger for the time being

Gu Ye replied: It’s not clear in the photo.

Gu Ye did not respond to the other party's further questions and called Jie Cheng: "I can tell from this man's face that he is a typical unfilial descendant, a treacherous person. He did not support his parents when they were alive, and did not bury them after they died. He did not fulfill his obligations as a child."

Xie Cheng cursed: "Don't save this bastard!"

"Let him suffer for a few days. I promised him that I would go and take a look on Saturday. He has to go anyway. The old lady's body must be found. It would be a sin if he hurts innocent people."

The man couldn't contact Gu Ye, so he contacted Jie Cheng, who also told him: "I only have time on Saturday, you have to live bravely."

This made Fu Ximing's heart, which had just been at ease, hang in the balance again. So, it would be difficult for him to survive? His wife asked anxiously, "Did the master say when he would come?"

Fu Ximing said unhappily, "It's Saturday, but these masters are talking nonsense and they don't know how to be anxious!"

When his wife heard this, she wanted to cry immediately, "How are we going to spend the night? What should we do if your mother comes back tonight? Why don't we leave and not live in this remote mountain place anymore?"

"Do you think I don't want to leave? If we leave, won't the villagers point fingers at us and scold us?"

Fu Ximing has a son and a daughter. Now the two children are also afraid. The little girl is a little hypocritical. "I don't want to live in this poor place anymore. There are bugs and mosquitoes here. I want to go home."

His son had had enough of this place too. “I want to leave too. There’s nothing to eat or drink, and there are swarms of mosquitoes. I’m going crazy!”

When the mother saw the child protesting, she asked tentatively, "How about I take the child back first?"

Fu Ximing said unhappily, "No one can leave? If you leave, won't I still be scolded?"

"Are you afraid of being scolded? Aren't you afraid of losing our lives? You are already in this situation, why do you still care about your reputation?"

The couple quarreled at home. In a small farmhouse, there is no sound insulation, so the neighbors passing by could hear it. Several old ladies standing on the street chatting shook their heads when they heard this, "This is conscienceless. Not to mention that the daughter-in-law is unfilial, even the son is not filial."

"My mother was over 80 years old, and I left her to live alone in my hometown. She died at home a few days ago, and no one knew about it. On the third day, Dachun next door noticed that she had not left the house. He was afraid something had happened, so he went to take a look and found that the door was ajar. His mother died at the door. It was so hot, and the body was smelly."

"The most infuriating thing is that the villagers helped change his mother's clothes and waited for his funeral, but he didn't come back until the next day. His wife was still wearing a pair of little red shoes. His mother deserved to be resurrected and take them with her!"

"Is he really dead? Could it be that he didn't want to spend money on the funeral and buried him secretly?"

"Who knows? Such a heartless person would be better off not giving birth to a child or raising a child! If Wenwen were still alive, her mother wouldn't have to live such a miserable life."

"Wenwen was a filial daughter, but unfortunately she died earlier than her mother. It is said that she bought an insurance policy for her mother when she was young and had already paid enough years of insurance."

"I guess that even if there is insurance money, it won't reach my sister-in-law, otherwise she would be living such a hard life."

While the old ladies were talking, Fu Ximing's wife came out with two children and luggage. The old ladies stopped talking and the woman didn't even say hello and just left with her suitcase.

Fu Ximing was the only one left at home. There was not much hustle and bustle in the house, and it felt like the temperature in the house had dropped a lot. His mother's body had not been found yet, and she might come back to look for him at night. He could not sit still at home, so he smoked two cigarettes and went out, planning to ask a few more people to help look for her before it got dark.

In the end, no matter what he said, the villagers said they were busy. First, they were afraid of the resurrected corpse. What if he bit someone? Second, they looked down on Fu Ximing and refused to help him. Fu Ximing had no choice but to walk around the area bravely. He didn't dare to go to a remote place. Before it got dark, he ran back home and hid. After closing the door, he held a fishing net and huddled in the corner, trembling.

After feeding mosquitoes for half the night, there was no movement outside. Fu Ximing was also sleepy, wondering if his mother would come tonight. Just as he was nervous, he heard a shrill cat cry. Fu Ximing tensed up, his nervous heart suddenly rose to his throat, his face turned pale with fear, and he tightly grasped the net in his hand.

Then, there was a knock at the door, three long and two short. Hearing this, Fu Ximing burst into tears. It really came! The old mother is back again!

With a "creaky" sound, the door was pushed open forcefully from the outside, and an old lady with a cat-face moved in stiffly from the outside. She was hunched, thin and dry, and already smelled of corpse. When she turned her head, her neck made a cracking sound, and a pair of emerald green cat's eyes flashed an eerie light in the dark night.

Fu Ximing was frightened to death. He gritted his teeth and stood up from the corner tremblingly. Before his mother found him, he mustered up the courage to jump out and put the fishing net on his mother for his own life. The old lady was skinny and was completely trapped in the fishing net, unable to break free for a while. Fu Ximing tied his mother up like a dumpling and shivered, "Mom, I beg you to stop making trouble! Let her rest in peace, you know? Your son did some things wrong before, but I am your own son after all, and even a tiger won't eat its own cubs! I promise to kowtow to you and burn paper for you every New Year and festival, so that you can live a good life over there, please! Close your eyes now!"

The old lady suddenly stopped struggling. Fu Ximing thought that his mother had heard what he said. He was delighted and continued to persuade: "Mom, I will give you...ah!"

Before he could finish his words, Fu Ximing was thrown out by a huge force. The old lady used her sharp nails to tear a hole in the fishing net on her body and looked at him fiercely. Fu Ximing was so scared that he rolled and crawled out of the house, shouting as he ran: "Help!!!"

The neighbors were all awakened by the scream, "Could it be... he's back again?"

"Oh my god, is he really a zombie?"

"I always thought he said that on purpose to save money for the funeral."

"Tell mom not to let her go out to play tomorrow. What if she really gets bit by an enemy?"

"Turn off the lights and close the door, it's so scary!"

Fu Ximing shouted for a long time, but no one came out to help him. The old lady's green eyes were like radars. No matter where he hid, they could find him. If he hadn't been slow, he would have been caught hundreds of times ago.

As soon as Fu Ximing was found, he kowtowed and apologized to his mother frantically. Unfortunately, no matter what he said, the old lady had a cat-like face and bared her teeth at him angrily. Her long nails left a claw mark wherever they scratched.

Fu Ximing ran and crawled all night, and although he was not caught by the old lady, he was still scared. When it was almost dawn, a rooster crowed, and the old lady looked at him deeply and hid again. Fu Ximing collapsed, his pants were wet, and he lay exhausted on the grass, not knowing where he had run to or how to get back.

Fu Ximing was exhausted and slept on the grass for two hours. He was woken up by a passerby, who was also shocked. "I thought I saw a dead person and almost called the police."

Fu Ximing got up with a look of despair, and finally figured it out. That's right, why didn't he call the police? It's embarrassing, but he's already dead, so why would he be afraid of it getting out

Soon, two old policemen came. They were not young anymore. After listening to Fu Ximing's story, they looked at each other and saw the silence in each other's eyes. "What era is this? Pretending to be dead?"

Fu Ximing pointed at his own face and said, "I'm not kidding you. You can see how miserable I am. It's because my mom chased me!"

The old policeman asked slowly, "You are Fu Ximing. I've heard of you. You were quite unfilial when your mother was alive."

Fu Ximing couldn't hold back his expression and said anxiously, "I won't say anything else. I'll call the police and tell them my mother's body is missing. Please help me find it!"

"Okay, wait." The policeman wrote it down in his file. "We'll go back and call for help. You can look for it yourself first."

When the two police uncles went back and told everyone about it, everyone in the police force was surprised. It was the first time for them to find a body, especially one that had escaped on its own. The police force really couldn't find any spare people, so they assigned two trainee policemen to help the two uncles search. As a result, they didn't find anything after an entire afternoon.

After what happened last night, every household in the village closed their doors, fearing that the old lady would run to their homes. No one dared to help look for her. As it was getting dark again, Fu Ximing refused to let the police leave, "If you leave, my mother will kill me!"

The young policeman couldn't help but said, "Are you suffering from hallucinations? The corpse turned into a cat and killed you. You... you should go to the hospital for a check-up."

The police force was small in number and had many tasks to do, so they really didn't have the time to waste on irrelevant cases like his. They still had to write a report when they got back, so they left a message saying "Come back tomorrow" and left.

Fu Ximing was close to mental collapse. He was tormented for two days and looked like a nobody. That night, as expected, the old lady came back again. She knocked on the door again, but her movements were no longer so stiff tonight. She almost caught Fu Ximing several times. Fu Ximing couldn't stand it anymore and ran out of the village that night. He ran as many steps as he could. He didn't want to stay here for a minute.

Gu Ye calculated that the time was almost up. If he continued to mess around, something bad would happen. So he drove to pick up Li Cheng and rushed over here. On the way, he contacted Fu Ximing and said, "We are going to your hometown now. Go back and wait. Don't run around."

Fu Ximing ran dozens of miles in one night. His car was driven away by his wife. He had no positioning or navigation. He ran madly for half a night without knowing where he was. Now he received a call asking him to go back. He collapsed and sat on the side of the road, holding his hungry stomach and crying loudly, "Are you trying to kill me?"


It was the first time for Xie Cheng to ride in such a cool sports car. He even found some snacks in the car and hummed a little tune while eating. "Didn't your dad scold you? Your old man is even more conservative than my master. Didn't he say you are extravagant?"

Gu Ye's mouth twitched, "You're asking even though you know the answer! My dad thinks this car is too flashy. I'm still in school, so he just wants me to buy a car to get around. He told me to throw it in the basement and buy me a Land Rover. I can drive it to play in the mud, and if I break it, he'll buy me a new one. Anyway, driving this kind of car makes you look like some unscrupulous rich second generation who races to pick up girls."

Xie Cheng paused while eating snacks, "Land Rover... for transportation?"

People who are too poor to afford a taxi really cannot understand the thinking of you rich people!

Gu Ye thankfully said, "Luckily my mom protected me. She said this car is not even five million, it's not that expensive, it's not something I can't earn, so why can't I spend it? According to my mom's preference, this car is too plain, it should be dyed red, or colorful, that would be cool."

Xie Cheng fiercely opened Gu Ye's two bags of snacks and ate his stored food with the domineering attitude of beating up the local tyrants, "Rich lady, your preferences are so different from ours, hehe."

Gu Ye glanced at him and said, "Leave me a bag of potato chips. This is my favorite."

Xie Cheng grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing with his cheeks puffed out.

Gu Ye had an urge to throw him down!

"How is Mr. Tang doing recently?"

"It's OK. He can't walk and has difficulty in moving, but his brain is very smart. The nanny pushes him out for a walk every day." Xie Cheng smiled and said, "He goes to the park every day to play chess with a group of old men and has become the chess king of the park!"

Gu Ye was amused and said, "That's good. As long as I'm alive again, that's enough."

Xie Cheng also thought positively, "While he was still alive, I just wanted to be filial to him and not have any regrets."

It was almost noon when the two of them arrived at the small mountain village where Fu Ximing was. Xie Cheng had already eaten his fill of snacks and said with emotion, "The air here is so good. I didn't expect that there is such a leisure place in the imperial capital, with mountains and water, suitable for building a resort."

Gu Ye took out a bag from the trunk and said, "Eat lunch first. We'll be busy this afternoon."

"Fuck! You hid the stock!" Xie Cheng saw the canned food and lunch boxes that Gu Ye took out, "You actually brought lunch with you!"

Gu Ye laughed, "My mother was worried that I might not be able to adapt to the local climate, so she asked someone to make it this morning."

Xie Cheng couldn't eat any more. He took a can of donkey meat with regret and ate it slowly. "A child with a mother is like a treasure, while a child without a mother is like a weed."

Gu Ye smiled and said, "Sincerity for sincerity."

Xie Cheng sighed, "This is because there are so many sons like you who are thoughtful and careless."

Gu Ye knew that he was talking about the person he was going to rescue today, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Let's talk after we finish eating."

Just after they finished their meal, they saw a man staggering back from the village entrance. He was probably in his forties, with a sallow complexion. Seeing a sports car parked at the entrance, he subconsciously took another look. Gu Ye opened the car window and looked at the man critically, "You must be Fu Ximing, I am Gu Ye."

"Master Gu?!" Fu Ximing didn't expect the legendary Master Gu to be so young. He looked at Xie Cheng, who was in the car with a cynical look on his face, and his face suddenly darkened. "Are you really masters?"

"Don't believe us? Bye then~"

"Don't go!" Fu Ximing blocked the way anxiously, "Two masters, save me! As long as you find my mother's body and bury her, I will agree to any condition you give!"

It was hot outside the car, and Gu Ye was using the air conditioner. He didn't want to get out of the car to talk, so he talked to him in the car: "Only if we tell the truth can we help you."

"Of course I'll tell the truth. Why would I lie to you when I'm in this state?" Fu Ximing looked at himself. He was so disheveled that he couldn't even see the original color of his clothes. He was hungry and hot, and his eyes were blurry. He saw the food and water in the car, licked his chapped lips, and said pitifully, "When I came back, my mother was gone. The body of her old cat was lying on the bed. I suspect that the cat made her come back to life. Her face has turned into a cat's face."

Gu Ye curled his lips, "Tell the truth."

Fu Ximing was anxious, "It's just that the cat came back to life! I'm telling the truth!"

Gu Ye asked coldly, "Since you know that cats can make people resurrect, why is there no one guarding the body in the middle of the night? Even if the body can resurrect, not all corpses can resurrect. Only those with strong resentment and unwillingness before death can resurrect. What did you do to make your old mother so unhappy?"

Fu Ximing wiped his sweat awkwardly and explained guiltily: "A few days ago, my mother called me and said she was not feeling well and asked me to come back. I was too busy and didn't come back. This... may have made her angry."

Xie Cheng couldn't bear to listen any longer and cursed, "That means your mother might not die if you come back!"

Fu Ximing looked pale and dared not say a word even after being scolded.

Gu Ye continued to ask him: "How long after your mother died did you come back?"

"Well, at that time I..."

"Bullshit!" Xie Cheng pointed at his nose and cursed, "Why didn't anyone keep vigil for you if you had come back at that time?" Because Mr. Tang had aged a lot in his later years, Xie Cheng knew very well what would happen to an elderly person if no one took care of him, so he had to be filial.

Gu Ye held Jie Cheng's shoulders and asked him to calm down. "Fu Ximing, if you don't tell the truth, we can't help you. We have to know what made your mother angry. What did you do after you found out that your mother was dead?"

Fu Ximing was stunned for a moment, and realized that Gu Ye was really a master who had seen through him.

"Don't tell me?" Gu Ye sneered, "Then let's go."

"Don't go! Masters, please save me!" Fu Ximing collapsed and almost knelt down. He squatted on the ground, covered his face and cried, "I still have children! I don't want to die! I was wrong! I said! My mother has an insurance policy. My sister bought it for her when she was alive. I have always been the one to collect the insurance money for her! It's several thousand a month, and I..." Fu Ximing couldn't continue when he got to this point, "I listened to my wife, I'm so sorry to her!"

Xie Cheng was disgusted, "So you didn't come back to collect your mother's body after receiving the news. You went to collect the insurance money?"

Gu Ye asked in disgust: "When your mother was alive, she didn't get much money, right?"

Fu Ximing was so embarrassed that he wanted to shove his head under the car. "She, she can't spend it. I give her pocket money every month."

Xie Cheng angrily cursed: "Why do I keep you? Even crows know how to repay their parents. You are worse than a bird!"

Gu Ye sneered and asked, "Have you ever heard of the old saying that old cats sleep on the roof, and it's passed down from generation to generation? If you treat your mother like this, when you are old, humph."

Fu Ximing was visibly frightened by this, and shuddered, "No, it won't."

"Could it be your problem?" Gu Ye looked at the time and said coldly, "It's not impossible to save you, but it depends on whether you can handle it."

Fu Ximing's eyes lit up, "I can!"

"Call your wife back, and share the responsibility for the mistakes." Gu Ye looked at the other person with a cold face, "I hope your wife is also a veteran. She will find the old man's body tonight. If you two don't express your gratitude, how can you comfort the old man's spirit in heaven?"

Fu Ximing quickly called his wife, but his wife naturally didn't want to come back, and the two started arguing.

Xie Cheng looked at the other person with disgust, "It's disgusting to save this kind of person."

Gu Ye's eyes turned cold, "Let's take a step back and let the old man rest in peace. Some people's fate is doomed when they commit suicide."

The author has something to say: I almost fell asleep while sitting while eating last night. I couldn't hold on any longer and went to sleep at 7 o'clock, and I didn't finish writing the second update. There will definitely be a second update today~ Thank you for the big baby who cast the mine and irrigated the nutrient solution~~~ Love you~~~