Even the Lame Got Tricked by Me Into Standing Up

Chapter 99: It's too awful


The ghosts coming out of the ghost gate are all strange and bizarre, some are walking, some are floating, some are missing arms and legs, some have no noses, no eyes, long tongues, and all died in different ways. Some are not wearing clothes of this era, and there are even ghosts with long braids and bald heads.

They walked out in a mighty procession. Some of the ghosts came to the human world to have fun, while some had families and wanted to take this opportunity to go back home.

Seeing so many ghosts, Xie Cheng subconsciously grabbed the whip in his hand, "There are too many ghosts. Sure enough, the ghost gate of the cemetery is not an ordinary gate. Can the two of us guard it?"

"If you can't defend, call for help," Gu Ye continued to shout while cracking melon seeds: "We are short of one player in Landlord. Is there anyone coming? We are short of one player!"

Xie Cheng kicked him angrily, "Stop shouting! It's embarrassing!"

"What's so shameful about this? It doesn't matter who you play with."

When Gu Ye shouted like that, quite a few ghosts really looked over. The way they looked at the two of them looked more like they had seen a ghost than they did. Some old ghosts would come back to the human world to stroll around in previous years. They had also encountered masters guarding the gates to prevent evil spirits from causing trouble in the human world. They had seen all kinds of masters, and some even cried after seeing them, but they had never seen one who asked them to play Landlord together.

An old ghost wearing a Qing dynasty official robe came over curiously. Seeing the things they had displayed, he was eager to try them out. Xie Cheng was speechless, "Do you know how to do it?"

The old ghost grinned and said, "We have everything in the underworld. Everyone has a Lamborghini and everyone knows how to play Landlord."

Gu Ye complained: "How inflated is your currency?"

Xie Cheng was curious, "Is there really a underworld? What does it look like?"

Gu Ye interrupted him with a kick, "Don't ask about what happens after death when you are alive. Don't ask too much."

Xie Cheng gave up immediately, "Then I won't ask anymore, let's play cards, I'll sue you, the loser will be hit on the head."

"No," the old ghost said disdainfully, "It's boring to play with someone on the head. It's just a game of money."

Gu Ye waved his hand, "We don't play with gamblers."

The old ghost looked at them with disdain, "Poor bastards!" and walked away, shaking his sleeves.

Gu Ye's mouth twitched, "Ghosts nowadays are too daring, aren't they afraid that I will take him in?"

Xie Cheng also sighed: "In this world today, even ghosts are not afraid of masters."

Gu Ye continued to shout helplessly: "We are short of one player in Landlord. Is there any ghost coming?"

At this time, they felt a trace of evil spirit coming from the ghost gate. The two raised their eyebrows, and Xie Cheng immediately stood up and looked at the door with a whip. A tall and strong evil ghost with a purple face ran out of the ghost gate. He was wearing chains. It was obvious that he escaped when the ghost gate was wide open and all the ghosts ran out. The evil ghost had just taken half a step out of the ghost gate when he was hit by a shoe sole. Xie Cheng kicked him back with a kick, "Go back!"

Gu Ye clapped in the back, "Great!"

Then, two more evil ghosts rushed out together. Jie Cheng whipped the whip, and the air was whipped with a sound of breaking air. "Don't look! Help!"

Gu Ye smiled and said: "No, I just want to play Landlord."

Xie Chengqi laughed, "Do you owe me something?!"

There really were some ghosts who didn't want to go home and wanted to play cards with Gu Ye. They followed Gu Ye lightly to the place where they had spread the tablecloth. Jie Cheng kicked the two evil ghosts back and ran back quickly. There were already many ghosts crowding around Gu Ye, forming a large circle.

The two of them drew a card that looked good to them. As soon as the three of them finished drawing their cards, they felt another evil spirit coming. Xie Cheng wanted to curse, "Are you going to let us have fun?"

Gu Ye played his cards with a smile, "Ye Li, you go and guard for a while, and then let Qing Yi take over from you."

Ye Li floated out of Gu Ye's bag and stood lightly in the air. With his small body, he stood straight, pulled the bow in his hand, and aimed his cold eyes at the ghost gate. As soon as the evil ghost showed his face, he flew out with a sound of breaking through the air, almost hitting the evil ghost's eyes. The evil ghost was so scared that he shrank his head back and never dared to show his head again.

Xie Cheng looked at him with envy and jealousy, "I want to raise one too."

Gu Ye advised him: "Forget it, as long as you can take care of yourself."

As the ghost gate was open for longer, the evil spirits that came out became more and more evil. No matter what kind of evil ghost came out, Ye Li would use an arrow to persuade it to retreat. If it didn't retreat, he would shoot it in the head with the next arrow. Either go back or your soul will be scattered. This child is so domineering.

Around five o'clock, the sky was about to break, and no ghosts dared to come out of the ghost gate anymore. The ghosts who played cards with Gu Ye and the others also found a place to hide. The two yawned, finished their melon seeds and drinks, picked up the garbage on the ground, and prepared to rest.

Xie Cheng asked Gu Ye: "Where are you going? I'll take you home first, and we'll meet here again in the evening."

Gu Ye spread his hands, "Why go back? Just find a cool place to sleep. It's not certain that this ghost gate will be fine during the day, so it's better to watch it for peace of mind."

I was worried about them guarding the cemetery's gate, so I went to check on them after daybreak. Unexpectedly, they had hung two hammocks on a tree not far away, just like they were on a picnic, and were quite comfortable.

Colleagues looked at Gu Ye with complicated eyes. No matter what, Gu Ye was always there, and anyone who said something bad about Gu Ye must be crazy. This young master Jiao voluntarily stood guard with them, and he didn't seem to have a bad temper. Who was trying to tarnish his reputation

Seeing that they were fine, the young men left. Gu Ye lay on the hammock, enjoying the cool air coming from Lingling's body. He took out his cell phone and called an errand boy to buy him two KFC family buckets and send them over. No matter where you are, you should enjoy life.

The two of them ate for a while, played for a while, and slept for a while. They felt that they were enjoying life, but the people who came to visit the graves thought that they were sick and looked at them as if they were little fools. Finally, when it was almost dark, the ghost gate became lively again. Some ghosts came out and came to the place where they played cards yesterday. Gu Ye saw it from a distance and asked in confusion: "What are they doing?"

"Fuck! Shameless! They are holding playing cards and trying to steal our territory!" Xie Cheng has good balance and stands on the hammock. He stands high and can see far. After seeing clearly, he jumps down and runs over to shout: "That grave is mine!"

Gu Ye held his forehead with his hand, so childish!

An old man said dissatisfiedly: "What do you want to occupy? This is my home. My son bought it for me."

Xie Chengwo took a look at the photo on the tombstone and ran back aggrieved, "That land is indeed owned by that old man."

Gu Ye said slowly: "Then don't fight with others. Isn't it better to sit here and eat snacks? I asked the errand boy to bring popcorn and jelly. Which one do you want?"

Xie Cheng took a bucket of popcorn and ate it while staring at the Ghost Gate. At this time, he heard Gu Ye say: "Did I guard the gate for you? Did I help you solve the big trouble? Do you have to thank me? Do you have to protect me in the future?"

Xie Cheng turned his head and saw that Gu Ye had a picture of the King of Hell on his phone, and was playing tricks on him. Xie Cheng frowned and said, "We all worship Taishang Laojun, why do you worship the King of Hell?"

Yu Ze ate the jelly and said with a smile: "With God in your heart, everything can become God. Looking up high and worshipping others requires looking up, which is too tiring. It is better to accompany the King of Hell to guard the hell and judge thousands of evil ghosts, regardless of whether they are yin or yang, isn't it the same?"

Xie Cheng thought about these words carefully and immediately gave Gu Ye a thumbs up, thinking that it made sense.

The later it got, the heavier the yin energy in the ghost gate became, and the more evil ghosts wanted to escape back to the human world. Ye Li and Qing Yi stood on the left and right of the door, staring at each other as they came out. When they saw an evil ghost, they would fight it back directly, without Gu Ye and Jie Cheng having to take action.

It was not until the second half of the night, when the gates of hell were at hand, that the two of them finally felt relieved. Gu Ye took a taxi and went directly to Yu Ze's place. He was so sleepy that he took a shower and fell asleep on the sofa.

Yu Ze carried him to the bed, looking at Gu Ye’s sleeping face, feeling distressed but unable to stop him.

If you love him, how can you bear to break his wings

After that, Gu Ye stopped letting Yu Ze worry about it. He rested well at home for a few days, took out the study materials, and studied on his own. During this period, Xie Cheng asked about the male ghost, and Gu Ye told him: "He is still nurturing his soul. His soul is too weak now. If you call him out and ask him two questions, he may disperse on his own."

Xie Cheng told him: "After you recover, don't act alone, call me."

Gu Ye teased him with a wicked smile: "Don't worry, we ran into him because you are poisonous, you can't escape."

Xie Cheng cursed, "You toxic scumbag," and hung up the phone in disgust.

Gu Ye's mouth twitched. Who is this poisonous beast? What kind of creature is this? He had never heard of it.

It was not until a few days before school started that Gu Ye healed the man's soul. He made an appointment with Jie Cheng to go to Jie Cheng's house in the evening and release the soul.

He couldn't see clearly before because his soul was unstable, but now his facial features are clear. Gu Ye even feels sympathy for him. He has a typical miserable life and has never had a good day.

Xie Cheng couldn't read faces, but he thought that this person looked unlucky. He looked at everyone with a sad face, "Tell me, what's your name, how old are you, and how did you die?"

When Xie Cheng asked this question, the man was shocked. He thought Xie Cheng was the legendary judge of the underworld, and was so scared that he almost confessed his ancestors. "My name is Li Shan, I am 35 years old this year, and I live in Lizi Village, Dafu Town, City A. My parents divorced when I was a child, and I grew up with my grandmother. My grandmother passed away a few years ago. I didn't get the injections right when I was a child, so my legs and feet are damaged. I don't have a wife, and I'm a bachelor."

Gu Ye's mouth twitched, "Say something useful, you must have died unjustly."

When Li Shan said this, his eyes turned red. "Fuck his grandma! Mr. Judge, they are not human! They are beasts! They are all beasts!"

"Judge..." Gu Ye was speechless, "Okay, you speak first."

"A year ago, I came here to work with a childhood friend from our village and three people from the neighboring village. We did casual work, which means we were paid on the same day. Working at heights is dangerous. Normally, you need to wear a safety belt around your waist, and there are nets between each floor below, so that even if someone falls, they will be caught by the net and will not die."

At this point, Li Shan's face showed some anger. "After I climbed up, I accidentally stepped on empty air. The rope on my body didn't pull me up. The chain was only as thick as a little finger!" Li Shan gestured to the two of them and said angrily: "Can it pull up an adult? What's even more fucked up is that the nets below didn't stop me! They were all cheap stuff bought with shoddy workmanship! I fell from the 20th floor to the first floor!"

Xie Cheng got angry when he heard this. "Aren't you playing with the lives of the migrant workers? It would be fine if nothing happened, but if it really falls, everyone will die."

Li Shan sneered, "The most hateful thing is that the construction was stopped that day due to lack of materials. There were only five of us on the entire construction site, and there was a person who led us here. If this matter were known to the outside world, the house would definitely be difficult to sell. The house delivery date is approaching. If it is late, the real estate developer will have to pay compensation to each family, and the builder must be held responsible. In order not to affect the construction period, in order to prevent the news of the death from spreading and affecting the construction and sales of the building, and in order to prevent the news of cutting corners from spreading, they threw me into the cement and crushed me, and used me as material!"

Xie Cheng asked with an unpleasant expression: "Where are your co-workers and childhood friends?"

Li Shan's face darkened. "Those co-workers and childhood friends received 200,000 yuan in hush money each and went home. I have no relatives or friends, my parents don't want me, and I'm still a bachelor. Who can find me?"

The author has something to say: I will add another chapter to thank the little angels who voted for me or irrigated me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: Mi Xiu, Who knows that the wine on the river is still with the old friend, Can't keep people, demeter 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

40 bottles of Flora; 39 bottles of Seesaw; 38 bottles of Moli; 37 bottles of Nan; 31 bottles of Ye Jiuqi; 30 bottles of Liunian; 28 bottles of There Are Always Troublemakers Who Want to Harm Me; 20 bottles of Sunny Qiuyun, Mo Huaiqi, and Sawada Tsunayoshi's Husband; 18 bottles of Did My CP Heal Today; 14 bottles of Yayaya, Xiao Jingzi is Here Again; 13 bottles of Twelve Anti-Seven; Ye Zi, Ling Duan Qianli, Shi Xiao, July, Qingcheng, Jora, 412450, Ban Yue Qiao, Zhu Wan, Come Come Come Eat Melon, Dodolo, I Am Quietly Cute, Li Shanghua, and Vanvan; 8 bottles of Asha Wants to Eat Melon; 8 bottles of Marshmallow, Let's Eat Melon Seeds, _gigu_, Tao Tao Wu, Xiao Bai, Meat Kangaroo, Ri Mu Chi Gui, and Yan Si Tai Huangxiu; 3 bottles of Quasi-Emperor Yi, Pumping Magic Domain, and Cuckoo Cuckoo Outside the Window; ey~honey 2 bottles; Jingjinghang918, Piaoguoing15, Youyou, Qiaoxiaoyanran, Prince Ruhua, Gungun the cutest, Youyu, Liunian, Xia Jiaozi, Fuyunruomeng, Pangpang, ... ... x, dawn, 22776082, Chengxixi, Mengmeng, Yiqing, Xiaoxiaofang 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!