Even Until Death, the Scum Gong Thought I Was a White Lotus

Chapter 19: Amnesia after being slag (19)


[It was detected that Tan Tao's mental fluctuations were too large]

[crazy?]Xie Mu leaned against the window, looking at the various scenery that flashed by as the car drove fast, his lips raised slightly.

[Let him be crazy, anyway, it won't be crazy to me.]

Bo Qin was driving the car, and whenever he thought of the cold expression of the young man facing Tan Tao just now, his heart would feel refreshed, and he couldn't help but glance at the little lover leaning against the car window.

He closed his eyes slightly, and raised his pretty lips, as if he was having a sweet dream.

And Bo Qin will let him continue this dream.


After seeing a psychiatrist, the young man began to hang out in the garden, eat his favorite food, and watch TV to relax according to the doctor's instructions.

Last but not least, write in a diary before bed.

Xie Mu was a little cautious in writing at the beginning, writing about what he ate and played today, but later found that Bo Qin was not interested in his diary at all, and never asked him what the password was, and gradually began to add A little something else goes in.

Bo Qin did not show any interest in Xie Mu's diary. He even asked Xie Mu to put the codebook in a locked drawer. Although he said it in a joking manner, he managed to make the youth relax. alert.

In Xie Mu's mind, Bo Qin didn't bother to do this kind of thing of peeking at the diary, and he even felt ashamed that he would be on guard against Bo Qin before.

The above is what Bo Qin saw in Xie Mu's diary.

Whenever the young man went out for a walk, the man who was working in the study would calmly come to his password book, enter the password skillfully, and see what his little lover wrote.

Even if it's just some trivial things, like eating an extra egg in the morning, as long as he thinks that it was written by his lover, Bo Qin will read it with relish.

Xie Mu has been writing a diary for ten days, and except for the first three days, he added his mood later.

Bo Qin seems to be eating half of the precious and reluctant food. Every time he looks at the latest one, he has to turn over the front.

[The lotus root flour balls I ate today are delicious.]

The young man's handwriting is very delicate, just like himself, every word he writes is serious and neat.

[It was raining lightly today, so I went to the garden to look at the fish under an umbrella. The red ones were the most active and the most beautiful. I fed all the fish food I brought. Unfortunately, there are too few red fish. I always feel that they are so lonely when I look at them.]

Although he had read it a long time ago, when he turned to the next page and saw the content on it, the handsome man couldn't help but curl his lips with a doting smile.

[Today, I suddenly discovered that there are many red fish in the lake. I didn’t see them before, maybe they were hidden. They swim around so beautifully. I finished throwing the fish food again. I am so happy to see them finish eating.]

Just looking at these words, Bo Qin can imagine that the young man must be sitting upright when writing, his fair and beautiful cheeks are full of joy, his well-shaped lips will be slightly raised, he is always so coaxable.

It was not in vain that he asked someone to pour more than 300 red carps into the pond in the middle of the night.

After reading the first three days, it may be that Xie Mu found that his lover did not have the idea of reading the diary. He no longer recorded what he ate and played, but changed it to a mood diary.

[Today, Bo Qin deliberately turned down his work and went home to accompany me. I know I shouldn't waste his time, but if he just stays by my side, I will be very happy in my heart. I really want to be like this for the rest of my life.]

[Today I made bitter gourd, Bo Qin ate it very happily, and praised me for being amazing, happy.]

[Bo Qin stayed up late last night before going to bed. I knew he was dealing with such a large-scale work in order to make time for me. I told him that I don’t need to accompany me, and I can recover well by myself, but he said that I is the most important.

I'm really happy, like a dream. In the past, why did I feel that Bo Qin didn't care about me at all? He obviously loved me very much. Fortunately, he didn't tell him at that time, otherwise he must be very sad.]

[I went to him early this morning. He was sleeping very deeply. I didn’t hold back and drew him quietly. The painting was not good, so I dared not show it to him. I want to hide it. I will miss Bo Qin in the future. Yes, take it out and have a look.

It suddenly occurred to me that I hid a lot of his paintings before I got sick, and I don’t know where they went after I got sick. I painted them secretly, and I’m really sorry that I lost them. It would be great if I could find them back. .]

There was a piece of drawing paper in this page, the man stretched out his slender hands and opened it, looking at himself on it, he showed a slight smile.

Xie Mu has always liked drawing, but he felt that he was not good at drawing, and he never wanted to show him what he drew. Unexpectedly, he always drew himself.

He carefully folded the drawing paper again, put it back in the original place, and continued to look down.

I went all the way to the last day, which was written in the neat and delicate handwriting of the young man.

[Bo Qin is really working hard. I learned how to make body soup on the Internet, and I will make it for him tomorrow.

In fact, I've been wanting to ask him one thing for the past few days, but every time I see his tired look, I don't want to bother him anymore, but... eh...]

But behind the two words, there were traces of smearing with black pen. The man frowned, and after reading for a long time, he couldn't see what word was smeared out.

What exactly is he going to tell himself.

Could it be that the memory is loose again

Or... Tan Tao

Bo Qin's brows sank again just because of his fantasy, he tricked the young man here through abnormal means, as long as there was a little trouble, he couldn't help but wonder if it was Xiaomu who remembered it.

If he remembered, what measures would he take.

But thinking of the way Xie Mu happily greeted himself this morning and went out for a walk again, it didn't seem like there was a gap with him.

In just a moment, countless guesses flashed through Bo Qin's mind, and after calculating that the time was about the same, he put the diary in its original place and went back to the study.

Sure enough, within half an hour, there was a knock on the door, and Bo Qin looked at the computer screen and responded, "Come in."

"Bo Qin, it's time to eat."

The young man walked in cautiously, the man put down the mouse he was pretending to be, stood up in a slender figure, touched his lover's head, his face showed pampering, "Xiaomu, I'm almost busy, I can relax for a while now It's time."

Xie Mu's beautiful eyes sparkled, full of pure joy, "Then you have a good rest during this time, I made you a tonic soup to nourish your body, hurry up and drink it downstairs."

Bo Qin smiled and nodded, but there was darkness in his eyes.

In the end, what did Xiaomu want to say to him.

Since Xie Mu came back, he cooks three meals a day. He has no job now, and looking at the busy Bo Qin every day, he will think about making food for him. Bo Qin is used to such a little lover. Sitting at the table as usual.

Xie Mu brought a bowl of soup, carefully placed it in front of the man, sat in his seat and looked at him eagerly, "How about a taste?"

Bo Qin glanced at him tenderly, bowed his head and took a sip. The soup was fragrant, and it seemed to warm his stomach all the way down.

"It's delicious," he said.

The smile on the young man's face brightened instantly, and after the brightening, he looked at the man who drank it in a gulp, and a guilty conscience flashed in his eyes.

"You drink more, it's good for your health."

Bo Qin accurately captured this emptiness.

He tightened his hand holding the bowl, and said calmly, "Xiaomu, what kind of soup is this?"

"That's right, it's just to make up for the body..."

Xie Mu really panicked quickly, he stammered his answer, his eyelashes drooped subconsciously, covering the emotions in his eyes.

There are countless possibilities in the man's mind.

He didn't believe that Xie Mu would tamper with his soup, after all, the young man in front of him loved him more than himself.

So what's in there.

"Xiaomu, to be honest, no matter what it is, I won't blame you."

He didn't speak harshly, but the youth's eye circles were inexplicably red with a punch, he lowered his head, and his voice was low, whispering,

"It's... *whip soup..."

"You, you haven't touched me for ten days..." ,