Even Until Death, the Scum Gong Thought I Was a White Lotus

Chapter 62: Wheelchair Uncle (32)


Xie Mu could no longer hear what the outside world was saying. His expression was in a trance, his eyes were full of panic and fear, and he hid in Xie Shi's arms, trying to reach out to protect him.

Xie Nanen could hear his baby muttering repeatedly: "Don't kill my brother, please don't touch my brother..."

"Big brother, big brother, Xiaomu protects you..."

three years.

He was gone for three years.

But three years later, Xiaomu still regards him as the only one.

Xie Nanen felt that it was time for him to take medicine, his eyes were blurred for a while, his heart seemed to be stabbed with a sharp knife, and every fearful cry for help from Xie Mu was cut in his heart like a knife.

He knew that what he should do now was to kill Xie Shi, the wolf cub, and take Xiaomu back.

Xiaomu is just sick, as long as he finds a doctor, he will be fine.

Xie Nanen tried to convince himself, but seeing Xie Mu's two legs dragging on the ground, he suddenly became sober again.

It was him who ruined his little wood.

Xie Shi felt tightness and pain in his chest, as if something was about to come out, he knew that it was kicked by Xie Nanen hard, now when he moved his body a little, he felt a sharp pain.

He looked at the side cabinet, and there was a gun hidden in the hidden compartment under the cabinet.

That was Xie Shi's only chance to stand up.

Xie Nanen didn't notice that Xie Shi was looking at the side cabinet, his hand holding the gun was still in the air, trembling badly, Xie Nanen stretched out his left hand, and slowly pressed down his uncontrollable right hand.

He squatted down, took the gun in another hand, stared at Xie Mu timidly and vigilantly with his tired eyes.

Xie Nanen tried his best to force out a smile, as if he was afraid of scaring his baby, his voice was so gentle that water could drip out.

"Xiao Mu, do you still remember? It was the elder brother who took you home."

"When you first came home, you had nightmares all night long, and your elder brother was always with you. Later, whenever you had nightmares, you would come to my room with a pillow in your arms and shrink next to me, occupying a very small space."

"Every time I wake up and see you falling asleep, I get up quietly. When you wake up and see no one around you, you ran downstairs to find me in a panic several times without wearing your shoes. Later, because of this incident, I Carpeted the entire home…”

Xie Nanen's eyes were full of blood. I don't know if it was blood or tears. The man who once supported Xie's family was old and his handsome face was still there, but because of the medicine for the past three years, his temples were stained with gray hair.

With a trembling voice, he looked almost pleadingly at Xie Mu, whose expression was gradually getting confused, "You always said that you want to stay by my brother's side for the rest of my life, these, big brother, big brother will remember..."

"I'm in England, and I can't bear to forget it for a moment, Xiaomu, do you still remember?"

Xie Shi looked at Xie Nanen who was already looking a little crazy, and while his attention was on Xie Mu, he began to move his arms calmly.

He was already leaning on the cabinet now, and Xie Nanen was all focused on his uncle, so it was too easy to get the gun.

Xie Nanen didn't pay attention to his son anymore. He focused on his baby, and took out a pocket watch from his pocket with trembling hands.

"Look, look..."

"This is a gift from you to Big Brother. Big Brother always carries it with him everywhere he goes..."

Xie Mu stared blankly at the pocket watch.

The memory seems to come back a little bit.

This watch was the first time he bought it with the money he earned. He secretly lied to his elder brother that he was studying with his classmates at school, but he was actually looking for a part-time job.

A teenager at that age will always have a passion and sudden enthusiasm.

He wanted to give his elder brother a gift that he had earned himself, instead of buying an expensive gift with the card that his elder brother gave him.

Xie Mu quickly found a job, as long as he played the piano on the stage every day, he could get a lot of money every day.

At that time, the boy in white clothes lowered his eyes slightly, playing the carbon piano seriously, and the soft white light fell on him, revealing a delicate and beautiful face between the most androgynous period of a boy.

It was dark under the stage. The young man sat on the stage with soft light, and he couldn't see how many people were there. Naturally, he didn't know. From the beginning to the end, there was only one person sitting under the stage.

The treasure kept in the palm of course will not be left alone by anyone around him. Xie Mu is Xie Nanen's Ni Lin, and his terrifying possessiveness is not just talking.

Almost the second Xie Mu left the school, Xie Nanen, who was far away in the company, received the news.

He rushed over immediately, following behind the young man who was walking aimlessly on the street and timidly trying to find a job, watching Xiaomu, who had been pampered by him all this time, leave one store after another in a hurry and without concealing his disappointment.

After leaving Xie Nanen, Xie Mu seemed to have lost the ability to live alone. This was not a kind of doting, but a deliberate effort by the eldest brother Xie Mu admired.

When his parents were still there, although Xie Mu was also loved by others, he would also help the family with things, but when Xie Nanen received Xie's family, his hands never picked up important things other than books. thing.

Xie Nanen pampered him, pampered him, anyone who spoiled him like this would lose his temper, but Xie Mu didn't. He still had the original temper, but lost the ability to take care of himself.

That day, Xie Mu looked for a lot of shops, but he didn't know how to do any work. He was good-looking, but the shops he looked for were all restaurants next to the school. When decoration.

Fortunately, the boy was not lost for too long.

A stranger came up to him and asked if he was looking for a job, and told him that if he could play the piano, there was a job for him.

The young man who was raised by Xie Nanen excitedly agreed.

He secretly kept it from his elder brother, and squeezed out an hour every day to come to the work place, sit on the table, and play the piano for an hour to the guests in the dark.

And Xie Nanen just sat under the stage every day, quietly listening to his treasure playing.

A month later, Xie Mu saved enough money.

He bought a pocket watch, and carefully gave it to his elder brother with a little expectation.

When the eldest brother took the pocket watch, with a gentle smile on his face, and stroked his head and praised him for growing up, Xie Mu tossed and turned excitedly all night, unable to sleep.

Later, he discovered that his elder brother put his own photo in the pocket watch, and he couldn't sleep for several nights.

The eldest brother told him that this pocket watch represented Xiaomu's heart, and he would take it with him no matter where he went.

The sweetness at that time turned into despair afterwards.

The man leaned weakly on Xie Shi's body, his eyes were dazed, and tears flowed out.

His hoarse voice fell gently in the ear canals of the father and son.

"This watch was taken away by my elder brother..."

Xie Mu's face was numb, his eyes seemed to be stupefied, and he was staring at the pocket watch in Xie Nanen's hand.

He stretched out his hand in a trance, Xie Nanen didn't know what he was going to do, but he happily handed over the pocket watch because his memory came back.

"Xiaomu, Xiaomu, do you remember..."

Xie Mu took the pocket watch, he pressed it lightly, and the cover opened, revealing the photos inside.

This is... his photo.

When he saw this photo for the first time, he still clearly remembered the excitement, joy, and a hint of joy and shyness.

Xie Mu looked forward to it, hoping that he would grow up soon.

Even if he never dared to say that sentence for the rest of his life, as long as he could look at his elder brother and be by his side, just thinking about it would make him feel as if he was going to melt with happiness.

He stretched out his pale and cold hand, with slender fingertips, and tremblingly stroked the pocket watch, his eyes were full of pain.

"I remember… "

"Brother left me, he took this pocket watch to the grave..."

Xie Mu's thinking was chaotic, for a while he felt that his elder brother was still there, and for a while the cold coffin seemed to appear in front of him.

He knelt in front of the coffin and watched those people bury his eldest brother in the soil.

The family member who regarded everything as everything left him forever.

From then on, in his life, there was no longer a gentle man protecting him.

Xie Nanen is Xie Mu's god.

And then, his sky fell.

If it wasn't for Xie Nanen's instructions, Xie Mu wouldn't have lived alone.

When his legs were crippled, Xie Mu didn't cry.

Xie Mu didn't cry when he was assassinated countless times.

Xie Mu didn't cry even when he was enduring the pain that could drive people crazy day and night.

But now, holding this pocket watch that should never have appeared in this world again, he was crying so hard.

His eyes gradually came to his senses, and with the dim light of tears, he looked at the man in front of him who had aged a lot in just three years.

"Why… "

Xie Mu asked in a trembling voice, lines of tears fell down his cheeks uncontrollably, dripping silently on the ground.

"Brother...why did you lie to me..."

"In this world, I only believe in you..."

Xie Nanen hugged him in his arms, Xie Mu didn't resist anymore, he cried so hard, as if he wanted to cry back all the grievances of the past three years.

"I miss you so much, brother, I miss you so much..."

Xie Nanen's gun fell to the ground. With trembling hands, he hugged the person in his arms tightly, his eyes full of panic and comfort.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's the big brother who is not good, it's the big brother who lied to Xiaomu, and I won't do it again..."

Xie Nanen has no time to worry about Xie Shi, his whole heart is on Xie Mu.

Xie Shi's hand was slowly taken out from under the cabinet.

He didn't want to wait for a moment, and shot Xie Nanen in the back.

Xie Nanen didn't notice it, but Xie Mu, who was held in his arms, suddenly constricted his pupils.

Fierce gunshots rang out, and the next second, there was the sound of people falling to the ground.


The blood bloomed on the man's chest like a flower.

Xie Shi's whole body froze, he looked at the person in front of him in disbelief, his hand holding the gun trembled violently.


Xie Mu lowered his head in a daze, looked at the blood bleeding from his heart, his eyes became dazed, and his whole body fell down.

Blood soaked the white blanket.

Xie Shi's eyes were also red.

No, it shouldn't be like this.

Why is it uncle.

He just wanted to kill Xie Nanen, it shouldn't be my uncle, it shouldn't be my uncle's...

Xie Nanen who was pushed away by Xie Mu also saw the blood on Xie Mu's chest.

Bright red, as if alive.

He stretched out his trembling hands in disbelief and covered his head.

Xie Nanen's mouth was open, as if to speak, but with the tears falling down, what came out was only fragmented and meaningless voices.

It seemed to be squeezed out of the throat, and it was also like the howling of a beast after losing everything.

His eyes were always fixed on Xie Mu who was on the ground.

That is, his baby...