Even Until Death, the Scum Gong Thought I Was a White Lotus

Chapter 67: Stand lover (2)


Rong Jing didn't know what kind of medicine Wen Mingquan used on Xie Mu's body, but it could be imagined that some aphrodisiac effects were added to it.

The white cheeks of the young boy lying flat on the bed by him were blushing, and he was wriggling his body uneasily, his beautiful eyes were slightly opened at the moment, although he could see clearly, his eyes were full of confusion.

The reason why he struggled was because Rongjing was on top.

Xie Mu's wrists are very thin, probably because of his small frame, the man easily restrained his hands above his head with only one hand, forcing the young man into a posture with his chest straightened out. Struggling restlessly.

It's a beautiful picture.

Beautiful and delicious.

With aggressive desire in his eyes, Rong Jing lowered his head and bit his lips.

Sure enough, it was as soft as imagined, and without much enjoyment, he poked in.

Unexpectedly, Xie Mu's reaction was very jerky, he didn't look like he had a boyfriend at all, he hadn't exerted all his strength, and the people under him seemed to be unable to even breathe.

"Xie Mu."

Rong Jing called the name of the person under him, and the young man who had been aroused by all his desires opened his moist eyes in confusion.

Well, there is a response.

Satisfied, the man lightly pecked the bright red lips of the boy who had been kissed by himself, like a beast occupying his territory, he hooked his lips and asked, "Are you comfortable?"

The young man was panting, his brain occupied by the medicine went blank, he lost his mind, and just subconsciously replied to the man who controlled him, "Hmm..."

After answering unconsciously, Xie Mu's two slender arms were finally liberated, but he still maintained the original movement. On the slender white fingertips, there was redness caused by the manipulation of his body, and he curled up slightly in confusion. Finger, I thought a little strangely, where did the hand that was holding me go

The teenager's confusion was quickly answered.

Rongjing's hands seemed to be burning coals. Wherever he went, the young man's body would heat up like fire. He had never tried such a thing before. Instinctively helpless.

"Don't... let go... um..."

Intermittent begging for mercy emerged from those bright red lips, Rong Jing seemed to have discovered something interesting, he stopped his hand somewhere, and then, almost surprised to find that the waist and limbs of the person below him were unable to lift up. It fell again, as if being pushed to the cusp of the storm.

He just touched it lightly, but he didn't use any means. Why is the boy under him already like this.

Is it medicinal

Where is such a powerful medicine on the market.

Rong Jing's casual attitude changed. He seemed to be digging out the various functions of the new toy, using his hands and mouth to explore the boy's entire body.

How could an untrained young man be able to endure these things? With his remaining mind, he felt that he should be in pain, but his body responded with disobedient excitement. Coupled with the nature of the medicine, in the end, he completely sank.

This night, for Rong Jing, it was a taste of life.

In the end, he kept the boy's slender waist, and seeing his pitiful cry and begging, his handsome face showed a gentle expression that didn't match the movements below him.

"Come on, call me by name."

"no, do not want… "

"It's called Rongjing."

The boy who had been tossed around in heaven and earth choked up and shouted obediently, "Rongjing—"


Obviously, his name was called by many people, but when Xie Mu called out his name with a crying voice, Rong Jing actually had a feeling of returning to his youth, that kind of enthusiasm, as if every moment Very interesting teenage years.

He hugged the person under him tightly, and unconsciously changed his original idea of just letting it go after a taste.

This face was indeed much prettier than Bai Yuxiu's.

Xie Mu is more interesting than the pampered young master.

It seems that this transaction can be carried out for a long time.

When everything calmed down, Rongjing took the boy who was unconsciously choking into his arms, enjoying his smooth and tender skin, feeling the comfort he had never had before.

He thought he needed a long-term little pet.

Of course, from the moment he was born, he had a smooth and prosperous life and never imagined whether Xie Mu would be willing.

Anyway, whether he wants it or not, this little bird can't escape as long as he wants it.


[Ding! Wen Mingquan's favorability: 25]

[Ding! Wen Mingquan favorability: 30]

[Ding! Wen Mingquan's favorability: 29]

Xie Mu woke up amidst the cheerful voice of the system, he didn't open his eyes, but asked lazily, [Baby, what are you doing?]

[Host, Wen Mingquan's favorability has been fluctuating.]The system quickly reported.

[It fluctuated all night and only rose by 0 points. It seems that the gentle skin is more disgusting than I imagined.]

Xie Mu was very disdainful of Wen Mingquan's behavior of saying love to his face but betraying behind his back. He still appreciates the prosperity.

At least he was bad and upright, directly writing the words "beast in clothes and clothes" on his face.

Just like him.

[Okay, go and play, I've got to work.]

After dismissing the system, Xie Mu arched his body into Rong Jing's arms, and stretched out his limp hands to hug him.

Rong Jing looked at him with amused eyes as he hugged and stretched himself like a cat in his arms, then yawned again, and rubbed against him with a comfortable face.

I don't know how long it took, but his soft body suddenly became stiff.

Xie Mu opened his eyes suddenly, and looked up in disbelief.

With this look, he met the man who was looking at him with a smile.

"woke up?"

Rong Jing smiled and lowered his head, leaned over to kiss him, but was pushed away violently by the young man.

He was greatly frightened, not only pushed Rong Jing away, but also rolled on the ground with the quilt in embarrassment.

Bai Nen's feet stepped on the blanket on the ground, Xie Mu's face was pale, he wrapped his body tightly with the quilt and still smiled, even propped his chin, looking at his man with a smile.

how so.

How could he appear on the bed of a strange man.

The window was wide open, and the cold morning wind blew in. Although the boy tried his best to wrap himself tightly, his slender legs were inevitably exposed to the air. Knowing whether it was because of fear or coldness, the whole body trembled.

Although he has never slept with anyone, but living in such a circle, how could he not understand anything? The soreness on his body at this moment, especially the dull pain from that shameful part, reminds the young man that he was in his bed last night. What happened to him.

Not appropriate.

Xie Mu desperately searched for the memory of last night, but he only remembered that he went to the banquet with his boyfriend. He seemed to be drunk, and Ming Quan took him to the sofa to rest.

The room was as quiet as dead silence, and Rong Jing didn't care, he got off the bed slowly, ignoring the young man's defensive and vigilant eyes, picked up the clothes on the ground naked and put them on.

Rong Jing's figure is very good, standard eight-pack abs, mermaid line winding down, skin color is fair but not pale, coupled with his elegant dressing movements, the picture presented in front of Xie Mu is quite attractive.

But how could he appreciate this now.

Wrapped in a quilt, with a vacuum in his lower body, the young man pursed his lips stubbornly, and looked around with a pair of moist and beautiful eyes. After confirming where the door was, he immediately took a step back with his white and tender feet.

He is not stupid, the attitude of the strange man in front of him clearly shows that the accident last night was man-made, and as an artist who almost encountered unspoken rules when he first entered the circle, Xie Mu didn't even think about getting any explanation from this man.

Rong Jing slowly buttoned it up, and then looked at the young man who was looking at him vigilantly and moving towards the door like a wounded little beast.

"Stop messing around."

When the man's magnetic voice suddenly appeared in the room, the young man trembled with fright. He could barely grasp the quilt in his hand. He stiffened his body and listened to Rong Jing's slow speaking behind him.

"The door is locked with fingerprints, you can't get out."

After Rong Jing finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Xie Mu, who turned to look at him with red eyes, and saw the unyielding hatred in his eyes, and the desire to keep people in his hands became more and more apparent in his heart.

He bent down, pulled out the contract he had prepared earlier from the cabinet, and threw it on the ground.


Xie Mu looked at the contract as if he was looking at a scourge, he finally opened his mouth, his originally clear voice was extremely hoarse at the moment.

"What is it?"

Rong Jing has always been impatient with young lovers, but seeing the young man in front of him who is about to cry and pretends to be strong, he has a little more patience.

"Nurture contract."

"You stay with me for one year, and during this year, I will give you what you want."

"I don't agree."

With a pale face, Xie Mu took another step back.

"You let me go, I won't pursue what happened yesterday."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the unmoved man in front of him, gritted his teeth and added, "Otherwise, you can wait to go to court!"


Rong Jing was in the mood of teasing pets, he reminded, "Don't forget, when the time comes to court, witnesses are needed."

"The whole world will know that Xie Mu, who is a big star, was raped by a man."

His voice is very nice, because of the education he has received since he was a child, he always speaks in an unhurried and elegant manner, but when such a gentle voice utters threatening words, it is enough to make Xie Mu turn pale.

Growing up in an orphanage, he yearns for the love of the world more than anyone else, and more than anyone else can't accept this love turning into loathing.

Especially, his boyfriend, Ming Quan.

If Ming Quan sees it...

Just thinking about it this way, the boy's entire heart seemed to burst open.

He asked tremblingly, "What do you want?"

"Do you want money?"

Rong Jing smiled, and came to him, ignoring Xie Mu's panicked eyes that he wanted to avoid, he pinned him against the wall, and sucked his lips.

Sweet, like honey.

The man's voice was very gentle, but to the young man's ears, it was no less than a devil's murmur.

"I want you, cutie."

"After signing this contract, I will love you well in the future."

After Rong Jing finished speaking, he felt the stiff body of the person in his arms, but what came to his mind was last night, the young man dressed in bright red, full of dependence and smiling sweetly at Wen Mingquan.

He suddenly added a sentence.

"Be good, I won't touch Wen Mingquan, otherwise..."

The man smiled like a devil, "You know what I mean."

If Xie Mu was still stiff just now, then now it seems that his whole body has been split into countless small pieces.

He didn't doubt whether the strange man in front of him had this ability, from the inexplicable waking up on the bed, to the fact that he knew that he and his boyfriend were hiding an underground relationship, it was enough to prove that all of this was premeditated.

The man's hand was still gently stroking up and down his neck, the young man was chilling all over, he hid his pride, his eyes were red, he no longer wanted to scare him away with a hard shell, but begged softly, "Sir, can you let me go..."

"I'm not going to talk about it, really..."

Rong Jing's eyes became more and more gentle, and he gently opened the long and slender hands that wrapped around the young man's waist, and his whole body moved away slightly.

Just when Xie Mu's beautiful eyes were dyed with hope again, when he thought he was willing to let him go, he saw the handsome man in front of him who was neatly dressed and answered softly.


"Who told you, you came to my bed."

The light in the boy's eyes completely dimmed.